The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1083: Mountain Road Reunion

At this moment, Liang Yan also hesitated, should he help?

If you don't make a move, after a long time, Nan Tianxing may not be the opponent of the black robe monk, but if you make a move, you must expose all your hole cards, otherwise it won't be of any help to this level of battle.

He came here this time, just wanting to join Wushuang City in a low-key manner and find a way to crack his own seal. If he reveals his details at this time, he will inevitably be doubted by the people in Wushuang City.

Just as he hesitated in his heart, Nan Tianxing's voice came in his ear:

"Boy, I'm standing here, aren't you good at concealment? Now go down the mountain to send a letter to Ye Qing and let her help!"

After he said this, he was afraid that Liang Yan would not agree, and then added: "If this happens, even if you have done a great job, you will not only be able to join Wushuang City, but also get the rewards you want. What magical powers will be at that time? You are not at your disposal for the exercises, the magic pill, and the magic weapon!"


Liang Yan's frowning brows gradually stretched out.

"It's okay. Just send a message. I don't need to do it myself, and I can still get the award from Wushuang City. Why not do this?"

With a thought on his mind, he had already made a decision. At this time, he secretly replied: "The junior has been fascinated by Wushuang City for a long time. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing in this assessment... ...Senior, rest assured, although I am not in a realm, I cannot kill the enemy side by side with Senior, but it is still my duty to spread the letter!"


Nan Tianxing's tone was a little appreciative, and then he said through a voice transmission: "I will try my best to help you hold this person later, you go back quickly, don't delay on the road, understand?"

Liang Yan naturally knew the reason for what he said. Under the intense fighting technique in front of him, Nan Tianxing could no longer suppress the poisonous wounds in his body. As long as it takes a long time, it will definitely damage his foundation and affect his future cultivation path.

He originally thought that as long as he went to the top of the mountain and found the fourth round of examiners, he would be able to solve this matter satisfactorily, but he didn't expect that the opponent's strength was so strong that even the monks of Nan Tianxing's level would be calculated by them.

At this moment, every time a little bit of time passes, one more examinee on the mountain road may die. The situation is indeed urgent.

"Junior understand!"

Liang Yan nodded slightly, and walked down the mountain with a movement.

At the same time, Nan Tianxing's aura suddenly broke out, "Heavenly Light" traversed horizontally and horizontally, transforming Ruyi, swords, spears, swords, and axes. Sometimes it turned into a thick shield to stand in front of you, and sometimes it turned into a flying arrow streamer, like a meteor shower falling from the middle of the sky.

The black-robed monk was blocked by the Nan Tianxing, who was in full force, and was a little bit clumsy and embarrassed for a while.


Liang Yan won Nan Tianxing's promise, and he didn't neglect the matter.

After walking for more than ten miles in this way, the tip of his ears suddenly moved slightly, and he faintly heard the sound of fighting in front of him, and listening to this sound seemed to have many magic weapons. Obviously, there were not a few monks participating in the fighting.

"Could it be that black robe monk's accomplice?"

Liang Yan's heart moved, thinking about whether to continue on the road or take a look in the past, but suddenly a murderous intent came from behind him.

He was also a man who has been fighting for a long time. At this time, he reacted very quickly. With just a single tap on the ground, the person had dodged ten feet away, easily avoiding the blow after he came.


There was a loud noise, and the surrounding land was beaten to powder. Liang Yan turned his head and saw that the person who took the attack was two young monks in white robes.

"Huh? Is it you?"

Liang Yan's gaze was slightly surprised. The two young monks in front of him were handsome and cold, but they were the same monks who had seen them at the entrance of the examination room.

It's just that at this moment, the eyes of the two monks were blood red, and they looked a little unusual.

"I remember they were the fellow monks of the'Golden Lantern Arhat' Yu Feihong. Why are they only two of them now but Feihong is not nearby? And why their auras are completely different from before, and they have become so tyrannical, and some Look delirious?"

Liang Yan had too many doubts in his mind, but the two cultivators of Guiyimen didn't give him much time to think about it. At this time, they each roared and pinched the magic arts, forming two huge magic seals in mid-air. Call him from left to right.

