The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1121: array eyes

In the valley of Qiling Mountain, outside a huge bronze gate, dozens of figures were fighting non-stop.

There are four beasts in the battlefield, namely the blood-feathered peacock, the blue-skinned wild boar, the giant black wolf and the gray-skinned old dog.

These beasts held various weapons such as mace, double knives, and long whips, and they fought together in mid-air.

But if someone observes carefully, they will find that although their movements are sensitive, their eyes are slightly dull when they turn. They don't look like real spirit beasts, but rather like puppets.

In mid-air, the one who was fighting with them was a man in yellow robe.

This man is over half a hundred years old, with a clear face and a flag on his head. Every time he pokes a magic trick in his hand, a dazzling red light shoots out from the flag, which is so powerful that it beats the four beasts almost unstoppably. .

There are still nearly a hundred monks fighting each other on the battlefield. Among them, there are only a dozen monks in the Jindan realm, and most of the rest are in the gathering yuan realm.

The defending side was obviously at a disadvantage. The four leading beasts were beaten to the point of being unable to fight back. The rest of the group were also losing ground. Now they are backed by the giant bronze gate, and it looks like they will be breached soon.

On the other end of the battlefield, two people stood with their hands behind their backs.

One of them was a middle-aged man, wearing a gray-white robe with a sword slung around his waist, with a stern demeanor. The other was an elderly man with white hair and beard, and a majestic face.

"The 'Beast God Spirit Beast' of Xuanguang Villa really lives up to its reputation. These four organ puppets have joined hands to fight with your fourth uncle for so long. It seems that their puppet skills do have some ways." The old man stroked his long beard. Nodding slightly.

"Hmph, it's not going to be a good climate! If I meet you, just cut it off with one sword!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, looking a little disapproving.

"Nephew Kuangsheng, although you are talented, but your disposition is still too upright. It must be known that we, such as those who cultivate true self-cultivation, must give three points of effort in everything, instead of ignorantly fighting bravely, advancing but not retreating. Learn from your fourth uncle and see how he fights." The white-bearded old man persuaded earnestly.

While the two were talking, they heard a "Boom!", but the giant bronze door slowly opened from the inside.

Dozens of escaping lights rushed out from the door, and everyone's breath was above the Golden Core Realm, and the two leading them had the cultivation of the Profound Opening Realm.

These two people are Wushan and Lingyang who came from the main hall!

That Lingyang Zhenjun led a group of Jindanjing subordinates to set up a battle at the door, while Wushan Zhenjun fixed his eyes on the battlefield.

"It turned out to be Situ Fei!"

As a local cultivator in the Unparalleled Domain, Wushan Jushi naturally recognized the identity of the person who was fighting with the "beast **** puppet" at a glance.

He glanced back again, and saw the middle-aged Jianxiu and the white-bearded old man on the other side of the battlefield.

"Situ Kuangsheng, Situ Yun! You are here too!" The Wushan layman narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "Our Xuanguang Villa and the Situ family have always kept water from the well, but what kind of wind is blowing today, and the Situ family's The three Tongxuan True Monarchs came to my small temple?"

After Situ Yun heard this, he sneered and said, "I think this Qiling Valley is not the site of your Xuanguan Villa, so you are allowed to do some shady deeds here, and you are not allowed to go in and have a look?"

"Situ Yun!"

The Wushan lay sternly shouted: "You must be the enemy of our Xuanguang Villa?"

"Hmph, your Xuanguang Villa colluded with foreign forces in an attempt to plot the unparalleled city and subvert the great situation of the unparalleled territory. Naturally, our Situ family cannot sit idly by!"

Situ Yun's words were righteous, but his eyes were inadvertently glanced at Situ Kuangsheng beside him.

To say that he came this time, it was really not for the stability of Wushuangyu, but simply because of this nephew in front of him.

The cause of the whole thing started ten days ago. After Liang Yan discovered Lin Yueque's strange whereabouts, he became suspicious of Lin Gongzhu. When he left Wushuang City and went to Cangnan Mountain to make an appointment, He also secretly left the Bihai Palace and came to the Qiling Valley to investigate.

On the way, he notified Situ Kuangsheng with the messenger he had asked for back then, and asked him to come to support him.

Later, Liang Yan overheard the secret of the array eye in the valley hall, and had a plan in his heart. He used the messenger to notify Situ Kuangsheng, and let him feint outside to create chaos, and he took the opportunity to destroy the array eye.

