The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1087: The person who turned the robbery

Yu Feihong is known as the "Golden Lantern Arhat" because he has a strange magic weapon for oil lamps.

There are different opinions on the origin of this magic weapon. Some people say that he took it in a secret realm and risked a lifetime of nine deaths. Some people say that the monk of Luo Tianshan thought it was related to him, so he personally gave it to him. It is said that in the ruined temple on the top of the mountain, this oil lamp was pressed on the secret book of Luo Tianzong, and Yu Feihong obtained the secret book. Of course, even this magic weapon was also included in the bag.

Although the rumors are weird and many are unrealistic, one thing is certain, that is, the power of this magic weapon is absolutely impressive, otherwise Yu Feihong would not be called the "Golden Lantern Arhat."

At this moment, the dim butter lamp flew into the air, and the flame of the wick suddenly soared. The flame that was originally the size of a broad bean rose a few feet in an instant. At the same time, a solemn Sanskrit singing sounded around.

"Buddhist buddhist donkey! Bad thing for me?"

Feeling the unusual aura fluctuations in the oil lamp, Xiong Ba's pupils shrank, and when he was fighting with Liang Yan, he took time to punch again.

Fist punched through the air and rushed, but in a short time, it came to the top of the oil lamp.

Upon seeing this, Yu Feihong hurriedly shrank his neck and rushed towards the forest. In the blink of an eye, he ran far away, leaving no intention to protect the oil lamp.


That punch hit the oil lamp, and there was a loud bang, and circles of transparent ripples spread out, crushing all the nearby woodland and vegetation to powder.

However, what is surprising is that this dim-looking and old oil lamp is actually intact under Xiong Ba's punch. Instead of causing any damage to the oil lamp, the rusty surface of the lamp is not damaged. All traces are knocked down.

At this time, the oil lamp has shed a layer of skin, as if it has been reborn, with golden light on it, and even the light has turned to pale gold.

"This is the real golden lamp!"

Yu Feihong emerged from the forest, glanced at the oil lamp in the air, and said with emotion.

As soon as his voice fell, a golden light shot out from the oil lamp, impartial, and it happened to shine on Mo Haoran.

This alcoholic drunkard has been deeply caught in the tone of Fox Thirteen, bloodshot in his eyes, and he will soon be completely controlled by the other party.

At this moment the golden light fell, and Mo Haoran was clever, and there was a dazed look in his bloodthirsty eyes.

This loss came very suddenly, just like a person who had lost his memory for a long time, suddenly remembering some of the previous bits, but when he was about to carefully taste it, he found that he had forgotten completely.

However, the oil lamp in mid-air seemed to be psychic. At this time, the golden light came out one after another, and finally all fell into the center of Mo Haoran's eyebrows.

As the golden light entered the body, the blank color in Mo Haoran's eyes gradually disappeared, the bloodshot bloodshot gradually faded, and a little clarity returned to his eyes.

He slowly straightened up and sat cross-legged on the spot, his hands folded, his face solemn, and his mouth was still chanting something silently, which sounded like an ancient scripture.


Xiong Ba's eyes swept in mid-air and found that this alcoholic seemed to be a different person, his aura in his body skyrocketed wildly, but in the blink of an eye, he had already broken through the limit of the Golden Core Realm and reached the initial stage of the Tongxuan Realm.

"Disciple Yu Feihong, respectfully welcome Master to return to his throne!"

Yu Feihong walked out of the forest slowly, his face no longer had the same unruly expression on his face, instead he respectfully saluted Mo Haoran.

But Mo Haoran didn't speak a word, still sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed, the oil lamp above his head swayed gently, and the golden light turned and turned, giving this sloppy drunkard a somewhat sacred atmosphere.

Liang Yan was also secretly alarmed at this moment. He had thought that Yu Feihong was a little weird before, and he had explored his own fiction and reality several times on the way. He thought that the monk had any plot against him, but he did not expect that Mo Haoran was the one on his trip. Target.

Seeing the variables in the field, Liang Yan was not in a hurry to reveal the true magic power in his body. Instead, he used all his sword moves to defend him, wanting to see what this "Mo Haoran" came from.

In contrast, Xiong Ba is much more impatient. He and Hu Shisan are still unable to attack for a long time. Now there is an inexplicably more monk in the Profound Realm, and he feels a little flustered for the first time.

"His grandmother's bear, I don't care where your bald donkey comes from, don't worry about your acquaintances! Even if you belong to Luo Tianzong, I will kill you with the palm of the hand, Lord Xiong!" Xiong Ba shouted sharply.

At this moment, Mo Haoran's cultivation level had reached the middle stage of the Tongxuan realm. He opened his eyes and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Amitabha Buddha, I am not free when I go, but I am not when I come.

Mo Haoran proclaimed the Buddha's name, sighed, and there was a faint golden light in his eyes. The drunkard's temperament was swept away before, and the sloppy cloth was worn on his body, and he looked solemn like a gold cassock.

