The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1122: hold fast

In the cold and damp cave, Huangfuqi sat cross-legged and muttered words.

As his magic tricks continued to change, the glow on the seal in the mid-air also changed colors.

Under the seal, the cauldron was swaying, and there seemed to be something restless in it. It wanted to rush out of the cauldron, but was suppressed by the seal, so that it was impossible to escape.

Huangfuqi's eyes were slightly closed. At this time, he was completely settled, and he did not pay attention to everything around him. He only kept running the secret technique, urging the magical seal on the cauldron.

As the brilliance on the seal became more and more intense, strands of filaments differentiated and drilled into the gap along the furnace cover.

Bang bang bang!

The cauldron swayed even more, and the nine-leaf lotus platform below also twisted and shrunk the flowers and leaves. It seemed that this eye had its own mind and was experiencing great pain at the moment.

Liang Yan, Cang Yueming, and True Monarch Jiying guarded three positions by the pool, protecting Huangfu Qi in the middle. enemy.

After half a cup of tea, I suddenly heard the sound of breaking the air, followed by a flash of light that cut through the dark space, and came to the crowd in an instant.


The person who came was a tall man with a bear-head mask on his head. Before he came, he obviously didn't expect someone else to be here, so he let out a light sigh.

But immediately, the pupils behind his mask shrank suddenly, and all his eyes were focused on Liang Yan.

"It's you!"

There was a trace of deep fear in the tone of the masked man.

Liang Yan was also a little surprised, glanced at him, and said lightly: "Xiong Ba, I didn't expect you to come down to check the array. It seems that the two of us are also destined."

In the battle of Fanghu Xiangu, Liang Yan and Xiong Ba fought hundreds of tricks, and there was no winner. Finally, Nan Tianxing and others arrived, and Xiong Ba and Ya Liu had no choice but to retreat, and the battle was not over. .

Now that the two of them meet again, although Xiong Ba is very jealous of him, he also has a raging fighting spirit.

"Good boy, in the first battle, you, a junior in the Jindan realm, could actually push me to such a point. I have been restless for the past five years, thinking day and night, how can I cut you open? The anger in my heart!"

Listening to Xiong Ba's gnashing teeth, Liang Yan smiled softly.

"Senior Jiying, you are still injured, leave this person to me. Please also protect your fellow Daoist Huangfu, and don't let him be disturbed in any way."

After Liang Yan finished speaking, without waiting for him to answer, he stepped forward and stopped in front of Xiong Ba.


True Monarch Jiying looked hesitant. He wanted to say, "The other party is in the middle stage of Tongxuan. How can you be a cultivator in the Jindan realm?", but after thinking about it, it is the boy in the Jindan realm in front of him. The "soul chain" can be cut off, and it seems that it cannot be solved with common sense.

After hesitating for a moment, True Monarch Jiying nodded and said, "Don't be stubborn, little friend. If you find that you are lost, withdraw immediately and wait for the old man to fight side by side with you."

"Don't worry, Liang won't do anything to give him death in vain, and the senior can still recover from his injuries with peace of mind."

Liang Yan turned his back to him, waved his hand, and then said no more, and focused his eyes and attention on Xiong Ba in front of him.

The two are facing each other at a distance, one is fighting with high spirits, the other is calm.

Xiong Ba felt the opponent's contempt, and couldn't hold it any longer. With a loud roar, his aura instantly soared, and he rushed straight to Liang Yan.

Before he got close to Liang Yan, he raised his hand and slapped the top door, the spiritual power in his body was running rapidly, and a giant bear dharma was instantly condensed above his head.

This giant bear has three heads and six arms, and its strength is extremely terrifying. The last time they fought, one of the bear heads was cut off by Liang Yan with a mayfly sword pill.

Xiong Ba is well aware of Liang Yan's strength, so this time he used his unique skills as soon as he came up, and he must go all out to kill him here.

Seeing this, Liang Yan squinted his eyes, and his face was not panic at all.

He lightly patted the Taixu gourd on his waist, and instantly a green pill flew out of it, flashing one after another in midair. Bear Faxiang comes.

This green pill is inconspicuous in the dark cave, but in Xiong Ba's eyes, it is no less than a flood and beast.

However, he has a belligerent temperament. Although there is fear in his eyes, he is more manic.

