The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1350: maze in the cloud

Although Lin Fan was a hidden danger, he wasn't on the same floor as himself. Of course, Liang Yan couldn't return to the first floor to kill this person, so he could only put this matter aside.

He pondered for a moment on the spot, and suddenly turned his left hand, and a treasure box appeared in the palm of his hand.

The whole body of this treasure box is made of jade, with auspicious cloud patterns on the surface, surrounded by rays of light and overflowing with spiritual energy. At a glance, you know that there are treasures hidden inside.

"The reward for the trial disciples of the Tianji Pavilion will not disappoint me..."

Liang Yan thought for a while, put the treasure box in his hand on the ground, and stepped back more than ten steps.

He raised his hand and typed a tactic, and a azure light shot out and did not enter the inside of the treasure box, only to hear a "click", the treasure box slowly opened.

There is nothing unusual, only the multicolored spiritual energy spreads out. Obviously, there is no mechanism set up inside this treasure box, and it is indeed a reward for the trial disciples of Tianji Pavilion.

Liang Yan was a little relieved, stepped forward slowly, raised his hand, and took out the contents of the treasure box.

I saw a pair of silver rings, Baoguang Yanyan, aura compelling.

As the ring started, a paragraph of text also appeared in Liang Yan's consciousness:

"Cultivation of Taoism and immortality, chance, aptitude, and temperament are all indispensable. If you have cracked the 'organ city', you can get a reward: 'restricting the spirit ring'. The formula for sacrifice is as follows...  "

What follows is a passage of sacrifice and refining formulas, and at the end of this formula, it is written: "Cultivating immortals and seeking Taoism must also be done within one's capacity. Now, by crushing the core disciple token, you can leave the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda in advance. If you choose to challenge At the next level, it is possible to lose the reward and even be seriously injured, be careful, be careful!"

Liang Yan read this passage from beginning to end, knowing that this was the advice that Tianji Pavilion left to the trial disciples back then.

It's a pity that I don't have the token of the core disciple, and this time I came to find the "reincarnation of the fruit", so it is destined to be a journey of progress and no retreat.

However, the magic weapon of "restricting the spirit ring" still made Liang Yan's eyes light up.

According to the description in the text, the "Spiritual Restriction Ring" can block the opponent's spiritual power and supernatural powers!

Although this magic weapon has great limitations, for example, it has little effect on cultivators of physical cultivation, sword cultivation, martial cultivation, and animal control, but for those monks who are good at chanting spells, it is a very good thing. The magic weapon of restraint.

Among the top ten talents, there are many monks who are good at magic, such as Yu Linglong from Yuzhu Mountain, Hu Chenyu from Tianmo Mountain, Xuanxuan, a loose cultivator, and Lin Fan, who is chasing after him.

The next time you encounter these monks, as long as you use the "Spiritual Restriction Ring", you will be able to block most of the opponent's supernatural powers, which will undoubtedly give you the upper hand.

However, Liang Yan is also a very sober person.

He could vaguely guess that there should be more than one key in the "Organ City", otherwise every time the Tianji Pavilion trial, would only one disciple pass the first-level assessment?

The rest of Tianjiao, if they find other keys, can also get rewards from Tianji Pavilion, and the treasures they get may not be worse than themselves!

"It seems that we must hurry up. The sooner you get to the top, the easier it is to seize the opportunity!"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan immediately sat on the spot with his knees crossed, and began to silently practice the magic weapon of "restricting the spirit ring" according to the formula in the divine sense...

Two hours later, Liang Yan slowly opened his eyes.

After these two hours of sacrifice, he has been able to initially control the "Spiritual Restriction Ring".

Now that he is in the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, it is impossible for him to have time to completely sacrifice him. As long as he can mobilize the "Shu Linghuan" to defend against the enemy, it is already a success.

The next step is to look for the "refining treasurer" in the prompt.

Liang Yan stood up, pondered for a moment, and did not act immediately, but patted the Taixu gourd on the waist.

"Lao Jin, Xiao Song, can you come out?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Lao Jin's voice sighing in his consciousness, and said slowly: "Sorry, Liang Xiaozi, this trial trip may depend on you... I tried it just now. The prohibition in the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda is too strong. As long as the cultivation base reaches the realm of robbery, no matter whether it is a human being or a monster, it will be subjected to a powerful suppression force. With my current strength, I can't resist this. strength."

