The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1117: Fallen Temple Fight

Liang Yan and the Confucian gods will fight several times, both because of coincidence and because of their position.

Since the first time he encountered the secret conversation between the Confucian **** general and Gou Qi, it has become a thorn in the other side's eyes. In order to prevent the matter from leaking, Ling Chongxiao wanted to kill him and then hurry up.

In addition, Liang Yan was involved in the disputes in Xuanyuan City. One was the guest of the sixth princess, and the other was the staff of the second prince.

Although they themselves do not have deep hatred, but for the sake of now, naturally no one will back down.

Hearing the sarcasm of the Confucian general, Liang Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he suddenly said with a smile:

"Since that's the case, Liang has come to experience the means of teaching Confucian generals!"

As soon as the word "Duan" was exported, a silver brilliance had already cut through the sky, and the distance of a hundred meters was only a split second. Before Xuanyuan Lingwei and the others could see clearly, the silver brilliance had already landed on the head of the Confucian general.


Jianmang slashed on top of Ling Chongxiao's head, but no blood spurted out. The figure rippled gently like a wave, and disappeared in place after a while.

"What about people?"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and even Liang Yan frowned.

But the next moment, he started the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" exercise, as if he saw something, his pupils shrank suddenly, the whole person turned into a gray light, flashed backwards, and backed away in the blink of an eye hundreds of feet away.

And just as he stepped back, the void above his head suddenly cracked open, and a big hand covered with black hair suddenly protruded, swarming with surging force, grabbing down like an eagle's claws.

With this capture, only the afterimage of Liang Yan was caught.

Although Ling Chongxiao's trail was strange, Liang Yan's "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" was also very mysterious. As early as the moment the other party took action, he had already sensed it and avoided it in time.

However, the black hand took the lead and refused to let Liang Yan go. At this time, he trembled slightly, and the hairs on his palms stood up, and they shot at him!

Thousands of black silk threads contain extremely sinister power, like a black drizzle, pouring down.

Liang Yan was in mid-air, just dodging the sneak attack of the black-haired big hand. At this time, he was covered by the black drizzle again, and there was no way to avoid it.

But he didn't panic, twisted his body, and a crack opened on his forehead.

A vertical eye was exposed from the crack, the pupil turned slightly, and a black beam of light shot out.

The black drizzle that had been pouring down was stunned by the beam of light, and it stopped abruptly in place, unable to fall any longer.

When Liang Yan was free, he raised his hand and slapped the Taixu gourd.

This sword was like a broken bamboo, and there was a muffled groan in the void, and I saw a figure staggering out.

This person is a Confucian robe and a long gown, with a handsome face, it is the Confucian **** general Ling Chongxiao who just disappeared!

But at this moment, the scarf on his head had been shaved off by Liang Yan's sword, and his hair was loose, and he no longer had the graceful appearance before, looking very embarrassed.

"You! You is it so different from before?!"

The Confucian God will widen his eyes and look at Liang Yan below, his face is full of disbelief.

This person has a deep mind, even if he feels that he can win the opponent with his own strength, he is not willing to fight head-on, but prefers sneak attack to win.

When Liang Yan was fighting with the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest just now, he hid in the dark, wanting to wait for Liang Yan to reveal his flaws before attacking him unexpectedly.

Who knew that Liang Yan didn't use all his strength from the beginning to the end, and Jianwan didn't pull out the scabbard, and he was about to kill Qixian.

The Confucian gods and the seven sages of the bamboo forest serve Xuanyuan Haoyu together. If he really wants to die, he will not be able to explain it when he goes back. Forced to help, he has no choice but to show up to help.

When he saw Liang Yan turn his hand into a sword, he could already see that the other party's cultivation was advanced and he was very cautious in his heart, but he deliberately pretended to be disdainful on the surface, just to paralyze the opponent and secretly attack.

Unexpectedly, this sneak attack, not only did not seriously damage the opponent, but made himself a secret loss.

Facing Ling Chongxiao's questioning, Liang Yan had no intention of answering at all.

As soon as he pinched the magic trick in his hand, the whole person turned into a gray light and flew into the sky, avoiding the coverage of the black rain, and then swung the sword light horizontally, and the mayfly Jianwan slashed towards Ling Chongxiao.

Once Jianying is established, the power of Jianwan is of course not the same.

The same sword, the last time in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, the Confucian gods would break through the conversation and laugh, but this time, the face was extremely solemn, and he did not dare to be careless at all.

He pinched the magic formula, scattered the black giant palm, and waved his big sleeve again, throwing a black inkstone into the air.

