The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1084: Fighting in the forest!

Although this woman is wearing a mask, she has a graceful posture and a variety of amorous feelings. Even if she does nothing, she just simply goes to that stop, she has a charming attitude to all beings.

   The six men under her feet are all tall and handsome, but there are weird red eyes in their eyes, and they have obviously lost their self-consciousness.

   As the red-clothed woman's pipa sounded, the six people also stepped forward at the same time, and after a few leaps, they came to everyone.

   "Fan Zhengchun of Dragon Tooth Sect, Linyi of Baiyu Zong, and Du Haifei of Xuanguang Villa, even you guys..."

   Cang Yueming fights swords all over the world, makes friends widely, and recognizes many people at the feet of the woman at a glance. But seeing that their eyes are red, they have obviously been manipulated with their spiritual consciousness. No matter how good they were in the past, they are now enemies and not friends.

   "Hey, there are fish that slip through the net..."

   The red-clothed woman's gaze scanned the crowd, and she was faintly excited.

   "There are a few good skins. It's a pity to kill them like this. If you are willing to bow down and obedient, you can not only save your life, but also be your sister's guest."

   It is strange to say that she said this in a soft voice, and everyone around her had clearly closed their ears, but they still heard her clearly. This feeling seemed to sound directly in my heart.

"Don't listen to this demon girl's bewitching! This is her mind-confuse technique. As long as Dao Xin is slightly shaken, the candidates around us will be our fate!" Cang Yueming suddenly yelled, obviously because she was afraid that other people's Dao hearts would not be strong. In the footsteps of the surrounding monks.

   "Hey, I don't have to worry about fellow daoists. My Situ Kuangsheng lives with swords all his life, and in this life I will only die by the sword, and will never die in the gentle country of a woman."

   Situ sneered wildly, suddenly jumped out of the battle group, pinched the sword in his hand, the seven-foot long front drew a ten-foot-long sword in the air, and went straight to the woman in red to cut it off.

   At the same time, Cang Yueming and Liang Yan also seemed to have a sharp heart, and they left the battlefield almost at the same time, attacking the woman in red one by one.

   These three are the strongest monks in the field, and their vision is naturally different.

   This situation is obviously caused by the woman in red, who used secret techniques to control the candidates participating in the assessment and let them become her own tools for killing.

   In other words, as long as this woman in red, all the monks who were manipulated can recover, and there is no need to worry about being besieged.

  The so-called capture the thief first capture the king, Situ Kuangsheng, Cang Yueming, and Liang Yan naturally understood this, so they made a decisive decision and did not continue to struggle with the surrounding candidates, but went straight to the woman in red.

   "Hey, are the three of you so impatient?"

   The woman in red seemed not surprised at all, the corner of her mouth under the mask of the fox's head smiled, and she didn't know how to use tricks. Instead, she held the lute in her hand and played gently.

   melody sounded, and the four men around her moved in response, displaying their magical powers, and fought with Liang Yan and the others.

Liang Yan confronted a young man in a yellow robe. This man was holding a nine-segment staff with various instruments such as gourds, talisman paper and jade pendant hanging on it. The color was brilliant and full of aura. A rare magic weapon.

   "Be careful, that is the ‘Nine Treasure Rod’ of the ‘Biluo Palace’. It is infinitely changeable and powerful, and you must never be careless!" Jilai’s voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

   Liang Yan nodded slightly, the golden light in his hand was flowing, and there were no fancy moves. He just urged the Hunyuan Golden Core in his body and punched the opponent with the magical power of King Kong.

   The yellow-robed man was not afraid, and lightly tapped the "Nine Treasure Rod" in his hand, and the nine Caixias above burst out at the same time, flying towards Liang Yan one by one.


   There was a series of loud noises, Liang Yan's unstoppable punch, after breaking through eight Caixia, finally used his fist and stopped in front of the ninth Caixia.

   "What a powerful mana!"

Liang Yan was a little frightened secretly. You must know that the punch he just made had already magnified the power several times through the golden core pill. The ordinary golden core cultivator couldn't handle this trick at all, but the man in the yellow robe seemed to be able to handle it with ease. .

   "Why didn't I see this person's strength is so strong before? Is this the assessment of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger?"

   Liang Yan was puzzled, he couldn't help but increase his strength, wanting to compete with this person.