After Lao Jin finished speaking, Li Xiaosong also followed and shouted: "Yeah! This place is so disgusting, it actually suppresses my power, and there is no way to use supernatural powers. If not... Hmph! That Lin Fan was slapped to death by my aunt just now!"

After listening to Er Yao's answer, Liang Yan couldn't help but sigh.

Tianji Pavilion is worthy of being a powerful sect in the ancient times. There are strict rules in this trial tower, but no monks above the robbery realm can enter, even if Lao Jin and Li Xiaosong are monsters.

Fortunately, the Taixu Gourd is a world of its own and is not bound by the laws of this space. Otherwise, even if Li Xiaosong and Lao Jin were to hide in it, they would be sitting on pins and needles.

"Well, since that's the case, then the two of you can stay inside in peace."

Liang Yan knew that the two demons could not be his help, and he did not force it. He silently calculated in his hands, and walked along the chain between the wooden stakes to the due north......

The top of the cloud, as the name suggests, is above the clouds.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, the smoke waves are misty, except for the wooden stakes and iron locks, there are only a few mountain peaks that occasionally emerge from the clouds.

Here, there are few references and no clues.

Liang Yan is not good at calculating, but his cultivation is not low, and he vaguely feels that the north seems to be an auspicious position. If there are no other clues, he will go to the north first.

He walked like this for about two hours, during which he passed through thousands of the same iron locks and wooden stakes.

Liang Yan suddenly stopped and looked around suspiciously.

"Not right!"

His brows wrinkled slightly, and the next moment, he pointed it into a sword, released sword energy, and cut off a corner of the wooden stake under his feet.

Next, Liang Yan didn't stop at all, and continued to take big strides, stepping on the iron locks and wooden stakes on the clouds, still heading due north.

Another incense stick passed.

When Liang Yan stopped again, the piece of wood that he had cut off with his sword energy reappeared in front of him.

"Looks like I'm back again..."

At this moment, Liang Yan has been extremely sure that after walking for so long, he was actually just going around in circles, and he would return to the starting point in a short time.

"The top of the cloud... Could it be a huge maze?"

Liang Yan looked around, not quite sure yet.

After pondering for a while, he changed the direction again, this time it was due south, also starting from the wooden stake that had been cut off by the sword qi.

After a stick of incense, Liang Yan returned to the starting point again.

This time, he no longer has any doubts, the entire top of the cloud is a huge maze, no matter how you walk, it will eventually return to the original point.

"Strange... When did you get hit?"

Liang Yan's face was a little gloomy.

He had been very careful on the road just now, but he didn't expect to return here in the end. Looking at the markings left on the way, Liang Yan was suddenly a little dazed, as if everything around him became unreal.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out from the Taixu gourd:

"It's useless for you to go like this!"

After listening to Liang Yan, his heart moved, and he hurriedly took out a black jar from the Taixu gourd, held it on the palm of his right hand, and asked, "Hongwu, do you recognize this maze, or have you found any flaws?"

"Hey, the little old man doesn't understand the formation."

Hongwu's voice slowly came out from the jar: "It's just that our 'spiritual clan' have some talents, and have a keen sense of magic weapons. Although these wooden stakes under your feet look exactly the same, there are a few of them. Roots are different."


When Liang Yan heard this, his eyes lit up.

The elders of Tianji Pavilion set up the "Top of the Clouds" great formation, which should be to test the cultivation of the disciples in the formation.

But now, it seems that he can use another and more direct means to get out of this great formation.

"Hongwu, which wooden stakes are different, please point them out to me one by one."

"it is good!"

Hongwu's voice came from the Soul Cultivation Altar: "From your current position, walk three squares to the southeast, and then one square to the left, and there is the closest one."

After listening to Hongwu's instructions, Liang Yan did not hesitate at all, and immediately set off and came to the stake.

"Next............Ten blocks to the north and two blocks to the east."

"Fifteen blocks south."

"Three squares to the west, and seven squares to the south."

"Southeast direction, fifteen squares."


Hongwu's instructions continued to reach Liang Yan's ears, and Liang Yan did not hesitate at all, and resolutely followed the route he gave.

Gradually, Liang Yan found that the marked wooden stakes no longer appeared near him, and the surrounding scenery also changed a little.

"Sure enough!"

There was a hint of joy on Liang Yan's face. Although this method was a bit opportunistic, it was the most efficient way to get out of the maze.

