The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1311: Beheading Yellowstone, grievances!


Accompanied by a heart-piercing scream, the long arm of Huangshi's ancestor was slashed from the middle by a sword light, followed the palm all the way up, and quickly chopped to the shoulder.

At the same time, Li Xiaosong in midair also let out a roar, and the two cat claws tore left and right, instantly tearing the yellow cage that imprisoned him in half.

"Hmph, do you really think that a mere ban can imprison Miss Ben? If it wasn't for the stinking monster who asked me to pretend to be trapped first, I would have broken free! Now I will show you my 'Vulcan Seal'! "

As soon as the words fell, the white civet cat that Li Xiaosong transformed into opened his mouth, and five-color flames spewed out of his mouth, blazing in the air, and finally transformed into five flame giants.

The five flame giants jumped in mid-air and jumped behind the ancestor of Huangshi.

The raging flames instantly ignited on the rock-like body of the ancestor of Huangshi, burning his "Tianshi Dharma image" to the pitch blackness of the lake.


A scream came from the throat of the ancestor of Huangshi.

He wanted to operate the magical power, but the backlash of the "Shi Shi Fa Xiang" had already appeared, and his magical power could only exert 30%, and he couldn't resist the front and back attacks of one person and one monster at all.


The cyan sword light was slashed from his shoulders, and the entire right arm was cut in half, and the sword light didn't stop, it rushed upwards, and pierced the eyebrows of the ancestors of Huangshi.

The ancestor of Huangshi was shocked and hurriedly used his left arm to resist, but the fire behind him had spread to all parts of his body at this time, even his left arm was no exception. .


After a sword cry, the left palm of Huangshi's ancestor was cut off by the wrist, but the sword light also slightly deviated from the direction, instead of stabbing the eyebrows, but stabbing his right eye.

The sword light flashed, and the ancestor of Huangshi suddenly bleeds like a stream, and a long bloodstain flowed down from the corner of his eyes, and the huge body trembled like a candle in the wind.


With a loud noise, Huangshi ancestor's "Tianshi Dharma" finally couldn't hold it, and fell backwards and sat on the ground.

His right arm was chopped in half shoulder-to-shoulder, the palm of his left hand was also chopped off, one right eye was dripping with blood, and his whole body was covered in flames.

At this time, the ancestor of Huangshi was as miserable as it was. He was simply a lost dog, sitting on the ground, and had completely given up his resistance.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

The sound of the urn came from the air, and the tone of the ancestor of Huangshi was full of horror.

"Little Huangkou, you won, it's you who won! The old man admits defeat, just mention what you want, and the old man will definitely meet your requirements!"

After Liang Yan heard this, he sneered in his heart.

This Huangshi ancestor was dying, and he still pretended to be an elder in front of him, did he really dare not kill him?

"Yellowstone old thief, there is only one thing I want, and that is your life!"

Before the words fell, the spiritual power in the body was already running at an extremely high speed, and the mayfly sword pill swayed gently in the air, and a powerful sword intent broke out again.

"No! Lord of Bihai Palace, you can't kill me!"

An expression of horror appeared on the face of the ancestor of Huangshi, and he shouted: "I am the ancestor of the robbery of Qixing City. Qixing, Tianhe, and Wushuang have a three-city agreement. If you kill me today, it is equivalent to provoking the three cities. At that time, Qixing and Tianhe will jointly crusade Wushuang City!"

"Hmph, you are the one who started the battle of the Three Cities!"

Liang Yan did not withdraw his sword because of the words of the ancestor Huangshi, but coldly shouted: "You instigated the demon clan first, led the army to cross the border later, and even intervened in the border chaos as the ancestor of Hua Jie. Tired, does Liang have any reason not to kill you?!"

Before he finished speaking, Jianguang had already reached the top of Huangshi Patriarch's head.

The mayfly sword pill erupted with a powerful sword intent, and the cyan sword energy was condensed like a substance. Facing such a powerful sword, the face of the ancestor of Huangshi finally showed a look of despair.

"No! You can't kill..."

The next words can no longer be said, because that hundred-zhang-long cyan sword light descended from the sky, from top to bottom, slashing the huge body of Huangshi ancestors in half with one sword.

The "Heavenly Stone Dharma Phase" collapsed, and the mountains in mid-air disintegrated. Numerous pieces of gravel and soil fell from mid-air, fell to the ground, and turned into invisible back soil power, which merged into the soil and gradually disappeared.

A faint yellow light burst out from the body of Fa Xiang, and the breath was very concealed. It was mixed in the surrounding rocks and clods, and sneaked away into the distance.

"Want to go?"

