The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1117: Save people

After Liang Yan discovered that there was another monk who had practiced the "Fish and Dragon Dance" exercises in Bihai Palace, and that this person was Lin Yueque, the deputy master of Bihai Palace, he was naturally surprised.

He did not stay too much outside the Lian Yue Cave, but took advantage of the night to return to his cave.

After returning to the Dongfu, Liang Yan thought about the whole thing carefully, always feeling that he seemed to have made a mistake before.

Back then, Daxiaguo and his entourage had things going very smoothly, but in the end they found that someone had carefully arranged the plan and wanted to kill all the people from Chixiao Academy, Huangquan Palace and Wushuang City.

At that time, he was preconceived and almost believed that Ye Mubai was in the middle of it, because he had disclosed the news of these tasks to the other party a long time ago, so he suspected that he had secretly arranged the game.

Now that I think about it, this matter is actually full of doubts. After I disclosed the news to Ye Mu Bai, he immediately set off for the Great Xia Kingdom. Unless Ye Mu Bai could know the prophet, how could he set up in Xia Kingdom’s captured prince in advance? Get the trap?

"If the whole thing was arranged by Lin Yueque..."

Liang Yan changed his mind and found that in this way, certain things could be explained.

I am now cultivating the first level of "Fish and Dragon Dance" to Consummation, and the spiritual power in my body is so pure that I can sense the existence of Lin Yueque. In turn, when he was just cultivating, the heat was not enough, and the spiritual power in his body was not formed yet, could Lin Yueque also notice him?

He set up an ambush in the mission of the Great Xia Kingdom, in fact, to elicit his true strength, and after confirming the conjecture in his heart, he summoned himself to the cave alone, trapped himself with a peach blossom illusion, just to force the question out of "Fish "Dragon Dance" this exercise?

The more Liang Yan thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, but there were still some doubts in his mind. As the acting palace lord of Bihai Palace and the former eldest disciple of the former palace lord, Lin Yueque had the ability to cross the five obstacles of the tribulation realm, why didn’t he get the "Fish and Dragon Dance" The true story?

And Ye Mubai, an outsider, actually knew the secret grid in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, which was too strange.

"Yemubai............ Who are you on earth?"

Liang Yan murmured to himself, with a touch of complexity in his eyes.

While this person gave him a chance, he also threw a hot potato. Now Lin Yueque is watching him and will never let it go.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan suddenly felt a strange feeling. In the whole thing, he seemed to be a bait, and Lin Yueque was the big fish he was waiting for!

"Could it be......"

With a move in Liang Yan's heart, a conjecture suddenly appeared, secretly surprised.

"If this is the case, then the entire Wushuang City might be implicated..."

He murmured to himself, but didn't go any further, because the whole matter involved too much, he didn't have any evidence, and speculation alone was far from enough.

Regardless of Ye Mubai's identity for the time being, the most important thing now is how to deal with Lin Yueque.

After thinking about it, he always felt that he was not safe. Although he did not know why, the two palace masters of Bihai Palace maintained a delicate balance, but Lin Yueque’s strength was there. As long as time passed, there was always a way. Deal with yourself.

"Rather than just sitting around and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative... If it is what I think, when the three-year period of Taoism is approaching, Lin Yueque will definitely act. I have to take the opportunity to find out his details. !"

Liang Yan made this decision because he has practiced the first level of "Fish and Dragon Dance" to completion.

This technique is mysterious and unpredictable. He has a feeling in the dark, and the situation now seems to have reversed. Only he can clearly sense Lin Yueque's position, while the other party's reaction to him is very vague.

For a period of time afterwards, he had been paying close attention to Lin Yueque's movements, and finally half a month ago, he had left the Lian Yue Cave and came to the valley of Qi Ling Mountain alone.

Since the whole thing was based on his own speculation, and it also involved the two secrets of "Fish and Dragon Dance" and Ye Mubai, Liang Yan did not choose to tell the people in Wushuang City.

Ten days ago, the entire Bihai Palace came out, including the two palace masters Ning Xia and Lin Yueque. They all went to Cangnan Mountain for the Daoist appointment, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Yan also left the cave. Came to Qiling Mountain alone.

Not long after coming here, Liang Yan keenly discovered that there was something tricky in the valley, but the channel in the valley was heavily guarded. If he rushed through it, he would inevitably be discovered.

