The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1363: half day

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It's funny to say that, before leaving the cave, Liang Yan thought about finding the "Wuya Divine Monarch" as soon as possible before other Tianjiao entered the third floor.

But the situation was changing rapidly, and Liang Yan himself did not expect that after just a stick of incense, his thoughts had completely changed.

He is now eager for other geniuses to quickly enter the third floor, so that he can break the imbalance in front of him.

According to what the Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi said, the next batch of Tianjiao to enter the "Palace of Mountains" should also be three people. If Liang Yan can find an ally among these three people, then he will not be afraid of Xuanxuan and Henan. Lin Fan is gone.

As for this ally, he already has a candidate in mind, that is Yang Jianying of Baiyucheng.

When he was in Nanchui, Liang Yan once promised a man named "Yang Jian" that if he could reach the Antarctic Immortal Continent in this life, he would send "Yang Family Sword Seal" to the Yang Family in Baiyu City for him.

Yang Jianying, one of the Ten Great Talents, is also surnamed Yang. The names of these two people are so similar.

Liang Yan can almost conclude that this Yang Jianying and the Yang Jian he met in Nanchui must be monks from the same family.

As long as he takes out the "Yang Family Sword Seal", 80% of this person will cooperate with him!

The question now is, how to hold out until the next batch of Tianjiao enters this place?

In the Thousand Machines Magic Tower, there is no way to fly in the sky, nor to summon Lao Jin. With only his feet, he will definitely not be able to get rid of the other two.

"Or... find a place to hide first?"

This is a good note. There are countless palaces in the entire "Palace of the Mountain". According to the layman Yunhua, it should be the place where the disciples of Tianji Pavilion sit.

The materials of these palaces are special, they are difficult to be broken by external forces, and they can also block the consciousness. They are indeed a good hiding place.

Just as Liang Yan was thinking secretly in his heart, when he wanted to find a palace to hide in, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and his eyes turned to the woods in front of him.

"Hey,'s weird!"

Liang Yan stopped abruptly, and at the moment he just stopped, a strong murderous aura suddenly burst out from the woods ahead, and countless vines flew out, cutting the entire space like steel wire.

Liang Yan was taken aback and hurriedly retreated. At the same time, he hurriedly pinched the sword in his hand, took out the Purple Thunder Sword Pill, and slashed at the surrounding vines with a sword!


Purple thunder burst out, sword light flashed, and dozens of vines were smashed to pieces.

But then, the surrounding hillside vibrated violently, and more than ten tall ancient trees rose from the ground. Human facial features and limbs were born on the trunks, and they flew towards Liang Yan with huge steps.


Liang Yan frowned slightly, and at a glance, he could see that these trees were not weird, but someone gave them life with the mysterious Yimu Taoism, similar to the spells such as Scattering Beans into Soldiers and Yellow Turban Warriors, which were more powerful than before. seen more powerful.

These bizarre ancient trees ran wildly, only faster or slower than Liang Yan, and instantly formed an encirclement, trapping Liang Yan inside.

Then, a rough voice came from behind:

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist's methods are really good! I said he can't run far, and now he is entangled by my 'Vine Wood Soldier'!"

As soon as the words fell, another slightly mean voice said: "Daoist friend won the prize, I just used a little trick, the magical power of the 'vine wood soldier' ​​is called Xuanmiao, and he can actually use the spiritual power of Yimu to transform into the forest. In this way, this entire forest has become your eyes and ears, and no one can escape."

"It's them!"

Hearing these two familiar voices, Liang Yan's expression changed slightly. He never expected that the two would catch up so quickly.

"Impossible... The Thousand Machine Magic Pagoda blocks the consciousness, and the 'Palace of the Mountain' has a powerful force to suppress it. I asked myself if I ran slowly, how did these two find me so quickly ?"

Liang Yan was extremely surprised, but after thinking about it, he quickly reacted.

"Could it be that the black worm still has a breath left in my body? I said what a coincidence, I just entered the cave with my front foot, and Lin Fan followed me with my hind foot......"

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility. In the end, it is still my own carelessness. I was too eager to climb the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda. If I could spend an extra day at that time to completely clear the residues in my body, this situation would not have happened today.

But now is not the time to struggle with this issue, Liang Yan took a deep breath, turned around, and looked at the forest behind.

I saw the figures of Xuanxuan and Lin Fan slowly walk out of the forest, separated by a considerable distance from each other.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Liang, we meet again." Lin Fan smiled slightly. At this time, he didn't need to hide it, his eyes flashed with sinister and greedy colors.

