The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1294: intelligence

Tie Tu let out a loud roar and looked at the rest of the battlefield. He found that the old Taoist Xuancheng and the Hua Yao had a draw, and there was no winner for the time being, while Master Vulture stably controlled the three human monks on the opposite side.

He was about to take action to help the Hua Yao besiege Xuancheng Laodao, but he heard Venerable Vulture shout: "You don't need to worry about it here, go and catch the escaped human race."

Hearing this sentence, Tie Tu immediately woke up, glanced at it, and found that a light escaped from the forest and flew far away, and the direction of escape was exactly where the "Anti-Demon League" was!

"No wonder they worked so hard, it turned out to be to cover the man's escape!"

Tie Tu realized it instantly, and licked his lips, revealing a cruel and bloodthirsty gaze.

"This is fun, I just want to crush your hopes hahaha!"

Tie Tu laughed loudly, and his whole body turned into a black light, chasing after the fleeing man, and the speed was only fast, not slow!

At this moment, in mid-air, Ye Yang was running for his life quickly.

He saw the tragic death of the fellow cultivator, and although he felt resentful, this was not the time to stop.

There is a wooden box in his arms, which is the result of their trip, which contains the hard work of all the human race monks who volunteered to participate in the action.

"Be sure to send this wooden box to the Anti-Demon League!"

While thinking about it like this, a sound of breaking the sky suddenly came from behind.

Ye Yang was startled, his consciousness swept back, only to see a black-clothed man wearing an iron helmet chasing up a little faster than himself.

"It's Tie Tu, he actually has such a speed!"

Ye Yang practiced the technique of "Three-Three Profound Evasion" and his flying speed was more than double that of the monks of the same level. He thought that no one of these monsters could catch up with him, but he didn't expect this Tie Tu to be good at this!

"Hehe, human ants, do you think you can run away?"

Tie Tu sneered a few times, raised his hand and waved, the ghost corpse burst out vigorously, turned into a black spear in mid-air, and was pulled forward by him in his hand.


The black spear slashed through the air and came first, piercing Ye Yang's aura of body protection and sticking it on his back.


Ye Yang screamed, fell down, and slammed into the forest with a thud.

Heart-piercing pain poured into his mind, and the ghostly corpse aura in the spear spread out, penetrated into his body, and destroyed his internal organs.

"Hey, aren't you running really fast? Why didn't you run this time?"

Tie Tu's figure fell from mid-air, passed through the heavy leaves, and came to the top of Ye Yang's head.

Looking at the cultivator who had been seriously injured and dying, Tie Tu's face was full of pride.

"Er and other human ants are just struggling to the death. Hahaha, I'm not afraid to tell you that my demon army is about to be dispatched, and it won't be long before you can wipe out your anti-demon alliance and turn this place into the territory of our demon clan!"

Seeing Tie Tu's wanton and proud smile, Ye Yang suddenly felt a sense of despair in his heart.

"Is it all over? After sacrificing so many daoist friends and infiltrating the demon clan, the secrets that I finally obtained, are they just ruined in my hands?"

There was a tingling pain in Ye Yang's consciousness, and the ghostly corpse aura penetrated into his body, and also invaded his sea of ​​consciousness, making his consciousness gradually blurred.

"It's all over"

Just before he lost consciousness, Ye Yang raised his head and saw a blue thread appearing at the end of the sky through the gap between the leaves above the forest.

"Huh? That is?"

Ye Yang's pupils enlarged again, staring at the distant horizon.

The blue silk thread traveled from far to near, and the speed was extremely fast. In just a few breaths, it had already turned into an azure ocean.

An ocean floats in the sky!

Ye Yang has practiced for more than two hundred years, but he has never seen such a miracle!

Tie Tu turned his back to the sky and saw Ye Yang's pupils dilated and his consciousness recovered, but he didn't take it seriously.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the ants to have a third of their strength, and they want to resist before they die! Well, that's interesting. How boring is it to die all of a sudden? Just use your remaining life to add some fun to this uncle!"

Tie Tu said this, the palm of his right hand stretched out, his five fingers were hooked, and he pressed it on top of Ye Yang's head, as if he wanted to perform some kind of torture.

