The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1364: The second batch of Tianjiao has entered!

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Xuanxuan showed his half-demon body, and the seals on his left and right arms were also unlocked at the same time.

The spiritual power of Buddhism and Taoism continuously flowed into his body, and the powerful momentum rose into the sky, and the palm force even distorted the void, shaking off Liang Yan's three sword pellets.

Facing this amazing palm, Liang Yan's face was solemn, and he did not dare to be careless.

The Jiuzhuan Jindan in his body and the power of Jianying were activated at the same time, and with a pinch of the magic trick in his hand, he sacrificed his strongest sword pill, the mayfly sword pill.

I saw the cyan sword light cut through the sky, and the sword intent was galloping, as if a cyan sword river descended from the sky!


The powerful sword light slashed on Xuanxuan's palm strength, creating cracks in the surrounding void, and the power of space was distorted and deformed. It was only supported for a moment before it collapsed!

The aftermath of the powerful force turned into a chaotic space storm, shaking both of them away at the same time.

When Liang Yan took advantage of this anti-shock force to retreat sharply, he also sensed an unusual wave of spiritual power behind him.


Don't think about it, Liang Yan knows that the person hiding behind him must be Lin Fan!

He forcibly stopped the tendency to retreat, turned around in mid-air, clenched his right hand, and used "Three Thousand Sins" to punch somewhere in the void.


Almost as soon as Liang Yan punched, the void cracked open, and a fire bull rushed out of the crack, exuding a scorching aura, hitting him head-on.


There was another loud noise, and the fire bull was smashed by Liang Yan's King Kong power, but countless fire mosquitoes flew out of the bull's head, covering the sky and densely packed, and instantly surrounded him.

"Sky-devouring fire mosquito?"

Liang Yan's expression changed slightly.

He has heard of this magical power. It is said that each fire mosquito needs to be cultivated with a newborn baby as a container. After seven, seven, forty-nine days, the fire mosquito will absorb all the anger of the baby and break its shell from the forehead. out.

Because this method is too sinister and harms the world, the sects who keep this secret technique are strictly prohibited, and it is listed as a forbidden technique, and the disciples are not allowed to practice.

To say that this Lin Fan looks like a modest gentleman on the surface, but he is actually extremely vicious in secret. When he was in "Flying Fish Fifteen Continents", Liang Yan was keenly aware of the evil spirit in him.

At that time, Liang Yan didn't know that this person could actually practice the vicious spell "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquito"!

Once the "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquito" is trained, it is like a maggot attached to the bone. As long as it gets on the enemy's body, it can instantly break through the opponent's physical defense, burrow into the body, burn the internal organs, and devour the opponent's essence!

Liang Yan knew how powerful he was, so naturally he wouldn't let these fire mosquitoes get close.

With a pinch of the tactic in his hand, the "empty aspects of all dharmas" were displayed, and the golden Buddha light shook the dozens of fire mosquitoes that approached first. back to your side.

brush! brush! brush!

Three sword pellets came out of the sky, and the sword light flew horizontally, forming a three-color sword circle around Liang Yan, instantly smashing hundreds of "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquitoes".

But the number of "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquitoes" is too many, thousands of them, and they are simply inexhaustible.

Moreover, these fire mosquitoes can also absorb the spirituality of the magic weapon, so that Liang Yan's sword light is forced to shrink inward, and he dare not open and close, otherwise, once a flaw is revealed, it will be easy to be taken advantage of by these fire patterns.

Liang Yan mobilized Jianguang and defended his portal, but saw that Lin Fan was hiding in the sea of ​​​​fire in the slow sky.

"It's going to get worse!"

Liang Yan is also a man who has been in battle for a long time, and realizes Lin Fan's cunning.

Compared with the half-demon body Xuanxuan, Lin Fan is actually more troublesome!

At this time, Xuanxuan was already furious, and he just wanted to kill Liang Yan regardless.

Although the fierce blow just now was blocked by Liang Yan with the mayfly sword pill, Xuanxuan did not lose heart, kicked his feet on the ground, and rushed over again.

The white tiger in his chest roared angrily, and eight white-haired arms grew out of his body, each of which was full of explosive power, as if it could break mountains and rivers and be invincible.

boom! boom! boom!

A violent fist shadow fell on Liang Yan's head, and the powerful force surged, even Liang Yan did not dare to force it!

As his thoughts turned around, a crack suddenly opened on his forehead, and then a purple eye popped out.

The vertical-eyed Tong Kong only turned slightly, and immediately a purple beam of light shot into the air.