His original intention was to let Situ Kuangsheng create some conflicts at the door, as long as he could attract one of the three Tongxuan True Monarchs in the hall, but he didn't expect that Situ Kuangsheng was not alone at all.

This person is a genius that has been rare in the family for thousands of years. In just four hundred years, he has become a True Monarch Tongxuan, and he is still practicing the most difficult swordsmanship. The current head of the Situ family has no heirs, and there are no disciples. Seeing that the deadline is approaching, if there is no accident, Situ Kuangsheng will be the next head of the family!

In addition, the high-ranking elder Situ Qing was also very close to Situ Kuangsheng, so the rest of the family tried their best to have a good relationship with Situ Kuangsheng.

The reason why this time is so laborious is because of Situ Kuangsheng's words: To repay Liang Yan's life-saving grace!

After Situqing found out, he didn't ask much, and immediately sent two clan elders to help. That Situ Yun and Situ Fei were his second uncle and fourth uncle respectively, both of whom were in the middle stage of Tongxuan Realm. In order to curry favor with this nephew, he also took the initiative to ask Ying to help.

After listening to Situ Yun's words, the monk Wushan glanced at the surrounding battlefield, and said with a sneer, "It seems that your Situ family is determined to go into this troubled water. Well, I will come to teach you today. The magical powers of the Situ family!"

As soon as the words fell, the man raised his hand and patted the storage bag at his waist. Dozens of spiritual lights flew out, gradually growing in size in mid-air, showing his body shape, and it was actually more than ten wooden puppets.

At the same time, Layman Lingyang smiled strangely, waving his sleeves and robes, and small black auras constantly flew out of it.

These black auras swarmed like mosquitoes, emitting a stench wherever they passed. Not long after rushing into the battlefield, they turned the nearest Situ monks into a pile of dead bones.

"Death to the thief!"

Situ Yun and Situ Kuangsheng were frightened and angry, and without any hesitation, one sacrificed the flying sword, the other sacrificed the bronze bell, and ran towards the Wushan layman and the Lingyang layman respectively......

At the same time when the war started outside the cave, deep in the underground palace, in a dark cave.

Liang Yan, Cang Yueming, Huangfu Qi, and True Monarch Jiying walked side by side. Among them, Cang Yueming and Liang Yan's flying swords had already been unsheathed. Outside the hole behind them, there were a lot of corpses lying in disorder, looking at their clothes and dressing up. , they should all be disciples of Xuanguang Villa.

"The guards here are so strict. According to the information we have investigated before, it should be the eye of the formation." True Monarch Jiying said with great certainty.

"In that case, let's speed up. Those three people are a little troublesome right now, so they shouldn't care about us here." Liang Yan smiled slightly.

Not long ago, Situ Kuangsheng led the attack, and the entire underground palace was shaken by the aftermath of the spell. Liang Yan naturally knew what was going on outside. Perfect timing for the eyes.

After listening to Cang Yueming, Huangfuqi and the others, they nodded at the same time, forcibly suppressed the injuries in their bodies, and accelerated their pace towards the depths of the cave.

After half a cup of tea, everyone came to the innermost part of the cave.

There is a deep pool here, the water is bright red, and countless **** auras emerge from the bottom of the pool and fly to an altar above.

The altar was pitch-black and built on a nine-leaf lotus platform. The petals and leaves of the lotus platform were scarlet. With the influx of blood around, the petals were still expanding and shrinking, as if they were breathing.

At the very center of the altar was a black cauldron with green smoke rising from the lid, and there were nine fist-sized holes around it. Numerous worms crawled in and out of those holes, looking very infiltrating.

"What is this?"

Liang Yan couldn't understand, so he couldn't help but ask.

Although he is proficient in formation, all he has learned is the collection of books in the Yixing Pavilion.

Although he traveled all over the world and gained a lot of knowledge, he also participated in research together with the sect master of Qingyu Sect for several years, but the formation techniques he was proficient in were still very limited.

Liang Yan didn't know much about the formations above the Golden Core Realm, and he didn't know much about this kind of formation that could calculate the cultivators in the Tribulation Realm.