So he thought of the Secret Technique of Dividing Souls again.

It is strange to say that the "Soul Soul Dividing Technique" obtained from Wuxin came from the Mozu, while the "Soul Dividing Secret Technique" obtained from Qian Yexue is from the Human Race. The two sources are different, but they have the same effect and the same skill.

He compared the two secret techniques with each other and confirmed each other, using the strength of one secret technique to make up for the shortcomings of the other secret technique. The soul separation technique he cultivated was actually much better than the original two secret techniques. .

Liang Yan planted an enchantment in a secret location outside the valley, and attached it to a small mosquito with the mystery of the soul, and entered the valley of the spirits in such a grand manner, whether he encountered a monk or a puppet on the road. , None of them could detect him.

Next is the scene that just happened. He overheard a lot of things in this hall, and then followed the two monks to the prison, using the method of "Soul Dispersion" in the method of "Fighting and Transferring Stars" to transfer his deity and his being sent to the prison. The souls exchanged positions, and then killed the two cultivators who led the way with a single sword.

Liang Yan raised his hand and pinched a magic trick, cleaned up the two corpses on the ground, and secretly released his spiritual sense, and found that the guards outside the prison were still standing guard in place, and did not seem to notice any movement here.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in in the direction the two had just moved forward.

In this prison, there is a **** atmosphere everywhere, and the surrounding white bone walls are also exuding a cold air. If the monks below the Golden Core Realm are locked here, I am afraid that they will be driven crazy soon.

Liang Yan walked along the muddy passage for a while and saw a blood pool in front of him. There seemed to be several figures in the pool, all of which were chained to the pipa bones and limbs and meridians, and the breath was very weak.

One of them was a young scholar with a long sword on his back, and his clothes had already been stained red with blood.

"Brother Cang?!"

There was a hint of surprise in Liang Yan's eyes, because he actually knew this person, and it was Cang Yueming, the so-called "South Sea Swordsman"!

As if hearing his call, the young scholar slowly raised his head, his muddy eyes swept across Liang Yan, instantly revealing a look of surprise.

"Brother were also arrested? Huh? No, why are you not locked by the ‘soul chain’?"

Cang Yueming seemed to understand something, and said in astonishment: "Did you sneak in by yourself? It's impossible. The guards outside are tight. Why didn't you alarm anyone?"

Faced with his series of questions, Liang Yan didn't mean to answer, but directly asked: "Tell me first, how to save you guys."

"Cut off the ‘soul chain’!"

A low voice suddenly sounded from the side, but the person speaking was not Cang Yueming, but a middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe with thick eyebrows and big eyes.


Liang Yan had just put all his attention on Cang Yueming's body, and only then discovered that there were actually two acquaintances beside him, namely Huangfuqi and Mu Hanxue.

"The function of the blood pool is only to absorb our soul essence, and it can't trap us. What really keeps us from getting rid of is actually these ‘soul chains’." Huang Fuqi gasped as he said.

"It's useless!"

Cang Yueming shook her head and said, "These'soul chains' are made of profound iron from the mountain. Even if the seniors of the Profound Realm come, they may not be able to cut them off. Brother Liang, you still don't want to control us. Quickly Leaving here, inform the palace masters on the Cangnan Mountain of Xuanguang Villa's conspiracy, and let them be prepared in advance!"

This person endured the torment of the blood pool, and said something intermittently, looking painful, but still gritted his teeth and said:

"Listen to me... this time in the Cangnan Mountain Covenant, Guwang Mountain actually intervened, and it was they who provoke Wushuang City and the nine major factions... .."

Halfway through Cang Yueming's words, she suddenly saw a blue glow passing by.

Cang Cang Cang!

Before he could figure out what was going on, all the "soul chains" that had been bound to him had all been cut off and fell into the pile of bones by the blood pool.


Cang Yueming regained her freedom, and she couldn't believe it for a while.

" actually cut the'soul chain'? Just now... the one just now was..."

"It's Kenmaru!"

Huangfuqi directly said it for him, and then he said: "I have long seen that Brother Liang is not an ordinary person. Since he has the ability to sneak in here, he will naturally have a way to save us. Brother Liang, please!"

Liang Yan didn't hesitate after hearing this. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, the Mayfly Sword Pill turned into a green glow, instantly cutting off the chains of Huangfuqi and Mu Hanxue.

