The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1298: Fatai changes

After three days of formation, the entire Baizhangyuan is now shrouded in the formation.

The Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation is extremely mysterious, and it is difficult for outsiders to detect the strange aura before it is activated. In addition, there is a special miasma surrounding Baizhangyuan, which can reduce the detection range of spiritual consciousness, so even if a monk in the open world releases his spiritual consciousness, he will not be able to detect the existence of the Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation.

The monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance and Bihai Palace were extremely excited because they knew that such a silent Baizhangyuan was the place of burial carefully chosen for the demon clan!

On the third night, Zi Shi.

A gray escaping light flew out of the chariot of Bihai Palace, and it didn't take long to come to the sky above the agreed canyon that day.

"Palace Master Liang, it's just in time! We just finished building the temple and now we're waiting for you to preside over the grand formation!" Wei Changfeng saw Liang Yan coming from a distance, and immediately smiled.

Unlike three days ago, the head of the Anti-Monster Alliance who came here today is only Wei Changfeng from Dayanzong, Liu Yongtai from Duanqing Academy, and the island owner of Raging Fire Island, True Monarch Rising Fire.

The gray light stopped in front of everyone, showing Liang Yan's figure, looking around, frowning slightly.

"What? Haven't caught Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie yet?"

"No." Wei Changfeng shook his head and said, "These two are more cunning than expected, but according to the news from You Boshe and Song Hezi, they have intercepted Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie, and they will never Let the two of them leak the news."

"That's good."

Liang Yan showed satisfaction, nodded and said: "It doesn't matter if these two people come back, the important thing is not to let the demon clan know about our ambush in advance, so that we can take advantage of the magic circle and geographical advantage to defeat them one by one. "

"What Palace Master Liang said is very true!"

Wei Changfeng smiled slightly, then pointed to both sides of the canyon, and continued: "Palace Liang, please look, the Yin-Yang Falling Soul Array has been arranged, the left and right sides of the canyon are the Yin-Yang Array Eyes, please choose one of them, Mr. Wei. I will preside over the battle with you."

After Liang Yan heard it, he looked down and saw that two high platforms had been built on both sides of the canyon, with the same appearance.

The difference is that one of them is surrounded by flames, while the other has a gust of wind.

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, pointed to the high platform on the left side of the canyon, surrounded by flames, and asked, "What is the origin of the divine fire that protects the formation here?"

"Reporting to Palace Master Liang, this is the pure demon fire. It is not only powerful, but also has a miraculous effect on the demon clan. Under the protection of this flame, the formation here can be said to be impregnable." Wei Changfeng replied slowly.

"it is good!"

Liang Yan's face showed satisfaction, he laughed and said: "This seat is here to preside over this temple, and the leader of Wei can sit in another temple. Let's work together to run the Yin-Yang Soul Falling Formation together!"

"Haha, since Palace Master Liang ordered Wei to obey."

Wei Changfeng also smiled, but there was a hint of elusiveness in his smile. At this moment, he looked around, and there was a faint flash of light in his eyes.

"Palace Master Liang, please!"

Wei Changfeng, Liu Yongtai, and True Monarch Raging Fire handed over at the same time, looking respectful.

At this time, Liang Yan naturally wouldn't shirk. With a magic formula in his hand, he descended from the sky and landed on the left side of the canyon, above the white jade platform.

This dharma platform is the eye of the "Yin-Yang Falling Soul", surrounded by "purifying demon fire", and the moment Liang Yan approached, these fires spontaneously separated to both sides, revealing a broad avenue, moving forward Straight to the top of the table.

Without hesitation, Liang Yan passed through the sea of ​​flames and came directly to the platform.

At the same time, Wei Changfeng also pressed the escape light and landed on the other side of the canyon on the opposite side of the canyon.

The two looked at each other across the air and smiled at each other, but Liang Yan smiled brightly, while Wei Changfeng was a little gloomy.

"Palace Master Liang, the demon clan is coming soon. In order to prevent accidents, how about we run the formation first, how about a drill?" Wei Changfeng shouted across the canyon.

"Right on my mind!"

Liang Yan nodded and agreed with Wei Changfeng's proposal.

"Okay, please return Daoist Liu and True Monarch Raging Fire. Let's start the Yin-Yang Soul Falling Formation, so that Palace Master Liang can see the power of this formation." Wei Changfeng laughed, looking in a good mood.

