The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1352: Battle of the Sea of ​​Clouds

In the valley, above the cauldron, the colorful haze is changing, the sword energy of the five elements and the killing vajra are fighting each other, and they are killing indistinguishable.

At this time, Liang Yan smiled and said, "The great monk's methods are very good, and Liang still wants to ask for two more tricks."

As soon as the words fell, a crack suddenly opened on his forehead, and a vertical eye emerged from the crack. The child's hole in the eye turned and shot a black light, which went straight to the killing vajra on the cauldron.


Fang Ruhui's face showed a look of surprise, because with his knowledge and experience, he couldn't see the heels of this black light.

Before he could react, Killing King Kong was already caught by the black light, and his breath suddenly condensed, and he was sluggish in place, unable to move.

brush! brush! brush!

The five-element sword energy transformed by the haze of the cauldron came out of the sky, and with the cooperation of the "celestial vision", it easily pierced into the body of Killing King Kong.


After a crisp sound, the killing vajra burst open, but it did not disappear immediately, but turned into a ball of golden infuriating energy, which condensed and did not disperse in the sky above the cauldron.

When Liang Yan saw it from a distance, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

It turned out that the so-called "Killing King Kong" was actually just the manifestation of the other party's true qi!

Being able to control True Qi to such a degree shows that Fang Ruhui's attainments in martial arts have reached a state of perfection.

"What a great monk! You are the strongest person in martial arts that I have ever seen." Liang Yan praised sincerely.

"The donor is overrated, the little monk is just an ordinary trick, but the donor's supernatural powers are a bit weird, with a childish light and devilish energy in his eyes, and a strong power of banning. Could it be that the donor has learned Taoism in Tianmo Mountain?" Fang Ruhui said with a hint of doubt. asked.

Of course, Liang Yan wouldn't tell the origin of the purpose of the gods of the gods, but he just made a haha, and said: "The Demon Gate is one of the four great traditions, so what's more than a Tianmo Mountain? This is a secret technique I accidentally acquired. how?"


Fang Ruhui just uttered two words, and then a ray of light shot out of his eyes, the true energy on the cauldron scattered and reunited, turning into a golden column ten feet high, falling from the sky and pressing on Liang Yan's Five Elements Sword. above the air.


But after hearing a few jingles, the Five Elements Sword Qi was overwhelmed, and the tip of the sword was bent down.

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and as the celestial eyes turned, the black divine light condensed again, covering Fang Ruhui's magical powers again.

But this time, he found that the other party's supernatural powers were like a lofty mountain, and even if the Heavenly Signs and Divine Eyes had a powerful ban, they couldn't hold back the other party's golden column.

It's like an iron lock, it can lock the jackal hound, but not the tiger.

And Fang Ruhui's infuriating qi is precisely that of a slaughtered tiger!


A crisp voice came, Liang Yan shattered in mid-air with the black light emitted by the celestial eyes, the golden column was unstoppable, and the pressure on his Five Elements Sword almost collapsed.

Liang Yan's complexion changed slightly, his two-handed tactic was urgently pinched, and the power of Jianying and Jiuzhuan Jindan were pushed to the extreme, and a steady stream of colorful haze flew upwards, pouring into the sword energy of the Five Elements.

With the help of Liang Yan, the sword energy, which had been bent, gradually returned to its original state. The sword energy of the Five Elements was at its peak, and they fought to the death with Fang Ruhui's golden column condensed with true energy.

The competition between the two sides has not been too tricky until now, but returned to the basics, which evolved into a head-to-head fight between true qi and sword qi.


The scholar in Tsing Yi, who had been watching from the side, unexpectedly clapped his hands in praise, and said with a smile, "I haven't made the 'Five Elements Pill' in my furnace yet, but the haze of the five elements has been 'turned into a sword' and evolved into the Five Elements. Sword Qi, tsk tsk! This is a good sign, it seems that this potion of medicine won't let me down."

He was watching the play next to him, pointing his finger at the fight between the two, but neither Liang Yan nor Fang Ruhui took him to heart at this time.

The two fought against each other with sword qi. Although it was not as fancy as the previous fight, the profound changes in it were a hundred times better than the previous fighting method!

The more you face the confrontation, the more you can feel the extraordinaryness of the opponent.

At this moment, Liang Yan and Fang Ruhui both had solemn expressions on their faces, and neither dared to say that they would be able to win the other, but at this time, no one was willing to show weakness.

After such a stalemate over a cup of tea, the space above the cauldron was twisted and deformed by the two people's magical powers.

Suddenly, a muffled sound of "bang" was heard, but Fang Ruhui's golden cylinder and Liang Yan's Five Elements Sword Qi shattered at the same time, turning into a little bit of starlight, floating in front of the furnace like dust.