"Hey, just Jianwan, don't want to hurt me again!"

Xiong Ba roared angrily, and a powerful force erupted from his body. The giant bear Dharma slapped six punches in mid-air, and each punch had the momentum of a tsunami.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Six huge explosions came, and the entire underground palace began to shake violently.

"Protect Huangfuqi!"

True Monarch Jiying was terrified from the back. He was so strong and powerful that even in his heyday, he might not be able to beat him, not to mention that he was seriously injured, and it would be difficult to even escape.

However, he had made a promise before that he would guard Huangfu Qi no matter what. At this moment, he naturally couldn't escape, he could only use his supernatural powers to protect him with Cang Yueming to prevent the aftermath of the spell from hurting Huangfu Qi.


In the dark night, a blue glow pierced through the sky, and the tsunami-like fist strength could not stop it at all, and could only watch this blue glow fall on the body of the giant bear.

In the azure glow, a pill spun around, and the boundless sword energy was only condensed into a single point. Although this point was small, it seemed to cut everything.


I just heard a scream, and the hundred-zhang-high giant bear dharma was crossed by this little bit of green light, and the two huge heads rolled off the neck and fell to the ground with a loud "Boom!" It turned into a puff of blue smoke and dissipated in the pit.

Xiong Ba's eyes were red, and he screamed again and again, as he stepped back, his hands fluttered.

"Impossible, impossible! I have experienced the power of your sword pill. It has only been five years, why is it so much stronger than last time!"

Xiong Ba's face was full of disbelief. You must know that the last time Fanghu Xiangu fought, he used the punch from the giant bear to forcefully take Liang Yan's sword pill. is indistinguishable.

This time, he also thought that he could block the opponent's Jianwan with his fist strength, just like the last time, but he didn't expect that it was this idea that made him fall into the abyss of doom.

Liang Yan sneered in his heart, and didn't answer his question at all. Instead, he used the sword trick to control Jian Wan, and slashed at Xiong Ba's head with a sword.

Since he practiced the "Fish and Dragon Dance" exercise, a strange spiritual power has developed in his body. This spiritual power seems to have his own mind, like another self who was born for the sword and lives for the sword.

Now, what seems to be an ordinary sword, is not he alone, but two at the same time. The power of the sword pill is no longer the same.

In mid-air, the Mayfly Sword Pill pierced through the darkness, as if a little innate light fell from the sky, and instantly came to the top of Xiong Ba's head.

At the juncture of crisis, Xiong Ba's pupils shrank suddenly, and the potential of his whole body burst out, and he directly blew the giant bear above his head.


Qingmaru fell, and the chaotic spiritual power around was split by a sword!

Xiong Ba never dreamed that he tried his best, even at the expense of self-destruction, but he still couldn't stop Liang Yan's sword!

His eyes were full of horror, and what was reflected in his pupils was only a little green glow in the darkness...

The next moment, Qingmaru landed on top of his head.

A ray of light flashed, and Xiong Ba was split into two halves by a sword, and then Qingmaru went back and forth, stirring up his two wreckage, and instantly vanished into ashes!

At this moment, the masked man with a bloodthirsty streak who used to slaughter candidates in Fanghu Immortal Valley has finally died under Liang Yan's sword.

I'm afraid he didn't want to understand until he died, why there would be such a big change in the past five years!

Liang Yan slashed Xiong Ba with one sword, and was quite satisfied with the results of his five-year cultivation.

In fact, with Xiong Ba's strength, if he was a little more cautious, if he wanted to kill the opponent, he would have to go beyond a hundred strokes.

But he was preconceived, thinking that he would be able to fight the mayfly sword pill with the same strength as five years ago, so that Liang Yan broke his giant bear dharma.

Liang Yan is the kind of person who takes the lead in one move, and has to press hard every step of the way. When Xiong's eight laws were broken, he went straight to Huanglong without giving his opponent a chance to breathe. In the end, he ended the opponent with a sword.

After beheading Xiong Ba, Liang Yan raised his hand and took his storage ring, which was inconvenient to view at this time, and threw it directly into his sleeve.

The True Monarch Jiying and Cang Yueming behind him were stunned.

Xiong Batangtang, a cultivator in the middle stage of Tongxuan, and not that kind of general, is a strong man who can compete with cultivators of the same rank in the Twelve Cities, but was actually killed by a sword cultivator in the Jindan realm?