Liang Yan was in the sky, and under the operation of the "Bodhi mirror", he could see everything clearly.

He sneered, the child hole in his right eye suddenly turned gray, and a ray of gray death appeared directly in the yellow light.

The miserable cry rang out in an instant, that yellow light was the only remnant of the old ancestor of Huangshi, how could the remnant resist the erosion of death energy?

I saw that the gray death energy was getting stronger and stronger, while the light of the primordial spirit of the ancestors of Huangshi became more and more dazzling. In just a few breaths, the light of the primordial spirit finally completely extinguished, and the gray death energy also lost its target, in mid-air. gradually dissipated.

This battle lasted three days and three nights, and in the end, Liang Yan had the last laugh.

The ancestor of Huangshi, one of the nine ancestors of the seven-star city, has fallen!

"What an ancestor of Huangshi... The grievances between you and me are completely over today."

Liang Yan floated in the air, looking at the body of his opponent and the rubble scattered all over the sky, he let out a long breath.

Huangshi Patriarch's strength has been recognized by him. Compared with the Heavenly Mighty Generals of Xuanyuan Region, although he does not have the aggression like fire, he is superior to the continuous power of the back earth and has a strong stamina.

Both sides have their own strengths, and it cannot be said that who is more powerful.

If compared with the Confucian God General, then even if the two Ling Chongxiao join forces, they are probably not the opponents of the ancestors of Yellowstone.

To be honest, Liang Yan and Huangshi ancestors did not have an intersection at all. If he hadn't killed Huangshigong in Nanchui, and then killed Ye Tianling, I am afraid that the two would not have such a big hatred.

The ancestors of Huangshi sent people everywhere to want him, and this trouble will be solved sooner or later. And this time on the expedition, he not only did official business for Wushuang City, but also avenged his own personal revenge, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After fighting with the ancestor of Huangshi, Liang Yan also had a more sober understanding of his own strength.

The current self, without using the "Dragon Immortal Body", can barely compete with the cultivator who has overcome the five difficulties, but he will be suppressed by the opponent.

If the opponent has powerful magical powers or magic weapons, then he is likely to be beheaded.

The reason why he was able to kill Huangshi ancestors this time was mainly because the other party didn't know his own details.

If the ancestor of Huangshi knew from the beginning that he had "Dragon Immortal", then he would never do it, and the final result was that neither of the two parties could do anything, and Liang Yan could only let him go.

It can be seen from this that the trump card of "Dragon Immortal" must not be easily exposed!

Without the knowledge of the enemy, with this trump card, he has the ability to turn things around!

However, if the enemy knows this information, it is very likely to formulate a strategy against them. The "Dragon Immortality" is not really immortal. If the monks who have survived two or more disasters in the transformation and robbery realm are bombarded and killed for three days and three nights in a row, they will still be able to kill them. Liang Yan was killed.

What's more, "Dragon Immortal" can only recover his injuries. If the other party has an extremely powerful sealing technique and completely seals himself up, it is not much different from being dead.

The most crucial point is that "Tianlong's immortality" comes from Xuanyuan Potian, and Liang Yan got it by chance after secretly intercepting Xuanyuan Qi's back. If Xuanyuan Potian knew about this matter, he might come to find his own bad luck, and Liang Yan's current strength was not enough to deal with it.

Liang Yan summed up the valuable experience of this battle, and drove Dunguang to the body of the ancestor of Huangshi, and took the other party's storage bag into his hand.

After a cursory inspection, I found that there are many magic weapons, medicinal herbs and spirit stones in it.

Many of the medicinal pills are of the highest quality, and they are very useful to Liang Yan, but most of the magic weapons are not eye-catching. After all, he is a sword cultivator.

If all these things are converted into spirit stones, the wealth of the ancestor of Huangshi is similar to that of Liang Yan, and there are about 30 million spirit stones.

However, in the storage ring of the ancestor of Huangshi, a strange black stone was also found. Although it does not appear to have the slightest spiritual energy on the outside, if you dig deep into it, you will find that it contains a large amount of spiritual energy.

There are as many as ten such strange stones in the storage ring of the Yellowstone ancestor.

"Strange...these stones have never been seen before, so I have to study them carefully when I go back."

Liang Yan muttered to himself, and moved all the treasures of the ancestors of Huangshi into his storage ring.

Then, he looked up at the midair again.

I saw a giant puppet with four heads and eight arms, and a yellow stone seal floating in the air.

"The Unsullied Golem" and "Yellowstone"!

These two treasures are the biggest gains of Liang Yan's trip!

