The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1086: Ancient lamp

At this moment, apart from Liang Yan, only Ji Lai, Li Xiran, and Mo Haoran were still conscious in the field.

These three people looked at the huge shadow of the fist falling from mid-air, and their eyes were filled with despair.

"It's over, this time I was really miserable by the master! I thought I was just participating in a simple assessment, but I didn't expect to take my life in..." Ji Lai smiled bitterly. , There was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

Mo Haoran was already seriously injured, with only a little consciousness remaining. He moved his body at this time, and seemed to want to go up and help Liang Yan.

But his injury was too serious, his eyes were covered with blood stains, and he could barely see a few vague figures. Even if he wanted to kill the thief, he was unable to fight again.

As for Li Xiran, under the protection of the white jade statue, her face was still as pale as paper, looking at Liang Yan's back in front of her, a trace of guilt flashed in her eyes, she suddenly turned her heart and shouted:

"You go!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiran rushed to Liang Yan's side, and at the same time bit his tongue, spitting a mouthful of blood on the white jade statue in front of him.

Although she could not freely control this magic weapon, her own essence and blood could be urged. The statue caught the blood on the tip of her tongue and immediately exploded with a dazzling white jade brilliance, which went straight up into the sky.

The four fist shadows that were originally aggressive, were supported by this piece of white jade brilliance in the air, and they didn't even fall further for a while.


Liang Yan gave a light hey, turned his head to look at Li Xiran beside her, but saw that her face was red as blood, the blue smoke above her head was rising, her breath dropped rapidly, and her delicate body was trembling slightly.

His current vision is not low, and he can see at a glance that Li Xiran is burning her own essence, otherwise her cultivation base will not be able to resist Xiong Ba's move.

"I'll hold him, you quickly take the others away!"

Li Xiran trembled, and there was a trembling sound in her words. She was obviously overwhelmed, but her eyes were very decisive, without any hesitation.

"You will die like this." Liang Yan's voice was low and his eyes flashed.

"That's what Xiran's life should be like...I was the one who caused everyone, and I never want to see you die for me again!" Li Xiran said with solemn expression.

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly whispered: "But the matter hasn't reached the worst point yet!"

As soon as the voice fell, before Li Xiran could react, he saw his body move, and under the cover of Bai Yuguanghua, he jumped into the air after a few vertical jumps and landings.

At this time, Xiong Bazheng increased his strength, and the four boxing shadows burst into ear-piercing roars, constantly beating the white jade Guanghua in the air, shaking the statue in front of Li Xiran to the left and right, and Li Xiran himself was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, shaking. .

"Hmph, it's just a magic weapon, watch my old bear break you into pieces!"

Xiong Ba was beating vigorously. Suddenly, he glanced at the corner of his eyes and saw a figure rushing into the air.

"Do you dare to come?"

After seeing that the person was Liang Yan, Xiong Ba looked overjoyed. You must know that although Li Xiran's magic weapon is powerful, its owner's cultivation base is too low after all. The only person in the field who can threaten him is this man in gray. That's it.

If he has been hiding under Bai Yuguanghua and waiting for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack on him, Xiong Ba will have some scruples, but since he dared to jump out of the coverage of Bai Yuguanghua, this is tantamount to death in his eyes.

"I'm looking for death by myself, no wonder someone else!"

Xiong Bay roared, his hands struck each other in the air, and the two heads and four arms of the giant bear behind him also waved at the same time, bursts of thunderous fists roared out, and went straight to where Liang Yan was.

Liang Yan was in mid-air, with his right hand and **** erected in front of his chest, and his left hand slapped the Taixu gourd around his waist, only to see a green mist blasting out of the gourd, with only a light stroke in the mid-air. Instantly across the void, came to the top of Xiong Ba's head.


Xiong Ba's pupils shrank, and a gleam of light came out of both eyes, as if he wanted to see the things in Qingxia clearly.

However, the speed of the green clouds was too fast, before Xiong Ba could take a closer look, she lightly circled the giant bear above his head.


Without warning, a crack appeared on the neck of one of the bear's heads, and then the huge bear's head fell from mid-air.

In the original three-headed six-armed giant bear, there were only two heads left in the blink of an eye!

"Do not!"

Xiong Ba roared, his eyes full of anger, and as the bear's head was cut off, a gap was suddenly broken in his generous back, and a black air flew out from inside, directly dissipating in the air.

Having lost this black energy, Xiong Ba's nine-foot body, which was originally different from ordinary people, was also instantly shorter by half a foot, looking very strange.