After fighting for so long, in the end there was no winner.

"That's it!"

Fang Ruhui looked at the haze scattered on the cauldron, and sighed: "After all, we still have to do it."

"Right on my mind!"

Opposite him, Liang Yan's eyes were bright and his fighting spirit was high.

"Donor be careful."

Fang Ruhui's voice just fell, and the man has already jumped up from the stake.

There is a forbidden sky in the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, and no one can fly in the sky, but Fang Ruhui's leap is like an eagle spreading its wings, flying dragons in the sky, and jumping directly over the wooden stakes and cauldron in front of the two of them. It reached the top of Liang Yan's head.

The other person was in the air, and the True Qi in his hand was already full, and the golden True Qi surged out, turning into a hand knife about three feet long, falling from the sky, and slashing at Liang Yan's forehead with a palm.

This knife is fast and accurate, and it hits the enemy directly, but Liang Yan sits still, his eyes are swept over, his face is calm, he doesn't dodge or evade, let the hand knife fall on top of his head.


Fang Ruhui's face did not show any joy, instead, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes showed a look of surprise.

The next moment, Liang Yan, who had been slashed by the True Qi Hand Knife, flickered a few times strangely, and turned into countless small sword qi, and he himself had already disappeared in place.

"Sword Qi stays in shape?!"

Fang Ruhui's Tong Kong shrank slightly, and his thoughts were spinning before he suddenly woke up, stopped his figure in mid-air, and then retreated sharply.

brush! brush! brush!

After Liang Yan's figure disappeared, countless small transparent sword qi were left on the spot. At this time, it was like a maggot attached to a bone, following Fang Ruhui's left and right, trying to pierce his body.


In the crisis, Fang Ruhui shouted violently, but when he heard the sound of thunder rolling and piercing clouds and cracking rocks, the entire valley was shaken by this violent shout.

Those invisible sword qi attached to his side were drank by this head, like a blow to the head, they fell one after another, fell into the sea of ​​​​clouds, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"Good trick, take me a sword and try again?"

Just as Fang Ruhui broke the invisible sword energy, behind him, Liang Yan's figure suddenly appeared.

With the sword in his hand, a cyan sword light flew out from the gourd, turned into a long rainbow, and went straight to the opponent.

This sword is unstoppable and powerful, but in Fang Ruhui's eyes, it also provokes his boundless fighting intent.

"Good come!"

Fang Ruhui shouted loudly, and stepped forward, his palms shot continuously, the powerful True Qi swept out, turned into a towering mountain, and resisted the sword light upwards.

"Really vaporized form?"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed, facing Luo Tianshan's "martial idiot", he did not dare to hold any reservations, and when his mind moved, the Zilei Tianyin Sword and the Black Lotus Sword were unsheathed at the same time.

One of these two sword pills contains the power of the law of thunder and lightning. It enters the sword way with thunder, and its speed is the fastest among all flying swords. Therefore, as soon as it appeared, it rushed to the rear of Fang Ruhui with the momentum of thunder.

The other one contains the aura of destruction and decay of the black lotus. At this time, it flew into the air and turned into a blossoming lotus flower. Countless swords swarmed out and surrounded Fang Ruhui's left and right. Get in.

Fang Ruhui didn't expect Liang Yan to have three natal sword pills, and was really surprised.

However, although he was not panicked, his true energy surged out of his body, turning into swords, treasure forks, Jie Dao, treasure pestles and other magic weapons in mid-air. At the same time, he fought with three sword pills. wind!

Although Liang Yan's sword art has changed a lot, Fang Ruhui's true qi is also ever-changing.

Seeing that the stalemate could not end, Liang Yan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly laughed loudly: "Liang has seen the magical power of fellow Daoist! It's not enough to fight this way, why don't you let all the clouds in the sky come to cheer you and me!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that he was chanting a spell with one hand, and the other hand pointed forward. As the sword intent in the body condensed to the extreme, the sea of ​​clouds under the two of them began to violently churn.

The next moment, the boundless sea of ​​clouds rolled up, and the ocean current turned into countless sword qi, as if a huge tidal wave of sword qi swept away towards Fang Ruhui!

This move was so powerful that even the scholar in green clothes in the pavilion was implicated. As a last resort, he could only cast a spell, using a azure light to roll the entire pavilion, and retreated sharply to the rear.

However, in the process of escaping, he was still leisurely and leisurely, the fishing rod in his hand did not leave his hand for a moment, and the fishing line was still hanging under the sea of ​​​​clouds.

"Ha ha!"