The inkstone is called "Tiger Waiting for Soldiers", and it is made of ten thousand years of cold crystal. Its material is already indestructible, and the ink in the inkstone is even more mysterious!

"Tiger Waiting for Soldiers Inkstone" was suspended in the air, Ling Chongxiao hurriedly pinched the magic formula in his hand, and his mouth was also muttering words.

The next moment, the ink flew out from the inkstone, and a large area of ​​the sky was dyed black, like a giant splashing ink landscape painting.

The mountains in the painting are continuous and majestic, with flags fluttering on the mountain, it seems to be a battlefield, large and small inks depict soldiers and soldiers, each wearing armor, murderous!


With a roar from the general in the painting, thousands of soldiers rushed out!

Countless warriors, pawns, and chariots composed of ink and wash appeared in the air, the wheels rolled, the beasts roared, and the black flags were linked together. The entire Luofeng Temple was extremely chilled!

And they have only one goal, that is Liang Yan!

"I have long heard that Taoism has 'sprinkling beans to become soldiers', but I didn't expect that Confucianism also has 'splashing ink to make paintings'!"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, facing this unpredictable Confucian general, he also did not dare to be careless.

He displayed the "mirror of Bodhi", and over Luofeng Temple, everything around him, all changes, were reflected in his sea of ​​divine consciousness.


After seeing the opponent's moves, Liang Yan did not choose to retreat, but rushed into the enemy's army with his sword.

Among the thousands of troops, a cyan sword light was invincible!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In mid-air, the beasts roared, and the snare drums sounded in unison!

A burly general raised a double hammer and smashed it on Liang Yan's head; another short and stout general swung a long knife and slashed at his lower abdomen; another person went around behind Liang Yan and used The dagger in his hand stabbed him in the neck.


Liang Yan snorted coldly, his face was as calm as water, he didn't even look at it, just a thought, the Mayfly Sword Pill pierced forward through the double hammer, and cut the burly general's sword in half.

Immediately after the sword light dissipated, a whirlwind of cyan sword energy swept up, and smashed the two warriors close to behind him into pieces.

brush! brush! brush!

In the majestic army formation, a little green light rushed left and right, and wherever it passed, corpses were scattered all over the field, like a tiger descending the mountain, it was unstoppable!

When Ling Chongxiao saw it from a distance, he was extremely surprised.

His "Tiger Waiting Soldier Inkstone" has a great history, it was given by Xuanyuan Potian himself, and it is an imitation of the "Xuanyuan Soldier Talisman". Although it is far from the magic weapon used by saints, it is also among the monks of the same realm. It's a rare rival.

It stands to reason that Liang Yancai is only in the middle stage of Tongxuan, let alone a thousand troops, even a small team of soldiers in the magic weapon can take him down.

But now that he is fully mobilizing the magic weapon and exerting all the power of twelve points, he still can't stop this cyan sword!

"People say that there are three different scholars, but you should be impressed. I didn't expect this kid to see this for a month, and he has reached such a level!"

The Confucian **** general pondered secretly, his expression dignified to the extreme.

He saw that the generals in the air could not stop each other, and threw the wind and fire golden wheel out. This magic weapon was refined with his own blood and contained endless power of wind and fire.

Fire borrows the wind, not only more powerful, but also extremely fast. The people below only saw a flash of red light, like a meteor streaking across the sky, and the next moment it reached the top of Liang Yan's head.

"Good come!"

Liang Yanzheng was on the verge of killing, and he was not afraid at all when he saw this. His right hand was golden and he punched Xiangtian.


With a loud noise, the golden light and scarlet flames of Buddhism burst out in the air, and the dazzling rays of light shone through the four directions, as if fire and rain had started under the top of the cumulus clouds.

The wind and fire golden wheel paused in mid-air, and Liang Yan's figure returned to the army formation with the force of recoil. With a thought in his mind, the mayfly sword pills spun around, and killed several people in an instant. Ten ink shadow warriors.

"Good boy, you must die today!"

The Confucian God General shouted angrily, spread his right hand, and hooked his five fingers, grabbing it like an eagle's claws.

Countless black silk threads appeared out of thin air in all directions, like a huge black palm, holding Liang Yan in the palm of his hand.

The next moment, as the right hand of the Confucian **** general was suddenly clenched, those black silk threads were like sharp-edged knives, quickly cutting towards Liang Yan.

Although Liang Yan was fighting in the army, he had already started "Ba Bu Yan Yuan". At this time, he saw six roads and listened to all directions. Even though the black silk thread was silent, it was still in the moment it appeared. felt by him.