Seeing that the other party didn't agree with him, he made a big fight. Liang Yan naturally wouldn't be merciful. He reached out and pulled out a small snow-white beast from the wooden hut at his waist, and threw it directly at the faces of the two opposing people.

This little white beast resembling a civet cat rolled in mid-air, then opened its mouth and roared, and the five-colored sea of ​​flames vigorously emerged, drawing the seals of both of them into the fire.

Guiyimen is good at portraying Taoist seals, and the seals contain the power of Taoist laws, and they are also unique among the many schools of Wushuang City.

But these two young monks were obviously not at home yet, and the Fa Yin did not last long in Li Xiaosong's sea of ​​fire, before being melted away, and the fire was unabated, and it soon spread to their surroundings.


The two were scorched by the sea of ​​fire, and a weird scream was made in their mouths, and then at the same time pinch jue released the body protection aura, covering the two to retreat sharply.

At the same time, Liang Yan, who had just thrown out Li Xiaosong, was not idle either. The whole person turned lightly on the spot, making a fist with his right hand, using the "Criminalization of Three Thousands" method, and slammed into the void behind him.


With a muffled sound, a figure was directly shot out of the void by him. Liang Yan took a closer look and found that this person who was about to attack him was actually the descendant of the Tong family, Tong Gu!

Although this person had conflicts with himself before, at this moment, his eyes were also red, as if he had lost his mind, and looked extremely unusual.

"Are these monks all caught in other people's sorcery and secretly controlled by others?"

This thought in Liang Yan's heart just came out, and another person rushed out of the forest. He didn't know the monk who appeared this time, but he had glanced at the foot of the mountain before and knew that the other party was also a candidate for the test.

This person is burly and handsome, with a bright red spear in his hand, and looks majestic and majestic. It's just that his eyes were blood red, no different from the Guiyi Sect monk who appeared before.

"Is it another controlled one?"

Liang Yan sneered in his heart, and indeed the next moment he saw the man throw his long spear forward, turning it into a scarlet streamer, piercing his heart.

This spear magic weapon is full of power, with the momentum of cracking mountains and rocks, breaking through the air all the way.

However, it was only halfway through when a sword light shot out from the diagonal stab, directly at the position of the spear head, and actually cut off the spear head of this red tasseled gun!

The sword light flashed by and disappeared without a trace in an instant, but one more person appeared on the top of a big tree in the forest.

"Friend Situ...I didn't expect we would meet again so soon." Liang Yan punched Tong Gu back in front of him, leaped back gently, and directed at the treetops. The figure clasped his hands and smiled.

The person who came was Situ Kuangsheng. He seemed to have suffered some minor injuries and had a lot of blood stains on his body. At this time, he glanced at Liang Yan and frowned slightly and said, "Didn’t I let you go down the mountain to escape? Why are you still staying? On the mountain?"

"I really don't want to hide it, I am also a little curious, I want to see where these people came from." Liang Yan said lightly.

"It seems that you are also a lunatic."

Situ Kuangsheng's mouth raised a smile, and then he continued: "But you can't go even if you want to go now. Someone is robbing the monks who came down the mountain. It is estimated that few people are still alive except you and me."

"That's not necessarily true. Someone is coming towards us now."

Liang Yan smiled and looked in a direction in the jungle, where he had already sensed the signs of a fight, and the group of people seemed to have noticed the movement here, and they were approaching while fighting.

Although Situ Kuangsheng had just arrived, his cultivation level was not weak. After Liang Yan reminded him, he quickly noticed the movement in the distance.

"Are there any survivors..."

Situ murmured wildly, looking towards the depths of the jungle, only to see that a few trees there had been destroyed by magical powers, and it didn't take long for three figures to come into sight.

"It's them!"

Liang Yan saw the people who came, and found that these three people were actually Cang Yueming, Mo Haoran, and Huangfuqi!

And their opponents were eleven cultivators from the late Jindan period. Liang Yan had seen these people before, and they were the candidates who participated in the Wushuang City selection examination this time.

It's just that, without exception, they have red eyes and tyrannical auras, and they seem to have been manipulated and completely reduced to tools of murder.

In the fierce battle, Cang Yueming, Mo Haoran, and Huangfuqi were back to back, all using their supernatural powers and magic weapons at the bottom of the box, but they were still suppressed under the joint attack of eleven monks of the same rank. Can't fight back.

