The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1302: True Monarch Ling Xiao

After Yu Xiangwan's spellcasting, Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er's expressions were quite different from before. Judging by how respectful they were towards Liang Yan, those who didn't know would think that the two of them were originally Liang Yan's subordinates.

Liang Yan was also staring at Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er at this time. After looking at it carefully for a while, he slowly nodded and said, "Yu Xiangwan, your puppet technique does have a certain way, even I can't find it. Weakness is coming..."

"The palace lord has praised it wrongly. Yu's meeting is just a sideshow, and he can't get on the stage." Yu Xiangwan's tone was very modest.

"Puppet art..."

When everyone arrived at this time, only then did they understand Liang Yan's intention.

At first, they were a little puzzled, why Liang Yan didn't search for his soul directly, because this method is simple and direct, and it can also find the hiding place of the monks in Seven Star City.

Now they understand that doing so will destroy Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er's consciousness, making Yu Xiangwan's puppet technique unable to perform. And with Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er as two puppets, they can sneak into the hiding place of the monks in Seven Star City without knowing it, so that they won't scare the snakes, and they can be sure to catch them all in one go!

"Palace Master Liang's methods are indeed brilliant! It's ridiculous that Wei Changfeng still wants to wrestle with Palace Master Liang. He is simply beyond his own power!" Song Hezi couldn't help but praise.

"Yes, Palace Master Liang's means, today we have seen it! The Palace Master of the Bihai Palace, I'm afraid it won't be long before he will become famous in the world." You Boshe also praised.

"Fellow Daoists are right, and my old man thinks so..." Zhou Rui touched his chin, and a smile appeared on Goosebump's face.

Tonight, Baizhangyuan.

Liang Yan single-handedly uncovered the spies within the human race, and wiped out the nine demon kings of the demon race. His reputation among the monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance has reached its peak.

The four leaders of the Anti-Monster Alliance all sincerely admired Liang Yan at this time, and no longer had the contemptuous attitude they had when they first met.

The Bihai Palace army and the Anti-Monster Alliance army had long been alarmed by the vision of the battle. These monks surrounded the canyon on both sides and witnessed the entire process just now. Looking at Liang Yan in midair at this time, their hearts were full of admiration.

In the darkness of the night, Liang Yan glanced at everyone and said with a loud laugh: "Everyone, tonight we will eliminate the internal troubles and pacify the demon clan together, and there is one last thing to do, that is to find the person behind the scenes and let us They understand that those who violate my peerless domain will be punished even if they are far away!"

This sentence didn't use sound transmission, but it resounded through the entire Baizhangyuan, whether it was the army of Bihai Palace or the monks of the Anti-Monster League, they could all hear it clearly.

For a time, the entire Baizhangyuan group was excited, and the fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high.

"Those who violate my peerless domain will be punished even if they are far away!"

"Those who violate my peerless domain will be punished even if they are far away!"


A cry resounded in the sky above the canyon, and everyone's eyes were full of fighting intent.

Especially those cultivators of the Anti-Monster League, they resisted the demon clan for many years with their blood, but they have been suppressed by the demon clan. It is only now that they know that there are spies within the human clan, and their hearts are angry for those who died. At the same time, Also more eager to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds!

Liang Yan glanced at the excited crowd and said again: "Since everyone is willing to follow Liang, from now on, the monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance will be merged into the army of the Bihai Palace and will be under the command of Liang. As for the four major sects Sect Master, each of you will lead a team and listen to me!"

"Follow the orders of the palace master!"

The monks of the Anti-Monster League responded in unison, and the sound resounded throughout the canyon.

Liang Yan's prestige is too high now, and no one dares to object to any of his words. The suzerains of the four major sects, as well as thousands of monks from the Anti-Monster Alliance, all bowed their heads and saluted him at this time.

Under his leadership, the army of the Bihai Palace and the monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance converged and started to head southwest.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, ten days have passed since the Battle of Baizhangyuan.

On this day, the sky was clear and cloudless.

In a certain mountain at the border of Wushuangyu, there is a huge house. The pavilions and pavilions in the house are hidden in the clouds and mists in the mountains, which look very secret.

In the middle of one of the courtyards, a stone chessboard was placed, and two people sat around the chessboard, a middle-aged man with a hook nose and an old man with red hair.

The two played against each other, and the courtyard was very quiet.

The red-haired old man seemed to have fallen into a deadlock. After pondering for a while, he suddenly sighed, pushed the chessboard, and cupped his hands: "I didn't expect that Zhenjun Lingxiao's chess skills have improved over the years, and the old man is ashamed of himself. This game is for I lost."

