The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1116: Show up

In the deep canyon passage, a mosquito the size of a fingernail flies slowly.

As the mosquitoes deepened, patrolling monks began to appear in twos and threes on the cliffs on both sides of the passage.

Obviously, the inside of Qiling Mountain is not as calm and calm as it looks outside, but has long been occupied by people.

Looking at these patrolling monks, most of them are wooden brains, with strange lights shining in their eyes, and they don't look like living people, they seem to be puppets.

As long as there is a little wind and grass around, it will attract the attention of these puppets.

For example, a gray ape with three heads accidentally jumped out of the forest, and was immediately spotted by the puppets patrolling nearby. His eyes shot red light, instantly turning the gray ape into blood.

The entire valley of Qiling Mountain can be said to be heavily guarded and leak-proof.

But this does not affect the progress of the mosquito, it seems to have a special ability to make others ignore its existence, even these puppets are no exception.

The mosquitoes flew along the canyon passage for an unknown period of time, and the monks patrolling around became more and more dense. At the end of the passage, a huge bronze arch appeared on the mountain wall.

There are four huge figures standing in front of the arch, each of them is ten feet high, and the ordinary monks may not be half of their knees!

Standing in the first position of his left hand was a blue-skinned wild boar with a mace on his back.

Next to the blue wild boar is a giant black wolf holding a pair of knives, and his eyes are shining brightly.

On the right are a blood-feathered peacock and a gray-skinned old dog. The former is holding a barbed whip, and the latter is holding a pair of iron hooks, both of them look fierce and evil.

These four beasts were not only huge, but they also stood up straight like a person, and looked around constantly, looking very alert.

Especially the old gray-skinned dog, when the mosquito approached less than ten feet away, the nose suddenly twitched, and then he looked at where it was.

The mosquito seemed to be taken aback as well, and hurriedly stopped in place, a cyan glow flashed all over his body, completely shielding his breath, as if it did not exist at all.

The two sides confronted each other for a while, and the gray-skinned old dog had a trace of doubt in his eyes. He glanced at this side again, and finally shook his head, and then moved his gaze to another place.

After a long time, the mosquito started to move again, but this time it was more cautious, slowed down to the slowest speed, almost close to the ground, flew between the blue wild boar and the giant black wolf, and finally got in. The seam of the bronze arch.

After entering the arch, inside is a huge underground palace.

The passages in the underground palace extend in all directions and are intricate. The mosquitoes flew for a while, and it seemed that they could not find their way.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the corner of the passage, and then two monks in the appearance of boys appeared, both holding a wooden plate with Lingguo Lingjiu on it, and various delicacies. Look. Appears to be two servants.

"Brother, these cultivators are very tight. You said that our Xuanguan Villa is well-known and upright, how come we have something to do with this group of people?" The younger boy whispered.


After listening, the elder boy next to him hurriedly made a silent expression, and then whispered: "What are you talking about? Be careful! With our nine-layer Qi cultivation base, in the villa, at best, A handyman, do you really consider yourself a disciple of the villa? Remember, don't ask if you shouldn't, don't watch if you shouldn't, let alone talk about it!"


The young boy nodded a little aggrievedly, then did not say a word, followed behind the older boy and went to the other side of the passage.

The words of these two people were heard by the mosquitoes in the air. It seemed to have an idea. Instead of flying around in the underground palace, it fell on the collar of the young boy and followed them to the depths of the underground palace. Away.

The two of them walked about half the time, and the passage in front suddenly opened up. They saw a magnificent hall where more than ten beautiful female nuns danced, laughed and laughed endlessly.

There are dozens of long tables around, full of rare delicacies, amber wine, jasper jewels, golden foot bottles, and jade plates. At each table sits a monk from the Golden Core Realm, who is obviously of a high grade. Monk banquet.

The two boys walked to a wooden table in the corner of the main hall, put down the food and wine on the tray one by one, and then bowed and saluted the monk behind the wooden table before slowly exiting the main hall.

