The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1316: negotiate

After reading the letter, Liang Yan's heart was already filled with turbulent waves.

Who is this ghostly scholar?

Why do you know so much about yourself?

Returning from Xuanyuan Region, defeating Yu Xiaolong, capturing Yun Suyi, pacifying the chaos in the southwest, and slaying the ancestors of Earthshade, how could he know all these things?

And the way to open the envelope actually requires a bit of his own spiritual power. Liang Yan has no doubt that if someone tries to open the envelope, the restriction inside the envelope will immediately burn the letter.

What kind of person knows so much about himself?

"Fengducheng...Ghost Scholar..."

Liang Yan muttered to himself, and the expression in his eyes changed.

Not only because of the mystery of the sender, but also because of the content of the letter.

There is a word here:

"God jealous!"

According to what the other party said, the reason why I couldn't get the sense of heaven and man was because my previous realm had improved so fast that I was "jealous of heaven". .

Liang Yan had never heard of such a statement.

If it was put in the past, he would definitely not believe it.

But after this retreat, Liang Yan did sense that there was a layer of shackles and shackles that blocked his way forward, which coincided with what the ghost hand scholar said.

"Is it really the restriction of heaven in the dark?"

Liang Yan became suspicious. After all, he had an absolute foundation, and he didn't know how much luck and fortune he had won during the period. Later, he secretly robbed Xuanyuan Potian of the blood of the saint, and his cultivation had grown too fast.

The so-called wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, and the way of heaven is boundless. It is to hope that all living beings are equal, rather than thriving.

That's why you set shackles on your own cultivation path so that you can't break through to the realm of calamity?

Based on the analysis of his own specific situation, Liang Yan had already believed the contents of the ghost hand scholar's letter to some extent, but he was cautious by nature and always felt that there were many suspicious things in the letter.

To sum it up, it's three points.

One is why does the other party know so clearly about their own affairs?

The second is how does the other party know the characteristics of his spiritual power?

The third is does this person really have a way to crack the "jealousy"?

Thinking of this, Liang Yan raised his hand, took the letter into his hand, and read it carefully again.

"Xiyi, Nancheng?"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Nancheng should refer to Wushuang City, which is a relative word. Combined with "Xiyi", it means that the other party is in the northwest of Wushuang City.

There is also this sentence: "I have looked at the talents all over the world, and I have set a list of peerless talents. There are ten people in total, and you are one of them."

It means that the person invited by Ghost Hand Scholar is not only one of them, but there are ten talents in total, and he is only one of them.


Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, turned around and took out a giant map from the bookshelf, unfolded it slowly, and presented it in front of him.

This is a map of Xianzhou, Antarctica.

This is the only one in the entire Bihai Palace.

The Antarctic Immortal Continent is vast and boundless. Among them, the seven mountains and twelve cities are listed as the largest nineteen forces. There are some gray areas in the middle. There are monsters, aliens, barbarians... and some unpopular sects. Doors and loose repairs.

Each faction will not make its own map public, so this map of Bihai Palace is only a rough map of the power distribution, and it is impossible to mark every place.

At this moment, Liang Yan is carefully observing this map.

According to the description on the map, most of the "Twelve Cities" are arranged in the middle of the Antarctic Immortal Continent, and many of the "Seven Mountains" are located on the edge of the continent.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, near the coast of the South China Sea, there is no "Seven Mountains" sect power, but the three cities of Seven Star City, Tianhe City and Wushuang City.

Moreover, not all of the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities were marked on the map. Two of them, Juntian City and Fengdu City, did not appear on the map.

It is said that Juntian City was built on the back of a huge tortoise. It was not always in a certain place, but was constantly moving, so the map could not be marked.

Fengdu City is even more mysterious and unpredictable. It is said that no one knows where the city is. Only people who know Fengdu City appear every few hundred years, usually carrying some rare treasures from heaven and earth, and come to the Antarctic Immortal. All parties in the continent make deals.

But every time only the people from Fengdu City took the initiative to show up, other monks could find them. As long as the time passed, the people of Fengdu City disappeared without a trace, as if there was no such city in the Antarctic Immortal Continent.

Fengdu could not be found, so Liang Yan looked for the location of Fuyu Mountain on the map, but to his surprise, there was no sign of Fuyu Mountain on the map.

