The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1351: Furnace fighting method

"Because if you go further down, you will die." The scholar in Tsing Yi said sternly.


Liang Yan raised his brows and said with a half-smile, "How do you know my methods? How do you decide that I will die?"

After hearing this, the scholar in Qingyi shook his head, his face very sincere.

"It's not that I intend to belittle Your Excellency, but the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda has changed. The gatekeeper puppet you met on the lower floor before, although there is some spiritual knowledge, but not high, will only instinctively attack those who pass the gate. .........."

The Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi paused slightly when he said this, and then continued: "But if you go further up, it will not be so simple. The guys on the third floor already have full self-consciousness and can even cultivate on their own for so many years. In the past, I am afraid that it has reached a very terrifying realm. Moreover, they are extremely repulsive to foreign monks, and you are not a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, and there is only a dead end to go up."

After listening to Liang Yan, his face was calm, and he could not see the joy or anger.

"Why do you tell me so much? I think your Excellency is a puppet, but you also have a self-awareness. You know that I'm not from the Tianji Pavilion, so why don't you take action against me immediately, but persuade me instead?"

"Ha ha."

The Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi smiled slightly: "Because I am different from them, Tianji Pavilion has been destroyed for countless years, and it is impossible to return to the way it was back then. I have already looked down on this matter, but the three of them are very persistent."

"So, do you really care for me?" Liang Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Hehe, treasures are touching! No one will give up easily in the face of chance, but this is the point of this talk. As for whether to believe it or not, it is up to you to decide."

After listening to Liang Yan, he pondered for a while, and suddenly cupped his hands: "Thank you for your kind reminder, but Liang has made up his mind and is about to enter the next floor of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda. Please tell me how to clear the customs."


Qingyi Ru Changchang sighed, shook his head and said, "Since you have made up your mind, I won't say more. As for the customs clearance assessment... There is someone here who is just like you, too. He is determined to go to the next level. He has completed all my assessments. There is still some time before the treasure is released. As long as you defeat it within this time, you will take his place. How? ?"


Liang Yan frowned slightly after hearing this, with a thoughtful look on his face. "Must be divided into highs and lows? I can also challenge the customs clearance test."

After hearing this, the scholar in Qingyi shook the fishing rod in his hand and said with a smile, "The key on my floor is a bit special, it can only be sent to one person at a time, if you want, you can let him go first, but wait until I catch the next one. The key is at least two days away."

"Two days later...No, it's too long."

Liang Yan shook his head, and the scholar in Tsing Yi said here, there must be a battle between himself and Fang Ruhui, because neither of them can wait until two days later.

The top ten Tianjiao entered the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, and it was originally a competitive relationship. Liang Yan has been smooth sailing so far, and has already led most of the Tianjiao. It is impossible to waste time here.

Two days later, other Tianjiao will also enter the "Top of the Cloud" one after another, and then it will be a mess again......

With a decision in his heart, Liang Yan did not hesitate. Following the chains above the clouds, he made a few vertical jumps and soon came to the stake opposite Fang Ruhui.

At this time, Fang Ruhui also slowly opened his eyes.

However, he did not intend to do it immediately, but looked at Liang Yan and said calmly, "Master Liang, please take a seat."

After Liang Yan heard this, his eyes changed a lot, but he didn't do anything in the end, and according to what the other party said, he sat down cross-legged on his wooden stake.

"Master Liang, the two of us have no grievances. This trip is just a fight for chance. The little monk can't bear to see blood, so why don't we just sit and talk about it?"

"How to talk about Taoism?" Liang Yan asked calmly.

He didn't take action immediately because he had received the favor of Luo Tianzong. If he didn't have that purple-gold glazed lamp, he probably wouldn't be able to pass the killing formation in front of the forbidden area of ​​Yixing Pavilion.

Although this magic weapon was not handed over to him by Luo Tianzong's people, Liang Yan would get it by fate, and there was a little bit of incense.

For this reason, Liang Yan had always had a good impression of Luo Tianzong, and he didn't want to tear his face with the disciples of this sect unless it was a last resort.

There is also a more important reason, that is, Liang Yan's strength is somewhat incomprehensible to Fang Ruhui.

After cultivating the "Eight Parts of Essence," using the insight of the "Bodhi Mirror", the time to find the key in the "Organ City" is very short.

After arriving at the "Top of the Cloud", he took advantage of Hongwu's racial talent, and solved the puzzle through opportunistic methods.

But even at such a speed of customs clearance, it was still one step slower than the person in front of him.