"Hmph, it's this trick again, are you out of luck?"

Liang Yan sneered, raised his hand and made a move, the fixed light sword turned into a silver light, surrounding him, cutting off the black threads that were trying to attack him.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

In the battlefield, the swords are screaming endlessly, the green sword kills the enemy, and the silver sword protects the body!

After Liang Yan advanced to Jianying, not only the power of flying swords is stronger, but also the use of swordsmanship is more handy. At this moment, he himself is the commander of the sword. Mayfly and Dingguang are like two generals. Into the no-man's land!

"It's not indecent to come and go, since Senior Ling can't do anything, then it's Liang's turn!"

Liang Yan parried Ling Chongxiao's stormy attack, and with a sneer, his entire right eye suddenly turned gray.

"It's this trick again!"

Ling Chongxiao's face changed slightly. He had seen this move before, and he almost suffered a big loss at that time, and almost subconsciously looked at his chest.

But this time, his reaction was much faster. It was only a thousandth of a breath before he suddenly came to his senses. With a loud shout, he raised his hand and slapped it with the palm of his hand.

The galloping and mighty Confucian spiritual power poured out from the palm of his hand and turned into a dazzling galaxy in midair, blocking Ling Chongxiao's face.

"'Stardust transforms into river energy'!"

Liang Yan's gray-white pupils shrank, and secretly added mana, gray death aura spread in the galaxy, and instantly swallowed a large amount of starlight.

"Stardust transforming the river" is Ling Chongxiao's self-created supernatural power. It can inhale the opponent's magic weapon and supernatural power into this strange galaxy, which is the strongest means he uses to protect himself.

Death Qi is powerful, and everything that passes through it is destroyed, but the interior of this galaxy is vast and boundless, and the gleaming stars are flickering in the air, and Death Qi can only swallow a very small part of it.

The two sides are fighting with supernatural powers. At this time, it can be said that the means have been exhausted.

With the help of Jian Ying, Liang Yan fought left and right in the army formation, and had already killed nearly half of the army of "Tiger Waiting for Soldiers Inkstone". The sword light of a fixed lightsaber.

On the other side, the Confucian gods will stand high in the sky, while fully urging magic weapons and supernatural powers to attack Liang Yan, and at the same time also concentrating on running the "star dust transforming river energy" to block Liang Yan's "goingless" supernatural power.

In the cumulus mountain, the two sides met again, and now that a hundred strokes have passed, they are actually evenly matched!

"Am I right? What is the origin of this person, and he can actually compete with the gods?!"

Among the Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest, the man with the writing brush had a horrified expression on his face. At this time, he didn't bother to besiege Xuanyuan Lingwei and the others, but led the other five to retreat far away.

What happened today has far exceeded their imagination.

I thought that the arrest of Xuanyuan Lingwei this time must be hand-in-hand, but I didn't expect to kill a male star in the middle, not only destroying the body of my eldest brother with a single sword, but also fighting with the Confucian God general, one of the twelve generals. .

"How can there be such fierce people around Xuanyuan Lingwei? Could it be that the third brother's divination is wrong... The second highness is not a real dragon? I waited on the wrong side this time?"

The cultivator with the writing brush secretly transmitted a voice, and the rest of the people were slightly startled when they heard it.

"Second brother said it's very possible! You have to leave some leeway in everything. Whether you succeed or not today depends on the battle between God and that person. I don't need to rush to make a move, I should leave a way out for myself... …”

"Yes, that's how it should be..."

The six sages of Zhulin seemed to have reached an agreement, and took a few steps back in a very tacit understanding, and did not shoot Xuanyuan Lingwei and others.

Just when everyone in Luofeng Temple had different thoughts, there was a loud noise on the back mountain of Cucumulus Mountain, where Wang Xianya was located!


Amidst the loud noise, as if the ice and snow were melting, the entire mountain range collapsed with a bang!

Liang Yanzheng and Ling Chongxiao were fighting so hard that he was surprised when he heard the voice, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the back mountain.

I saw two rays of light, one blue and one black, rushing out from the ruins of the mountain range.

Flying in front is a half-hundred-year-old man, wearing a brocade robe and a bead curtain feather crown. Although he is dressed in a gentle and elegant manner, his face is very ugly at the moment.

Flying behind was an old monk with eight eyebrows and copper bell eyes. His face was very fierce, like a murderous executioner.

Strangely, there was a young monk with clear eyebrows lying on his shoulders. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and he used his teeth to bite the old monk's shoulder. ......


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