Xuanxuan was even more direct. As soon as they met, he shouted: "Liang Thief, you and I are inseparable. Today, I will take you out of your soul and refine your soul, so that you will never be freed!"

"Ha ha.........."

Liang Yan chuckled lightly, looked back and forth on Xuanxuan and Lin Fan, and suddenly said with a smile: "It seems that you both want Liang's life, but after I die, who will the treasure belong to, you can think. Ok?"

"Hey, you don't have to worry about that!"

Lin Fan snorted coldly and said in a sullen manner, "We two have already discussed it. After you die, we will have our own way to divide up your belongings!"

"Hey, it seems that you have already regarded Liang as something in your hands?"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes. He wanted to sow discord, but he didn't expect these two people with different personalities to reach an agreement, which was a bit surprising.

Xuanxuan couldn't wait for a long time. At this time, he roared and shouted: "What nonsense with him, there are only three of us on this floor, unless he can stop us from joining forces, or we will die! Hmph, I want to see, he Does Liang Yan really have that ability!"

As soon as the word "resistance" came out, Xuanxuan jumped up.

His left hand quickly pinched a tactic, and with a Taoist tactic, the "vine wood soldiers" who surrounded Liang Yan immediately burst into a powerful breath, like barbarian soldiers, rushing towards Liang Yan with huge steps.

Seeing Xuanxuan's shot, Lin Fan was not to be outdone, the spiritual energy in his body revolved, and a flame of fire shot into the sky, turning into a huge fire python in mid-air, opening the flames and biting towards Liang Yan.

Facing the joint strike of the two great geniuses, Liang Yan's face was extremely solemn.

These two have deep scheming, and they hid their strength when they were in Shattered Void Mountain. Now they use their means without any scruples, which is much stronger than Yu Linglong and Yu Dongyang.


Liang Yan didn't dare to neglect, he raised his hand to see three flying swords, Zilei, Dingguang, and Heilian all unsheathed them, only hiding the Mayfly Sword Pill and waiting for the opportunity.

Zilei Jianwan took the lead in slashing at the surrounding "Fujimu soldiers". His flying sword obtained the power of the lightning law of Jiuxiao Shenleimu.


A muffled sound came, and Zi Lei Jianwan chopped at those "vine soldiers", but only three points into the wood, and did not completely cut the "vine soldiers" as expected.

"It's really rough and meaty!"

Liang Yan saw it from a distance, and cursed inwardly.

Ignoring the 'vine wood soldier', Lin Fan's fire python had already taken the lead, descending from the sky.


Liang Yan didn't hesitate, and when he pinched the sword in his hand, the black lotus sword pill rushed into the air and turned into several black lotuses to block his head.

With the slow rotation of the lotus, countless black sword qi burst out frantically, like a gangrene attached to the bone, and instantly penetrated into the body of the fire python.

Countless black spots the size of copper coins appeared on the surface of the fire python. Lin Fan in the distance sensed that something was wrong, and he hurriedly tried to control the fire python to force the sword energy out of his body.

However, how could Liang Yan let him succeed? At this moment, his mind moved, and the power of the sword baby in his body poured out wildly, the sword glow on the black lotus flower, and more and more sword qi pierced into the fire python's body.


With a muffled sound, the imposing fire python split apart in mid-air, and finally turned into hundreds of huge fireballs that fell from the sky, burning the surrounding woods completely.

Liang Yan broke Lin Fan's magical powers with one move, but he didn't dare to relax at all, because Xuanxuan's "vine wood soldiers" had already broken through the defense of Zi Lei Jianguang and came to him.

Although these "vine wood soldiers" are rigid in their movements, they are all rough and thick, and their strength is terrifying.

Seeing that Zilei Jianwan couldn't break their defenses, Liang Yan's mind moved, and a white light flew out of the Taixu gourd immediately.

Among the white light, it is the red crow.

He signed a contract with Liang Yan. At this time, he was already in the same mind. He didn't need Liang Yan to speak at all.

As soon as the four-headed and eight-armed golem appeared, it opened its huge mouth at the same time, and the endless yellow sand formed a khaki-colored vortex in the air, drawing all Xuanxuan's "vine soldiers" into the golem's mouth.

"My 'Fujimu Soldier'!"

Seeing this scene from a distance, Xuanxuan couldn't help but split his eyes!

