The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1290: discipline

The mayfly sword pill was unsheathed, and the blue sword aura swept the entire courtyard, smashing Qiaomu's ghostly aura to pieces.

The black evil ghost that Qiao Mu transformed into was less than five feet away from Liang Yan at this time. He was about to grab his chest with Senran's claws, but saw a flash of sword light, and the next moment, the heart-piercing pain came to his heart.


Amidst the shrill screams, Qiao Mu's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face.

He practiced the secret technique of the ghost, and used the "earth pass technique" to strengthen himself. During the duration of the technique, he was three points stronger than the physical cultivation of the same realm.

Especially the dark ghost claw, the ordinary magic weapon will be torn apart immediately if it is caught by this ghost claw.

But now, such a powerful ghost claw has been chopped off from the wrist by that cyan sword light!

Just a sword!

It's almost like Qiaomu didn't respond!

By the time he realized it, the cyan sword light had already swept past him, blood spurting out of half of his arm, and the piercing pain took a few breaths before it was transmitted to his mind.

"You! You dare to cut my body!"

Qiao Mu was shocked and angry, and a madness flashed in his eyes. The evil ghost he transformed into roared and rushed forward, as if he wanted to tear his opponent to pieces.

However, just as he rushed in front of Lao Jin, he heard a cold voice coming from the golden lion's back:

"You're killing your heart."

Hearing this voice, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Qiao Mu's heart.

I saw the sword light swirl around in the air, turning into a long rainbow, and it hovered above Lao Jin's head before Qiao Mu threw himself on Lao Jin's back.

The blue sword energy swept across his skin, and the Senhan sword energy made Qiao Mu instantly calm down.

Just now, the body he had cultivated for many years was damaged by Liang Yan, and he was so angry that he actually had the intention to kill.

But soon, the other party used supernatural powers to wake Qiao Mu.

At this moment, a small cyan pill, only three inches away from Qiao Mu's forehead, was still rolling around.

Qiao Mu's face was pale, and he was sweating coldly behind him. Looking at the little sword pill hanging on his forehead, he swallowed, not even daring to let out a sound.

Because he knew that as long as he made a slight change, this sword pill could kill him in an instant!

Just now, Liang Yan's sentence "You're trying to kill" means that Qiao Mu has no doubts about his own warning.

"Fellow Daoist Qiao Mu has already decided the outcome, let's stop." Chu Haotian's voice came from the back, his tone was calm, and he couldn't hear his anger or anger.

After hearing this, Qiao Mu's complexion changed again and again, and he sighed abruptly. The black energy around his body gradually faded away, and he took the initiative to disperse the supernatural power of "Earth Tunneling", and the whole person changed back to the beginning.

It's just that there is a blood-red wound on his right wrist, and the bone can be seen deep. Obviously, the evil spirit's body has been chopped, and he himself has been injured.

At this time, Qiao Mu's face was complicated. He knew that in today's battle, he was completely defeated. The "Palace Master Liang" in front of him was probably the most underrated Palace Master in the history of Bihai Palace!

Although he has entered the Tribulation Realm and has "sensation from heaven and man", in front of this person, it is still not worth mentioning.

"Many thanks to Palace Master Liang for being merciful, Qiao Mu's skills are not as good as others, and he is convinced that he is defeated. In the future, he will never dare to be presumptuous in front of Palace Master Liang." Under Liang Yan's sword light, Qiao Mu's previous arrogance no longer exists. She was cautious, not even speaking too loudly.

Liang Yan didn't withdraw his sword, smiled slightly, and said, "It seems that Fellow Daoist Qiao has a clear understanding of himself, then do you still want to sit in my position as the Palace Master of Bihai Palace?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Qiao Mu dared to say twice, joking, now that his life is under the opponent's sword, how can he dare to make trouble?

He smiled wryly and waved his hands again and again: "Palace Master Liang was personally sealed by City Lord Linghu, who would dare not admit it in the entire Peerless City? Qiao Mu had no eyes before, it was true that he was sitting in the well and watching the sky, but I have no intention of watching, and I also ask Palace Master Liang to accept it. With supernatural powers, everyone will work for Peerless City, so don’t hurt your peace.”

Liang Yan looked at Qiao Mu, and then looked at the other three people in the Shura Palace, knowing that after today, his fame might spread in Peerless City.

He didn't mind that much.

Although it is said that Liang Yan adheres to the principle of low-key, it should be divided into occasions. Sometimes it is not that the more low-key you are, the better.

Back then, Linghu Bai named himself the Palace Master of Bihai Palace. Although these people agreed on the surface, they were more or less despised in their hearts.