Facing the raging sky and the endless sea of ​​clouds, Fang Ruhui's face did not have a trace of fear, but the fighting spirit was at its peak.

"Fellow Daoist is really a big hand! Turn the sea into a sword, and compose the music in the cloud, but the music is high and low, I will ensemble!"

Before he finished speaking, Fang Ruhui's body was covered by golden light, and he saw that he had used up his true energy, and with a shot from the air, a huge handprint with a height of 10,000 meters appeared on the overwhelming tide of the sea of ​​​​clouds!

The entire Jianhai tide fell apart under this palm!

Countless trickles were scattered and rushing in all directions, and some of them actually rolled back, wrapped in Liang Yan's own sword energy and Fang Ruhui's martial arts infuriating, and rushed towards Liang Yan in turn.

This was unexpected, not even Liang Yan!

His Tong Kong shrank, hurriedly jumped back, and at the same time displayed the "emptiness of all dharmas", a layer of golden light covered his surroundings, resisting the tides of the sea of ​​clouds surging from all directions.

"It turned out to be the descendant of the angry monk, disrespectful, disrespectful!"

Fang Ruhui could see part of Liang Yan's heels, but he was unforgiving. Although he said "disrespect" in his mouth, his feet were in the air, stepping on the waves of the sea of ​​clouds that were rolling over and over, and instantly approached where Liang Yan was. .

The distance between the two sides was less than thirty feet. Fang Ruhui stretched out his hand and took a zhangba meditation staff from behind.

This Zen staff is very strange, with a handle like a crescent moon and a tail like a shovel.

This time, the momentum was heavy, and Liang Yan thought to himself that the golden light of the "empty aspects of all dharmas" could not be resisted, so he could only dodge backwards.

However, the sea of ​​​​clouds that Fang Ruhui had scattered just now had already rushed forward, blocking Liang Yan's retreat.

In desperation, Liang Yan had no choice but to pinch with both hands, sacrificing the last flying sword, the fixed light sword.

He originally wanted to use this flying sword as a backhand, and use the characteristics of the fixed lightsaber to attack Fang Ruhui, but the other party's supernatural powers far exceeded his imagination.


The fixed lightsaber cut through the sky, slashed horizontally, and met Fang Ruhui's Zen staff.

The two sides faced each other in short battles, fighting sword qi with true qi, and they were divided at the touch of a button, and no one took advantage.

However, Fang Ruhui entered the Dao with martial arts and changed his moves very quickly. At this time, he turned around and turned into a sweep. The crescent moon stick drew an arc in mid-air, sweeping across Liang Yan's waist.

This change of moves was too fast, the distance between the two sides was close, and there was no air restriction around, even with Liang Yan's speed, he couldn't dodge at all.


The Zen staff swept in, and the wind was blowing. Before it got close, there was a powerful force that seemed to shatter the surrounding If Liang Yan ate this stick, he would definitely be seriously injured. Using "Dragon Immortal", there is almost no chance to defeat the opponent.

At the moment of crisis, Liang Yan pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the sea of ​​sand rolled up in front of him, and a huge vortex appeared.

In the vortex, a khaki-yellow demon crawled out. It was thousands of feet high, covering the sky and the sun. It was born with four heads and eight arms.

As soon as the demon appeared, he reached out and grabbed it, only to hear a loud "bang!" Fang Ruhui's crescent wand was blocked by the golem, but there were also cracks on the right arm of the golem.

"Wugou Demon Phase? You killed the ancestor of Huangshi in Seven Star City!"

Fang Ruhui is the sage son of Zen sect, and he has extensive knowledge. Of course, he knows the magic weapon of Huangshi's life in Seven Star City.

It's just that Liang Yan is a rising talent, and in recent decades he has been retreating to find a way to break through the bottleneck, so he didn't know the news that the ancestor of Huangshi had been beheaded by Liang Yan. , his face could not help but be surprised to the extreme.

The ancestor of Huangshi has survived the realm of one catastrophe and five calamities, and he practiced the earth-based Dao method. He has a strong defense ability and can be called an old turtle that can't be beaten to death.

Although Fang Ruhui was not afraid of this person, he thought to himself that if the two fought, he would have no way to kill each other no matter what, at most it would be a dead end situation.

But this young man in front of him can actually kill people and steal treasures, which shows how terrifying his swordsmanship is.

Of course, Fang Ruhui didn't know that the reason why the ancestor Huangshi was beheaded by Liang Yan was because he was eager to achieve success and used the "Tianshi Faxiang" to kill his opponent in one fell swoop, but Liang Yan resisted it with "Tianlong Immortal". , In the end, the body was overburdened and the strength was greatly damaged, which was then killed by Liang Yan with a sword.

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