The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1293: battle in the woods

The female cultivator who spoke looked very young, but her cultivation was not bad. She had already reached the early stage of the Yuan Gathering Realm. In such a remote place, it was considered a good aptitude.

She was pulling the sleeve of an old Taoist priest at this moment, her face full of grief.

The old Taoist is more than a few years old, and his beard is gray and white, and he looks a little sloppy, but he has a deep breath in his body, and he has reached the peak of the Primordial Gathering Realm. He seems to be the leader of this group of monks.


The old Taoist glanced at the crowd, only to see the wounds, the crippled, the disabled, and he couldn't help sighing, shaking his head and saying, "Fengxuan Taoist friend is not an old Taoist with a hard heart, it's just that your brother is too poisoned. The flower demon he fought against has grown into a shrew for a long time, and it specializes in poison art, and even I can't defuse the poison in its body, otherwise I would have taken action to save your brother."

"Then what should I do, isn't my brother saved?"

The woman known as "Feng Xuan" was also injured, with a long scratch on her back, and blood soaked her clothes. But she didn't care much at this time, just stared at a young man in blue clothes, her eyes were already red and swollen from crying.

"Feng Xuan Daoist friend, for today's plan, we can only hurry back to the Anti-Monster Alliance, and ask the seniors in the alliance to come to the rescue, otherwise it is not just your brother, Li Daoyou is also in danger of falling." The old Taoist said solemnly. .

"Return to the Anti-Demon League"

Feng Xuan murmured, and there was a hint of despair in her eyes.

"We're still half a month away from the Anti-Monster League, and we don't have much spiritual power left."

It wasn't just her other monks' eyes that were filled with worry.

"It's up to me, etc. Since I joined the Anti-Demon League, I have already put my life and death aside."

When the old Taoist said this, he sighed again, shook his head and said, "It's a pity that the Wushuang City has not been deployed for a long time.

"Daoist Xuancheng, don't think about it. You can't quench your thirst from afar. If you want to keep our sect, you have to rely on your own efforts." Among the crowd, a rough-looking man said.


The old Taoist came back to his senses, the confusion in his eyes gradually disappeared, he nodded and said: "This is also the meaning of our anti-demon alliance, everyone hurry up and meditate to recover, we can only stay here for an hour at most, otherwise the demon clan will chase after us. I'll be sure to die."

His prestige was the highest among this group of monks, and everyone listened to his instructions to sit cross-legged and silently restore their lost spiritual power.

The old Taoist turned his gaze and landed on a young man in the crowd.

"Fellow Daoist Ye Yang, please come and talk."

Hearing his call, the young man immediately stopped meditating and came to the old Taoist priest.

"Ha ha."

The old Taoist remained calm and stuffed a wooden box into his sleeve.

"This is the secret of the demon clan we've been snooping on this trip. So many people died because of the information in this wooden box. Fellow Daoist Ye Yang, you are the fastest to escape. If we are caught up by the demon clan, we won't be able to match. In this case, you can escape alone, please be sure to hand this wooden box into the hands of the leader."

Hearing the old Taoist priest's words, Ye Yang looked solemn. After a while, he nodded and said, "Old Taoist priest, don't worry, even if I don't give up my life, I will send the secrets in the box to the leader of the alliance."

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words. Go and meditate to restore your spiritual power." The old Taoist nodded tiredly.

Next, the group of more than ten people sat cross-legged in the forest, slowly recovering the spiritual power in their bodies.

After half a column of incense, Feng Xuan, who was sitting still and meditating with her eyes closed, suddenly trembled, and then let out a shrill scream.

The scream woke everyone up from their trance.

"what happened?"

All the monks looked at Feng Xuan, only to see that the woman's face became twisted, a large black light appeared from the wound behind her, and her whole body swelled outward.

"Not good! It's the iron centipede's ghostly corpse aura, everyone get out of the way!"

The leader of the old Taoist shouted loudly, awakening everyone. These monks did not hesitate, and each made a tactic and retreated sharply.

The next moment, Feng Xuan's body swelled rapidly and exploded in the crowd.


There was a loud bang, and the black light covered a radius of 100 zhang, razing the nearby forest to the ground.

