The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1216: break the enemy

The giant stone sword held the long mace and the long whip, and the two felt a huge force rushing towards them at the same time.


After a loud bang, the two flew back at the same time, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out in the air, dyeing their magic weapon red.

Liang Yan forced the two monks back with a single sword, but the bamboo stick and wicker behind him had been calling silently.

A whirlwind of sheep's horns appeared out of thin air behind him. Looking closely, he saw the sword energy in the whirlwind, as if a **** mouth full of fangs was biting at the bamboo stick and wicker.

"Hurry up!"

The two sneak attack cultivators were taken aback and hurriedly controlled the magic weapon to get out of the sword vortex.

Among them, the cultivator who caught the wicker used his supernatural powers silently, and a large green glow appeared on the wicker, and there were countless vines, branches and leaves in the glow, just like a wood-attribute enchantment, which instantly enveloped Liang Yan in it.

"Trapped him!" The cultivator was excited and couldn't help shouting.

However, before he finished speaking, the whole person froze in place.

I saw that in the emerald green barrier, Liang Yan's sword energy vortex suddenly soared, from the size of three feet at the beginning, to the size of the current one hundred feet in an instant.

A violent whirlwind rose from the ground, as if a sharp sword soared into the sky, stabbing straight up to the dome of the enchantment!

brush! brush! brush!

In the whirlwind, countless sword qi roared and roared, like the sharp teeth of beasts, constantly tearing at the emerald green barrier.

With just a few breaths of effort, the barrier that the cultivator finally constructed was pierced through the sky by this gust of wind!

"He broke my barrier!"

The cultivator who used the wicker couldn't hold on any longer, and spat out a mouthful of blood. When the other cultivator saw this, he hurriedly twisted his body, spanned a hundred feet, and hit Liang Yan with the bamboo stick in his hand!

This bamboo stick may seem ordinary, but in fact it has a lot of history. It is a magical weapon made of "sea-swallowing bamboo" mixed with "baizhangsha". Kill the spirituality of the magic weapon.

As long as it is swept away by this bamboo stick, any magic weapon will lose three points of its power. If the deity is hit, the spiritual power in the body will be like opening the gate to release water, and most of it will be sucked out in an instant.

Liang Yan just condensed the wind into a sword, breaking the barrier of the wicker monk, and saw the bamboo stick swept towards him, but his face remained unchanged, still standing in the same place, letting the bamboo stick point on his body.


The cultivator never imagined that he would succeed so easily, and his face couldn't help showing a hint of consternation.

The next moment, he felt a huge spiritual force rushing out from the opponent's body, and it was all sucked in by the bamboo stick.

"Haha! Do you care too much? You can be as strong as you are! I am a divine weapon created by the 'Sea Swallowing Divine Bamboo'.

The monk with the bamboo stick laughed wildly, as if he had seen Liang Yan's fate.

"Oh? It turns out that this is the 'Sea Swallowing Divine Bamboo'... It's indeed a bit extraordinary."

A faint voice came from the opposite side, without a trace of anger.

The monk holding the bamboo stick was taken aback and looked up, only to see that although the man in gray was madly sucking his spiritual power by the bamboo stick, he seemed to be nothing, and his expression was extremely indifferent.

"You, you, why are you okay?!"

"It's just a little trick."

Liang Yan shook his head, and suddenly the ground cracked with force.

Xuanyuan Lingwei and the others immediately looked at him, and saw a black-clothed cultivator stepped on by him in the cracks in the ground. It was the shadow guard Fan Zuo who had disappeared before!

It's just that Fan Zuo was dying at this time, his face was as pale as paper, and he was holding a dagger surrounded by black energy in his right hand. Obviously, he planned to attack Liang Yan from the ground, but he was restrained by the other party unexpectedly.

"What about his spiritual power?"

The cultivator with the bamboo stick suddenly understood something, pointed at Liang Yan, and his words were incoherent.

"You...he...I'm not sucking your spiritual power!"


Liang Yan didn't answer, just hooked his left foot and kicked Fan Zuo over.

Poor Fan Zuo at this time, there was no spiritual power in his body, and the meridians in his whole body were broken by Liang Yan again.


There was a loud noise, and Fan Zuo's body slammed into the bamboo stick cultivator, making the latter dizzy and flying backwards.

