The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1297: 0 Johara

Baizhangyuan is located near the border of the southwestern border of Wushuang Territory.

Although the terrain here is flat, but surrounded by miasma, it can naturally block the spiritual consciousness of the monks. Even if the monks in the open world enter the spiritual consciousness, they can only detect a radius of a hundred zhang, so it is named "Baizhangyuan".

Seven days have passed since Liang Yan arrived at the Anti-Demon League.

The day was overcast and cloudy, and the sky was full of haze.

Outside the Baizhangyuan, in the air, a large number of monks appeared.

Although these monks travel in the air, their speed is very slow. There are many monks who are specially responsible for detecting the surroundings in front of them, and they seem to be very cautious.

Among the cultivators was a tall chariot with a man in gray, who was the master of the Bihai Palace, Liang Yan, who had arrived all the way here.

He was leaning on a reclining chair in Luan's car at this time, drinking and eating the spiritual fruit on the table.

And behind him, there is a beautiful woman in a white dress standing with her hands behind her hands, it is his named disciple, Bai Qingruo.

"There is Baizhangyuan in front, why is Master so relaxed?" Bai Qingruo's eyes had a hint of puzzlement.

After listening to Liang Yan, he smiled slightly and said: "The mere monsters are nothing to be concerned about! Baizhangyuan is a good show, you should follow me and watch it carefully."

Just as he was talking, someone outside Luanche came to report:

"Reporting to the palace lord that we have entered Baizhangyuan's internal alliance lord Wei who has just sent someone to deliver a letter asking you to discuss countermeasures together."

"it is good!"

Liang Yan threw a thumb-sized spirit fruit into his mouth, and said lightly, "Go tell Alliance Leader Wei that I'll be there later, and ask him and a few leaders to wait for a while."


The Bihai Palace disciple outside the car took the order and flew into the distance, apparently to inform the monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance.

Liang Yan got up from his seat, glanced at Bai Qingruo behind him, and suddenly smiled:

"Qingruo, you don't have to go with me in the battle of Baizhangyuan. I have other tasks for you."

As Liang Yan spoke, she suddenly stopped her voice and switched to the method of sound transmission, explaining her task in detail to Bai Qingruo.

After Bai Qingruo heard it, she was stunned for a moment, but she calmed down immediately.

Although she didn't spend much time with Liang Yan, she knew very well that Liang Yan's arrangement was not groundless and must have his intentions.

"Qing Ruo's command is just the master, and our Bihai Palace's True Monarch Tongxuan has been entrusted by you, and if you even transfer me away, then wouldn't there be no one around you?"

"What? Are you still worried about your teacher's safety?" A smile appeared on Liang Yan's face.


Bai Qingruo nodded secretly in her heart, her master is not an ordinary cultivator of the Profound Opening Realm, even if the nine demon kings come together, I am afraid that a few will be able to escape.

"If that's the case, then Qing Ruo will leave. Master, take care!"

"go Go!"

Liang Yan waved his hand with his back to her, no more words, pushed the door and walked out of the chariot, his hand turned into a gray light, and went to the depths of Baizhangyuan.

After half a cup of tea, Liang Yan came to the edge of Baizhangyuan.

This is one of the entrances to Baizhangyuan. There are cliffs on both sides and a canyon in the middle. Seven figures float above the canyon. One of them is wearing a soap robe and a Taoist crown. It is the leader of the Anti-Monster Alliance, Wei Changfeng.

"I have seen Palace Master Liang."

Wei Changfeng greeted Liang Yan, and the other six also greeted him at the same time.

"Don't be too polite."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, glanced around, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "Here yin and yang meet, and the evil spirits collide, but it is an excellent place to ambush in advance!"

"Haha, heroes see the same thing!"

Wei Changfeng grinned and said, "Just now, I and the six chiefs have conducted a field survey. If the army of the demon clan comes from the southwest, it is most likely to enter Baizhangyuan from here. As Palace Master Liang said, Yin and Yang meet here. It is indeed the best place for our human army to ambush.”


Liang Yan squinted his eyes, nodded and said, "Since everyone has no objection, then we will camp here. I don't know what formation a few fellow Daoists are going to use to ambush the demon clan?"