Fortunately, Cang Yueming's swordsmanship was superb, and the magical powers of everyone around him couldn't penetrate his sword's aperture, and this barely managed to maintain a balance.

But this balance obviously won't last long, I'm afraid that if you don't have a cup of tea, the three of them will be killed on the spot.

Seeing this situation, Situ Kuangsheng did not hesitate at all, leaping high from the treetops in the forest.


With a pinch of the sword in his hand, the long sword around his waist immediately unsheathed and turned into a cold light, taking the head of a monk in the besieging crowd.

"Let's help too!"

Liang Yan snorted and took Li Xiaosong back from the front of the two cultivators in Guiyimen. After a few vertical jumps, he came to the side of Cang Yueming and the others.

"It's actually Brother Liang!"

Cang Yue clearly saw Liang Yan and Situ Kuangsheng, and a glimmer of hope rekindled in her eyes.

"Two fellow Taoists, the monks in front of me have been controlled by the demon. I saw them kill many candidates with my own eyes before! We only have a chance to escape from here if we work together!"

Cang Yue was afraid that the two of them could not figure out the situation, so she shouted at this time.

"No need to explain, the reason why I made my move was not to save you, but to.........have a good fight!"

Situ Kuangsheng's eyes flashed with excitement, and a flying sword flew up and down, galloping horizontally and horizontally. It was different from Cang Yueming's sword moves ingeniously and unrestrainedly. Most of his sword moves are simple and unpretentious, but every sword is just right, reaching the point!

Just after a cup of tea, Situ Kuangsheng had wounded several people. After seeing the blood on his flying sword, it made a weird sword sound and became more and more fierce.

After Liang Yan joined the battle group, relying on the power of King Kong and the violent flames of Li Xiaosong, he quickly suppressed several monks.

With the help of these two people, the original one-sided situation in the field was gradually reversed.

Cang Yueming, Mo Haoran, and Huangfuqi all took a sigh of relief, and each took the pill from the storage ring and took it, while fighting while waiting for an opportunity to recover the lost spiritual power.

There was no suspense in this battle. Although the number of enemies was large, Cang Yueming, Liang Yan, and Situ Kuangsheng were not ordinary Golden Core cultivators. Even if Liang Yan didn't use flying swords, the opponent would definitely lose.

To be on the safe side, he released Ji Lai and Li Xiran from Taixu Gourd again, and asked them to help fend off the enemy together.

Facing these monks who had participated in the assessment together, Ji Lai and Li Xiran were a little unclear at first, but after Liang Yan briefly explained it, they immediately reacted.

With the help of these two people, Liang Yan's side became even more powerful. The eleven Golden Core Realm monks who had participated in the siege were killed in a short time, even if they belonged to the two monks and Tong Gu. Waiting for people to come to help, UU reading was still defeated steadily.

Situ was so violent that he could not help but let out a long scream, and shouted: "I thought it was sacred before, but now it seems to be just a rat. Why? He only hides in the dark to deceive people, and uses these people as a shield. Have the ability to fight me for three hundred rounds!"

He used magical powers in his voice, pierced through gold and cracked stones, and spread out more than ten miles away, obviously wanting to agitate the people behind the scenes and let the opponent show up for a fight.

As soon as the voice fell, a lute sounded in the distant woods.

Everyone who was in the battle was slightly taken aback when they heard it, and at the same time a vigilant heart was born. Even Situ Kuangsheng, who had just uttered a mockery, was watching his surroundings at this moment, obviously it was not the arrogant arrogance he showed.

The man in the forest didn't know what song he was playing, and it sounded tactfully and grievously, like weeping like a complaint, and it made people feel distressed for no reason.

"not good!"

Everyone present seemed to understand why these cultivators who participated in the assessment were manipulated by people and eventually turned into tools for murder. Now it seems that this is the answer...

With these lessons learned, where did they dare to listen to that song again, they used their magical powers one after another, closing their ears, and at the same time looking in the direction of the sound.

I saw six sturdy and handsome men coming out from the depths of the dense forest.

And in the middle position, there is a woman in a red dress, graceful and graceful, with a fox head mask, holding a white jade lute in her hand, two snow feet, one on the left and one on the right, stepping on the two men in the middle. Above the shoulders...........

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