It was fine at first, after all, there was Linghu Bai on the head, no one dared to show dissatisfaction, but as time passed, Linghu Bai's trace began to erratic again, and the thoughts in these people's hearts gradually revealed. .

After all, in the realm of self-cultivation, strength is respected!

The masters of the five major palaces must at least have the strength to transform into a catastrophe. Especially Bihai Palace, responsible for the attack, if the strength of the master of the first palace is low, how can he stabilize the military heart?

Although other people don't talk about these things on the surface, Liang Yan knows it in his heart. That's why, he has to travel thousands of miles to go to Xuanyuan Region to fight for the chance to become a Sword Infant.

Since he chose to use Wushuang City as his base in Xianzhou, Antarctica, he couldn't just keep a low profile and tolerate it. Sometimes he had to show his own means and make others fear him before he could gain a foothold in Wushuang City.

Therefore, when Liang Yan returned to Wushuang City this time, he did not choose to keep a low profile, capture Yun Suyi, and defeat Qiaomu. Everything was done for himself!

"Okay, since fellow Daoist Qiao doesn't want to be the master of the Bihai Palace, then Liang Mou should sit in this position for the time being."

Liang Yan sneered, his eyes swept across the crowd, and finally fell on Chu Haotian, the master of the Shura Palace.

"Palace Master Chu, what do you think?"

"Haha, Palace Master Liang is joking." Seeing him asking himself, Chu Haotian couldn't help but let out a haha, and said with a smile, "You are the master of the Bihai Palace proclaimed by City Lord Linghu, and you are on an equal footing with me, who would dare to disrespect you? , I, Chu Haotian, were the first to not spare him!"

"It would be best if Palace Master Chu could think so."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, pointed to Yun Suyi and others in mid-air, and continued: "Yun Suyi and others violated the city lord's law, I have already arrested them, and the rest will be handed over to your Shura Palace, I believe Chu The palace lord must be able to enforce the law impartially, without favoritism, right?"

"Palace Master Liang can rest assured."

Chu Haotian's face suddenly became serious, and he said solemnly: "There is no affair in our Shura Palace, no matter who it is, as long as he enters here, he will pay the price he deserves. As long as I, Chu Haotian, are in power. One day, this is the iron law of the Shura Palace!"

"Okay, I trust Palace Master Chu."

Liang Yan nodded, raised his hand and played a magic formula, and put Yun Suyi and others on the ground.

"The rest will be handed over to Palace Master Chu. I have something important to do in Bihai Palace, so I will stay soon and leave!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and patted Lao Jin's back lightly. The golden lion camel's wings spread out, snorted, turned into a golden light, and flew away outside the Shura Palace.

Chu Haotian watched Liang Yan's escape light disappear into the sky from a distance, and just turned around with a gloomy expression on his face.

He raised his hand and flicked his sleeve, and a thick iron chain flew out from the sleeve, tied Yun Suyi and others, and dragged it to him in an instant.

"Yun Suyi, you are so courageous! The city owner has clearly banned it. You can't use the excuse of Cangnan Mountain to talk about Taoism, but you dare to disobey the family related to Xuanguang Villa."

Chu Haotian squinted his eyes. Although his voice was not loud, he shuddered when it fell into Yun Suyi's ears.

She had already heard of this evil star's name!

At this time, under the horror in his heart, he showed a pitiful look, and he secretly glanced at the red-faced old man beside him. He seemed to be familiar with this person, and wanted to let the other party speak for him.

Unexpectedly, when the red-faced old man saw her gaze, he immediately turned his face away, and didn't seem to intend to intercede for him.

To say that these two people had some friendship in private, and even had a dewy relationship, but now that Chu Haotian was furious, even the red-faced old man did not dare to cause trouble.

Seeing that there was no way to ask for help, Yun Suyi finally gave up completely, explained her crimes one by one, and then was placed in a small black prison by Chu Haotian.

After dealing with Yun Suyi, Chu Haotian turned his eyes and landed on Qiao Mu again.

"Qiao Mu, although you have a good talent, you are too young and energetic. After this battle, you have tempered your character. You must know that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside, so don't be complacent."

"Palace Master Chu is very right, Qiao Mou has been taught." Qiao Mu bowed his hands very respectfully.

"Remember one thing, from now on, don't provoke this Palace Master Liang again. Unless he never enters the realm of calamity, you will not be his opponent in this life."

After Liang Yan left the Shura Palace, he didn't go anywhere else to hang out. He drove Lao Jin across the mountains of Wushuang City and went straight to his own Bihai Palace.