After Yu Feihong heard this, he laughed and said, "Master turned to the robbery, the main road can be expected, this time to rebuild, it will definitely break the calamity, and climb into the holy realm!"

The two of them answered the Zen machine, but Xiong Ba was irritable when he heard it, and couldn't help crying: "Smelly bald donkey, don't pretend to be a **** here, if you want to fight, then come to fight!"

Mo Haoran just raised his head and glanced at him, then turned his gaze to Liang Yan, and chuckled softly: "Donor Liang, let this person leave it to me."

Liang Yan was still struggling to resist. Hearing what he said, he was immediately overjoyed. As he was thinking about how to say thanks, the storage ring in his hand jumped for no apparent reason.


Liang Yan was surprised and suspicious. He looked down and saw a ray of light flying out of his storage ring, spontaneously flying towards where Mo Haoran was!

The thing in the light was a purple-gold glazed lamp with six groups of flames swirling slowly, which looked a little mysterious.

Liang Yan is no stranger to this thing, it is the magic weapon that he brought out of the seal of the blood mad when he was still in the training period.

Later in Siming Mountain Palace, he learned from Zhao Xunzhen that this magic weapon was named "Liu Chen Sheng Di Deng", which belonged to a certain eminent monk of Luo Tianzong.

"Liuchen births and dies... is the blood mad you sealed?" Liang Yan asked in surprise.

"Huh? I didn't expect you and me to have such fate!"

Mo Haoran seemed a little surprised, but it was more of a surprise. He waved his big sleeve, and the golden oil lamp and purple glass lamp in mid-air flew over at the same time, and got into his cuff together.

"Amitabha, thanks to the donor Liang for returning the treasure! The great kindness does not say thank you, let me first accept this bear demon for the donor!"

Mo Haoran announced the Buddha's name, his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared directly in front of Xiong Ba.

Facing the violent amount of this bear demon, his expression did not change in the slightest. With a flick of his big sleeves, thousands of golden rays of light were shot from the cuffs, which instantly shone on Xiong Ba's body.

The image of the giant bear on top of Xiong Ba's head was illuminated by the golden light of the Buddhism, and the black gas immediately evaporated, as if it was about to be melted, and many places became blurred.

And the arms that had originally held the three swords of Purple Thunder, Dingguang, and Black Lotus, were involuntarily released at this time. The three flying swords regained their freedom, and the swords rang out in midair. The three Changhongs returned to Liang Yan's side in an instant.

"Bald thief, you ruin my foundation!"

Xiong Ba's face was hurt, and his heart was very angry. He screamed again and again, and he abandoned Liang Yan almost immediately and poured all his strength on Mo Haoran.

He was a complete lunatic, even though he knew that Mo Haoran's strength was by no means simple, he did not flinch at this moment.

With Mo Haoran's help, Liang Yan's pressure was relieved. He breathed out his spiritual power in the semi-air conditioner, and after turning his eyes, he fell on the red-robed woman wearing a fox head mask in the forest.

When he fought with Xiongba just now, he had already gained the upper hand, but this woman used her rhythmic supernatural powers to help her, and kept interfering with herself, causing him to be elbow everywhere, and in turn was suppressed by Xiongba.

This kind of depressed feeling was really uncomfortable, and now the three flying swords returned to his side, and Xiong Ba was blocked by Mo Haoran, Liang Yan no longer had any scruples.

The so-called persimmon has to be soft, what he has to do now is to clean up the Fox Thirteen first.

"You can play a good pipa. To be honest, I have tolerated you for a long time!"

Liang Yan sneered, no nonsense, with a pinch of the sword in his hand, the three sword gangs took the lead in attacking!

I saw the purple, silver, and black sword gang cut through the sky, instantly sealing all the positions where Fox Shisan had escaped, and three completely different sword intents pierced her at the same time.

Although Fox Shisan's eyes were blind, his consciousness was still sober, feeling the sword intent coming from all directions, his delicate body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

She bit her lip, pinched her Fa Jue anxiously, turning her whole person into a red cloud and burrowing into the ground.

Swipe it!

Three sword gangs came through the air, but cut a hole at the position of the Fox Shisan, only a piece of clothing was floating in the air, and it was instantly crushed by the sword qi.

"Want to hide?"

Liang Yan sneered, "Bodhi and Mirror Image" unfolded, and all the surrounding movement was in his perception.

"it's here!"

With the movement of his heart, the Zi Lei Tianyin Sword was the fastest, came behind him in the blink of an eye, and slashed towards an open space more than thirty feet away.


Before the flying sword was in place, that piece of land had already burst open, and a red silk that was more than ten feet long shot out and rolled towards Liang Yan's heart.

This red silk magic weapon was brilliant and fast. Even Liang Yan didn't dare to be careless. He hurriedly turned around in the air, using the magical powers of "Sanshi Method" and "Rounding Round Method" to dodge towards the side.