The heads looked at each other, and finally Liu Yongtai, the head of the Duanqing Academy, stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Report to Palace Master Liang, after the preliminary discussions we had just now, we decided to use the Daomen Great Formation Yin Yang Soul Falling Formation to come here. Intercepting the demon clan, this formation has great lethality, and it does not require too long deployment time, it is the most suitable formation for us now.”

"Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation?"

Liang Yan murmured, and his face showed a contemplative color.

He has been in Bihai Palace for 50 years. As the palace owner, Bihai Palace's Book Collection Pavilion can naturally come and go at will. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Yan also checked a lot of formations, and the Taoist "Yin Yang Falling Soul Formation" happens to be one of them. one.

"If I remember correctly, although this formation has the advantages of being large in scale, powerful in lethality, and not long in deployment, it requires two cultivators with extremely high cultivation levels to temporarily preside over the formation, and there should be no distractions in the process. ." Liang Yan slowly expressed his understanding.

"That's right, Palace Master Liang is really knowledgeable and knowledgeable! What you just said is exactly the advantages and disadvantages of the Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation." Wei Changfeng smiled and nodded.

He gave a flattering slap, followed by a serious look on his face, and then continued: "The situation is urgent now, although we arrived at Baizhangyuan one step ahead of schedule, but according to the information provided by Palace Master Liang, the army of monsters has arrived here the most. It only takes four or five days, that is to say, we must complete the arrangement within three days. In such a tense time, in order to achieve the desired effect, only the Yin-Yang Falling Soul Array can be chosen!"

"I agree with that."

Liang Yan looked around and knew that what Wei Changfeng had said was good, so he nodded and said, "Since everyone agrees, let the army camp here and start arranging the magic circle from now on."

"Palace Master Liang, don't worry. You said just now that this great formation doesn't take too long to set up, but it needs two monks with extremely high cultivation levels to preside over it."

Wei Changfeng glanced at everyone, looked at Liang Yan, and said with a laugh: "Among us, only Palace Master Liang and Wei have this strength. Palace Master Liang and Wei will each occupy one, how about we join forces to preside over the grand formation?"


Without any hesitation, Liang Yan nodded in agreement.

"I came here this time to exterminate the demon clan rebels, and to give me a bright future at the border of the unparalleled domain. As long as it is related to the killing of the demon clan, it is my duty to do so!"

"Okay, Gongzhu Liang really is righteous Bo Yuntian, and he is upright!"

Among the crowd, Wei Changfeng, Liu Yongtai and others all looked solemn and praised, but Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie had a gloomy expression, and a bright light flashed in their eyes from time to time.

However, these two obviously couldn't influence the decision of the crowd. After some discussions, the eight quickly set up a detailed strategy in the canyon, and then each ordered their disciples to set up camp nearby, and dispatched a team who was good at formation. The monks came to the canyon to form a formation.

Although the "Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation" is not complicated to set up, it is a large-scale magic formation used by the cultivator army after all, and the scale is very large. The Bihai Palace and the Anti-Monster Alliance each selected fifty monks who were proficient in formation techniques, and it took about three days to complete.

After returning from the canyon, Liang Yan always stayed in the Luan Cha of his Bihai Palace, and handed over the task of ambush the demon clan to Wei Changfeng of the Anti-Monster Alliance, while he stayed at home and stayed in the Luan Cha. Sitting with eyes closed.

The first day was okay, the whole Baizhangyuan was calm, the cultivators camped, and the formation of the formation, everything seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the second night, Liang Yan was meditating with his eyes closed when suddenly someone outside the car reported:

"Report to Palace Master Liang, the leader of the Anti-Monster Alliance, Wei Changfeng, to ask to see you."

In the Luan car, Liang Yan, who was in the midst of being settled, opened his eyes immediately after hearing the news, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, not looking surprised.

"Let him in."


The man outside the car responded and turned to leave. After a while, a middle-aged Taoist man in a soap robe pushed aside the curtain of the car and walked in slowly.

"Leader Wei, what's the matter with the late night visit?" Liang Yan glanced at the person who came and said lightly.

"Wei came late at night because he really has a secret and important matter, but it's not appropriate to tell everyone about this, so as not to shake the military's heart." Wei Changfeng said in a low voice.

"Oh? What happened?" Liang Yan raised his brows, looking very surprised.

"When Wei Mou was patrolling tonight, he found that Zhou Rui, the head of Yuchan Cave, and Xiong Jie, head of the Tuotian Sect, actually left without saying goodbye, and when they left, they took their own sect's cronies with them. Elite, I doubt it"

"Doubt what? Don't hesitate, just say anything!" Liang Yan shouted sharply.