Before his own arrival, Fang Ruhui had even passed all the tests of the Confucian scholar in Qingyi. The speed of this clearance was simply appalling.

Because of these two reasons, Liang Yan did not take action immediately. Since Fang Ruhui planned to bow first and then soldiers, he also wanted to see the truth of the other party.

There was a bronze treasure cauldron between the two, and they each sat cross-legged on a wooden stake. At this moment, Fang Ruhui smiled and said:

"Have the donor ever heard the allusion to 'Suma Burning the Sea'?"

"Appreciate further details."

"It is rumored that in ancient times, before the Buddha ascended to immortality, there were eight disciples. Among them, Soma ranked fourth, born with a vision, extremely intelligent, and was the most beloved disciple of the Buddha."

When Fang Ruhui said this, he suddenly stretched out his right hand and lightly tapped it in midair.

I saw a soundless gushing out of true energy and came to the bronze cauldron between the two of them. The colorful haze rising from the top of the furnace was rubbed and changed, and it actually condensed into a tall and thin figure with arms over knees and odd earlobes. Long young monk.

This strange-looking monk, although made of colorful haze, looked lifelike, as if he was standing in front of Liang Yan.

At this time, Fang Ruhui continued to say: "Sumo has an extraordinary talent and a strong nature. No one flinches in battles, big or small. When the demon world invaded, Su Mo led a hundred thousand Buddha soldiers to fight, and later encountered the demon master in the sea of ​​smoke and waves. He advised him to retreat temporarily, but Soma refused to follow, and he fought against the devil, lost to the enemy, and then set himself on fire, and a hundred thousand miles of smoke and waves eventually turned into flames and ashes, and disappeared together with Soma in the long river of history. This is the allusion to 'Soma Burning the Sea'."

Fang Ruhui said, and patted his left and right hands lightly, and the colorful haze on the bronze cauldron changed again between the infuriating waves.

I saw the strange-looking monk sitting cross-legged. Opposite him, there was a dark chaotic vortex. There was nothing in the vortex, and the breath was very terrifying, as if a big mouth from the abyss was about to swallow the monk whole. .

The next moment, the monk's body turned into a dazzling golden color, and the surrounding fire was blazing into the sky, burning his primordial spirit. Below was a sea of ​​fire, which looked like the end of the world.

"Sumo was originally a genius in the sky, but unfortunately, it was easy to break, and when he met the devil, he didn't know how to retreat. In the end, he died and disappeared. It's sad, it's a shame!"

When Fang Ruhui said this, he put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name in a low voice, with a look of regret on his face.

"What a great monk, it turned out to be telling me to retreat in spite of difficulties!"

Liang Yan's mind was clear, and after listening to the whole story, he still couldn't understand what Fang Ruhui meant.

He used the allusion of "Soma burns the sea" to warn himself to know how to advance and retreat.

Although he is a genius in the sky, it can be easily broken if Liang Yan is Somo, then Fang Ruhui is the demon master. The strengths of the two sides are vastly different.

Liang Yan was slightly annoyed in his heart, but he didn't show it. Instead, he smiled and said, "I also have a story. I wonder if the great monk would like to hear it?"

"Oh?" Fang Ruhui raised his brows and said slowly, "Donor, please speak."

"It is said that there are fish in the North Sea, imprisoned in the abyss, not knowing the sun or the stars."

Liang Yan said, with a flick of his finger, a cyan sword qi burst out from his fingertips, shot into the colorful haze above the furnace, and turned into a small cyan fish the size of a palm.

"The abyss is rotten. This fish wants to seek the outside world, but there is a great terror outside the abyss. Every time it approaches, he can't see or speak, and in the end, he has no choice but to turn back. This way of going back and forth takes half his life."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Yan flicked his fingers, and with a magic trick, the little cyan fish also wandered in the dark abyss.

Same as what he just said, every time the little fish wants to surface, a **** hand suppresses it from above the water surface, making this little fish come back in vain, and can only be content with the fate of being imprisoned.

"Although the fish is silent, the heart of seeking the way will not die. Although the abyss is dark, there is still light. One day, the fish will take advantage of the east wind to rise up, turn into a dragon, take off in anger, hit the water three thousand, and soar thousands of miles. At this time, there is nothing to hinder, all terror is a bubble, and it will be destroyed with a single blow, and it will be destroyed with a single blow!"

As the content of Liang Yan's words changed, the little fish also turned from confusion at the beginning to firmness, jumped up from the abyss, turned into a blue stegosaurus, pierced through the big hand that suppressed him, and then took off in anger. , go straight to Jiuxiao, a thousand miles away, no one can't stop it.