These rough-skinned "vine wood soldiers" were actually transformed by the purest spiritual power in his body, and they were not magical powers that could be resurrected from the dead.

Now the "vine wood soldiers" have been swallowed by Liang Yan's innocent golem, which means that Xuanxuan will lose this pure Taoist spiritual power forever.

"Liang Thief! I'm at odds with you!"

Xuanxuan was extremely angry, and his left and right arms lit up with Taoist spiritual light and Buddhist golden light respectively. Two completely different spiritual powers converged towards his chest at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With the roar of a beast, the image of the white tiger on Xuanxuan's chest actually came to life, and he saw a ferocious tiger's head sticking out from his chest, looking extremely ferocious.

"Liang Thief! You took my chance first, and now you've ruined my magical powers, I'm going to burn you to ashes!"

A strange thing happened. This time, the person who spoke this time was not Xuanxuan himself, but the tiger head on his chest!

Liang Yan saw this scene from a distance, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

"This Xuanxuan...isn't he a pure human race, but...a half-demon?"

In fact, Liang Yan guessed pretty well, that Xuanxuan was indeed the bloodline of half-human half-demon.

His biological father was an eminent monk from Luo Tianshan. When this eminent monk traveled the world in his early years, he fell in love with a tiger demon by accident.

The love of the monster, the thunder and the fire, although it didn't take long, it still had Xuanxuan in the end.

It is a pity that Luo Tianshan is a Buddhist orthodox, and this relationship was regarded as a shame and shame by the sect, so it was not made public. However, Xuanxuan's biological father, a Buddhist monk, broke the sect's precepts, and he has been punished in Luo Tianshan's Valley of Sin.

Not long after Xuanxuan was born, his mother was executed by the monks of Luo Tianshan. The remaining Xuanxuan, because of his young age, had half the blood of the human race. After consultation with the eminent monks of Luo Tianshan, he was finally saved.

Perhaps it was because of his childhood experiences that Xuanxuan had tasted the cold and warm, and had been bullied so much that he formed the surly character he is now.

However, as the so-called interdependence of good and bad, it may also be God's mercy. Although Xuanxuan has a miserable background, his half-demon bloodline is somewhat special.

In his body, in addition to possessing the human dantian, there is actually a tiger demon's demon pill.

This kind of physique was not obvious in the early stage, but after entering the Golden Core Stage, it gave him a great help. One of them is that you can practice two completely different foundation methods at the same time.

It is precisely for this reason that Xuanxuan worshipped Luotian Mountain and Wuzhuang Mountain successively, and stole the masters to learn the arts, combining the unique skills of the two sects and creating his own way of cultivation.

At this moment, because of the stimulation of Liang Yan, Xuanxuan no longer had the intention to hide his strength, and only wanted to smash the opponent's corpse into ten thousand pieces and turn his bones into ashes!

He showed his half-demon body, and his aura skyrocketed. In just a short moment, he had surpassed Liang Yan and Lin to become the most powerful person in the field. .

"Liang Thief, die!"

With a loud shout, Xuan Xuan's figure rushed like a meteor, at an unbelievably fast speed, and even left several afterimages on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan was taken aback!

You must know that this layer has special restrictions. In addition to being unable to fly in the sky, it will also be suppressed by powerful forces, as if everyone has a hill on their backs, making it very inconvenient to move.

However, the Xuanxuan in front of him could actually ignore the suppression of power and act so swiftly, which is really unbelievable.

"The half-demon body, is it so powerful?"

Liang Yan's face was extremely solemn, and when he pinched the sword in his hand, the three sword pills Zilei, Heilian, and Dingguang returned to him at the same time, and slashed at the oncoming Xuanxuan with a sword!

brush! brush! brush!

The flying sword pierced the air, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and three sword lights, in no particular order, slashed towards Xuanxuan at the same time.

However, Xuanxuan, who was running, didn't need any magical powers at all. He just waved his arms. Taoist mantras and Buddhist Sanskrit words had already been integrated into his half-demon body, unleashing all his potential, and there was great power between his gestures!


After hearing a few crisp sword sounds, purple, silver, and black sword lights shot up into the sky. Without exception, all three of Liang Yan's sword pills were blown away by Xuanxuan's palm!


Xuanxuan's palm is extremely powerful, and the powerful airflow is raging like a gust of wind, and the surrounding space is constantly distorted, as if to swallow Liang Yan into it!

What's more troublesome is that the space behind Liang Yan has also changed. Obviously, the sinister and vicious Lin Fan will not let this opportunity pass......

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