The moment the two turned and left, a mosquito fell from the young boy's body, without disturbing anyone around him, and quietly attached to a wall.

It lay on the wall and looked around, and saw a total of 23 monks in the Golden Core Realm in the main hall, of which there were five in the late Golden Core, seven in the middle Golden Core, and eleven in the early Golden Core.

It's just that these monks are not all of the same force, their seats are scattered, and they don't talk too much to each other.

On the main seat of the main hall, there were three people sitting high. Among them, the man on the left was thin, with dry skin, and looked like he had a serious illness, but he had a deep breath, making it hard to understand.

Sitting in the middle was a man in white robe, handsome and majestic, with a white jade finger on the finger of his left hand, rubbing it twice from time to time, which looked like an extremely precious thing.

As for the man on the right, he was nine feet tall, with a big waist and a big waist. The strangest thing is that this person actually wears a bear head mask, with his fangs turned outward, looking very hideous.

However, the other two seemed to take care of him wearing masks, and they were like old friends for many years.

After drinking for three rounds, the monk wearing the bear head mask suddenly laughed, and said roughly, "Daoist Wushan, congratulations. After today, there will be no nine schools in Wushuang Domain, only you Xuanguang. The villa is big!"

"Haha, Fellow Xiongba, it's too early to talk about this matter. Our task now is to guard the front line here. As for the things on Cangnan Mountain, it is not you and I can control it."

The white-robed man smiled slightly. Although he said "it's too early" in his mouth, his eyes and brows were filled with joy that couldn't be concealed, and he obviously agreed with Xiong Ba's words.

"Huh, the matter on Cangnan Mountain, the Holy Master has already planned. The heads of the Eight Martial Arts, and the palace masters of Wushuang City, can't escape the calculations of his old man. After today, Wushuang City will be greatly injured, and The Nine Martial Schools are also left with you Xuanguang Villa, and the great resources of the entire Wushuang Domain are not all in your bag!"

The short man on the left suddenly spoke. Although he looked sickly, the two people next to him did not dare to neglect. At this time, they nodded in response:

"Friends of the Taoist Spirit Sheep are right. The Holy Master has planned for many years, and today's situation has only existed. The entire Wushuang domain is under the control of his old man. If I only need to act according to the plan, big things can be done!"

After hearing these two people’s compliments to the holy lord, the little man also showed a rare smile, and then said: "I heard that Wushan Daoist had arrested several Wushuang City cultivators not long ago. Among them, there are several others. Sisters with delicate skin and tender flesh? I don't think it will be wasted. Why don't you send it to me to practice Gu?"


The white-robed man hesitated for a while, and said hesitantly: "These monks are all locked in their eyes..."

"Don't worry!" The short man waved his hand and said, "This seat has its own measure. It will leave a breath for these female cultivators, and it will never affect the operation of the magic circle."

"Oh well."

The white-robed man seemed to be very jealous of this person. Although he heard that he was a little unhappy, he nodded and agreed.

He clapped his hands on the seat,

"You two, don't scan the Yaxing of True Monarch Lingyang!"


The two cultivators in the Golden Core Realm understood, and at the same time bowed their hands, turned and headed outside the hall.

Not long after they left the main hall, the mosquitoes that were still stationary suddenly fell on the wall.

The mosquito didn’t know what method it used. The monks in the banquet didn’t notice it, and even though it flew out of the main hall, it followed the two leaving monks and went to the depths of the underground palace... ......

The two of them walked along the tunnel of the underground palace all the way to the bottom of the earth. The surrounding environment was getting darker and darker, and a faint blood could be faintly smelled.

After a stick of incense, the two came to the door of a prison.

The monk guarding the gate seemed to recognize them, and did not go forward to question them, but silently opened the prison gate and put the two men in.

This is a huge prison built on top of a pool of blood. The inside is like a maze of twists and turns. It is surrounded by walls made of white bones. The walls are engraved with all kinds of weird runes and watered with blood. There are many distortions in the corners of the walls. The insects climbed up and down, giving people a gloomy feeling.

