The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1317: leave again

After listening to Liang Yan's question, Ning Xia smiled slightly:

"I was about to tell you that this Fuyu Mountain is the current Broken Void Mountain. It is located in the extreme west of Xianzhou, Antarctica. If you go further west, there will be only the bitter sea in the west."

"Shattered Void Mountain......"

Liang Yan's eyes hurriedly swept across the map, and soon landed on the westernmost edge of the map.

In the extreme west, there is indeed a mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles, and it is called "Broken Void".

There are two major forces close to the Broken Void Mountain, namely "Kunwu City" and "Eternal Night City".

"Shattered Void Mountain is Fuyu Mountain? Then why is Fuyu Mountain not marked on the map, but the name 'Smashed Void Mountain'?" Liang Yan asked with some doubts.

"This is a long story."

Ning Xia sighed and said, "Although that mountain range is located in the extreme west, because there is a kind of jade fragment called 'Scar of the Sky' hidden in the mountain, which is an excellent material for refining tools, it has always attracted all parties. The monks went to explore, and the name 'Fuyu Mountain' came from this."

"However, eight hundred years ago, a civil strife broke out in Yongye City near 'Fuyu Mountain'. Qi Sichen, who was the city owner of Yongye City at that time, suddenly disappeared. Two deputy city lords."

"The two deputy city lords are both in the realm of 'sub-sage' cultivation, and they are only one step away from becoming a saint. If neither of them agrees with the other, they will meet in Fuyu Mountain to fight the law and decide the ownership of the city lord with their strength."

"The fighting between the two 'sub-sages' lasted for three days and three nights. The fighting was dark and dark, and the entire Fuyu Mountain range was smashed. Since then, the spiritual veins have disappeared, the jade has disappeared, and the Fuyu Mountain has been completely reduced to The ruins have become today's 'Shattered Void Mountain'."

After listening to Ning Xia's introduction, Liang Yan's face couldn't help showing a look of emotion, and after being silent for a while, he slowly said: "So that's the case, it seems that Shattered Void Mountain is the former Fuyu Mountain, but now it is a piece of Ruins, hence the name 'Shattered Void'."

He thought for a while, and then asked, "What was the final result of the two deputy city lords?"

"What else can you do? It's all about winning the king and losing the bandit. The battle of Fuyu Mountain lasted three days and three nights, and in the end, the winner was decided by one move. The loser was disheartened and left Yongye City by himself. There is no news in the year, and I don't know where he went. As for the winner, he naturally stayed and became the city lord of Eternal Night City. There, I realized the inheritance, successfully survived my last disaster, and achieved the status of a saint."

After listening to Ning Xia's words, Liang Yan nodded slightly and said, "It seems that the city of Yongye is not exhausted. After the last city lord disappeared, it only took three hundred years for another monk to appear in the sacred realm. If not, I am afraid that the 'seven mountains and twelve cities' in the Antarctic Xianzhou will become the 'seven mountains and eleven cities'."

"That's right, Heaven's Dao is boundless, seemingly ruthless, but in fact there is a causal cycle. It's just that I haven't experienced it before, so I can't know it." Ning Xia nodded.

After listening to Liang Yan, he smiled slightly, noncommittal.

"What daoist friend said just now, Liang still doesn't understand, since this Shattered Void Mountain is just a ruin, why does daoist friend say that this place is dangerous?"

"That's because the Shattered Void Mountain is leaning against the Sea of ​​Bitterness in the West."

"Western Sea of ​​Bitterness?"

Liang Yan frowned. The map in his hand only included the continent of Xianzhou, Antarctica, and it was already the end when it reached the Shattered Void Mountain in the west. The sea of ​​bitterness in the west that Ning Xia said was obviously outside the continent of Xianzhou, Antarctica.

"The Sea of ​​Bitterness is very dangerous. If you want to go deep into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, you must at least have the strength to survive two disasters in the Tribulation Realm. If you enter the Sea of ​​Bitterness, almost all cultivators will die. Moreover, there is a special evil spirit in the Sea of ​​Bitterness. 'Reincarnation evil spirit', once you get close to the sea of ​​bitterness, you will be attacked by this evil spirit."

When Ning Xia said this, she sighed softly and said:

"In the west of Fuyu Mountain in those days, there was a barrier left by the previous Eternal Night City Lord Qi Sichen, which could block the 'reincarnation evil spirit' of the bitter sea, so many monks were able to go to Fuyu Mountain to explore. But this layer of barrier is in two It was smashed in the battle of the sub-sages, and the 'reincarnation evil spirit' of the bitter sea was no longer blocked, and spread into the mountains, turning the 'Shattered Void Mountain' into an extremely dangerous place."

"There is such a thing..."

After listening to Ning Xia's introduction to Kuhai and Suixu Mountain, Liang Yan couldn't help feeling a lot.