Xuanxuan, who was originally like the top of Mount Tai, was illuminated by this purple beam of light, and his movements immediately slowed down a bit, and even the violent spiritual power in his body froze for a moment.

Taking advantage of this kung fu, Liang Yan turned around and shot four sword lights of purple, blue, silver, and black, and attacked the "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquito" behind him with all his strength.

Those fire mosquitoes couldn't eat his sword qi, and Lin Fan was cautious. Seeing Liang Yan's "celestial vision", he didn't dare to push too hard until he figured it out, and in the end he was really killed by Liang Yan. A way back.

"Want to run?"

Lin Fan, who had reacted, sneered, and hurriedly pinched his left hand trick. The pilot "Sky Devouring Fire Mosquito" continued to pursue Liang Yan, while his right hand flipped the palm of his hand and pulled out a long flaming whip.

This flaming whip is his life magic weapon. It is called "Withered Flame Whip". It can be long or short.


Without any hesitation, Lin Fan swung the long whip in his hand, and the flames burst into all directions. Caixia, like a flying fiery snake, spread to Liang Yan's side in an instant.

The top ten talents are not only powerful in their exercises, but also have magical treasures that are rare in the world!

Liang Yan was running, clearly distanced himself from Lin Fan and Xuanxuan, but he didn't expect a long flame of flame to fall from the sky and slammed towards him.

The whip came too fast, and Liang Yan couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to roll on the spot and protect his body with the golden light of Buddhism, so that he was not hit by the "withered flame whip".

However, the power of the "Withered Flame Whip" is more than that. After one miss, it immediately changes over Liang Yan's head, and turns into a huge net of fire, covering his head.

Liang Yan didn't expect this magic weapon to be so difficult to deal with, as long as Lin Fan was there, it would be impossible to escape!

While his thoughts were spinning, he suddenly turned around and turned around. He actually gave up escaping, and shot up four sword lights, killing Lin Fan at the same time.

This change was unexpected. Lin Fan planned to use the "Withered Flame Whip" to seal Liang Yan's retreat, but he didn't expect that the other party would simply stop running and turn around and kill him!

He was attacked and plotted by Liang Yan before, and almost lost his life. At this time, there was still more than one season in his heart. Seeing Liang Yan's lifeless play, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes again.

"Idiot! He is a trapped beast, and he has nowhere to go!"

At a critical moment, the voice of Jie Lao resounded in Lin Fan's heart again: "This person is used to being cunning, don't be fooled by him, be careful of his voice!"

Hearing Jie Lao's voice, Lin Fan narrowed his eyes and regained his composure.

"Sky-devouring Fire Mosquito" couldn't keep up with Liang Yan's speed, and "Withered Flame Whip" couldn't keep up with the Savior. Facing Liang Yan's storm-like sword light, Lin Fan could only open his mouth and spit.

I saw a group of cyan flames spit out from his mouth, and when he gently blew it, the flames immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames, surrounding Liang Yan who was rushing.

This group of cyan flames was Lin Fan's natal real fire "Qingyang Fire", driven by the authentic spiritual power of Confucianism, the fire was vigorous and powerful.

Liang Yan was trapped in the sea of ​​​​fire, but he was not at all chaotic. He sent four sword lights to open the way, and the powerful sword intent pierced the raging sea of ​​flames out of a passage, revealing Lin Fan behind the flames.

"Lin Fan!"

Liang Yan shouted loudly, the sound of thunder rolled, and his right eye suddenly turned gray.

Lin Fan's eyes swept over, and he was surprised at first, but immediately, he was surprised to see that a cloud of gray gas appeared in his chest, and his flesh and five internal organs were aging at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"No, it's death!"

Lin Fan screamed, not chasing after Liang Yan, and hurriedly activated the spiritual power in his body to limit his death energy to a very small range. Immediately after that, he turned on his profound arts, trying his best to force this ray of dead energy out of his body.

Liang Yan used the magical power of "No Go" to injure Lin Fan unexpectedly, but he knew that he couldn't kill him at all.

This looks like desperate, but it is actually fighting for the opportunity to escape!

Lin Fan was haunted by death energy, and neither "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquito" nor "Withered Flame Whip" were controlled by anyone, so Liang Yan could not be trapped.

He turned his body in mid-air and landed on the nearby treetops, his footsteps were light, his body was like a wild goose, and he flew towards the depths of the forest again......

Although all this is a long story, it only took a few breaths from Liang Yan's use of the "celestial vision" to trap Xuanxuan until he escaped again.


