The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1301: The forces behind the demon clan

Li Xiaosong touched his head, his huge body stopped in mid-air, looking a little puzzled.

She really doesn't understand. The nine demon kings have killed six, why can't the remaining three be killed?

However, she had already had enough fun in the battle today. At this time, when she heard Liang Yan's order, she didn't say much, turned around and turned into a white light, and drilled back into the Taixu gourd.

In the air, only the six-horned king, the wheel-turning king, and the immortal king remained of the nine demon kings.

These three demons, look at me, and I look at you, with a look of uncertainty in their eyes.

"Why did he stop suddenly?"

Not only the three big demon kings, but even Wei Changfeng, Liu Yongtai and others were surprised, obviously puzzled by Liang Yan's move to take back Li Xiaosong.

"Could it be that this Palace Master Liang still doesn't want to kill him, and I still have a chance to survive?"

Wei Changfeng suddenly had this thought in his heart, and without caring about his dignity, he immediately shouted: "Palace Master Liang, all this is forcibly done by the demon clan, and Wei is also compelled to do so, as long as Palace Master Liang spares my life, I am willing to tell the inside story and everything I know!"

Liu Yongtai and True Monarch Raging Huo on the side were slightly taken aback when they saw this. Obviously, they didn't expect him to be so shameless. Just now, he kept saying that Liang Yan was not worthy to be the master of the Bihai Palace, and in a blink of an eye, they began to wag their tails and beg for pity.

"Damn, this old man took a step ahead!"

Liu Yongtai and True Monarch Raging Fire reacted immediately, they only hated that they had not changed fast enough, for fear that they would be disadvantaged in Liang Yan's heart, they all shouted loudly.

"Palace Master Liang, don't kill me! In fact, the demon clan riot is only on the surface, and there are people behind it. I am willing to tell everything I know."

"I know it, I know it too! I beg Palace Master Liang to spare my life, Liu Mou knows everything and says everything!"


The three begged Liang Yan for mercy at the same time, but Liang Yan didn't even look at them, shook his head, and said lightly:


As soon as the word "want" came out, he pinched a sword tactic, and a cyan sword light swept across the air. Liu Yongtai and True Monarch Raging Huo bore the brunt of it. They didn't even have time to react, and they were cut in half with a single sword.

The primordial spirits of these two people floated out of their bodies, and there was some confusion on their faces, and they didn't seem to know how they died.

But they didn't have a chance to think about it at all. The next moment, their souls were smashed by the sword light!

When Wei Changfeng saw this scene from a distance, he was so frightened that his soul flew out of the sky!

At this time, he finally realized that he really underestimated this Palace Master Liang too much!

Seeing the cyan sword light turn gently in the air, and pointed the sword tip at him again, Wei Changfeng's back was cold, and he begged: "Palace Master Liang, it was my fault, I was short-sighted and lustful, please let me go. This time, I would like to join the Bihai Palace and be a cow and a horse for you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the blue sword light flickering lightly in the air, and he couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

As the magic trick was played, the ancient mirror flew above his head, projecting a large ray of light, forming a white shroud in front of him.

This Wei Changfeng was a monk in the late period of Tongxuan. Unlike Liu Yongtai and True Monarch Raging Fire, he couldn't even react at all. At any rate, he sacrificed a life-saving magic weapon before the arrival of the sword light.

But that's about it.

The cyan sword light pierced the sky and landed on the top of the white shroud. With just a light touch, it shattered the shroud!

The white gangster cracked, the ancient mirror shattered in mid-air, and the sword light fell from the sky without any hindrance, cutting off Wei Changfeng's head with a single sword.

Wei Changfeng's head flew into the air, his eyes widened, and he wanted to beg for mercy again, but when he looked back, he found that his headless body had remained in place forever.

"Do not!"

Wei Changfeng roared loudly, his eyes full of regret and unwillingness, but with the stirring of the sword light, his unwillingness was shattered together with the primordial spirit......

At this moment, in the dark night, in addition to the monks from Bihai Palace brought by Liang Yan, there are only Zhou Rui, the head of Yuchan Cave, Xiong Jie, the head of the Tianzong, You Boshe, and Chisongguan, the head of Fengshen. Song Hezi, and the three trembling demon kings.

The only four remaining suzerains of the Anti-Monster League, although they had expected it before, were still shocked by Liang Yan's strength at this moment.