The Human Race Continent is vast and vast. Although his cultivation base is growing, there are still many strange places that he has never seen before. Just talking about the danger of this sea of ​​bitterness has surpassed his previous understanding.

"Palace Master Liang."

Ning Xia looked at him in a daze, and couldn't help but said, "I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Liang Yan came back to his senses, glanced at her, and said with a smile:

"But it doesn't matter."

"Shattered Void Mountain can be said to be dangerous and unpredictable, and the Fengdu City is even more mysterious and mysterious! This ghost-hand scholar who has never met before doesn't know where it is sacred and what purpose he has, he actually wants to use a letter to invite you. Arriving at the Broken Void Mountain. The concubine thought that this trip was too risky. As the lord of the first palace, Palace Master Liang should not take this risk. As for the bottleneck in cultivation, it may be that the opportunity has not yet come, and thirty years is not counted. It’s too long, and some people with poor aptitude, it’s nothing to be trapped in the peak of Tongxuan for hundreds of years, I think Palace Master Liang can choose another method.”

Ning Xia's remarks were completely from Liang Yan's point of view, and she really planned for him, and Liang Yan could hear it naturally.

It's just that he knows his own affairs.

Liang Yan's inability to break through to the Tribulation Realm was definitely not because of insufficient cultivation, but because he had an invisible shackle. He could feel in the dark that this shackle was indeed related to the Tao of Heaven. As the letter says, it should be fine.

Now that Linghu Bai is not in Peerless City, if he misses this opportunity, he doesn't know what year and month he will have the opportunity to break through the robbery realm.

Coupled with what Wei Wenxiang and Li Yuxian said to him, there was always a mysterious tension in his mind. The catastrophe of the Antarctic Immortal Continent was approaching, and he had to improve his strength as soon as possible before the chaos came, in order to deal with the possibility of the future. various dangers.

Of course, Liang Yan would not reveal this inside story to Ning Xia.

Even though Ning Xia was his confidant, this matter involved a game between saints. The reason why he could find out about Ning Xian Xiang and Li Yuxian was because they were looking at Linghu Bai's face.

In addition, if he is not a living dead and cannot be calculated by other saints, I am afraid they will not reveal the slightest information to himself.

After careful consideration, Liang Yan said slowly, "Fellow Daoist Ning Xia is sincerely planning for Liang, and I understand this kindness. However, I have to go to the Fuyu Mountain appointment this time."

He only said that he "must go", his face was firm, and he did not explain why. Ning Xia is a smart person. Looking at his face, she knew that Liang Yan made this decision after careful consideration. No matter how much she persuaded him, the other party would not change it.

Knowing Liang Yan's decision, Ning Xia no longer persuaded, but sighed:

"Okay, since you have made up your mind, then I will select a few super-strength True Monarch Tongxuan for you to go with you as your deputy."

"No need."

Liang Yan shook his head and said, "There are too many unknown risks in this trip to Fuyu Mountain. There are too many people with me, but I am at a loss. It is better for me to go alone. Besides, the Bihai Palace is just getting better now. Knowing that I left Bihai Palace, I am afraid that the military will be unstable again, so I have to keep a low profile when I leave Wushuang City this time, without bringing a soldier or soldier, I can go alone."

After listening to Liang Yan's words, Ning Xia's expression changed, and finally she nodded.

She knew that, with Liang Yan's current strength, if he were to be in danger, one or two cultivators in the Profound Opening Realm would not be able to help at all, and might instead be called a burden.

"Alright then, I hope Palace Master Liang will be more careful. If you find anything wrong, don't force yourself to return to Peerless City immediately." Ning Xia urged worriedly.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Ning, Liang has his own measure."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, suddenly remembered something again, frowned slightly and said: "This is a very long way to go to the extreme west. Although there is a three-year appointment in the letter, I was still in retreat at that time, and I will wait until I see it. Two years have passed since I wrote the letter, and now there is only one year left...I don't know if our Peerless City has a teleportation circle, which can help me shorten the journey time."

"There is one."

Ning Xia answered very succinctly: "A long time ago, we had a good relationship with Wushuang City and Kunwu City. Because the distance between the two cities is very long, the monks from both sides jointly built three super-large teleportation circles. For some reason, our City Lord Linghu and the City Lord Xiao of Kunwu City had a rift. The two sides fought a battle, and the result is unknown. However, after the battle, the two disappeared at the same time, until more than 90 years ago, when Cangnan Mountain When talking about Taoism, City Lord Linghu reappeared, but as for Xiao Kunlun City Lord Xiao, he disappeared..."

After Liang Yan heard this, a contemplative expression appeared on his face.

"Xiao Kunlun..."

It wasn't the first time he had heard the name.

