The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1310: The flesh is immortal!

The longer Huangshi Patriarch and Liang Yan fought, the more surprised they became.

He created the "Tianshi Huanshijue" by himself, and the power of the back earth is continuous, even if he fights with people for three days and three nights, he will not be tired at all.

But this kid in front of him is only at the cultivation level of the Profound Opening Realm. How could he be able to fight with himself for so long?

"Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot! No wonder Linghubai, an old fox, chose him as the master of the Bihai Palace. It seems that this kid has a lot of secrets in his body!"

Huangshi Patriarch's thoughts turned around at this time, and he thought of many possibilities in an instant.

At the same time, his desire to defeat Liang Yan became stronger.

Because in his eyes, Liang Yan is like a walking treasure house, if you defeat Liang Yan, you will not only get his magic weapon, but also get a glimpse of the mystery in his body!

Relying on the power of the "Yellow Stone Seal", the ancestors of Huangshi believed that they were invincible.

It's just that Liang Yan can't beat him, but he can't beat Liang Yan either.

Because "Tianshi Huanshijue" is not a practice that is known for attacking, if you are facing an opponent who is crushed by him in the realm of cultivation, of course, you can kill the opponent with any mountain.

When encountering an opponent whose magical power is similar to his own, "Tianshi Fantasy World" is a routine of defending instead of attacking and attacking others later.

The ancestors of Huangshi were used to winning with stability, giving priority to defense, and then waiting for the opportunity to find the opponent's flaws, and finally giving the opponent a fatal blow.

This kind of fighting rhythm is naturally easy to use when encountering opponents who are eager for quick success and impatient temper.

However, Liang Yan is also not impatient or impetuous, and he will not be out of balance because he can't find the opponent's flaws, and the most important point is that he is not afraid of consumption!

Possessing the advantages of Rank Nine Jindan and fellow practitioners of the Fourth Meridian, the devil in his body is still supplying the devil energy continuously. Liang Yandou has not been tired at all, but the more he fights, the more courageous he is!

"This kid, can't he use up the spiritual power in his body?"

Ancestor Huangshi scolded secretly, and it was the first time he had such a strange feeling, maybe he would lose to his opponent in endurance!

"It can't go on like this!"

The ancestor of Huangshi, while fighting, secretly said:

"The boy surnamed Liang is a treasure, not to mention his blue gourd, just talking about the reason why his spiritual power is inexhaustible and inexhaustible is already intriguing enough. If I let him go today, It means that I lost an opportunity in vain. After counting the time, my sixth challenge is coming soon.

Thinking of this, Ancestor Huangshi's face gradually became ruthless.

"Hmph, there is no one else here. Even if I use that trick, no one will know. After killing this kid, the Wushuangcheng army will naturally retreat, and I don't need to make another move."

Ancestor Huangshi's eyes flashed again and again, but finally calmed down, as if he had made up his mind.

The mountains above are still majestic, whistling vertically and horizontally, and they fought back and forth with Liang Yan, but the magic formula in the hands of the ancestors of Huangshi has changed.

The huge power of the back soil began to condense around, and then the ancestor of Huangshi took a step forward.

After this step, the originally hunched body actually stood up, and the body size became dozens of times larger. From head to toe, khaki lines began to appear on the whole body.

Liang Yan sensed something was wrong, swept his eyes to this side, and immediately became vigilant.

"The old thief actually has the means!"

His face was solemn, while resisting the siege of the surrounding mountains, he raised his sword light and stabbed in the direction of the ancestor of Huangshi.

"Ha ha!"

The ancestor of Huangshi chuckled lightly, and the whole earth was making noises, which sounded very harsh.

He took another step forward, and his body suddenly became taller. The squat, shriveled old man before was long gone, replaced by a heroic giant.

At this time, Liang Yan's sword light roared and reached the chest of the ancestor of Huangshi. The ancestor of Huangshi didn't even look at it. He raised his hand and waved lightly, and the sword light flew out!

"Withering bug trick!"

The ancestor of Huangshi stood in the air, like a giant pillar, his lips opened and closed, and the sound of the urn resounded through the heavens and the earth.

"This is the 'Heavenly Stone Dharma Sign'. Since I cultivated it, I have never used it in front of others. Today, for you to break the precepts, you are considered dead!"

As soon as the words fell, Huangshi's ancestor raised a palm, and the palm wind fell, like thousands of mountains gathered in one palm, and the overwhelming force was unstoppable!