"It's weird... What kind of calculus did this ghostly scholar play, and how he chose a place to be so hidden, as if he was afraid that others would find it."

Liang Yan frowned, his face changed a little.

After pondering for a long time in the study, he put the map and letters on the table into his sleeves, then turned around and turned into a ray of light, left the study, and flew towards the sky.

After a short while, the elusive light transformed by Liang Yan came to Ning Xia's attic.

Ning Xia was discussing matters with several True Monarch Tongxuan. Liang Yan glanced at it and found that Cang Yueming, Song Ru, and others that she was familiar with were among them.

He didn't hide his breath, so everyone quickly discovered his arrival.

"See the Palace Master! Congratulations to the Palace Master for leaving the customs!"

Cang Yueming, Song Ru and the others bowed to him at the same time.


Liang Yan waved his hand, his eyes swept across the crowd, and finally landed on Cang Yueming.

"Hey, you've become a sword pill? Congratulations!" Liang Yan said with a smile.

"Haha, Palace Master Liang really has such a brilliant eye, I can't hide anything from you!"

Cang Yueming smiled refreshingly, and a jet-black sword ball flew out from the bamboo box he was carrying, and it was Mo Xuanjian as it twitched lightly at his fingertips!

"I have been raising swords for more than ten years, and I just opened the box not long ago. I didn't expect to be seen by Palace Master Liang today. Palace Master Liang's swordsmanship skills are indeed beyond my reach."

"Hehe, your sword is just beginning to form, and your sharp edge is hard to lose. It is normal for people to see it as a normal thing. You must guard the three palaces, keep the five inner gods, lead wildfires to burn the jade spring, transport the Qi of Zhoutian, and even complete the whole of the gods. . . …”

Liang Yan seemed to have a calm tone, and he said it casually, but when Cang Yueming's ears fell, it was a slap in the face.

"I see!"

Cang Yueming is also a kendo genius, how can he not hear it, Liang Yan is teaching himself the method of restraining the sword edge and strengthening the sword pill.

Although it was only a small piece of mental formula, the words were precious and profound, and it just solved Cang Yueming's biggest problem right now, surpassing his own years of ascetic cultivation.

"Thank you, Palace Master Liang, for your guidance!"

Cang Yueming looked respectful and bowed sincerely.

"Hehe, don't be too polite, it is also a blessing for my Bihai Palace to make great progress in your cultivation."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, glanced at Ning Xia, and continued, "I still have some things to discuss with fellow Daoist Ning, so please step back first."


Song Ru and the others respected him very much. At this time, they respectfully responded, and they all exited the attic and flew into the distance.

Seeing him do this, Ning Xia knew that there must be secret matters to discuss with her, so she immediately backed away and brought Liang Yan to the study.

"Ultimate Chaos"

"When did the palace master leave the customs?" Ning Xia greeted Liang Yan to sit down, made him a cup of tea, and asked with a smile.

"Not long ago."

Liang Yan took a sip of the tea and felt that the mouth was very bitter, but after drinking it, he had an unforgettable aftertaste. There was also a warm spiritual power that dispersed to the limbs and bones, giving people a feeling of warmth all over the body.

"What was the result of this retreat?" Ning Xia asked again.

"Very little effect...Except for some diligence in supernatural powers, the realm of cultivation has always been stagnant. I don't know why, I always can't touch the threshold, and I have been in retreat for 30 years, but I haven't gotten it. A trace of heaven and man." Liang Yan did not hide it, and explained his current situation one by one.

After listening to Ning Xia, she nodded lightly and said, "This kind of situation is very rare. Generally speaking, as long as one's cultivation reaches the peak of Tongxuan, one can more or less get a sense of heaven and human beings. Like me and Feng Xuanzi, back then I clearly sensed the coming time of the first difficulty, and it took a full half a year to prepare, only to survive the first difficulty and successfully break through to the realm of calamity."

"So, I always feel a little strange, maybe there is a problem with my own cultivation." Liang Yan said, and sighed softly.

"Palace Master Liang doesn't need to be discouraged, in fact, cultivation is like drinking tea, you never know what the next sip will taste like, just as you never know what your next step will be. There may be unexpected surprises.”

Liang Yan was a little dull at first, but after listening to her, he couldn't help laughing.

"After a long time, it turns out that Fellow Daoist Ning invited me to drink tea and was waiting here!"