After the death of the ancestor of Yellowstone, the Golem of the Innocent Golem was uncontrolled by no one. At this time, it floated quietly in the air, looking like a harmless statue of humans and animals.

But only Liang Yan knows what kind of terrifying defense this puppet has!

Jian Xiu was originally known for his offense, and he even became a Sword Infant, possessing a rank nine golden pill. Under such circumstances, he could only use his full strength to leave a few cracks on the body of the Wushou Golem, and he could only leave a few cracks on the body of the Golem. It cannot be completely chopped up in a short period of time.

From this, it can be seen how hard the Innocent Golem is!

Liang Yan didn't practice the post-earth cultivation technique, so he couldn't exert 100% of the power of the Innocent Golem, but he didn't want to use this puppet to kill people, he just wanted to use it to resist a fatal blow for himself at a critical moment.

"Innocent Golem, from now on, you will follow me and shield me from arrows."

Liang Yan looked at the puppet in mid-air, chuckled lightly, raised his hand and played a magic trick, firstly erasing the mark left by the ancestor of Huangshi, and then put the puppet in his storage ring.

The ancestors of Huangshi have been cultivating this puppet for many years. The imprint he left in it cannot be completely erased in a short period of time. Liang Yan only erased part of it, and put it in the storage ring first, and then he will return it later. Take the time to retrain.

After dealing with the Innocent Golem, Liang Yan turned his eyes and looked at the khaki stone seal in mid-air.

"Yellow Stone Seal"!

This is a talisman that the ancestor Huangshi spent thousands of years cultivating, and is related to his own life.

This talisman can condense the power of the back earth and command thousands of mountain peaks. The entire mountain range that appeared on the top of the head before is condensed from this "yellow stone seal".

"Good baby..."

Liang Yan raised his hand and took the stone talisman with the outer circle and inner square into his hand.

"It's a pity that I don't practice the post-earth exercise, otherwise, if I get this talisman, I will definitely be able to improve my supernatural powers..." Liang Yan weighed the stone in his hand, and a trace of regret appeared on his face. color.

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"Silly boy, you can't give it to me!"

Lao Jin's voice suddenly sounded nearby, sounding a little secretly happy.


Liang Yan raised his brows, glanced at Lao Jin, and said with a half-smiling smile, "You have been very excited since you fought with the ancestors of Huangshi. To be honest, have you been staring at this 'Yellowstone Seal' for a long time? "


Lao Jin has now transformed into a human figure, a bald man in a golden robe. Hearing Liang Yan's words, he rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said, "Hey, I can't hide anything from you! Lao Jin is the one I cultivated. If there is the help of the 'Yellow Stone Seal' for the Wind Escape Technique and the Earth Element Cultivation I have a 50% chance of breaking through to the Realm of Creation!"

"Fifty percent!"

Although Liang Yan wanted to make fun of Lao Jin, his expression changed slightly when he heard the probability.

The further back you practice, the more difficult it will be to make a breakthrough. It is already extremely rare to have a 50% grasp!

But think about it, Lao Jin is the Great Demon of Ten Thousand Years after all. He was the pinnacle of the Creation Realm before, but he was later sealed for too long, the spirit weakened, and the body was annihilated, which caused the realm to plummet.

However, the vision and perception of the Great Demon of Ten Thousand Years are still there, and there are still many supernatural powers and secrets, and the ordinary cultivator of the Xuantong realm can't be compared with him at all.

Now that he has obtained the "Yellow Stone Seal" that Huangshi ancestors spent thousands of years cultivating, it just matches the spiritual attributes of his own cultivation. Presumably, the success rate of Lao Jin's breakthrough will be much higher than that of other monsters.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll give you this 'Yellowstone Seal'!"

Liang Yan nodded, without talking nonsense, raised his hand a little, and directly sent the stone into Lao Jin's hand.

"Haha! Thank you Liang Xiaozi!"

Lao Jin's face was overjoyed, he stretched out his hand to take the "Yellow Stone Seal" and rubbed it repeatedly, looking like a treasure.

"Liang boy, this time back to Peerless City, Lao Jin, I will retreat and break through. I won't come out until I don't come out of the realm of creation."

"what ever."

Liang Yan shrugged indifferently.

Lao Jin's ability to break through the realm of creation is definitely good news for himself.

At that time, he will have two demon spirit beasts in the Creation Realm, one is fire and body cultivator, the other is earth and wind cultivator, one is good at offense, and the other is good at escape and defense.

And after returning to Wushuang City this time, Liang Yan himself wanted to retreat and practice. The short term is two or thirty years, and the long one is five or sixty years. It depends on when his first difficulty comes... ...

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