The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1289: Shura Palace

The beautiful woman who was hanged in the air was Yun Suyi, the head of Su Xinzhai!

This ancestor of Huajie, who has survived one disaster and three disasters, has been sealed with mana at this time, and he doesn't seem to have the slightest resistance!

Rao is Chu Haotian, as the master of the first palace, with thousands of years of cultivation, it is difficult for him to understand the scene in front of him.

"what is the problem?"

Chu Haotian looked puzzled and looked at Liang Yan on the back of the golden lion.

"Yun Suyi, the head of Su Xinzhai, violated the prohibition of City Lord Linghu and secretly slaughtered the Sima family, the Zhu family and other cultivating families. Among them, the Sima family was destroyed, and the Zhu family was rescued by me. Lord, after learning about this, immediately capture Yun Suyi and all the disciples involved, and now **** them back to the city to be convicted by your Shura Palace." Liang Yan said calmly in the air.

"What? You shot... Caught Yun Suyi?"

Although he had already made some guesses, when he heard Liang Yan's confession, Chu Haotian's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

The other three, the red-faced old man and Fazheng, looked at each other with surprise, and they didn't seem to believe it. As for Qiao Mu, this person laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

Qiao Mu smiled recklessly and didn't seem to have the slightest respect.

Liang Yan sat on Lao Jin's back, narrowed his eyes, glanced at him, and said lightly:

"This fellow Daoist, why are you laughing?"

Although he is a monk in the Profound Realm, but because of his special status, the master of the first palace of the Bihai Palace can indeed be called a "friend of Taoism" with these monks in the Tribulation Realm.

After Qiao Mu heard this, he stopped laughing, looked up at the sky, and put his hands behind his back.

"I laugh at some people who are not self-sufficient and like to keep their face. For example, a child, who is obviously less than ten pounds, says he has knocked down an elephant with his bare hands. He thinks that others will look at him, all day long. I'm complacent, but I don't know that others take him as a laughing stock. Palace Master Liang, tell me, is this person ridiculous?"

After he said these words, the expressions of the other three immediately changed, and even Chu Haotian coughed, his face a little ugly.

Although in their hearts, Liang Yan is not worthy of the position of the Palace Master of Bihai Palace, but Linghu Bai personally chose it, and it is justifiable, and Qiao Mu's face-to-face ridicule seems a bit extreme.

"It's really funny."

On the golden lion's back, Liang Yan sat still, his face remained unchanged, he only smiled slightly: "After all, the three-year-old has never seen the world, he is like a frog at the bottom of the well. The funny thing is, he sits in the well and looks at the sky, thinking that the world is better than that, how can he know There are so many masters in this world that when they encounter something they don’t understand, they just hide at the bottom of the well and laugh, it’s really sad and lamentable!”


After listening to Liang Yan's words, Qiao Mu's face changed slightly, and anger flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he was the one who laughed at Liang Yan's self-control and likes to keep his face, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually ridicule him as a frog at the bottom of a well, sitting in a well and watching the sky.

"A cultivator in the Profound Realm who dares to mock this seat! Hmph, if it wasn't for your status as the Palace Master of the Bihai Palace, this seat would want you to look good today!"

This thought appeared in Qiao Mu's heart, but he did not dare to express his inner thoughts. He could only suppress his anger and said lightly:

"Palace Master Liang, let's open the skylight and speak eloquently. This Sect Master Yun is a cultivator who has survived one disaster and three disasters. It is impossible for you to take her back to Wushuang City with your cultivation. Fellow Daoist Ningxia of Bihai Palace will help, and you will be escorted to our Shura Palace, is there nothing wrong with what Qiao said?"

As soon as he said this, the other three people, including Chu Haotian, all nodded.

In their view, only this statement can be explained!

Otherwise, how could a cultivator in the Profound Realm capture the head of a sect here? This is too incredible.

"It seems that Ning Xia has taken great pains to help Palace Master Liang to establish his prestige...... Hey, Palace Master Liang, as the master of Bihai Palace, you cannot let down the painstaking efforts of fellow Daoist Ning Xia. Just stay in the palace, do some small things within your power, and try your best to share her worries." The red-faced old man sighed.

However, Chu Haotian shook his head and said, "Fellow Daoist's words are wrong, as the master of the first palace, cultivation is always the most important thing. Palace master Liang's first task now is to work hard and strive for the chance to break through. Transforming into a Tribulation Realm, so that it can shock the Quartet, and it will not disappoint the love of City Lord Linghu."