After listening to Liu Yongtai and True Monarch Raging Fire, they also pressed the escape light at the same time and came to their own position. Several people cast their mana at the same time, and the powerful formation force began to circulate around.

However, the strange thing is that the "Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation" was originally a magic circle covering the entire "Baizhangyuan", but at this moment, only the power of the magic formation is running around the canyon, and there is no movement in other places.

On the white jade high platform, Liang Yan noticed the abnormality and immediately shouted: "Wei Alliance Leader, this magic formation seems wrong!"

"Hey, Palace Master Liang is joking, what's wrong with this array? Isn't it all good?" Wei Changfeng's voice came from a distance, but his tone was sloppy, and he didn't have the respectful attitude he had before.

"It's not right! Since it's the Daomen's Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation, why don't you see the power of Daomen's Yin-Yang? And the big formation should cover the entire Baizhangyuan, but there is no movement in other places now, and there is a formation around the canyon where we are. Work hard!"

On the high platform, Liang Yan's face changed, and while speaking, a hint of panic flashed in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Palace Master Liang, should you be smart or stupid?"

At this moment, on the other side of the canyon, Wei Changfeng has completely torn off his disguise, with a sarcastic smile on his face:

"Tsk tsk, say you are stupid, but you can see the changes in the formation! Say you are smart, you are like a fool, let me lead by the nose from beginning to end, and I still haven't reacted!"

"Leader Wei, what do you mean, don't you want to oppose me?" Liang Yan asked loudly with a gloomy face.

"Anti you?"

Wei Changfeng laughed and said: "Palace Master Liang, you think too highly of yourself. You are just lucky, you were favored by Linghu Bai, and you got a cheap city lord to do it, and you really think that you are superior to Wei Mou. above?"

Having said this, his face gradually became gloomy, and he snorted coldly: "In terms of intelligence and talent, Wei is not better than you in that one, but unfortunately his life is not good, and he is nestled in this southwest border as a little boy. Fortunately, the feng shui turns around, Palace Master Liang, I'm afraid you never dreamed that from the moment you left Wushuang City, you have already been calculated by others, right?"


On the high platform, Liang Yan looked surprised, and exclaimed in disbelief, "You mean all this is for this seat?"

Seeing his surprised expression, Wei Changfeng couldn't help sighing and said: "Linghubai asked you to be the head of the first palace, I thought you had something special, but I didn't expect it to be stupid. It seems that Linghubai is not in the legend either. It’s a no-brainer like that, and it’s time for confusion.”

Having said this, Wei Changfeng clapped his hands and said lightly, "Everyone, don't hide anymore, come out."

As soon as the voice fell, in the dark night, as if in response to his call, a circle of transparent ripples appeared.

The next moment, the ripples spread, and nine powerful breaths slowly emerged in the darkness.

These breaths are all above the Profound Opening Realm, and they are not human-like appearances. Some are sheep-headed, some have a hundred feet on their belly, some have a bull-eyed python body, and some have eight wings on their back.

"Nine Demon Kings?"

Feeling the powerful demon energy around him, Liang Yan finally understood.

"Wei Changfeng! It's all you want to do with me, but you are secretly colluding with the demon clan, do you know what you are doing?!"

"Of course Wei knows."

Wei Changfeng's face was calm, and he said lightly: "Wei has no eyes on people and demons, whoever can help me to cultivate is my ally! Compared with the indifference of your peerless city, the benefits of the demon clan to me are too great. More. Anti-Monster League? Hehe, I created this organization just to confuse you Peerless City, and at the same time secretly suppress those sects that are fully resisting the demon clan!"

Hearing this, Liang Yan's face showed a sudden look, and he gritted his teeth:

"It turns out that you, the leader of the Anti-Monster Alliance, is the biggest traitor! You said that Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie defected. I'm afraid they were maliciously framed?"

"Reacting now? It's too late!"

Wei Changfeng laughed and said: "These two idiots, I don't know what they noticed, and they tried their best to stop you from sending troops. Later, secret agents were sent to investigate us secretly. Of course I can't keep such people! So I found an opportunity to lure the two away. , and offered a plan in front of you, and let the unknowing You Boshe and Song Hezi go to hunt them down, so that the four chiefs will be supported at the same time, and you will be surrounded by all my people!"

He said this with a smug look on his face, and continued: "Actually, all of this is caused by yourself, if you really believed in the list and map, you wouldn't have sent your men out to block it. Demon King, and it is not so easy for me to frame Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie, so the current situation is your own fault."

"List Map"

On the high platform, Liang Yan smiled bitterly, looking very regretful.