Wei Changfeng looked solemn and said solemnly: "I suspect that the two of them are spies, maybe they have been bought by the demon clan long ago, and now leading the cronies to leave, I am afraid that they are going to inform the demon clan, if they let them If we succeed, not only will we not be able to ambush the demon clan, but we may also be calculated by the demon clan in turn!"

"How is this possible! They are the cultivators of my human race, the masters of the dignified sect, how could they be the inner responders to the demon race?"

Liang Yan stood up, his eyes full of disbelief.

"This is the truth, Palace Master Liang, you have lived in the Bihai Palace for a long time, and you don't know the suffering of our border monks. In these years, the demons have been rampant, and our human monks can hardly seize the cultivation resources. Some people inside the anti-demon alliance are bought, that is normal. Otherwise, Palace Master Liang thought, how did the location of our Anti-Monster Alliance's nest be leaked?"

After listening to Wei Changfeng's words, Liang Yan's eyes flashed with confusion, and he sat back down again.

"Even if as you said, I was forced by the demon clan before and had to betray the human clan. But now my Bihaigong army is on an expedition, and the extermination of the demon clan is just around the corner, how could Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie betray us?" Liang Yan asked with a puzzled face road.

"Palace Master Liang, you should know the truth that it's hard to get back, these two people have betrayed our human race before you came, they don't know how many benefits they received in their backs, and they killed many righteous people of our human race, even if you can exterminate the demon race. , but when the truth comes out, as the master of the Bihai Palace, will you spare these two?" Wei Changfeng explained patiently.

"That's why they choose to strike first."

Liang Yan suddenly realized, his face gradually became gloomy, "Crack!", smashing the table in front of him.

"In this way, isn't our plan to ambush the demon clan here all in vain? As the master of the Bihai Palace, is it difficult for me to end in failure on my first expedition?"

"Palace Master Liang, don't worry." Wei Changfeng waved his hand and whispered, "Wei has a solution."

"Oh? What's your plan, tell me quickly!" Liang Yan looked a little anxious.

Seeing this, Wei Changfeng was still unhurried, and said slowly: "Although the heads of Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie have defected, our army should not act rashly. You Boshe, head of Fengshen Sect, Song Hezi, head of Chisongguan~www Both of them are very good at flying and escape, and there are top-quality flying instruments in the sect, so they can be ordered to hunt them down. They don't have to kill Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie, they just need to catch up with them. Stop them before they join the army of the demon clan, and don't let these two traitors pass the news to the demon clan."

"As for us, we will continue to set up the Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation in Baizhangyuan. Four of the nine demon kings of the demon clan have dispersed, leaving only the Huo Xie King, the Hun Tu King, the Juli King, the Eternal King, and the Aries King. The five big demon kings. As far as I know, the Hundu king and the Aries king are not compatible with the other three kings, and they will certainly underestimate the enemy and advance aggressively. We in Baizhangyuan wait for work, and we can defeat these five demon kings one by one. In the first battle to pacify the demon clan, Palace Master Liang’s exploits will surely resonate throughout Peerless City, who would dare to question your prestige?”

The Anti-Monster League was located in a remote location, so Wei Changfeng didn't know that Liang Yan used his own sword to pick Su Xinzhai.

He used common sense to speculate that he felt that Liang Yan, the palace lord, was in name only, and must be often questioned by other monks, so he only said the last sentence just now.

"I see"

After listening to Wei Changfeng's suggestion, Liang Yan showed a thoughtful expression.

After a while, the confusion in his eyes gradually faded, and his eyes became firm again.

"Leader Wei is right! Fighting against the demon clan is my first battle after becoming the master of the Bihai Palace. This battle can only be successful, not allowed to fail! A few traitors can't shake the fundamentals! I have made up my mind, just in Baizhangyuan. I will fight to the death with the demon clan, in this battle, I will completely wipe out the army of the demon clan, and show the might of my Bihai Palace!"

"Palace Liang Shengming!"

Wei Changfeng bowed his hands and said solemnly: "Wei will go to step up preparations. Tomorrow evening, please ask Palace Master Liang to host the Yin-Yang Falling Soul Grand Array together with me. We will hunt in Baizhangyuan!"

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