However, at this moment, above the sky, in the azure blue ocean, a blue ray of light descended from the sky, like a meteor, impartial, falling over Tie Tu.


Hearing the sound of breaking the sky, Tie Tu's face changed. At this time, he finally reacted, and hurriedly turned around and looked above his head.

But before he could see what it was, the blue rays of light had already fallen, and terrifying forces were pouring in from all directions. Tie Tu didn't even have time to snort, and was hit by the blue rays of light into the ground.


After a loud bang, all within a radius of 100 feet were razed to the ground, but Ye Yang's location was intact.

At this time, Ye Yang was horrified, and his originally drowsy consciousness was also awake for a moment.

He turned his head and saw that there was a huge palm print on the ground, about a hundred feet in size, and in the middle of the palm print, there was a pool of muddy meat that looked like a dead Tie Tu!

"What's the matter?"

Although Ye Yang lived more than 200 years old and was well-informed, his face was still confused at this time.

His eyes looked mid-air, and as the blue ocean got closer, he finally saw it clearly.

In mid-air, where is the ocean? Obviously an army!

War beasts roar, flags shake!

Countless human monks, walking on blue clouds and mist, holding various magical weapons, are indescribably mighty and majestic!

A water-blue Luan car, surrounded by people like the stars holding the moon in the middle, I don't know who is sitting in the car, but there is a flag next to the car, surrounded by water, aura overflowing, and three words are written in the middle. In large characters, it is:

"Bihai Palace"!

Ye Yang's eyes were stunned, and the next moment, his face showed ecstasy.

"Peerless City! Bihai Palace! It's Peerless City and they sent troops!"

Ye Yang was ecstatic in his heart and wanted to shout out, but because he was too injured, he couldn't make a sound, so he could only keep waving his hands, looking extremely excited.

"cough cough"

Because he was too excited, his lungs were affected, the injury aggravated, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, a ray of light fell from the top of his head, rolled Ye Yang gently, and pulled him back up.

Ye Yang was in a daze, only hearing the whistling of the surrounding wind, his body seemed to have no weight and flew up lightly.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in the clouds. In front of him was a dense army of human races, hundreds of thousands, all dressed in blue, looking well-trained and disciplined.

Soon, the army separated to both sides, and a blue-robed woman came out.

The woman raised her hand and waved a blue glow into Ye Yang's body, instantly removing the ghostly corpse aura that Tie Tu had left in his body.

Ye Yang's injury improved, not only did his breath recover as before, but even the spiritual power in his body that had bottomed out also recovered by 30%!

"Thank you senior for helping us!"

Ye Yang was excited, knowing that the cultivation of the person in front of him was unfathomable, and he could not guess at all, so after the injury, he immediately knelt on the ground and thanked the other party for his life-saving grace.

"Don't be too polite."

The visitor raised his hand and held him up with a gentle force, and said slowly, "I am Song Ru of Bihai Palace, this time I was ordered to suppress the rebellion of the demon clan, and you will guard the border of Wushuangyu. If there is merit, after the palace master has pacified the evil spirits, he will be rewarded for his merits and deeds."

"Palace Master?"

Ye Yang was stunned for a moment, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"You mean, the Palace Master of Bihai Palace, is here too this time?"

"Not bad." Song Ru nodded and gave a positive answer.

After Ye Yang heard this, his face brightened, he hurriedly took out a small wooden box from his sleeve, and said:

"This is the information that our human righteous people sneaked into the demon clan to inquire. For this small wooden box, hundreds of fellow monks have sacrificed. We originally planned to give it to the anti-demon alliance. Since now the Bihai Palace Palace The Lord is here, then submit it to the Palace Lord."

"The information of the demon clan?"

Song Ru glanced down at the wooden box in his hand. Hearing that it was the result of many cultivators' lives, she couldn't help but look solemn and nodded, "If that's the case, come with me."

After speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the rear of the army.

The monks of the Bihai Palace moved to the sides in unison, revealing a passage.

Ye Yang followed Song Ru, walking among the sergeants, and not long after he came to an aqua blue chariot.

He knew that the person sitting in this chariot must be the unfathomable Palace Master of Bihai Palace.