At this time, he could barely see clearly that the thing in the blue glow was actually a dripping pill!

"Sword Maru!"

Xiong Ba's pupils shrank, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Who are you, what does it have to do with Wushuang City? Why do you want to help?"

"Me? It's just a casualty."

Faced with Xiong Ba's problem, Liang Yan didn't want to say more. The sword art in his hand changed, Mayfly Sword Pill turned around in midair, and then rushed to Xiong Ba to kill.

The main body of the Mayfly Sword is the remains of the Demon Clan Qing Emperor. It is an extraordinary thing in itself. After being refined into the Sword Pill, it is even more spiritual. It has long been impatient in the Taixu Gourd and wanted to kill and drink blood.

Liang Yanxiu has made a total of three shots since he became a sword pill. The first was to kill the Supreme Elder of Qianyuan Sacred Palace in Nanchui, and the second was to kill five casual practitioners from the Profound Realm near Liangyue City. The third time, it was this time in front of me.

The sword pill has been completed, but the blood has not been seen for a long time. This is not a good thing for sword repair. Now this sword carries a bloodthirsty desire. Within a radius of tens of miles, it is full of sword edge and sword energy, although it is only a small pill. Maru, but in the eyes of Xiong Ba, it is tantamount to Qingtian Kyo!

"Good boy, it turns out that it's the old bear and I am gone! Today is either you or me!"

Xiong Ba's eyes were bloodshot, like crazy. He is a fighting madman, even if he knows that the opponent is Jian Xiu who has been cultivated into a sword pill, there is no sign of timidity in his eyes, but a bloodthirsty light.

After a roar, Xiong Ba didn't care about Li Xiran anymore, but stared straight at Liang Yan and rushed forward. Pu Shan's big hands clenched into fists, and they blasted out in mid-air, violently destroying the world.

"This bear is really getting stronger and stronger, the more he fights, the more courageous it is!"

Liang Yan sighed with emotion in his heart, and without any fear, he raised Jian Wan and slew Xiong Ba.

This person is a bear, fighting endlessly at the branches of the woods, fist and sword energy going back and forth, and all the places they pass are razed to the ground.

Liang Yan’s sword pill is already the spirit of the sword. It can psychically change and communicate with his mind. Sometimes Liang Yan’s thoughts have not yet appeared, and this sword pill already knows his next plan and makes it in advance. Cooperate.

It is not so much that he is a human sword, but a human sword. At this moment, any sword strokes are completely natural in his hands, and there are almost no flaws at all.

Although Xiong Ba missed the opportunity to take care of it, his domineering and fierce exercises are powerful, and his punches and kicks are powerful, especially the black giant bear behind him. A random punch can help him resolve Liang. The infinite sword aura of words made Mayfly Sword Maru unable to get close.

Both sides took out the means of pressing the bottom of the box, you come and I go, and fight to a hundred moves. Although Liang Yan has the upper hand, playing Xiong Ba has been passively defending, but he can't capture this person in a short time.

Just when the two were glued together, a melodious lute sounded suddenly, which was low and soft, and it was directly transmitted to his heart.


Liang Yan's face changed drastically, and he glanced towards the bottom of the woods. Sure enough, he saw a woman in a red dress and a mask with a fox head, holding a pipa in her hand, slowly playing.

Hu Thirteen had previously tried to control Li Xiran with Demonstration Magic, but he was accidentally bitten back by the magic weapon carried by the other party, causing him to be seriously injured, so after Xiong Ba took the shot, he went into hiding and has been recovering from his internal injuries.

Now that she reappeared, the aura on her body had recovered a lot, but her eyes were closed tightly, and there was still a line of blood left at the corners of her eyes.

"What is the origin of that statue of Li Xiran, blinded the fox's eyes!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Liang Yan's heart, but at this moment, it was not the time to consider this matter.

The sound of Fox Shisan's pipa is getting louder and louder, sometimes sonorous and powerful, sometimes with small bridges and flowing water, and between unpredictable changes, it is vaguely trying to draw Liang Yan's spirit into it, sinking along with the tune.

His mind was disturbed, and Sword Maru was naturally affected. Xiong Ba has been fighting for a long time, how can he not see that there is any advantage at this time, he immediately rose up his power, turned defense to offense, and fisted to the other side's vitals.

With the help of Fox Shisan, the situation in the field reversed instantly. Originally Liang Yan was pressing Xiong Ba on a fierce attack, but at this time he was restrained everywhere, and could only be passively defended by Jianmaru.