At the same time, the sword of the ancient tree in the distance also began to rotate suddenly, and countless leaves turned into sharp blades and flew out, killing those tadpoles and insects one by one, while the ancient tree itself erupted with hundreds of cyan swords. The yingbai jade hand holding the tree trunk was riddled with holes.

"Let go!"


The cultivator holding the jade board and the cultivator holding the writing brush both turned pale, drank lowly in their mouths, took their magical powers and retreated sharply! It was not until he was more than a hundred feet away from the sword of the ancient tree that he stopped with lingering fears......

This series of fights is a long story, but in fact only a moment's effort has passed.

Liang Yan used the power of the sword baby, turned trees into swords, gathered stones into swords, and condensed wind into swords. With tree swords, stone swords, and wind swords, he broke the joint siege of the seven sages of the bamboo forest, and even killed one in his spare time. Shadow Guard who wants to sneak attack!

At this moment, the faces of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest were extremely terrified!

You must know that the person on the opposite side is only a mid-stage Tong Xuan cultivation base, and among the seven people on your side, the worst one is also in the middle stage of Tong Xuan.

What's even more terrifying is that this person has not moved a step up to now, he has always stood in the same place, and he has not even offered a magic weapon. The magic power of the seven people was broken by raising his hands and feet. This method is really incredible!

"Who is he?"

Among the Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest, the person holding the seal was the eldest. At this time, his face was full of horror, and he secretly asked his six brothers through voice transmission.

"I don't know, his realm is clearly Tongxuan realm, but his strength can match the ancestors of the transformation realm!"

"Why have I never heard of such a strange person beside the sixth princess?"

The seven sages were talking a lot. At this time, there was no arrogance and arrogance at all. Instead, they took a step back at the same time, and they all looked like they were facing a great enemy.

Xuanyuan Lingwei, Zheng Gongbu and Tan Youli were also secretly surprised when they saw this scene.

"It's only been a month since he hasn't seen him, and his cultivation has improved again?!"

"That's right, so far, he hasn't used a flying sword yet. He just turns it into a sword and can defeat the famous 'Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest'!"

"His strength is unfathomable, and the city is very deep. Fortunately, it is from our side, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable..."

The seven sages in the bamboo forest who were fighting the magic naturally couldn't hear the secret voice transmission of the few people. Although Liang Yan was still standing still, they seemed to be facing a flood and beast, and everyone was extremely nervous.

"Everyone, it seems that today is a kick to the iron plate. This person's strength is beyond imagination. Only by making that move together can we have a chance to restrain him!"

The cultivator holding the writing brush gave a low drink, and after listening to the other six people, although their faces showed hesitation, they all nodded in the end.

I saw the seven sages of the bamboo forest each tossing the magic weapon in their hands into the air. The brush, jade board, seal, long mace, long whip, bamboo stick, and wicker released seven rays of different colors in the air, like seven huge umbrella covers. The entire Luofeng Temple is shrouded in it.

"It's the 'Seven Sages Executing Demon Array'!"

Xuanyuan Lingwei seemed to have thought of something, and murmured: "It is said that this formation was created by their joint efforts. As long as the seven people can work together, the power exerted is enough to trap the cultivators in the Tribulation Realm! But they never used this formation. I always thought it was a rumor, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today!"

Although she spoke seriously, her face was calm, and there was not even a trace of worry in her eyes.

At this moment, in the mid-air, seven rays of light converged upward, and finally condensed into a colorful puppet that was ten feet high.

This puppet's eyes are agile, like a living person, and the aura in the body has already reached the realm of calamity transformation!


The puppet opened its mouth and made a buzzing sound, and suddenly separated seven arms from behind, grabbed the air, and grabbed the brush, jade board, seal, long mace, long whip, bamboo stick, wicker all in their hands, and some went to Liang Yan. There were calls from the top of the head, and some stabbed him in the chest.

Under the control of this puppet, the seven magical treasures seem to have been reborn, each with overwhelming strength, and the power is several times greater than before!

"I see."

Liang Yan didn't change his expression, glanced outside the circle, and saw that the seven sages of the bamboo forest were lining up at the moment, everyone put their palms upward, and poured their own spiritual power into the circle continuously. Obviously, the mana of the seven people is used to maintain the spiritual power consumption of the puppet.


Just as he squinted his eyes, seven magical treasures were already flying at the same time under the control of the magic circle puppet.