The hook-nosed man known as "Lingxiao Zhenjun" smiled slightly and said lightly: "Daoist Hongyun has won the prize, you and I have two games, one win and one loss, and the chess strength is equal, why is it better than this? Say?"

"Ha ha"

Hongyun touched his chin, and suddenly said, "Count the time, Zuo Kongkong and the others have been gone for a long time. There must be good news coming soon, right?"

"It's natural." True Monarch Ling Xiao nodded indifferently.

"Hey, the dignified Bihai Palace's master died on the border. I'm afraid that the city of Wushuang will be disturbed, right?" True Monarch Hongyun said, with a sly smile in his eyes, and said slowly: "I didn't expect it, we Originally, I just wanted to create a border conflict, but I didn’t expect to send a Bihai Palace Palace Master halfway, this is good, as long as we lead the way, there will be a war between Peerless City and Tianhe City!”

"At that time, we will be able to reap the benefits of Seven Star City." True Monarch Ling Xiao and True Monarch Hongyun looked at each other with knowing smiles on their faces.

"It's strange to say that, is Linghu Bai old and confused? He actually made a cultivator of the Tong Xuan Realm the master of the Bihai Palace." True Monarch Hongyun touched his chin, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

"Perhaps Linghu Bai saw his talent..."

True Monarch Ling Xiao pondered for a while, then smiled again: "Anyway, this Palace Master Liang is so arrogant that he dares to take command in person, isn't this a great gift to come to the door? The Great Demon King, as well as the traitors of the Anti-Demon League, should cooperate with each other, even if this Palace Master Liang has some magic weapon to press the bottom of the box, he will not escape death this time!"

"Hey, not bad!"

True Monarch Hongyun lowered his head and took a sip of wine, suddenly thought of something, smiled and said: "Daoist Lingxiao, forgive me for asking, I remember that 80 years ago, you once issued a wanted notice in the South of the Seven Stars Region. A monk named 'Liang Yan' is wanted by the coast, and the palace lord of the Bihai Palace is also named Liang Yan, are they the same person?"

"It's just a coincidence."

True Monarch Ling Xiao flicked his sleeves and said lightly, "The man I wanted back then was smuggled from Nanchui Island, and his cultivation was only in the early stage of Jindan, only ants. The current master of Bihai Palace is Tongxuan. In the mid-term, how could the two be the same person?"

"That's right, in just 80 years, from the early stage of Jindan to the middle stage of Tongxuan...... Haha, it seems that I think too much about the old man, and the old man punishes himself for a cup!"

Seeing this, Zhenjun Ling Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Although it is impossible for these two to be the same person, Daoist Hongyun reminded me that after I go back, I have to send people to see if I can find the 'Liang Yan of the year'. ', after all, this person is the person named by the master to kill."


True Monarch Hongyun showed a hint of curiosity, and couldn't help asking: "This old man is a little curious, how noble is your master's status, why do you want to get along with a junior in Jindan realm, and you want to hunt down this person with a wanted order. Woolen cloth?"

"Friend Daoist doesn't know."

Zhenjun Ling Xiao shook his head and slowly told the inside story.

It turned out that the master of True Monarch Lingxiao was facing a disaster, and he thought that it would be difficult to survive, so he asked an expert to make calculations and learned that he had to go to Nanchui Island to survive.

Later, he really found a wordless monument on a small island in the south, from which he realized his own avenue, and under the great advancement of supernatural powers, he survived the catastrophe riskily.

In order to appreciate the fate of the wordless stele, before he left Nanchui, he left a named disciple there to guard the stele.

And this disciple married a wife and had children in Nanchui, and spent a lot of money, that is, the later Huangshigong family.

Liang Yan not only slaughtered Huangshigong's family, but also destroyed the wordless monument. Although he did it secretly, the master of Lingxiao Zhenjun has already reached the realm of catastrophe.

He hates Liang Yan for slaughtering Huangshigong's lineage, and even more hates Liang Yan for destroying the stone tablet and ruining the bond of incense that year, so after learning that Liang Yan set off for Xianzhou, Antarctica, he issued a wanted notice on the south coast of the Seven Star Region. , vowed to kill this arrogant person.

"I see."

True Monarch Hongyun touched his chin, a thoughtful look on his face.

Speaking of Liang Yan, Zhenjun Lingxiao's face was gloomy, he snorted coldly, and said: "Two hundred years ago, I personally visited the small island in the southern border, when the master preached, and taught this Huangshigong a few spells. He has supernatural powers, so he can be regarded as half of my disciple, but I didn't expect that he would be mutilated by the villain in the end... If I find out where Liang Yan is, I will definitely take him back, get his muscle cramps peeled off, and relieve my heart. Hate!"