"Junior Ye Yang, I have seen the Palace Master of Bihai Palace. This is the information we have inquired. Please also ask the Palace Master to take a look."

Ye Yang raised the wooden box over his head, and suddenly felt a breeze blowing around him, and the next moment, the wooden box disappeared from his hands.

In the chariot, Liang Yan sat still and gently opened a wooden box.

I saw a map and an envelope inside.

First of all, unfold the map and find that it is the marching route of the demon clan about to attack the human race "Anti-Demon League". The route above is very detailed, and even the time is marked.


Liang Yan did not expect that he would get such important information as soon as he came, and a smile appeared on his face.

Then he opened the envelope again and began to read the contents.


After a while, Liang Yan frowned.

"I didn't expect that within my human race, there are actually spies from the monster race!"

The content of this letter is unusual. According to the letter, there are actually spies of the demon clan in the "Anti-Monster Alliance" of the human race! The letter also listed a detailed list, which made it clear which cultivators and the demon clan were in sympathy.

"If this matter is true, I'm afraid that the rebellion of the demon clan is not as simple as it seems!"

Liang Yan's pupils narrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Just as he was thinking, Ye Yang's voice sounded again outside the Luan car:

"Reporting to the palace lord, there are more than ten fellows who escorted the wooden box with the younger generation. At this time, they were all hunted down by the demon clan. Please use the magic power of the palace lord to save my companions."

After listening to Ye Yang's words, Liang Yan nodded slightly and said solemnly, "Yu Xiangwan listened to the order."

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall golden-robed man walked out of the crowd outside Luanche.

This person is Yu Xiangwan, one of the eight cultivators of the Profound Opening Realm in the army of Bihai Palace.

"My subordinates are here!" Yu Xiangwan stood outside the car with his hands down.

"I order you to wipe out these monsters and rescue my human monks."

"Subordinates take orders!"

Yu Xiangwan was expressionless. After receiving Liang Yan's order, he came to the cloud and took out a compass.

There are nine layers of the compass, and each layer has different runes. When Yu Xiangwan's fingers fiddled with it, the nine-layer compass turned gently, making a "kakaka!" sound.

The next moment, the runes on the compass jumped at the same time, and streaks of golden light flew out of it, first rushing into the sky, and then falling down.

From a distance, it seemed like a golden rainstorm had fallen, covering the entire forest.

At this moment, at the other end of the forest.

Hua Yao and Xuancheng Laodao are fighting fiercely, and there is no winner for the time being, but Master Vulture is fighting against three, pressing three human monks, and has a clear upper hand.

As for the injured human monks, they were captured by the subordinates brought by the three demons long ago because they had no ability to resist.

"Hey, Xuancheng Old You guys are all over, why are you still struggling? If you continue to resist, every breath, I will let my subordinates kill one person. If you don't want the whole army to be wiped out, I advise you. Surrender now."

While fighting, the flower demon is bewitched by words.

"We don't have to kill all the monsters. As long as you promise to be my servant, I can give you a way to survive! If you behave well, maybe I can give you a little reward."

Speaking of the word "reward", the flower demon licked her bright red lips and gave Xuan Cheng a wink.


"Demon beasts are demon beasts, and you still want to bewitch the poor road? You beasts, the poor road is alive, see one kill another!" Xuancheng Laodao was unmoved, and even spit on the flower demon's face.

Of course, this spit could not touch the flower demon, but it aroused her murderous intention.

"Niubi, shame on your face, you brought it on yourself!"

The flower demon became angry, glanced at his subordinates in the distance, and shouted: "Kill me! These human monks, not a single one!"

Those little monsters got her order, some bared their teeth, some cheered, and pushed the human race monks to the front, ready to execute them with killers.

But at this moment, in the air, a golden rain suddenly fell.

"what is that?"

Both the vulture master and the flower demon changed their expressions, and at the same time, they looked at the air, and a trace of confusion flashed in their eyes.

The next moment, before they could react at all, these golden "raindrops" fell from the sky like shooting stars, piercing the chests of all the monsters!


The shrill screams resounded throughout the forest, and all the monsters turned into ashes at this moment!

Only Xuancheng Laodao and others are left. You look at me and I look at you, and you don't know what happened.

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