Hong Ling missed a hit, turned around in midair, and continued to wrap around Liang Yan.

However, Liang Yan had already reacted at this moment. With a move of his heart, the black lotus sword and the fixed light sword fell at the same time, slashing on the red silk.

brush! brush!

The two swords pierced the sky and were invincible. However, when they encountered the red silk, they could not be cut off. Instead, they were trapped in the air layer by layer.

The original ten-foot-long red silk has now evolved into a barrier with a radius of one hundred meters. The red wall inside is towering, the glow is overflowing, and the two colors of silver and black sword aura separate and combine, but they never break through this barrier. .

"This magic weapon has some ways."

Liang Yan was a little surprised secretly, but he didn't know that the red silk in front of him was called "Red Dust Soft", which could turn red dust into smoke.

If it is a monk who falls into this enchantment, he will lose himself if it is inconvenient, and let him know it.

At this moment, the land not far from him was tumbling, and the figure of Fox Shisan walked out of the middle section.

She was already very flattering, even if she didn't say a word, she just went to that stop, she has the ability to charm sentient beings. Now Lianbu moved lightly, her graceful posture, as if the wind was returning to snow, it was even more fascinating.

"Daoyou Liang, isn't your opponent Xiong Ba? The concubine is no more than a weak woman. With your swordsmanship, why bother with the concubine? Isn't it afraid of falling into your prestige?"

The red lips of Fox Thirteen were soft, and her words were gentle and pitiful. If it weren't for her blindness, I'm afraid she would add a bit more pitiful.

After listening to Liang Yan, he turned his head, glanced at her coldly, and then smiled: "Is it a coincidence? Liang likes to pick soft persimmons!"

As soon as the voice fell, he pinched the sword art with his right hand hidden in his sleeve, and the mayfly sword pill moved as he pleased, and instantly went around behind Hu Shisan and cut it at her with a sword.

After Hu Shisan emerged from the ground, while trapping Liang Yan's two swords with "red dust and softness", while begging Liang Yan to give up chasing herself with the dementing technique, her greatest attention was still On Liang Yan's sword pill.

In her mind, Xiong Ba is known to be militant and good at the organization, and his strength is far above her. Even he can't handle this small sword pill, so she can imagine it.

Therefore, as soon as the Mayfly Sword Maru walked around behind her, she immediately reacted, and her whole person turned into a red cloud again and fled into the forest.

Liang Yan knew that this woman was good at concealment, and she must not be allowed to leave her scope of perception, and immediately the ambassador Jianmaru took a big step and followed the past.

This man and woman chased and fled in the forest. After only half a cup of tea, the Fox 13 had been rubbed by the sword qi on the sword pill many times. The blood dyed the red clothes even more red, and the green silk A few of them were cut off, looking embarrassed.

"Daoyou Liang, do you really have a hard-hearted heart and have to kill the slave family? As long as you promise to spare my life, the slave family is willing to be a cow and a horse for you, and I will agree to whatever you want."

While running away, Hu Shisan asked softly, but still did not forget to use his own charming tricks in an attempt to make Liang Yanjian show mercy.

Liang Yan didn't answer at all. The golden light in his eyes turned, and he suddenly looked for an opportunity. He hurriedly pinched the sword in his hand.

"My old lady fights with you!"

Seeing Jian Wan adding to his body, Fox Shisan had no way to escape. He could only turn his head, spit out, and spit out hundreds of silver streamers.

Each stream of light contains a flying needle, the name "Yingzhu Shenzhen", which is nourished with her own essence and blood. It is usually hidden in the body and never exposed easily. It is only in the crisis of life and death. Used to sneak attacks on the enemy.

Fox XIII was also forced to have no other choice but to use this method of pressing the bottom of the box. The "Fantastic Needle" is so powerful that it is not only indestructible, but can also emit strange rhythms during the flight, stabbing the opponent's soul~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Achieve the effect of hitting a hit.

She also knew in her heart that there was only one chance, and whether she could turn defeat into victory depends on this trick! So only half of the flying needles were used to resist Mayfly Jianwan, while the other half went straight to Liang Yan's deity.


Liang Yan snorted coldly, pinched the sword art in his hand, and the mayfly sword pill rapidly revolved in the air, sweeping the surroundings with countless green wood sword qi, and unexpectedly chopped down hundreds of "Floring Magic Needles" in a moment.


Fox Shisan screamed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth. The "Fantastic Needle" was connected to her mind. Now that she is ruined with sword energy, she is naturally not well.

But before she could make the next move, that little green pill appeared directly in front of her again.

"Xiong Ba, save me..."

Fox Shisan's tone was terrified, and only had time to make an unwilling cry for help. In the next moment, the green pill was gently wrapped around her snow-white slender neck, and the masked head just rolled down... ........

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