"Hahaha, Xuancheng old Taoist, can't think of it! My claw has a hidden mystery!" A hoarse voice came from the dust of the explosion.

Immediately afterwards, another charming female voice laughed and said, "Brother Tietu is really a good way. If you hadn't done something to the wound on the back of that little girl, we really wouldn't be able to track them down!"

As soon as the voice fell, another old man's voice laughed: "These human monks dare to sneak into our demon clan, I think I'm tired of living! This time I was caught up by the old man, I must cramp and peel, and take it back for a drink. !"

As the conversation sounded, a group of monsters slowly appeared in the woods.

The three demons walking in the front were a charming woman wearing an emerald green shirt, a black man wearing an iron helmet, and a hunchbacked old man with cloudy eyes.

These three demons are obviously leaders, with a strong aura, and they all have the strength of the peak of the Yuanyuan Realm.

Looking at the dust in the forest, the charming woman frowned and said with a bit of coquettish anger: "Brother Tietu, your ghostly corpse aura is too domineering, we can't blow them all to death this time, we don't even have a chance to shoot. No, it's not fun!"

After listening to the man in the iron helmet, he laughed and said: "Sister Hua Yao, if I don't do anything with this ghostly corpse energy, I will kill people if I do. It's too hard to help, and it makes us lose a lot of fun!"

"That's not it, who made Big Brother Tietu so powerful!"

Hua Yao pursed her lips and smiled, leaning against Tie Tu's body, looking rather ambiguous.

"Cough cough."

The hunchbacked old man on the side suddenly coughed twice, hehe said with a smile: "It's too early for the two of you to say, I'm afraid there will be a few hard stubble among this group of human monks"


The flower demon frowned, raised her hand and waved, and a demonic wind swept out, instantly blowing away the dust in the forest.

I saw that in the middle of the forest, a white light curtain enveloped a ten-zhang radius, protecting more than ten human cultivators in it.

The monks in the light curtain suffered serious injuries, some fell to the ground, some supported each other, only five or six people still retained the strength of the first battle, and they were watching the outside vigilantly.

The first person is Xuancheng Old Daoist!

He held a white disc in his hand, and the rays of light on it were flowing, full of aura, and the white light curtain that protected everyone was emitted from this disc.

"Tsk tsk, I said that this group of human monks are too weak to win, but they will build all kinds of magic weapons, relying on the power of magic weapons, they can survive." Tie Tu said, with disdain in his eyes.

"Hmph, there is not much spiritual power left in their bodies. Even if they have a magic weapon to protect them, how long can they last?" Hua Yao snorted coldly.

"That's right, let's make a move together. It won't take a stick of incense to break this magic weapon. Then I will use Xuancheng's old way to make snacks!" A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the hunchbacked old man.

"Haha, that old Taoist has rough skin and thick flesh, so Master Vulture can put your mouth down!" The flower demon licked her bright red lips and glanced back and forth on the human monk, looking like she was picking fresh and tender ones. dessert.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, kill all these people, and don't let the secrets of our demon clan leak out!"

Tie Tu shouted and was the first to do it.

He jumped up and landed on the top of the white light curtain.

At the same time, the flower demon and the vulture master also started working together.

The former opened his mouth and spit out a large piece of green poisonous mist. Wherever he passed, hundreds of flowers withered, trees rotted, and attached to the white light curtain of Xuancheng's old way, like maggots attached to bones, constantly eating away the spiritual energy of the light curtain.

And the Vulture Venerable put out his palms together, punching out a sharp invisible blade, whistling and slashing in the direction of the human race cultivator.

The three monster clan leaders shot at the same time, even if Xuan Cheng had a strange treasure in his possession, it would be difficult to resist at this time.

The white light curtain, during the combined attack of the three demons, began to sway left and right, and many places became thinner, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

"No, these three demons have supernatural powers. With the only spiritual power I have now, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on to a cup of tea." The old master Xuancheng blushed and spat out such a sentence for a long time.

After the rest of the people heard it, they were all desperate.

There are more than ten people in their group, and there are only five or six people who still have the power to fight. These people do not have much spiritual power. In the face of the demon cultivators surrounded by the outside and the three powerful leaders, there is nothing at all. odds.