Not long ago, when he just returned to Wushuang City, he did not go directly to Bihai Palace, but ordered Li Xiran to bring Bai Qingruo and Mo Yan back first, and he escorted Yun Suyi and others to Shura Palace.

Now that the task is completed, I believe that it will not be long before the entire Peerless City will know that they have captured Yun Suyi and defeated the Qiaomu of Shura Palace.

At that time, his position as the Palace Master of the Bihai Palace will be worthy of the name.

Thinking of "worthy of the name", Liang Yan couldn't help laughing at himself, and thought to himself:

"I've been out for more than ten years, and I'm a hand-sucking shopkeeper who lives up to its name! The people from the Shura Palace were right just now. The reason why Bihai Palace has been able to survive until now is entirely up to Ning Xia to take charge of the overall situation. Maybe I'll come back this time, too. You should do your best to be the master of the Bihai Palace."

His previous cultivation base was insufficient and he was unable to convince the public, so he only wanted to improve his own strength.

Now that he finally has the strength to match the Lord of the First Palace, Liang Yan has also decided to perform his duties.

After all, having practiced the fish and dragon dance, he still has some feelings for the Bihai Palace, and in his opinion, the Bihai Palace is his foundation, and it is also the foundation of his foothold in the Antarctic Immortal Continent.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan accelerated his escape, and half an hour later, a majestic mountain appeared in front of him.

I saw that the mountains were surrounded by clouds and mists, the rays of the sun were overflowing, and the divine sense could not see the whole picture, and the sound of water waves and waves could be faintly heard.

Liang Yan knew that thousands of miles around this place were all the hilltops of the Bihai Palace.

He glanced down with his divine sense, put Lao Jin in the wooden house, and he turned into a ray of light and rushed down, and after a while, he came to a quaint mansion.

Surrounded by water, this house looks elegant and unique, and there are no maids and guards around, making it extraordinarily quiet.

Although simple, Liang Yan knew that sitting in the study in front of him was the only cultivator in the Tribulation Realm in the Bihai Palace.


Just as Liang Yan landed, the door of the study opened automatically in the courtyard.

A faint fragrance came to his face, and I saw a person sitting inside, wearing a blue palace dress, with a graceful figure, elegant and generous, it was Ning Xia.

"You're back."

Ning Xia was not surprised by Liang Yan's arrival, apparently Li Xiran, Cang Yueming and others had informed her in advance.

"I've seen Palace Master Liang." Ning Xia said, stood up from the desk, walked outside the house, and gave him a salute.

"You don't need to be polite."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and walked into the study with Ning This time, I left Bihai Palace for more than ten years, and it was all thanks to fellow Daoist Ning to take charge of the overall situation that Bihai Palace could not fall down. As the master of the Bihai Palace, he has not done much in the past few years, and he is really ashamed. "

As soon as Liang Yan entered the door, he expressed his thoughts.

After Ning Xia heard this, she smiled lightly and said slowly, "These are all matters to Ning Xia. City Lord Linghu once explained to me on Cangnan Mountain that I would try my best to assist you. In the past 60 years, no matter how big or small it is. , Ning Xia has to do everything herself, as long as I am in Bihai Palace, there will be no chaos."

Ning Xia's words "No mess" made Liang Yan very relieved.

"It's hard work, fellow Daoist Ning. To tell the truth, that day, when the City Lord Linghu handed over the Bihai Palace to Liang, Liang was very worried. One is that my own cultivation is not enough, and it is difficult to convince the public. The second is that my time in Peerless City is not enough. Sir, most of the affairs in the palace will not be handled. That’s why I chose to retreat and go out, and hand over all the power in the palace to you.”

"Hehe, Palace Master Liang is a wise move." Ning Xia said solemnly: "If you give orders without understanding, it will disrupt the normal order of the Bihai Palace. If the Bihai Palace is in chaos, the border will be chaotic, and then there will be chaos in the borders. Affects the entire Peerless City."

When she said this, she paused for a moment, then smiled again: "Besides, the palace lord has not done nothing for the past 60 years. I heard that you captured Yun Suyi, the suzerain of Su Xinzhai, when you came back. The cultivator of the transformation of catastrophe with one disaster and three disasters, you can defeat her, which is enough to show that your cultivation base can be worthy of the position of the palace master."

Obviously, Cang Yueming, Li Xiran and the others told Ning Xia about the whole thing as soon as they came back, so she knew about it earlier than everyone in the Shura Palace.

Liang Yan smiled slightly at this, noncommittal.

"Fellow Daoist Ning, when I came, I heard that there was something wrong with the border of Wushuangyu, is there such a thing?"

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