Breathtaking space!

Under this palm, every corner of the surrounding space was blocked, and Liang Yan could not escape at all.

He took the practice of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" to the extreme, and Jin Guang forcibly opened up a world, but he could not escape the suppression of his palm.

In the crisis, Liang Yan slashed the mayfly Jianwan upwards, trying to repeat the old technique, using the sharp edge of Jianwan to cut a crack, and then using Lao Jin's escape technique to escape this shocking palm.

But this time, he failed.

Wu Concubine's palm strength is natural, not only domineering, but also without the slightest flaw.

Regardless of Liang Yan's scheming, he couldn't find any solution at this time. The only thing he could do was to continuously consume the spiritual power in his body and cut out the sword light to delay the falling speed of the palm power.

"Hahaha, you can't escape!"

In mid-air, Huangshi Patriarch fell over his palms and laughed loudly: "Everyone knows that my Huangshi Patriarch is good at defense, but they don't know that I also have thunderbolt means! Once the 'Tianshi Dharma Sign' comes out, let your sword light be more beneficial, I can't stop this attack!"

In the roar of laughter, the power of the back earth gathered more and more, and the palm power became more and more powerful.

The sword light that Liang Yan slashed out with all his strength could only hold back a few breaths, and it would be shattered by the force of his palm!

"Smelly face monster!"

Li Xiaosong saw this scene from a distance, the hair on his body exploded, he suddenly twisted his body, kicked away the Wushou Golem, and rushed in the direction of Liang Yan.

"leave me alone!"

Liang Yan's calm voice sounded in Li Xiaosong's mind:

"The old Yellowstone thief's move is 'kill a thousand enemies, and lose eight hundred!", you see the red light on his head, obviously it won't last long, you directly attack his deity, and I will join you! "


Li Xiaosong let out a sigh and looked up.

I saw the giant transformed by the ancestor of Huangshi standing proudly in the air. Although he seemed to be full of energy and unstoppable, there was a strange red light about three feet above his forehead.

"There's the thief's flaw!"

Li Xiaosong figured it out, since even Liang Yan couldn't resist the opponent's attack, she also had no choice in the past.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Xiaosong did not hesitate at all, kicked his legs, turned into a white light, and rushed into the air.


In mid-air, Huangshi's ancestor glanced at him and found the figure of Li Xiaosong, and he couldn't help sneering: "What if you are a mere monster, even if you reach the realm of creation, it's only your fault that you are with the wrong person, I will let the old man accept you today. !"

As soon as the words fell, a yellow light shot out from the eyes of the ancestors of Huangshi, and it shone on Li Xiaosong's body, as if a cage, actually imprisoned her in place!

After using this magical power, the red light on the forehead of Huangshi's ancestor became a little brighter, and it was very obvious at this time, like a huge pustule, rising and shrinking on his forehead.

"Cough cough..."

In the air, the ancestor Huangshi coughed violently, and his body began to shake slightly.

"Old Yellowstone thief, do you want to burn the jade with me?" Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, using the sword light to block the palm above his head, while observing the ancestor of Huangshi.

"Jade and stone are burned? Haha, you look down on yourself too much!"

Ancestor Huangshi had a look of disdain on his face, hehe smiled and said: "Old man, if I put this palm down, I will kill you immediately. Although this technique has some backlash, you were already dead at that time, and the Peerless City army was still alive. Aren't you letting me slaughter?"

In fact, he didn't say everything, and the "Tianshi Dharma Sign" was used, although the power was amazing, but the power of backlash was not a single star.

After this move, no matter whether he has defeated his opponent or not, he will enter a very weak period, the power of his magical powers will be greatly reduced, and even one-third of his strength will not be able to be exerted.

This is also the reason why the ancestor of Huangshi has never used it in front of people since he practiced this trick.

Ordinary sparring, even if he surrenders, he will not reveal this trump card, and once he uses this trick, he has to be divided into life and death.

"Liang Yan, I have to admit that you do have some means, and you are qualified enough to be the opponent of my ancestor!"

The voice of the ancestor of Huangshi came from high in the sky, and it exploded like a dull thunder.

"But that's all. After all, there is a huge gap between you and me. It's a miracle that we can persist until now!"

As soon as the words fell, Huangshi's ancestor took a deep breath, the spiritual power in his body spun wildly, the sarcoid on his forehead became a little bigger, and even the corners of his mouth began to bleed.