"Fellow Daoist Wei, stop talking nonsense. This person is the master of the Bihai Palace. First abolish his cultivation and then capture him back. This is a great achievement!" shouted.

"King Aries, don't be careless! No matter how you say this person, he is also the lord of the first palace of Peerless City. Linghu Bai is not so confused. Maybe he has a magic weapon that can turn the world around. I have to be careful!" On the other end, a centipede with a human face said solemnly.

"Hey, you don't have to worry, this person is as stupid as a donkey, thinking that he is in the eye of the Yin-Yang Falling Soul Formation, but in fact he is now in my Ten Directions Heavenly Fire Formation! This formation is infinitely powerful, even if he has the ability to reach the sky. It is also difficult to escape. We don’t have to get close, just in the distance, use supernatural powers to abolish his cultivation base, this is a sure-fire strategy!”

At the same time as Wei Changfeng spoke, he, Liu Yongtai and True Monarch Raging Huo sacrificed a flag, and after pouring his spiritual power, it shook violently in the air.

The pure demon fire that originally surrounded the white jade platform and was responsible for protecting the eyes of the formation, suddenly became more than several times stronger, and turned into a sea of ​​fire of ten colors, which rolled back and trapped Liang Yan in the middle.

"It turned out to be a blindfold. These are not some kind of pure demon fire, but the flames you used to deal with Liang."

On the white jade platform, Liang Yan showed a thoughtful look, but it was strange that there was not much panic in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wei Changfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a sneer in his mouth: "Palace Master Liang is worthy of being the master of the first palace, and he has the demeanor of everyone! Hehe, you still pretend to be calm when you are about to die, so that's fine, I will use this Ten Directions Heavenly Fire Formation to send you You go to pieces!"

As soon as the words fell, Wei Changfeng, Liu Yongtai, and True Monarch Raging Fire waved their flags at the same time. The sea of ​​flames roared around the high platform, and flames of ten colors rose into the sky, as if a huge wave of flames rolled up on the sea, instantly swallowing Liang Yan's figure. Get in!

Under the reversal of the sea of ​​​​fire, the terrifying heat wave shot straight into the sky, and everyone in the night, including the nine demon kings, released their divine senses at the same time, wanting to see how the palace master of the Bihai Palace responded.

However, unexpectedly, after this person was caught in the sea of ​​​​fire, he only insisted on a few breaths, and soon lost his breath!

Everyone was silent for a while, and suddenly Wei Changfeng's laughter came from the air:

"Master of Bihai Palace? That's it? Hahaha!"

Wei Changfeng laughed until he leaned forward and closed his back, as if he had seen something ridiculous in the world, and burst into tears a few This is the master of the Bihai Palace that Linghu Bai personally chose? I thought I had the ability to reach the sky, causing me to make such a big battle, and it turned out to be only this way? "

"Bi Hai Gong Liang Yan, this name is the biggest joke I've ever heard in my life!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

Wei Changfeng's laughter was unbridled, while Liu Yongtai and True Monarch Raging Huo on the side were also satisfied.

"No matter what the strength of this person is, after all, he is the master of Bihai Palace. If we take his remnant soul there, we should be able to receive a lot of rewards, right?" Liu Yongtai said with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, fellow Daoist Liu is right."

True Monarch Raging Fire touched the beard on his chin and said with a smile: "There is a message over there, as long as we catch the master of the Bihai Palace, you can ask me whatever you want, and what is Bihai with the surname Liang? The lord of the palace is clearly a gift boy, hahaha"

Just when the two of them were in the middle of their conversation, a slight noise suddenly came from the sea of ​​​​fire below.

Although this voice was not loud, it fell into the ears of Wei Changfeng, Liu Yongtai, and True Monarch Raging Huo, but they frowned slightly, looked at each other, and looked down in unison.

I saw a whirlpool in the sky above the canyon, in the vast sea of ​​fire.

At first, the vortex was only the size of a washbasin, but as more and more flames surrounded it, the vortex gradually increased, and in just a few breaths, it was already a hundred feet in diameter.

"how is this possible?"

"He's not dead yet?"

In mid-air, whether it was a human being or a demon, they all turned their attention to the deepest part of the vortex of fire.

There, there was a small snow-white beast, dressed in Liang Yan's clothes, lying on his back in the sea of ​​​​fire and roaming freely, and every time its mouth opened, a large piece of flame was swallowed by it, and the huge vortex was because of this. to form

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