However, to his surprise, only Huangfuqi and Cang Yueming jumped out of the blood pond, but Mu Hanxue still half-downed his head, standing motionless in the blood pond.

"One step too late, she is completely hopeless."

Huangfuqi shook his head and said: "This blood pool can absorb the essence of human souls. Her cultivation is not as good as ours. She had been sucked up as early as yesterday, leaving only an empty shell."

Seeing that the two were out of danger, Liang Yan finally couldn't help but ask: "Why are you caught here?"

"Because someone wants to provoke the contradiction between Wushuang City and the nine major factions."

Cang Yueming said solemnly, "Gu Wangshan's people have entered the Wushuang domain, secretly arrested Wushuang City and the cultivators of the Nine Schools, and then put the blame on each other. The leader of our team, True Lord Jiying, noticed. It’s a mess, and when we brought us to this place, we were accidentally arrested, so that the entire army was wiped out, and I became a prisoner of the ranks."

"Then here?" Liang Yan asked, pointing to the underground palace above his head.

"It should be an eye of the law formation. They set up a big formation here, covering the entire Cangnan Mountain, and want to kill Wushuang City and the nine major factions in one go."

"What a big ambition!"

Although he had expected it, Liang Yan was still shocked after hearing what Cang Yueming said.

He thought for a while, and then asked, "Are there other cultivators in Wushuang City locked up here?"


Huangfu said in a strange way: "The true monarch of the shadows, like us, was arrested a few days ago. As for the other monks, because they have been imprisoned here for too long, even if they are alive, there is only one body left, walking with corpses. It's no different."

After Liang Yan heard this, he made a decision in an instant, and said in a deep voice: "In this case, we will first rescue Senior Jiying, and then go to the top to destroy the formation eye together. This is also considered to be a contribution to Wushuang City. ."

After Cang Yueming and Huangfuqi heard this, they naturally had no objections.

"I know where the predecessors are locked, you follow me."

Cang Yueming took the lead in leading the way, Liang Yan and Huang Fuqi also followed behind, circled in this dim prison, and came to another pool of blood.

In the blood pool, a tall and thin man with a disheveled hair, the aura he exuded, even though he was in the middle stage of the Tong Profound Realm, was very weak, and he obviously suffered a serious injury.

Like Cang Yueming, Huangfuqi and others, he was also pierced through the pipa bone, and his limbs and meridians were locked.

When he heard footsteps coming from outside the blood pond, the man suddenly raised his head and glanced over with a pair of sharp eyes.

"Senior Jiying, it's us!" Cang Yueming whispered.

"Huh?" The tall and thin man's eyes showed a look of and said: "You two stinky boys, how did you escape?"

Before Cang Yueming and Huangfuqi could answer, the next moment, his eyes were cast on Liang Yan next to him, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"You saved them?"

"It's under."

Liang Yan smiled slightly and didn't talk too much nonsense. He directly raised his hand and patted the Taixu gourd on his waist. The mayfly sword pill shot out, and gently wound on the chain behind Jiying Zhenjun, and the five chains were all caught at the same time. Cut to pieces!

Cang Cang Cang!

The chain fell to the ground, and True Monarch Extreme Shadow regained his freedom and jumped out of the blood pool. The weakened breath suddenly soared, making him look like two people who had been immersed in the blood pool just now.

"As expected of True Monarch Tongxuan!"

Liang Yan secretly praised in his heart, Mu Hanxue has only the body left for the same time that he has been locked up here. Although Cang Yueming and Huangfuqi still retain their consciousness, they are already at the end of the battle.

Only this True Monarch Extreme Shadow can maintain such a strong aura after escaping from the blood pond.

"Is that Kenmaru just now?"

True Monarch Extreme Shadow stood on the edge of the blood pond, looked at the blue pill in mid-air, and narrowed his eyes: "My little friend is not ordinary. He actually became a sword pill with the cultivation base of the golden pill realm. I'm afraid the whole You are the only one in Wushuang Domain!"

"The predecessors are absurd. Now is not the time to talk about this. I still think about how to ruin their eyes and how to escape from here." Liang Yan said lightly.

"Eye of formation..........."

True Monarch Extreme Shadow raised his head and looked at the top of the prison, and slowly said: "As far as I know from the original investigation, the array they arranged is directly above our prison. Once the large array is activated, it will bleed from below. Extract the spirits of the monks from the pool to keep the formation in motion."

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