"His grandma's bear! It's a dead end anyway. Instead of using spiritual power to maintain magic weapons, it's better to use it to kill enemies! Daoist priest, withdrew the magic weapons, everyone rushed out to fight with them! Killing one is enough, killing a pair of blood Earn!" The rough man before roared and drew his swords from his waist, seemingly determined to die.

"Yes, let them see how powerful my human cultivator is today!" Another young man stood up with his sword drawn. Although he was seriously injured, his face was unusually calm.

After Xuan Cheng heard this, his face changed and changed, and finally glanced at Ye Yang behind him.

Ye Yang got his entrustment to bring the secrets obtained during this trip back to the "Anti-Demon League". Facing Xuan Cheng's gaze, he understood and nodded without a trace.

"Okay, since everyone has this heart, let's fight this gang of monsters today!"

At the same time as the old Taoist Xuancheng spoke, he sent a voice transmission to Ye Yang: "The fight will start later. You don't need to worry about anything, just run away in the direction of the Anti-Monster Alliance, and we will help you hold back the demon clan!"

"Don't worry, Daoist, I, Ye Yang, will send the wooden box to the alliance even if I die!"

Ye Yang's face was solemn, and the voice transmission replied.

With Ye Yang's answer, Xuancheng Laodao no longer had any concerns, he lifted the trick, took the disc magic weapon, and waved his sleeve again. .

At the same time, the remaining monks of the human race also started together. The rough big man swung his two knives and slashed at Tie Tu's head. The remaining three monks attacked Master Vulture together.

The three leaders of the demon clan were originally besieging the white light curtain, but they did not expect the light curtain to disappear suddenly, replaced by the storm-like attack of the human monks.

"These people want to die!" Venerable Vulture exclaimed, obviously a little unexpected.

Tie Tu licked his lips, his eyes showing bloodthirsty killing intent.

"That's the best way! It's not fun to kill people who are waiting for death. I just want to watch these human races resist and struggle, and then step on their hopes!"

At the same time as he spoke, his whole body was covered by the dark "Netherworld Corpse Qi", and he punched out two consecutive punches, and the violent power exploded in the air.


A scream came, but it was the rough man of the human race who was swept away by the fist wind, and his skin was ripped open, and the sinister "Netherworld Corpse Qi" immediately invaded the body. Rao is this man's will is firm, and he couldn't help screaming at this time. .

However, the rough man didn't stop, he still rushed forward, and his speed was extremely fast. He slashed down with his two knives, and even cut two deep scars on Tie Tu's chest.

Tie Tu snorted and retreated sharply. Obviously, he did not expect that the opponent would play this desperately. He would not dodge or evade his "ghost corpse aura". Go up is to perish with yourself!

"Want to run? It's too late! Grandpa, I am your caller today!"

Seeing the other side retreat, the rough man jumped up again without any hesitation.

"Humph! Human race ants, how dare you hurt me!"

Tie Tu's expression was hideous, he raised his hand and waved, and a large piece of "Netherworld Corpse Qi" spread out, instantly surrounding the rough man in it.


In the black mist, the rough man's skin festered, revealing the bones, and half of his cheeks were melted by "ghost corpse aura", and even his two arms no longer existed, and the double swords fell on the ground.

But he still didn't stop, he let out a roar like a ghost in the black mist, and threw himself directly on Tie Tu.

It's a pity that his two knives have been lost, and he can no longer hit the opponent. He can only open his mouth and bite Tie Tu's neck with one bite, and he wants to bite Tie Tu alive.


Tie Tu cursed loudly, raised his hand and struck the knife, directly slicing the rough man's neck.


The rough man's body was torn apart, leaving only a white bone head whose skin had been corroded by "Netherworld Corpse Qi", which was still biting on his body at this time.

"Really crazy"

After tearing off the rough man's head, Tie Tu's eyes showed a look of lingering fears.

It's strange to say that his strength is far superior to the opponent, and the opponent's spiritual power is not much left, which is an overwhelming advantage, but just now, he actually had a momentary fear.

However, this fear was immediately transformed into anger.

"Humph! The mere human ants dare to hurt my body! I'm going to kill you all!"

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