Liang Yan was getting more bored as he fought. He and Xiong Ba were originally between him. He used to rely on Li Xiran to attract the target. He used the sword pill to take the lead, and he was able to press on and gain the upper hand.

Now with the support of Hu Shisan, Xiong Ba has been relieved, and Liang Yan can't resist the two of them together.

This is still Xiong Ba's fear of his mayfly sword pill, and he is afraid of hurting the enemy a thousand and hurting himself 800, so he dare not act rashly, otherwise only a dozen moves will make Liang Yan suffer a big loss.

Liang Yan gradually fell into a passive state, and while secretly anxious, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Fox Shisan was injured by Li Xiran's statue before. He had a chance to attack this woman and kill her with a single sword.

But at that time Xiong Ba was also attacking Li Xiran. If he left it alone, although there was a chance to kill Fox XIII, Li Xiran would also be beaten to death.

At that time, the time left for him to choose was only a moment. After that moment, Liang Yan finally chose to save Li Xiran first.

Now it seems that it was this choice that made myself fall into a passive position.

Liang Yan knew that he could not be one enemy two. At this time, he glanced at the crowd below and found that Mo Haoran, Li Xiran and Ji Lai were all struggling with the sound of the pipa. Their eyes were blood red. It seemed that after a while, they would walk around. The trail of those candidates was completely controlled by Fox Shisan.

"If it doesn't work, you can only risk exposing the true demonic energy in your body and forcibly take Ji Lai and Li Xiran away... But then, Wushuang City can't join. Fly away and go to a place no one knows..."

Liang Yan's mind turned around at this time, and the only way out he could think of was to stimulate the true demon energy in his body.

With the help of the old monk in yellow clothes, the demon head suppressed in his body can be used by himself, and the purple whirlpool next to his dantian is where he extracts the energy of the true demon. It's just that people and magic elements are not at the same time, if people know that there is a real demon in him, it is really indisputable.

"There is no way, there is no hope of winning if you continue to fight. There are only thirty-six strategies. It's the best strategy!"

He was not ashamed of running away at this time. After all, Xiong Ba is already a cultivator in the middle stage of the Profound Realm, and Hu Shisan also has the cultivation base of the early stage of the Profound Realm. He can fight for so long with one enemy and two, which can be said to be a glorious defeat.

As for the gang of monks in the forest, he couldn't take away all of them. He could only take away Li Xiran and Ji Lai who had an old relationship with him. He couldn't help the rest of them.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan wanted to activate the true demon energy in his body and force a way out of his life.

However, at this moment, a Buddha's name suddenly sounded in the forest, and then a tall monk wearing coarse linen, with thick eyebrows and a ring scar on his head, slowly walked out of the forest.

This person is no one else, but Yu Feihong, the "Golden Lantern Arhat" who is one of the five major casual cultivators!

He was holding a dim ancient lamp in his hand, proclaiming the Buddha's name, and smiling slightly: "Amitabha, the benefactor of Liang is indeed not a thing in the pool. This sword technique is earth-shaking, the entire Antarctic Xianzhou Golden Core monk, I'm afraid I can't find a character like Liang Donor."

"What? He is a monk in the Golden Core Realm?!"

While fighting, Xiong Ba opened his mouth, his face full of surprise, and for a while he forgot to interrogate Yu Feihong's origins, but instead turned his attention to Liang and looked again. Fan.

As for Liang Yan, his brows were slightly frowned at this time, and he secretly asked, "Where did this stuff come from?"

He swept down his spiritual consciousness and secretly used the "Buddhist Mirror Image" of "Eight Parts of Yan Yuan", but he couldn't find the slightest clue about this person. He seemed to be a real monk in the Golden Core Realm.

"What are you doing here?" Liang Yan asked with a frown.

"Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor Liang dare to stand up when the evildoer commits a crime, and the little monk naturally cannot fall behind. This trip is here to help you."

"Only you?"

A fierce light flashed in Xiong's eight eyes, and he laughed: "A young man who is still young, thinks that after a few years of reading the Buddhist scriptures, he can compete with Master Xiong? Not to mention, when I capture this gray-clothed boy, I will let you have a taste of life. It's better to feel like death!"

"The bearer's words are wrong. The little monk is not your opponent for this meager deeds. Your opponent has someone else."

When Yu Feihong said this, he smiled slightly, and suddenly raised his hand with a wave, and threw the dim yellow ancient lamp in the air..........

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