The Palace Master of Bihai Palace, if he didn't make a move, he killed three Tongxuan True Monarchs in an instant!

How powerful is this?

Zhou Rui was amazed, and secretly looked at Xiong Jie, You Boshe, and Song Hezi, all of them felt frightened.

Recalling that when Liang Yan first arrived in the Anti-Monster League, they didn't have much respect for this person. Fortunately, the other party was generous and didn't care about this, otherwise they would have ten heads and not enough for this Palace Master Liang!

As for the remaining three demon kings, they were standing back to back at this time, looking shivering, not even daring to let out the air.

Liang Yan rode the escaping light and came to the three demons with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly:

"You three should know, why am I leaving you alive?"

Hearing this question, the three demons had different expressions, but all eyes flashed.

Among them, the wheel-turning king said first: "Palace Master Liang, you don't know, in fact, the monsters such as me are also under orders, otherwise, even if you give us ten courage, we will not dare to violate the border of Wushuang Domain... ..."


Before the wheel-turning king could finish speaking, Liang Yan flicked his fingers, and a sword qi swept across, instantly piercing the wheel-turning king's forehead, destroying his primordial spirit.


The King of Eternal Life and the King of Hexagon changed their faces at the same time. They knew that Liang Yan did not kill himself in order to obtain information, but they did not expect the other party to be so ruthless. The King of Wheels just opened his mouth and was killed by him with a sword.

At this time, Liang Yan's face was calm, looking at the remaining two demons, he said lightly:

"I don't like others to lie to me, so the two of you must be careful, and there must be no deception in what you say, otherwise this person called the 'King of the Circle' will end."

After listening to his words, the two demon kings swallowed at the same time, their faces were pale, their foreheads were sweating, and they looked very nervous.

After a moment of silence, Liujiao Wang took the lead and said, "'s Tianhe City, they want to take advantage of Linghubai's absence to come to Wushuangyu to get some benefits, but it's not good for the bright side. We started a war, so we instigated our demon clan to be the pawn..."

When he said this, he secretly glanced at Liang Yan, but saw that the other party was smiling but not smiling.

"It seems that you are still not ready to tell the truth..." Liang Yan pinched a sword trick, and a ray of sword light was uncertain at his fingertips.

"Wait! I said, I said all!"

The King of Eternal Life was emotionally broken, and regardless of the Hexagon King beside him, he shouted loudly: "Actually, the three of us are not monsters at all! We are monks in Seven Star City, and the purpose is to disturb the border of Wushuang Domain, and then put the blame on Tianhe City. , let your two cities fight against each other, and then our Seven Star City will wait for an opportunity!"

After he finished speaking, in order to prove that what he said was true, the king of immortality hurriedly squeezed his two-handed magic formula, chanting words in his mouth, only to see a path of aura flying out of his body, turning into a stream of fireflies in the night.

As the spiritual light dissipated, the appearance of the King of Eternal Life was also changing. From the centipede at the beginning, he gradually changed into a handsome and elegant man in blue clothes.

Beside him, the six-cornered king let out a long sigh, followed the same method, and dispelled his disguise, turning into a slender woman in a red skirt.

The two stood side by side, the man was handsome and the woman was charming, they looked like a couple, and they were completely different from the demon clan just now.

"True Monarch Konghua? True Monarch Flying Scythe?"

True Monarch Tongxuan of Bihai Palace and several leaders of the Anti-Monster League recognized the origins of these two people at a glance.

After listening to this, Liang Yan asked Song Ru, "Do you know these two people? Are they really from Seven Star City?"

"Report to Palace Master Liang."

Song Ru stepped forward and cupped her hands to Liang Yan: "These two are indeed from Seven Star City, the man's name is Zuo Kongkong, and his name is 'Konghua Zhenjun', and the woman's name is Zhu Cui'er, because he used a pair of Fei Lian. The magic weapon, self-named 'True Monarch Flying Scythe'."


Liang Yan nodded, glanced at the pair of men and women, and said lightly: "It seems that the two of you finally know that lies will not work in front of this seat."

"Liang Gongzhu Shenwei! I know everything I can say, and I can't stop talking! In fact, Seven Star City not only sent the three of us to pretend to be monsters, but also other True Monarch Tongxuan suppressed the cultivation base and mixed in the army of monsters. In order to kill the defenders of Peerless City, I was caught off guard."