"Hehe, why do you need Zhenjun Ling Xiao to go out in person for such trivial matters?"

True Monarch Hongyun waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "A mere cultivator in the early stage of Jindan, I will let those incompetent apprentices search for this person for you in the three regions of Qixing, Wushuang, and Tianhe, unless he is hiding in the deep mountains. Never show up in the old forest, otherwise there will be clues!"

"Sun Mantang, a disciple of Daoist Red Cloud, is really envious of others. With your words, I believe it will not be long before you can catch this kid."

"Hahaha, it's a prize!"


While the two were talking, they suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside the yard, and two familiar breaths approached.

"It seems that the good news we've been waiting for has arrived." Zhenjun Hongyun took a sip of wine and looked drunk.

As soon as he finished speaking, two people walked in side by side outside the courtyard.

I saw a man and a woman, the man was elegant and refined, and the woman was charming and charming. The two came side by side and seemed to be a couple.

The people who came were Zuo Kongkong, the "True Monarch Konghua" and Zhu Cui'er, the "True Monarch Flying Scythe".

"Fellow Daoist Zuo, fellow Daoist Zhu, this trip has been hard work!"

True Monarch Hongyun laughed, stood up, and bowed his hands to the two of them: "How did the two of you end up on this trip?"

"Fortunately not humiliated!"

Zuo Kongkong bowed his hand in return, and said lightly, "Liang Yan of Bihai Palace has already been beheaded by us, and the remaining True Monarchs of Tongxuan are headless and have to lead the crowd back to Bihai Palace. As for the monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance, these people are originally The mob, as soon as Palace Master Liang died, they scattered as birds and beasts."


True Monarch Hongyun laughed, patted Zuo Kongkong on the shoulder and said, "Friend Zuo and Daoist Zhu, your trip really lived up to expectations! Once the palace master of Bihai Palace dies, our remaining task is to create an illusion and put the blame on the monks in Tianhe City. , when the two cities go to war, we Qixing City will reap the benefits, and you are the biggest hero!"

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun has won the prize."

Zuo Kongkong bowed his hands very humbly and said, "All this is thanks to you and fellow Daoist Ling Xiao who commanded properly. Our couple just acted according to the plan, at best it was a little hard work, and the first credit lies with the two fellow Daoists. "

Seeing that Zuo Kongkong and his wife knew each other so well, True Monarch Hongyun and True Monarch Ling Xiao glanced at each other, and both saw joy on each other's faces.

"Okay, I am relieved to have said this from fellow Daoist Zuo. If I, Ye Tianling, are appreciated by the city master, I will naturally not forget you..."

Ye Tianling is the real name of True Monarch Ling He said this, he paused for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and asked with some doubts: "By the way, you killed the master of the Bihai Palace, do you have any What token of return, such as his head or the magic weapon of life, or a wisp of his remnant soul?"

"Of course."

Zuo Kongkong nodded, reached out and took out a wooden box from his sleeve, and came to Ye Tianling with both hands.

"The head of the Palace Master of Bihai Palace is in this wooden box." Zuo Kongkong said slowly.

Hearing his words, Ye Tianling's eyes flashed with excitement. He put his hand on the wooden box and gently stroked it for a while, then he couldn't wait to lift the lid of the box.


As the lid of the box was opened, a multicolored halo burst out from it.

Immediately afterwards, in the halo, hundreds of golden needles flew out at an incredible speed.

At such a close distance, even True Monarch Ling Xiao could not dodge.

But after all, he is a monk at the peak of Tongxuan. Although the incident happened suddenly and unexpectedly, his reaction was also extremely fast. At this moment, his mind moved, and a white shield appeared in front of him instantly.

Ping Ping Ping!

Hundreds of golden needles hit the white shield, almost all of which were blocked, but a few bypassed the shield and shot into Ye Tianling's body.


Ye Tianling endured the excruciating pain and retreated sharply. At the same time, he ran the magic formula to seal some of the meridians in his body and force out the few golden needles with all his strength.

"Zuo Kongkong, Zhu Cui'er, what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Zhenjun Hongyun couldn't help but his face changed greatly, and he shouted angrily.

"Old Zhou, it's useless, didn't you see it? They are no longer the person!" Ye Tianling forced a golden needle out of his body and looked at the door of the courtyard.

I don't know when, there was a young man in a gray robe.

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