True Monarch Jiying stared at this altar for a long time, but also couldn't see any way, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"What is the origin of this altar? If it is said that it is a formation eye, why can't there be any trace of the operation of the lattice method? If it is not a formation eye, then why is this place guarded so tightly, and the power of the soul absorbed in the underground prison is all Sent here?"

"Senior also doesn't recognize this formation?"

Liang Yan was a little surprised, thought for a while and then said: "Since everyone doesn't know each other, then we don't have to get to the bottom of it. In short, it's right to destroy it first."


Cang Yueming nodded, and when he pinched the magic formula in his hand, Mo Xuanjian turned into a black light and slashed towards the black altar with a sword.


With a muffled sound, Mo Xuanjian slashed on the cauldron of the altar, and was blown away by a circle of black light.

"This altar actually ruined part of my Feijian's spirituality!"

Cang Yueming's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly put away the flying sword, checked it carefully for a while, then raised his hand to play a few tricks, put the flying sword in the sheath, and did not dare to use it again.

"Wait for this seat to try it out."

True Monarch Jiying's face was solemn, he raised his hand and patted it in the air, only to see aura rushing from all around him, gathering into a silver spear in his palm, the tip of the spear flickering coldly, facing the altar above.

"go with!"

True Monarch Jiying let out a low voice, and shot the spear in his hand, a little cold light like a star in the sky, stabbing straight at the altar in the sky.


With a crisp sound, the spear condensed by the spiritual energy stabbed on the lotus platform, splashing a little spark, and then a colorful worm crawled out from the bottom of the lotus platform, swallowing the spear!


True Monarch Jiying's complexion changed greatly. You must know that although he was injured, he had the usual seven-success power in that magical power just now, but it was actually swallowed by a bug in this lotus platform. .

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded:

"It's useless, this is the 'Daluotian Three Kings Formation' of Gu King Mountain. The formation's eyes are guarded by seven-rank Gu insects, and they are not afraid of water, fire, swords, and weapons. Unless they are cultivators of the Tribulation Realm, it is impossible to break through them with supernatural powers. "

Hearing this voice, Liang Yan and the others were stunned for a moment, and turned their heads almost at the same time, only to see that the person who spoke was Huangfu Qi, who was walking all the way.

"Fellow Daoist Huangfu, do you recognize this formation?" Cang Yue asked curiously.

"I heard a little." Huangfu Qi nodded.

"Then according to what you just said, isn't there no way to destroy the eyes?" Cang Yueming asked again.

"It's not completely impossible..."

Huangfuqi looked up at the altar above, and said lightly: "There is a magic weapon below, which can be cracked with my secret technique. It's just that the cracking process is very long, and it can't be disturbed in the middle, otherwise all previous efforts will be lost, Even I will be After Liang Yan, Cang Yueming, and True Monarch Jiying heard this, they looked at each other and saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

You must know that True Monarch Jiying is at the Tongxuan Realm, and even he can't do anything about this formation, while Huangfu Wizard is only at the Jindan Realm, but he says he can crack this formation.

After being silent for a while, True Monarch Jiying took a step forward and said solemnly: "Huangfuqi, you can just do it with confidence. We will definitely defend this place with all our might, so that you will not be disturbed in the slightest."


Huangfu Qi nodded, without hesitation, he raised his hand and waved his sleeve, and a square seal flew out from the sleeve. It was carved with dragons and phoenixes, inlaid with gold and jade, and looked extremely luxurious.

His face was serious, and as soon as he pinched the magic formula in his hand, the seal rushed into the air, and a faint glow appeared around him.

Where the seal passed, all kinds of Gu insects flew from the altar, and they all wanted to stop them, but they were bounced off by the faint glow.

Huangfuqi sat cross-legged on the bank below the altar, his eyes were slightly closed, and the magic tricks in his hands were constantly in motion. If the seal on that side was spiritual, it flickered and moved in mid-air, avoiding several black lights from the altar, and finally "Crack!" With a bang, it was placed on the top cover of the furnace.

Liang Yan observed it for a long time, only to feel that the seal on that side was very mysterious, and could not help but secretly said in his heart:


In fact, he had been suspicious of Huangfuqi for a long time. He always felt that this person was hiding a lot of secrets. Now that he saw his methods, he finally verified the conjecture in his heart.

But then again, everyone who joins Wushuangcheng has their own secrets, and as long as others don't offend him, Liang Yan certainly won't care about others.

What's more, this Huangfuqi was caught just now.

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