As early as when Cangnan Mountain was discussing Taoism, I heard it from Shen Lingtian's mouth. Later, in Xuanyuanyu, Liang Yan also met Xiao Kunlun's apprentice Fang Jun, and the two fought side by side against the Confucian generals who were in full swing at the time.

Finally, at the "Wentai Doubao Conference", the mysterious Guangchengzi even took out Xiao Kunlun's magic weapon "Kunshan Seal", and used this treasure to damage Xuanyuan Potian many times.

Although he has never met Xiao Kunlun, Liang Yan is no stranger to this name.

"Kunwu City and Wushuang City are both the 'initial three cities'. Presumably this Xiao Kunlun and Linghu City Lord are on a par, but since the two City Lords fought each other, can the teleportation circle in the city still be used?" Liang Yan said a little. asked suspiciously.

"Two of the three teleportation circles have been destroyed, and only one has survived. However, this circle cannot be directly teleported to Kunwu City, but to the border area of ​​Kunshan."

When Ning Xia said this, she smiled slightly, and then continued: "This is also a good thing for Palace Master Liang, because you don't need to enter Kunwu City, but go to Shaoxu Mountain in the west of Kunshan. This will not only save money After a lot of trouble, I'm a little closer to Shattered Void Mountain."


Liang Yan nodded in agreement.

On my own trip, I just want to keep a low profile, and it is best to keep the rumors out. After all, as the owner of the Bihai Palace, suddenly running into someone else's Kunwu City would cause unnecessary trouble.

"Where is this teleportation formation?" Liang Yan asked after thinking for a while.

"The teleportation formation was built in the jurisdiction of Linglong Palace. This formation has been in dust for many years. It requires massive resources to open it. Ordinary peerless city disciples are not qualified to use it, but you are the master of the first palace, presumably Xia Zhirong of Linglong Palace. Nor will it object..."

When Ning Xia said this, she pondered for a moment, and then continued: "Well, I will send a message to the Summer Palace Lord now, and ask her to immediately start helping you gather resources and prepare to start the teleportation formation. All expenses are counted on the head of our Bihai Palace."

"Okay, that's it!" Liang Yan nodded.

After receiving his affirmative answer, Ning Xia immediately took out a bamboo bird from her sleeve, told the story about Liang Yan to the bamboo bird, and then opened her mouth to blow.

The bamboo bird seemed to have gained life, its eyes rolled a few times, followed by flapping its wings, rising into the air, drilling into the crack of the void, and disappeared without a trace in an instant...

Next, Liang Yan returned to his cave and waited patiently for five days.

Five days later, he received a summons from Ning Xia and told him to go directly to Linglong Palace.

Without any hesitation, Liang Yan raised his hand and pinched a magic formula to hide his own breath, and then his figure flashed, and the man had disappeared into the cave...

The jurisdiction of Linglong Palace is located in a valley. Liang Yan didn't want people to know that he left Bihai Palace, so he used Tianji beads to hide his breath along the way, and Li Xiran and Bai Qingruo, who were closest to him, didn't even tell him about it, he was alone. One person came to the jurisdiction of Linglong Palace.

Before long, Liang Yan found Ning Xia in the valley.

I saw a white minaret standing on a flower platform in the valley, and two women stood side by side outside the minaret. One was wearing a blue robe and was quiet and elegant, it was Ningxia of Bihai Palace, while the other was wearing a pink palace attire, with a graceful figure and picturesque eyebrows, but it was Xia Zhirong, the palace master of Linglong Palace.

"Summer Palace Master, thank you for today's work!"

Liang Yan clasped his fists and bowed to Xia Zhirong.

"Palace Master Liang is very polite."

Xia Zhirong smiled slightly and said, "Although my concubine has lived in the deep palace for a long time, I have also heard about the majestic deeds of Palace Master Liang. City Master Linghu really did not see the wrong person, the master of Liang Palace is the dragon and the future future. Unlimited!"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Liang Yan let out a haha, exchanged a few polite words with Xia Zhirong, and followed the two women into the white spire.

I saw a giant teleportation formation standing in the tower, with a full 30-foot radius, inlaid with countless spiritual stones, and engraved with various complicated formations.

Liang Yan knew that this was the teleportation circle leading to Kunshan Domain.

Without hesitation, he stepped forward.

"Ready? I'm going to start the teleportation circle."

Xia Zhirong inquired, and after seeing Liang Yan nod, he clenched his fists with both hands, and kept punching various spells into the top of the white minaret.


Powerful space power came from all directions, and dazzling white light covered the entire teleportation formation.

"Palace Master! You must be more cautious during this trip. Bihai Palace is still waiting for you to come back and preside over the overall situation." Ning Xia gave him a last look, and warned a little worriedly.

"Do not worry......."

Liang Yan looked at Ning Xia and Xia Zhirong outside Baiguang, and as soon as he uttered three words, he found that the world was spinning and everything had become muddled......

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