Before Cang Yueming's mind turned around, the only thing he could think about was one sentence:

"Is this the power of Jian Xiu?"

True Monarch Jiying took a deep breath, took a deep look at Liang Yan, and said, "Little friend is really inscrutable... No, it should be 'Liang Daoyou'. Yes.... Bihai Palace has a character like you, and it will definitely shine in the future."

"Senior Jiying said it's far away."

Liang Yan took the sword pills, turned around and said lightly, "Today is the catastrophe of the peerless domain. It is still unknown if we can survive today, what about the future?"

After listening to True Monarch Jiying, he nodded lightly, and then turned his attention to the altar in mid-air.

I saw that on the top cover of the pitch-black cauldron, the big yellow seal was shaking constantly, and countless rays of light flew out from under the seal and kept drilling into the cauldron.

Inside the cauldron, there were also bursts of black energy, which seemed to be confronting the glow from the seal on that side.

The two sides continued to fight, sometimes the black qi burst out of the cauldron, rushing up to the big seal; sometimes the ray of light suppressed the black qi and re-entered the cauldron, which was the inextricable battle.

Looking at that Huangfu Qi again, blood was oozing from the seven orifices, and the corners of his mouth were twitching, as if he was fighting against some kind of power.

Seeing this, Cang Yueming couldn't bear it, and was about to step forward to ask, but was grabbed by Liang Yan.

"You forgot what Daoist Huangfu said before? The process of cracking the eye must not be disturbed, otherwise it will be backlashed. Not only can you not help him in the past, but you will harm him."

After listening to Liang Yan's words, Cang Yueming took back the steps he had taken, and said helplessly, "Then what should we do, just watch the blood of Daoist Huangfu lose?"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Huangfu is not a fool. When he really can't hold on, he will naturally give up. What we have to do is to keep this place and not let anyone interfere with him." Liang Yan spoke slowly. road.


Cang Yueming is not confused either. After listening to Liang Yan's analysis, he naturally knew that he was reckless just now.

No matter what happens to Huangfuqi, as long as he doesn't ask for help, all he can do is stick to it and prevent him from giving up.


Cang Yueming nodded and returned to his position without Liang Yan pulling him.

The three of them were vigilant about their surroundings. After another hour, they heard a muffled sound. The cauldron on the altar began to sway from side to side, and a large area of ​​black gas was like a defeated army, escaping from the gap of the cauldron. When it came out, it instantly dissipated in the air.

At the same time, the blood-colored lotus platform below began to wither and wither. Pieces of petals fell from the lotus During this period, colorful worms were mixed, and they looked like they were running for their lives, and they rushed into the deep. in the pool.

"It seems that Huangfuqi really did it!"

Seeing the vision on the altar, Ji Ying Zhenren's eyes showed excitement.

Liang Yan and Cang Yueming naturally understood that the black qi of the cauldron had collapsed, and the lotus pedestal had withered.

Although Huangfuqi suffered a lot, but with the help of that rare treasure in mid-air, now he is almost done!

"The eye of the formation is broken here, and the conspiracy that Gu Wangshan has planned for many years has come to nothing. All of you present today are the first ones, especially Huangfu Qi and Liang Yan. When I go back, I will definitely report to Wushuang City, Give you the rewards you deserve!" Jiying Zhenren seemed to have seen the scene of a few people returning home in triumph, and couldn't help laughing.

However, just as he finished speaking, on the other side of the cave, a voice said coldly:

"You really deserve the reward, but you don't have to wait to go back and report it, I can give you the reward now."

This voice was cold and strange, but when it fell into the ears of Liang Yan, Cang Yueming, and True Monarch Jiying, they felt very familiar.

The three of them looked at each other at the same time, only to see a figure walking slowly from the darkness in the direction of the entrance of the cave.

"It's you!"

Liang Yan exclaimed in surprise.

The visitor is seven feet tall, with sword-like eyebrows and star-shaped eyes, wearing a set of blue robes, and his demeanor is calm and unrestrained.

"You made me find it so hard!"

Lin Yueque turned her head slightly and smiled strangely at Liang Yan.

------off topic-----

Thanks: 5,000 Coins for the 5,000-point reward of the Donggou layman! Thanks: 200 coin rewards for the dusty wandering outside!

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