These few people, with every word of yours, are trying to persuade Liang Yan with all their hearts, just like the attitude of the elders pointing to the younger generation, and they don't regard him as the master of the palace at all.

"Enough said?"

On the back of the golden lion, Liang Yan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

From the beginning to the end, his face did not change much, he was still calm at this time, but his voice was a little cold.

"Fellow Daoists, I think you have made a mistake? Liang is the master of the Bihai Palace proclaimed by City Master Linghu. It's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks, even if my cultivation is only at the Profound Profound Realm. So what?"

Speaking of this, Liang Yan's eyes suddenly turned to Qiao Mu, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I just happened to be here, and I just heard a few words. It is said that this fellow Qiao Muqiao wants to join our Bihai Palace and replace Liang's position?"

Qiao Mu glanced at him, feeling a little guilty for some reason, but he immediately thought that the other party was only at the cultivation level of the Profound Opening Realm, so why should he be afraid?

"Palace Master Liang, your remarks are a little bit like a villain's heart to a gentleman's belly!"

Qiao Mu glanced at him and said coldly: "The result of the discussion between the four of us just now is that Qiao will go to Bihai Palace to help Ningxia deal with the border issue. This is also because you, the palace master, have insufficient cultivation, so we need Shura. The palace sent people to support. Of course, Wushuang City is not a sect power, and the palace masters of the five major palaces have always been able to live there. If City Lord Linghu sees my talent and strength, I will sit in this Bihai Palace in the future. location, that's not impossible."

"What a capable person to live in!"

Liang Yan clapped his hands on the golden lion's back and said with a smile, "I don't know what Daoyou Qiao is capable of, but Liang would like to see... "

"Are you going to gamble with me?"

Qiao Mu thought that he had heard it wrong, and was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Palace Master Liang, don't you naively think that if you are the Palace Master of Bihai Palace, I will let you go? Or, you have been dazzled by vanity, do you really think Sect Master Yun captured it yourself?"

When he said this, a complex color flashed in Yun Suyi's eyes, both ashamed and annoyed, but no matter how his face changed, he was always obediently silent.

"Noisy, are you going to take this gamble or not?" Liang Yan didn't say much, just asked coldly.

After hearing this, Qiao Mu narrowed his eyes.

He broke through to the Tribulation Realm in the sixty years after Cangnan Mountain discussed Taoism. He has a good talent, but he is arrogant. When Cangnan Mountain discussed Taoism, he did not go to the scene, but stayed in the city to guard. Seeing that Liang Yan, a junior in the Profound Realm, actually sat in the position of the Palace Master of Bihai Palace, of course he was dissatisfied.

"Liang Yan, Liang Yan, this is what you asked for, the Bihai Palace is rich in resources, I will definitely go there in the future, but I am not a match for Ning Xia's mother-in-law now, so let's take advantage of your shrinking tortoise first. Maybe in the future there will be a chance to sit in the position of the Palace Master of Bihai Palace."

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu didn't hesitate and said with a smile: "Okay, since Palace Master Liang has an appointment, how dare Qiao not follow? But I don't know how to gamble. Please write it down."

"I'll just sit here and let you attack. If fellow Daoist can knock me off the mount within a hundred moves, then you will win." Liang Yan said lightly.

At the same time as he spoke, the golden lion and camel under the seat cooperated to put away its wings, indicating that he would not fly away and could let Qiao Mu attack.


Qiao Mu's eyes widened, a look of anger flashed across his face.

"Palace Master Liang, don't you look down on people? If you say, take me ten moves and not lose, it's more feasible to knock you off the mount? Hehe, why do you need a hundred moves? I'm afraid you can make one move in a row. Can't stand it!"

"Really? Then you can try it!" Liang Yan's face showed a smile that was not a smile.

"You are too arrogant!"

Qiao Mu was completely irritated by him, and shouted angrily: "Palace Master Liang, listen carefully! Three moves! I only need three moves for Qiao Mu to beat you to the ground!"

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to rush into the air, pinching the magic trick in his hand, and five black clouds appeared above his head.

Qiao Mu was a ghost monk who practiced "Ghost Secret Art", and the five black clouds were the underworld yin gods that he summoned with the ghost weapon talisman.

It's just that Qiaomu's cultivation is not deep enough, and the ghost of the underworld cannot appear in real life, and can only exist in the human world in the form of black clouds, but its power should not be underestimated.


Qiao Mu shouted loudly without showing any mercy, five black clouds came from the sky, and in a blink of an eye, they were in front of Liang Yan.

"Is this your magic?"

Liang Yan sneered, sitting still on the back of the golden lion, only raised his hand and flicked his fingers.