   At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly hit him behind him, making him alert, and hurriedly swept behind him with his spiritual consciousness.

   I saw it was a white feather magic weapon. Although it looked a little weak and could not help the wind, the power it carried was enough to crack the mountains and crack the rocks and destroy the river!

   Liang Yan's heart moved, and he was about to respond, but there was a sword behind him, blocking this feather magic weapon for him.

   The person who shot was Cang Yueming, the "South China Sea Swordsman".

   He held Mo Xuanjian horizontally in the air, back to back with Liang Yan, his face was full of solemn expression.

   "Something's wrong!" Cang Yueming whispered.

   "What's wrong?" A hint of doubt flashed in Liang Yan's eyes.

"Fan Zhengchun of Dragon Tooth Sect, Lin Yi of Bai Yuzong, Du Haifei of Xuanguang Villa, and Bi Luo Gong Youhong who you just fought against, I have made friends with all of these people. Although their strength is not weak, they are far from what they are now. So strong!"

   "Brother Cang means..." Liang Yan probably guessed what he was thinking, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

   "I'm afraid that in addition to the deceptive ability of this demon girl, she also has a secret technique that can enhance the strength of the person she controls!" After a pause, Cang Yueming still said the guess in her heart.

   "No wonder, I said how these people are so strong!"

During the conversation between the two, the monk controlled by the woman in red did not leave any hands. The four disciples of the White Feather Sect, Biluo Palace, Xuanguang Mountain Villa, and Dragon Tooth Sect all seemed to have exploded with infinite potential and various magical powers. Spells emerge in endlessly, and even the magic weapons are shining brightly and their power is greatly increased.

   Cang Yueming and Situ Kuangsheng are already super-class monks in the Golden Core Realm, and Liang Yan is not far from them even if they don't use flying swords, relying solely on the strength of the Hunyuan Golden Core and the physical body.

   But the three of them teamed up, but they didn't even take advantage of the four cultivators.

   The two sides fought to a hundred strokes, the originally enthusiastic red woman seemed to be a little tired. She glanced at the battlefield, suddenly jumped off the shoulders of the two men below her feet, and landed lightly on the top of a big tree.

   "You guys go up too."

   The woman in red gave a faint command. The two monks who had originally served as stepping feet quickly joined the battlefield, but she herself focused on the pipa in her arms, playing lightly with a pair of Qianqiansu hands, and her eyes flashed red from time to time.

   As the tune changed, the siege of these six people began to advance and retreat, and they cooperated freely with each other, and even formed a faint formation, which greatly increased the pressure on Liang Yan, Cang Yueming and others.

   "What is the origin of this woman, not only can control others, but also stimulate their potential, and even form a formation to use her magical powers to the extreme!" Gu

At this time, Liang Yan was also a little surprised secretly, knowing that these monks are from all sects and have different abilities and supernatural powers, but this woman can make the best use of everything, and even let the six people cooperate. It's incredible.

He was not the only one who had this idea. Cang Yueming's face was solemn, and Situ Kuangsheng was even more angry, because many of these people were defeated by his men, and he had never done anything one against three, but Now he was suppressed jointly by the other party, and he was naturally angry with his heart.

   The woman in red saw that they were in a stalemate, and at this time she smiled on the treetop again:

"A few fellow daoists, the so-called people who know the current affairs are handsome, don't waste this good skin! As long as you are willing to bow your heads now and be my slaves obediently, your concubine can protect your life, otherwise you will be that ruthless person later. When it comes, the concubine will be powerless."

   Cang Yueming and Situ Kuangsheng couldn’t help being surprised when they heard this, and secretly said:

   "This demon girl actually has an accomplice!"

   Liang Yan was not too surprised. He had long guessed that there should be three monks in this mountain.

   The black robe monk with a crow mask on the top of the mountain is responsible for watching the Southern Star.

   And this woman in red with a fox head mask is responsible for cleaning up the candidates.

   As for the remaining person, he should be chasing down the candidate.

   "The sword can be broken but not broken, you want Situ Kuangsheng to be your slave? Next life!"

   Situ shouted violently. At this moment, there was no reservation. A sword light was divided into thousands in mid-air, countless sword auras arbitrarily, forcing the six candidates who had already formed a battle to withdraw one step backward.

   Feeling Situ Kuangsheng's sword intent, Cang Yueming's Mo Xuan sword is also trembling softly, and the two flying swords echo each other, unexpectedly giving birth to a strange feeling.