Correspondingly, a powerful force erupted from the palm in midair, instantly pressing Liang Yan's cyan sword light to the point of bending, and finally collapsed completely.


With a loud bang, a huge palm landed on Liang Yan, and the violent power of the back earth scattered out, like a ruthless vortex, involving Liang Yan's flesh and blood, squeezing, rubbing, Shredded, and finally completely turned into fly ash.

"It's all over..."

The giant in mid-air let out a sigh of relief.

As far as his eyes went, there was no such person as Liang Yan, and his breath disappeared without a trace. Under the suppression of the "Tianshi Dharma Sign", even the physical cultivation of the robbery realm could not resist, let alone a general A monk in the profound realm?

Ancestor Huangshi felt a sigh of relief.

He had never thought before that one day, facing a cultivator in the Profound Realm, he would have such great pressure.

Using the "Tianshi Dharma Sign" will put a heavy burden on your body, not only will your strength be greatly reduced after use, but your body will also be damaged.

Fortunately it was all worth it.

Now that Liang Yan is dead, it is time to harvest.

His cyan gourd, and the spirit beasts of the Creation Realm trapped in mid-air are all in his own pocket!

Ancestor Huangshi had a look of relief on his face, released his divine sense, and began to search for Liang Yan's storage ring and green gourd magic weapon below.

Just now, he deliberately kept an eye on it and did not destroy the other party's storage ring and green gourd. Now he only needs to put these things in his pocket.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, the ancestor of Huangshi found a green gourd in a crack in a rock below.

"My dear, come to this old man."

The ancestor of Huangshi laughed, raised his hand and played a magic formula, and wanted to take the green gourd into his hand.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

The cyan gourd in the crack of the rock didn't move at all. No matter how he used his mana, he lay there firmly, and didn't mean to fly to his hand at all.

"Huh? What's going on?"

A look of doubt appeared on the face of the ancestor of Huangshi, and he was about to cast the spell again when he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

"That is.........."

In the cracks of the rock, next to the green gourd, there was actually a gray corner of the clothes, and there was still a drop of bright red blood essence on the corner of the clothes.

The next moment, the child Kong of Huangshi Patriarch shrank!

Seeing something unbelievable, Ancestor Huangshi involuntarily took a step back with a look of surprise on his face.

I saw that in the cracks of the bluestone, the drop of blood essence was squirming frantically.

At the beginning, it was the size of an almond, but in an instant it became the size of a goose egg. Countless blood flowed, spreading out from the drop of blood essence, and gradually formed hands and feet.

In just a few breaths, a human body made of blood appeared.

Next, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, fingers, toes, hair, etc...  

Just in the astonished expression of the ancestor of Huangshi, an intact Liang Yan reappeared in front of him!

"how is this possible?!"

Ancestor Huangshi's face was extremely horrified, as if he had seen the most unbelievable thing in his life.

Just now, he had clearly killed the opponent completely, leaving not even a trace of his soul.

But in the blink of an eye, the other party was standing in front of him again, not only was there no injury at all, but even his breath had recovered to its peak!

"You! It's's impossible!"

Ancestor Huangshi's mood almost collapsed, and he shouted loudly: "This must be your illusion! Yes, it's an illusion! You are already dead, right? After death, you will use demons to deceive the old man, you despicable little boy. thief!"

While speaking, he raised a palm again and hit Liang Yan's head with a palm.

This time, Liang Yan's face was calm, he raised his hand and slashed out with a sword, easily catching the opponent's palm.

"Sure enough, your strength has weakened..."

Liang Yan's face was calm, and there was no emotion in his tone.

"If you don't use the 'Tianshi Statue' and only rely on the magical power of 'Yellow Stone Seal' to fight against me, then I may really have no way to do anything with you. It's a pity that you killed yourself and used the 'Tianshi Statue' ' That moment is the beginning of your self-defeating defeat!"

"You...why don't you die?!"

Ancestor Huangshi turned a deaf ear to his words, and just widened his eyes to himself, while running his magical powers, he roared, and he still seemed unable to accept this fact.

However, Liang Yan did not answer his plan. At this moment, his mind moved, and the Jianying and Jiuzhuan Jindan in his body simultaneously urged him to cut out a sword in full bloom.

The cyan sword light slashed through the void, and at the same time also opened the palm of the ancestor of Huangshi......

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