Liang Yan snorted coldly, and with a single pinch, a cold white light flashed out of the Taixu gourd!

This white light ignored the puppet in front of him, but flew towards the formation barrier, and in just an instant, it broke through the outer wall of the barrier and came to the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest.

"How can it be?!"

The boss of the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest saw this scene in his eyes, but he didn't have time to react. He was the closest, only to feel the cold sword energy in the white light, with boundless killing intent. The right half of the body was smashed to pieces!


When only half of the body was left, this man reacted, half of his face was horrified, and he could no longer care about maintaining the "Seven Sages Killing Demons" formation, and the primordial spirit flew out of the body in a panic.

Without his mana support, "Seven Sages and Demon Slayer" could no longer be maintained, and shattered in mid-air, and even the tall puppet holding the Seven Treasures disappeared without a trace...


The seven sages of the bamboo forest, the seven people are of one mind, seeing the eldest suffer this great disaster, the other six people's faces changed dramatically.

One of them hurriedly took out a loess jar from the storage ring, opened the seal of the altar, and shouted loudly, "Boss, come to my 'soul raising altar'!"

The primordial spirit was originally extremely weak, but when the "Soul Raising Altar" was opened, he immediately went into the jar.

But how could Liang Yan give him this chance? I saw the magic trick in his hand, and the fixed lightsaber drew an arc in the air, turned its direction, and chased after the primordial spirit!

In today's Taixu Hulu, both the Zilei and Heilian swords are being re-trained.

In the silver sword light, the murderous aura is fierce, and the sword intent is surging. Although it is only a sword gang, its power is already stronger than that of ordinary sword pills!


The flying sword pierced through the sky, and instantly caught up with the escaped Yuanshen. Seeing that this sword was about to kill him, the void beside him suddenly trembled.

After a while, a ring containing the power of wind and fire burst out from the oblique thorn and hit the fixed light sword!


With a crisp sound, the fixed lightsaber, which was originally murderous and unstoppable, was knocked upside down and flew back!

However, the ring was not easy. It was slashed by the fixed lightsaber, and a small crack appeared in the ring. The originally very strong power of wind and fire also shrank inward, and it seemed that a lot of spirituality was lost.

"Hmph, after watching the play for so long, it's time to come out?"

Liang Yan didn't seem to be surprised by the appearance of the ring, he sneered in his mouth, swept his eyes around, and finally landed in a void a hundred feet away.


With a burst of hearty laughter, the void rippled, and a familiar figure slowly appeared after a while.

"Liang Yan, Liang Yan, we meet again!"

The visitor is seven feet tall, with a jade tree facing the wind, wearing a light blue Confucian robe fluttering in the wind, it is the Confucian **** general, Ling Chongxiao!

"You are still so cautious, you sensed my breath just now, right? You just haven't confirmed my position, so you don't have to use all your strength?"


Liang Yan sneered and said lightly, "It's not worth my sword to deal with this 'Bamboo Forest Seven Stupid', but it's a little troublesome for you to keep hiding in the dark... If you don't show up, I will Kill all these 'Bamboo Forest Seven Stupid' one by one, then it will be up to you to save or not!"

When he said these words, everyone present, except Ling Chongxiao, all looked at each other in dismay. The seven people who were scolded were naturally full of indignation, while Xuanyuan Lingwei and the others had strange expressions on their faces.

You must know that although the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest are civil officials, their own strength is not bad, and the seven are good at joint strikes, and they are also famous in Xuanyuan City.

Now, being named "Seven Stupid" by a cultivator of the same realm is simply a great shame!

However, this person's strength is extremely high, and he has reached an unimaginable level. Even if he speaks wildly, these seven people can only swallow their anger, and no one dares to refute Seeing that everyone around is being swayed by Liang Yan's power After being suppressed, Ling Chongxiao's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he suddenly burst into laughter:

"Hahaha! The surname is Liang, you are so majestic! Do you really think that I, Ling Chongxiao, don't exist?"

"Confucian general?" Liang Yan squinted his eyes, his face remained the same, and only smiled slightly: "It's just right! The previous battles were not happy, let's choose a day instead of hitting the sun, why not compete today!"


Ling Chongxiao snorted coldly, a look of sarcasm on his face.

"Joke! You and Fang Jun joined forces that day to be qualified to compete with me. Now that Fang Jun is not here, what do you want to fight with me?!"

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