Five cyan sword qi burst out from his fingertips, and slashed towards the five black clouds oncoming.


The sword qi swept through the air and shot into the black cloud, and immediately there was the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.


Qiao Mu looked from a distance with a look of surprise on his face.

His black cloud is condensed by the power of the yin **** of the underworld, nothing is not stained, and nothing is indestructible. Logically speaking, after the opponent's five sword qi was swallowed into the black cloud, there should be no movement at all, but at this moment, not only did the black cloud stop in place, there was even the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling!

"What's going on, why doesn't the five yin gods move?"

Qiao Mu was stunned, and hurriedly pinched the magic trick in his hand, trying to mobilize his supernatural powers to knock Liang Yan off his mount, but the five black clouds froze in place and didn't listen to his command at all.

"Damn, move, move me!"

Qiao Mu does not believe in evil, the spiritual power in his body is running to the extreme, and the magic formula in his hand is constantly changing, but he still cannot control the five black clouds.

"What? Your spell seems to be malfunctioning?"

On the back of the golden lion, Liang Yan was so relaxed, with a somewhat teasing look on his face.

His right hand was hidden in his sleeve, and he secretly pinched a magic formula. He only heard the sound of swords in the air. The five black clouds exploded in an instant, and the blue sword energy rushed out. All wiped out!

"how is this possible!"

"That is........"

At this time, the three ancient ancestors of the Asura Palace finally saw the clue, looked at each other, and saw a trace of horror in each other's eyes.

"If the old man is not mistaken, this child has already become a... Sword Infant!" The red-faced old man said secretly through voice transmission.

"You can't be wrong, how can ordinary sword energy be able to hurt the underworld yin god, that's the power of the sword infant!" Chu Haotian nodded solemnly.

"Hmph, it turns out that you have already cultivated into a sword baby, no wonder you have such confidence!"

In the air, Qiao Mu snorted coldly. Although his face was a little surprised, he didn't seem to be afraid.

Unlike Chu Haotian, Fazheng and others, he is a newly promoted ancestor of Huajie in recent decades. Because of his outstanding talent, he has not cultivated for a long time. Although he knows the realm of Sword Infant, he is not clear about the specific realm of this realm. Power, so there is not much fear of Liang Yan.

"What if you become a Sword Infant? After all, you are just a cultivator in the Profound Realm, and there is an insurmountable gap between me and me. Today, I will show you what the ancient ancestor's method is!"

As soon as the words fell, Qiao Mu raised his hand and pinched a magic formula, the black energy around his body exploded, and the strange sound of infant cry sounded in the black air.

The next moment, all these black qi gathered towards him and adhered to the surface of the skin. Qiao Mu's bones made a strange clicking sound, and his originally not tall body instantly became ten times larger.

"It's the ghostly technique 'Earth Passage'! He will use the power of the underworld to strengthen himself!"

The three ancient ancestors of Huajie in the Shura Palace are all people who have practiced for many years and are well-informed. At this time, they can see the origin of Qiaomu's magic at a glance.

"I didn't expect that he actually cultivated the 'Earth Passing Technique'. This is a high-grade ghost magic. In the entire Peerless Domain, I am afraid that only the ghost-faced monks of Huangquan Palace can do this kind of magic!" Fazheng sighed with emotion.

"Qiao Muxiu has become a 'earth-penetrating art'. Even if Liang Yan has the sword baby, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist. After all, his realm is there, and it is difficult for a monk in the profound realm to exert the full power of the sword baby." The old man shook his head, obviously not optimistic about Liang Yan.

Only Chu Haotian narrowed his eyes did not rush to judge, but looked at Liang Yan with a thoughtful look on his face.

At this moment, in mid-air, Qiao Mu has turned into a black evil ghost, with green face and fangs, and thick and long arms.

His legs kicked in the air, and his body was like a falcon flying through the air. At the same time, the knuckles of his right hand exploded, his five fingers were hooked, and the dark air formed a pair of sharp claws, grabbing towards Liang Yan's chest.

"The surnamed Liang, come down for me!"

Qiao Mu saw that Liang Yan was sitting still, and was extremely annoyed. This claw condensed all the power of the ghost, and he did not hold back at all. He wanted to knock Liang Yan off the back of the golden lion and let the Bihai Palace The palace lord lost all face.

However, he had just rushed in front of the golden lion when he saw the man on the lion's hump suddenly raise his hand.

The next moment, a cyan sword light was brushed out from the gourd on the opponent's waist, and the sword qi swept all around, the whole world seemed to be silent, and only a sword light was left hanging above his head!


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