  It is strange to say that the two men practiced different swordsmanship. It can be said that no one can look at each other. There is no communication in this battlefield, but at the same time a feeling of sympathy arises.

   Even the woman in red on the treetop gave a hum, with a look of interest in her eyes.

   Cang Yueming and Situ Kuangsheng both aroused their own fierceness. The two flying swords cooperated with each other to kill the six people around them step by step.

Liang Yan was too embarrassed to be lazy when he saw this. He turned the Golden Pill of Hunyuan in his body a few times, and converted all the four spiritual powers into Buddhism. Opening, suppressed all the breath of the six people on the opposite side.

   At the same time, he raised his hand again and summoned Li Xiaosong. The five-colored sea of ​​fire raged out, and the surrounding area instantly turned into a terrifying lava purgatory.

These three people and one beast each showed their magical powers, and brought back the originally suppressed situation. After fighting a cup of tea, the red-clothed woman's momentum gradually declined, and Fan Zhengchun, Lin Yi and the others were not taken lightly. Injury.

   However, these candidates have already lost their minds, and do not feel fear or fear at all.

   You come and I go between the two sides, all kinds of magical powers and magic weapons flying swords cross in mid-air. During the period, they are also mixed with the supernatural power of Buddhism.

   Liang Yan and the others are bright, these opponents in front of them will not stop at all, even if they are broken, they will not be able to stop them, only by crushing them to powder, or directly injuring the red-dressed female deity, can the battle be ended!

   "You two, help me cover, I will meet that enchantress!"

   This is Situ Kuangsheng’s first voice communication since the start of the war.

   "This matter is too dangerous, let Cangmou come." Cang Yueming frowned slightly.

"To shut up!"

   Situ furiously said: "My sword intent is to move forward without looking back!"

   As soon as his voice fell, he didn't wait for Cang Yueming and Liang Yan to discuss, the sword in his hand just changed.

   I saw a little cold light erupting from the tip of his sword, it looked like a cold star in the dark night.

   Immediately after this bit of cold star, countless sword aura swept all around, a cold and frosty breath spread to the surroundings, and the spirit flowers and grasses within ten miles were covered with a thick layer of frost.

   "The sword of soul-removing killing intent, a sword that pierces the soul, killing intent is full of the sky, sure enough, the sword is as its name!"

Situ's crazy sword made Cang Yueming couldn't help but praise. After knowing the other party's intentions, he did not take a half step back. At this time, together with Liang Yan and Li Xiaosong, they madly moved towards the opposite side. People attacked.

In the face of the sudden outbreak of Mo Xuan Sword, Diamond Power, and Five Colored Fire, the six opposing people could only parry with all their strength, but under the control of the woman in red, each of them threw a magic weapon or used a magical power. Situ madly fought to break through with his heart.

  At this moment, Situ Kuangsheng was walking with the sword, abandoning all his defenses, and despite the magical powers of the six opponents injuring him, he also moved forward, and hit the woman in red with a sword.

   Seeing that the frosty, murderous sword is about to fall on the head of the woman in red, but a figure suddenly emerges from the side.

   This person sneered, and did not use any magical magic, just lifted a kick and directly kicked Situ Kuangsheng's Imperius Sword.


   There was a crisp sound, that cold light flying sword was actually kicked, flipped in mid-air for an unknown number of times, and finally slanted into a big tree.

   And Situ Kuangsheng was shocked by the aftermath of this foot in the void, and instantly sprayed blood from his mouth, and flew backwards.

   This unparalleled peerless Tianjiao didn't even catch a single move, so he fainted!

   After the guy kicked it out, it seemed that he still felt uncomfortable, and he hit three punches in a row.

boom! boom! boom!

   With three violent noises, everyone who was fighting, regardless of the enemy and us, were all beaten to vomit blood!

   Some of them were not strong enough and were close to him, such as the two monks in Guiyimen, who were directly beaten to death. The flesh and blood corpses flew up in the air, staining the surrounding woodland with bright red.

Seeing that the monk under his control died in an instant, the red-clothed woman frowned slightly behind the mask, and said with some disapproval: "Xiong Ba, why are you so savage? These people are already my guests. , But you broke it apart with three punches and kicks."


   Facing the question of the woman in red, the person who came just snorted coldly: "Fox Thirteen, you have been playing for too long!"

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