There was a loud noise, but the half-demonized Xuanxuan shattered the black light that enveloped him and regained his freedom.

On the other side, Lin Fan's face was crimson red, with blue smoke above his head, and a gray deathly aura was slowly forced out from between his eyebrows.

"Hmph, I told you a long time ago that this person is accustomed to being cunning and rude. It's a lie that he and you are desperate, and it's true that he plans a retreat for himself!" The old man's voice resounded in Lin Fan's heart again.

This time, Lin Fan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and voice transmission angrily said: "Shut up! Didn't you see that I was surrounded by death energy just now, and I almost got hurt by him? Jie Lao, although I respect you, it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want. Command me!"


Jie Lao didn't seem to have thought that Lin Fan would dare to contradict him, and he was so angry that he was speechless for a while.

Immediately, however, Lin Fan's voice softened, and he said in a sullen manner, "Don't worry about the old man, this person has the imprint of the 'Ghost Species' and cannot escape from my Wuzhi Mountain!"

He squinted his eyes, stopped talking to Jie Lao, and turned to look at Xuanxuan not far away.

The two of them looked at each other, and there was no need to say more. There was one thought in their hearts:

Catch up and kill this surnamed Liang!


Deep in the forest.

Although Liang Yan temporarily got rid of Lin Fan and Xuan Wei's pursuit, he knew that the two would never let him go.

Especially Xuanxuan, this person hated himself to the bone, and after showing his half-demon body, his speed was surprisingly fast!

If it is outside and can fly in the sky, Liang Yan has Lao Jin's help, and the speed will not be slow.

But in the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, there are too many restrictions, and Liang Yan can't escape Xuanxuan at all!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Xuan Xuan to catch up first.

This person was on all fours, dashing like a tiger, and the power restraint of the "Palace of the Mountain" couldn't trap him at all.

"Boy, you can't run away!"

Xuanxuan's gloomy laughter came from behind, and Liang Yan could hear his teeth grinding without turning his head.

At this moment, Liang Yan didn't dare to stop at all, because once he was surrounded by Xuanxuan and Lin Fan, it would be difficult to escape if he wanted to escape.

Seeing that Xuanxuan was getting closer and closer, he immediately sent out several sword qi, blocking the pursuit of the people behind him, and at the same time speeding up his pace to increase his speed to the extreme.

The three great arrogances started a fierce chasing battle in the mountains and forests.

The two sides fought while walking, but each time they fought was not too long.

Because Liang Yan was too slippery, he didn't fight the two of them head-on at all. Every time he was about to be overtaken by Xuanxuan, he urged the four sword pills to fight with him, and when Lin Fan was about to catch up, He immediately ran away.

In this way, it not only disrupted the rhythm of Xuanxuan's pursuit, but also prevented him from being surrounded by two people.

Although Xuanxuan was powerful, his moves were straight-forward, not as varied as Lin Fan's. Liang Yan could fight whenever he wanted, and leave whenever he wanted, but he couldn't stop him every time.

Lin Fan actually came up with several vicious ideas, but every time he was seen through by Liang he could only watch the other side calmly escape.

The three of them fought like this for most of the day, and in the early morning of the next day, when the sky was just a little light, the whole mountain suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, three huge beams of light rose into the sky, and the power of space filled the entire mountain.

"The second batch of Tianjiao has arrived!"

Liang Yan realized that his turn had finally come, and his face showed excitement.

With Yang Jianying's strength, he should be able to rank in the top six and become the second batch of Tianjiao to enter the "Palace of the Mountain".

However, three beams of light are now lit up at the same time, and Liang Yan is not sure which beam of light is Yang Jianying's position.

"I can't handle that much anymore. The two of them are chasing more and more urgently. They can only try their luck and find the nearest Tianjiao first!"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan immediately changed his direction and ran towards the nearest white beam of light......

After about a cup of tea, Liang Yan saw a huge stone palace appear in front of him.

This palace was exactly the same as the one I had encountered before.

There is a stone gate in the middle, there is no opportunistic method, only by instilling spiritual power can it be opened.

At this moment, this stone door has been pushed open a crack, and it is obvious that the people inside are about to come out.

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, jumped up, borrowed strength from the treetops, and landed lightly near Shimen.

At the same time, Xuan Xuan also caught up.

He had already guessed Liang Yan's thoughts, so he speeded up, but unfortunately he didn't stop Liang Yan and ran here for him.


With a dull loud noise, the stone gate of the palace slowly opened under the gazes of the two of them..........

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