Zuo Kongkong knew that the situation was over, and in order to save his life, he simply shook out everything he knew.

"I see!"

After hearing this, the four heads of the Anti-Monster League showed a sudden realization.

In fact, the plague of the demon clan has been around for a long time, but it has never been so severe. In the past, the big demons in the Xuantong realm hardly made any shots. The Wushuang Domain only relied on a few loose cultivators to fight these demon clan. back.

But in the last ten years, many demons of the Profound Realm suddenly appeared among the demon clan, and they joined hands to harass the human monks in the peerless domain together, forcing these sects to form an anti-demon alliance. To fight against the evil of the demon clan.

Now it seems that these extra monsters in the Profound Opening Realm are actually disguised by someone from Seven Star City!

And the reason why so many monster clans are united is also because Seven Star City made a promise and gave them enough benefits.

Even the plot against the master of the Bihai Palace this time was probably planned by the people of Seven Star City!

"Our Bihai Palace once sent a few True Monarch Tongxuan to the border, and then there was no news. Was it murdered by your Seven Star City people?" Liang Yan asked with narrowed eyes.

"That's right, a few True Monarch Tongxuan from the Bihai Palace came here before. Although they couldn't control the battle situation, these people were sharp-minded and actually found out our clues. In order to prevent them from sending the news back to the Bihai Palace, we sent A lot of people were ambushed on the way and killed all of them."

When Liang Yan heard this, he finally understood why the monks sent by Ning Xia to the southwest border never returned, and there was no news. It turned out that their opponents were not the demon clan, but the seven-star city monks who had been planning for a long time!

"Palace Master Liang, we've said everything we need to say, please spare our couple's lives for the sake of what we know and say!" Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er pleaded at the same time.

"Spare your life?" Liang Yan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Well, for the sake of your truthful confessions, I can make the decision to spare your life, but..."

Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er were overjoyed when they heard him say "spare your life", but when they heard the three words "but it's okay", their faces darkened again, and they had a bad premonition.

"But what? I also ask Palace Master Liang to make it clear that as long as we can leave a ray of life for us, even if we go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​​​fire, our husband and wife will do it!" Zuo Kongkong said solemnly.

"It's simple, and there's no need to go up the mountain and go down the sea of ​​fire. I just want to ask the two of you to take us to a place."


"Seven Star City's pick-up location on the border!"


Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er changed their faces at the same time, and Zuo Kongkong shouted: "That's impossible! If we take you here, then our husband and wife are sinners in Seven Star City. The relatives will also be killed! Rather than that, it would be better for you to kill our husband and wife now, rather than betray the city."

" I'm afraid it's up to you!"

Liang Yan chuckled, suddenly raised his hand a little, and the blue sword energy burst out from his fingertips. Before Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er could react, it shot into the two people's bodies, completely sealing their meridians.


Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er both stared at them, but the meridians in their bodies were blocked, and they couldn't even use the slightest spiritual power.

Not only that, Liang Yan also sealed many of their key points with sword qi. Now both of them can't move their bodies, they can only move their eyes, and they can't even commit suicide.

"Liang, you are despicable and shameless! Since you didn't plan to let our couple go, why didn't you kill us with one sword?" Zhu Cui'er rolled her eyes in anger and cried frantically.

"I said to spare your life, but the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot escape."

Liang Yan smiled, turned to look at the crowd at Bihai Palace, and said lightly, "Yu Xiangwan, I'll leave it to you next."


Yu Xiangwan walked out of the crowd, first bowed respectfully to Liang Yan, and then took out a small golden box from his sleeve.

The lid of the box was opened, revealing the seventy-two gold needles inside, which Yu Xiangwan flicked with his hand and flew into the sky at the same time.


With a low voice, the seventy-two golden needles were divided into thirty-six on the left and the right, and shot into Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er respectively.

Immediately afterwards, he took out two more talismans and put them on his left and right hands. As he chanted words in his mouth, the two talismans spontaneously ignited without wind, and finally turned into two transparent silk threads, which respectively disappeared between Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er's eyebrows.

"It's done."

Yu Xiangwan turned around and bowed to Liang Yan.

And as soon as his voice fell, Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er handed over at the same time, almost in unison:

"I have seen Palace Master Liang!"

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