After he laughed, his face became serious again: "Thank you Daoist Ning for reminding me that Liang's Taoism is not so fragile, and I didn't take it to heart after a mere failure. I just received a letter just now. The content made me a little confused, so I came to ask fellow Taoists."


Ning Xia became interested and raised her eyebrows, "What letter, can you give me a look?"


Since Liang Yan was here, he didn't plan to hide it, and at this time he took out the letter readily.

Ning Xia took the letter, her consciousness swept away, and her brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Ning, you are well-informed, have you ever heard of the ghost-hand scholars in Fengdu City?" Liang Yan asked tentatively.

"No, Fengdu City is too mysterious, and no one knows what characters are in it. As for this 'Ghost Hand Scholar', this is the first time I have heard of it."

Ning Xia's face showed a look of contemplation, and after thinking about it, she said: "But the 'jealousy' he said, I think it is very likely that the reason why the palace master can't get the sense of heaven and man. After all, the biggest difference between you and us is , is that the speed of cultivation is too fast. Think about it, more than a hundred years ago, when you first came to Wushuang City, you were still in the Golden Core Realm, and now you have reached the peak of Tongxuan. This cultivation speed is rare in ancient and modern times. constraints.”

"You see that too..."

Liang Yan nodded slightly, a look of approval on his face.

In fact, at this point, he still believes in ghost-hand scholars. After all, he personally felt the invisible shackles, as if a cage was locked on top of his head.

"Then do you think the ghost hand scholar will have a way to crack it?" Liang Yan thought about it and asked.

"It's hard to say, the monks in Fengdu City have always been mysterious and unpredictable, and every time they appear in the world, they will carry many rare treasures. There have been examples of them helping people solve troubles, but those are just legends, whether it is true or false, never No one has ever tested it."

"I see.........."

Liang Yan nodded slightly.

In fact, when he heard that the monks in Fengdu City had helped people solve troubles, he was already a little moved.

After all, this is a bottleneck related to his own cultivation. Liang Yan is now almost certain that if he just devotes himself to cultivation, he will not be able to break through to the realm of calamity in this life.

As long as there was a chance, he wanted to try his luck.

However, Liang Yan was still a little uneasy, he was silent for a while, and then said: "I still have some doubts, this ghost hand scholar said that he is far away in Xiyi, so how does he know my current situation in Wushuangyu? And that letter , There is a very powerful restriction in it, and it must have my spiritual power to open it, and how does he know the characteristics of my spiritual power?"

After listening to Ning, she thought about it for a while, and then said slowly, "As far as I know, although Fengdu City is hidden from the world, they have a very mysterious intelligence network. It will even surpass the Yunjin Palace in our Peerless City!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, obviously a little unbelievable.

"It's true, and this time you returned to the Unparalleled Domain. In order to increase the reputation of Bihai Palace, you have defeated Yu Xiaolong, Yun Suyi and Huangshi Patriarch successively, and your actions are very high-profile. With the intelligence capabilities of Fengdu City, it should not be difficult to know. I Thinking, I am afraid it is precisely because of these deeds that this ghostly scholar named you one of the top ten talents."

When Ning Xia said this, she paused for a while, and then continued, "As for your spiritual power characteristics, it's hard to say, maybe it's the opponent you fought against, but you didn't kill them all and let them go. And this person happened to have some friendship with the ghost hand scholar, and he used the secret method of Fengducheng to collect a little of your spiritual power, and used this to create the prohibition in the envelope."


After listening to Ning Xia's analysis, Liang Yan couldn't help but nodded.

"Ning Daoyou is right. It seems that I underestimate Fengducheng.... What is the sacredness of this ghostly scholar, does he really have a way to solve the 'envy of heaven'?"

"I don't know if there is a way to solve it, but the 'Fuyu Mountain' he invited you to is a very dangerous place." Ning Xia looked at Liang Yan and said solemnly.


After hearing this, Liang Yan frowned. The reason why he came to Ning Xia was to find out the whereabouts of 'Fuyu Mountain'. At this time, when he heard the other party take the initiative to mention it, he couldn't help but ask:

"Fellow Daoist Ning, I searched all over the map of Xianzhou, Antarctica, but I couldn't find the location of 'Fuyu Mountain'. Could it be that fellow Daoist knows this place?"

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