"This is the story Liang is going to tell. Once a fish turns into a dragon, it's a 'fish and dragon dance'."

As soon as the words fell, the blue swordfish had already passed through many obstacles, and before the 'Sumo' Dharma image, Peiran's sword energy spread out, instantly breaking the opponent's golden body and Buddha's light.

"What a trick to turn a swordfish into a dragon!"

Fang Ruhui narrowed his eyes, and for the first time there was a hint of fear on his face.

He is also extremely smart, how can he not hear the sound of Liang Yan's words? , in his eyes, it's just a paper tiger, it will be broken with a single blow, and it will be destroyed with a single blow!

In fact, Fang Ruhui did not know that the allusion of "Fish and Dragon Dance" is also Liang Yan's review of his own past. The search from a corner of the south to this point is also the process of "Fish leaping into dragon".

The little blue fish in the story, isn't it Liang Yan himself?

"Friend Daoist is very powerful, but the poor monk underestimated your Excellency."

Fang Ruhui sighed, and patted his right hand lightly in the air. Peiran's true qi surged out and poured into "Sumo", immediately giving birth to boundless golden light.

"Fish leaping into a dragon, although it is exciting, but everything in the world has a law of cause and effect, and the cycle of heaven and earth is not successful. Even if you jump for a while, how can you resist the iron law of heaven, after all, it's just a speck of dust in the world."

As Fang Ruhui spoke, the golden light around "Sumo" became more and more prosperous, and finally turned into a huge Buddha's palm, pressing down the dragon head of the blue-colored Stegosaurus by three feet.

"Is there a **** when you raise your head three feet?"

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan couldn't help but sneer.

"The great monk is so unreasonable. If it is said that the way of heaven really has a law, then everyone should hide in their own caves to cultivate, why should they come out and compete with each other, such deceiving words, it is good to use them to deceive ordinary people and ordinary people. How come you lied to Liang?"

Before he finished speaking, the Jiuzhuan Jindan and Jianying's powers in his body were activated at the same time, turning them into swords at will, actually turning the colorful rays of light above the cauldron into the sword energy of the five elements.

These five sword energies simultaneously ascended, piercing into the golden palm print of "Sumo", bursting out a powerful aftermath of power.

Circles of halos spread around, and their destructive power is enough to destroy mountains and reclaim the sea. However, when the aftermath of these forces spread to the surrounding mountains, they were strangely absorbed by the mountain peaks, and finally did not cause any noise.

"Dacheng Jianying!"

Fang Ruhui squinted his eyes, and his face was no longer the same as before, replaced by a dignified look.

He stretched out his right hand and patted the back of his head lightly, only to see the infuriating energy above his head condensed and turned into a Buddha's Dharma image, holding a Jie Dao and wearing a golden armor, rushing into the colorful haze of the cauldron. In the middle, he fought with the five sword qi.

"This is the magical power created by the little monk, the 'Killing King Kong'. After hundreds of battles, it will not disappoint the donor."


In the valley, although the two would not fight directly, they used the haze of the cauldron as the battlefield, which was still a supernatural means.

Fang Ruhui was shocked by Liang Yan's sword cultivation supernatural ability, but Liang Yan was also surprised by his martial arts cultivation.

"Killing King Kong...... It's really mysterious!"

Liang Yan looked at the Vajra Dharma in the distance, and couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

After practicing for so many years, apart from the original Ah'Dai, Liang Yan has seen very few monks who really entered the Dao by martial arts, even rarer than swordsmen.

If you divide it from the way of cultivation, physical cultivation, Dharma cultivation, and sword cultivation are actually orthodox cultivation methods. No matter which method is used, there is a necessary premise, that is, there must be spiritual roots in the body!

If there is no spiritual root, the immortals will have a different path, and there will be no hope of stepping into the immortal gate in a lifetime.

Only Wu Xiu is different.

The way of entering Dao by martial arts is the only way for mortals to knock on the door of immortals, and it is also a road full of thorns.

Although martial arts and physical training are somewhat similar, their essences are different.

Physical cultivation refines the physique, and the flesh becomes sanctified.

Wu Xiu is self-sufficient by refining his true energy.

Fang Ruhui's ability to enter the Dao with martial arts and achieve his current achievements shows that this person is at the top of his mind, resourcefulness, and perseverance. Even with Liang Yan's current strength, he dare not underestimate this person!

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