The two monks walked in the prison passage for a while, and one of them suddenly asked: "Which people shall we bring up this time?"

Another person smiled and said: "Don't you know that guy from King Gu Mountain? He said it was Gu Refining, but in fact, I wanted to find a few female practitioners to make a cauldron. The appearance must be good, and the cultivation level must not be too low... .... In my opinion, one of the group of Wushuang City monks caught not long ago is not bad, and it just happened to be dedicated to her."

"Yes, that little girl feels itchy when I see it, it's not wrong to mention her!"

The two hit it off, immediately turned around, and walked towards a fork in the Scarlet Prison.

However, not long after they left, a tiny mosquito fell on the ground behind them, and then countless cyan streamers emitted from the mosquito's body, forming a small horned whirlwind.

"what happened?"

The two people walking in front heard the movement and hurriedly turned around and looked back, only to see that the location of the passageway was filled with blue light, and they actually walked out after a while.

This man was in a gray gown, tall and tall, with a green gourd hanging around his waist on the left, and a gray wooden house pinned on his waist on the right.

"Who are you? How did you get in?!"

The expressions of the two changed drastically, and they kept asking, but saw that the man in grey clothes raised his hand, and a silver-white brilliance emerged from nowhere, and gently wrapped around their necks, and suddenly the two heads rolled down. !

The two heads of the monks from Xuanguang Villa rolled on the ground a few times, their eyes widened, it seems that they still don't understand how they died.

"Thank you two for leading the way."

The gray-clothed man had no expression on his face, and casually pinched a magic trick, and put away the two corpses on the ground.

To talk about this man in gray who was transformed from mosquitoes, he is naturally Liang Yan.

Two years ago, he escaped from Lin Yueque's Peach Flower Sword Picture. After returning to his own cave, he was unable to retreat. He lied to the outside world that something went wrong in his cultivation.

I don't know if it was Ning Xia's care. After that, Lin Yueque really didn't send anyone to look for him. What's even more strange was that Ye Mubai seemed to have evaporated, and he never contacted him again.

Although Liang Yan was puzzled in his heart, he was happy to have a peaceful time, so he retired in In the past two years, he did not waste time, but spent all of his time practicing " Because he has the foundation of the first two chapters of the "Dao Sword Classic", the practice of "Fish and Dragon Dance" is also exceptionally smooth. Together with the previous practice time, it lasts for five years, and finally the first level "Seeing the fish in the Yuan" practiced to the realm of Dzogchen.

The so-called "seeing the fish in the abyss" means to cultivate a very special spiritual power in the body, which seems to have its own consciousness, and can perform sword moves with him.

And just when this spiritual power was cultivated to great success, Liang Yan suddenly had a wonderful feeling in his heart. It seemed that in the mountains of Bihai Palace, there was another similar spiritual power that echoed with him!

This sudden discovery surprised Liang Yan. His first reaction was: Is there anyone else in Bihai Palace who has practiced "Fish and Dragon Dance".

But after a while, I discovered that this spiritual power seemed to be different from what I had cultivated, because although this spiritual power was huge, it was disorganized and far less pure than the spiritual power I had cultivated.

"Could it be that there is a problem with his cultivation method?"

This is Liang Yan's first explanation.

He was curious in his heart, and couldn't help sneaking out of the cave, and secretly searched for the past in the direction he felt. When he was outside the cave where the person was, he couldn't help being surprised.

"It's actually him!"

It turns out that this monk who has also practiced "Fish and Dragon Dance" is no one else, but Lin Yueque, the acting palace owner of Bihai Palace!

What a shrewd person Liang Yan is, his mind turned so fast, he figured out the ins and outs of things almost instantaneously. This person obviously had a problem with the cultivation technique. The Peach Flower Sword Diagram back then had hidden murderous intent, perhaps this Palace Master. What I really want is this "Fish and Dragon Dance" exercise in my hands!

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