Fortunately, there was Hongwu to help, otherwise I might have to waste too much time on this layer.

"Northwest, fifteen squares, then turn around and walk seven squares to the right."

Hongwu's voice came again, Liang Yan walked fifteen squares in the northwest direction, and suddenly found a green mountain appearing behind him.

"It's about to go out!"

Liang Yan had some hunch in his heart, and his spirits were greatly lifted. Following Hongwu's instructions, he turned around and walked away seven squares.

As the last step was taken, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed!

I saw high mountains standing in front of me, with overlapping peaks, like a huge valley, but the bottom of the valley was submerged by the sea of ​​​​clouds, and only a little tip of the top of the mountain was exposed.

Surrounded by mountains on all sides, there is only one gap, and that is where you are.

And this location is like the entrance to the valley!

"Looks like it's right here."

Liang Yan pondered secretly in his heart, put the "soul raising altar" into the Taixu gourd, took a big step, and walked towards the inside of the valley.

On the majestic Yunfeng, the grass is green, the green forest is like the sea, the surrounding cliffs are shining, and hundreds of chains are criss-crossed, like a bridge connecting the various peaks, and it seems to extend in all directions.

In the middle of the mountains, there are seventy-seven forty-nine wooden stakes, most of which are also covered by clouds and mist, and only a part of the cloud is exposed.

On a wooden stake in the middle stood an emerald-green pavilion, and in the pavilion sat a scholar in green clothes.

This man looks about thirty years old, handsome and handsome, sitting cross-legged in the pavilion, eyes slightly closed, and holding a long fishing rod in his hand.

The fishing rod sticks out of the pavilion and goes all the way beyond the stake. The fishing line is almost transparent.

And on a wooden stake in front of the scholar in Tsing Yi, there is a huge cauldron stove, with blue smoke and birds on the top of the stove.

"The person who refines treasures!"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although the Confucian scholar in Qingyi in the pavilion is vivid, but Liang Yan has "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" in his body, and he can see at a glance that he is not a living person, and it is very likely that he is similar to the "Golden Buddha" on the first floor.

According to the clues in the prompt, there is a high probability that this Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi is the "Treasure Refiner" he is looking for!

Although he found his target, Liang Yan did not act rashly.

Because here and now, there is another arrogant existence!

Not far from Baoding, there was an ordinary wooden stake with a monk in yellow sitting cross-legged. It was Fang Ruhui, one of the top ten talents.

On the wooden stakes near Fang Ruhui, there are many broken organs. Obviously, there was a big battle here.

According to Liang Yan's preliminary speculation, these wreckages should be puppets released by Confucian scholars in Tsing Yi, and they are also one of the tests on this floor.

Fang Ruhui, as a passer-by, should have had a battle with these The final result is clear at a glance that this great monk not only destroyed all the puppets, but he himself was unscathed.

At this moment, Fang Ruhui, with his eyes slightly closed and his hands clasped together, looked like an old monk entering meditation, not interested in everything around him.

"Sword Comes"

Even the arrival of Liang Yan did not alarm him.

On the contrary, the Confucian scholar in Qingyi who was fishing in the gazebo slowly opened his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, what day is today? In just half a column of incense, two testers have arrived at my place in a row." The scholar in Tsing Yi said, looking up and down at Liang Yan, his face showed a smile that was not a smile. .

Facing the Confucian scholar in Qingyi, Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes became a little wary.

Although he knew that the other party was not a living person, it was very likely that he was a puppet or something, but he always felt that he couldn't see through the other party.

The existence in front of him is somewhat similar to the Golden Light Buddha, but it seems to be quite different.

"You are the gatekeeper of the 'Top of the Cloud'?"

"Yes, there are three peak masters in the top of the cloud, and I am one of them." The scholar in Tsing Yi nodded, his face very sullen.

"How can I pass this level?" Liang Yan went straight to the topic.

The Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi did not answer immediately, but glanced at him and sighed softly: "I know you are not a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, it is very rare to be able to pass the first floor, but listen to my advice, don't go any further. ."

Hearing the words of the scholar in Qingyi, Liang Yan's eyes flashed.

This person is a guard puppet, and he can see at a glance that he is not a disciple of Tianji Pavilion. Compared with the previous Golden Light Buddha, he seems to have a lot more spirituality.

And the most important thing is his last sentence.

"Why did you persuade me not to go any further?" Liang Yan asked calmly.

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