The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1365: Desperate!

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The stone gate of the palace opened, which meant that another Tianjiao was going to enter this floor.

The two who were chasing and escaping, stopped in unison at this time, and looked straight at Shimen.

Because they all know that the next Tianjiao who enters this place will change the situation on the third floor.

Although Liang Yan wanted to find a helper and fight against Lin Fan and Xuanxuan with him, why didn't Xuanxuan want to find an ally to kill Liang Yan with him?

Just as the two of them were looking forward to it, the gate of the palace slowly opened.

Before people came out, a fragrant wind was already blowing.

"Huh? Strange, the concubine came so late, I thought everyone had already entered the fourth floor, but I didn't expect the two young masters to wait here on a special trip. I am really flattered!"

As the delicate voice sounded, a woman in a long black dress walked out from behind the stone gate.

This woman is fair-skinned, with a slender waist, and her exquisite figure is covered by a black veil, adding a bit of mysterious temptation.

"Hu Chenyu, the Son of Heavenly Demon Mountain!"

The two people waiting at the door, who recognized Tianjiao immediately, had different expressions on their faces.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Liang Yan's eyes.

According to his original calculation, among the top ten talents, Yu Dongyang had already been beheaded by himself, Yu Linglong was average, Luo Qing looked ordinary, and the remaining four, he had the greatest hope was Yang Jianying, after all, his own hands There is a "Yang Family Sword Seal" on it, and this person should help himself in every way.

Besides Yang Jianying, the second choice was Zhao Xunzhen from Fengducheng.

This woman once received her favor, but now that two hundred years have passed, both parties are no longer the juniors who were just starting out. Liang Yan is not sure whether the other party will help him, but at least he will not be his enemy.

I just didn't expect that after the Shimen opened, Tianjiao who came out was neither Yang Jianying nor Zhao Xunzhen, but a stranger.

Compared with Liang Yan, Xuan Xuan's complexion was much better-looking.

He had already heard of the name of the Son of Heavenly Demon Mountain. He was said to be a ruthless person who would do anything to achieve his goals, and even killed his own classmates.

Perhaps it was because of her talent that Tianmoshan actually suppressed the murder of her fellow sect and did not hold her accountable, but since then, Hu Chenyu's behavior has been much more low-key.

Xuanxuan himself is a ruthless and surly person, so he knows Hu Chenyu very well.

The so-called country is easy to change, and her nature is difficult to change. Even if she has been warned by the sect, this Hu Chenyu will definitely not become a soft-hearted person. On the contrary, she will intensify after repression.

At this moment, the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda is the best stage, where monsters and monsters come on stage one after another, and no one needs to cover up and can kill at will here. Even Lin Fan, who is usually sanctimonious and looks like a modest gentleman, directly used a vicious spell like "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquito".

So Xuan Chen laughed.

He was not worried at all that Hu Chenyu would help Liang Yan.

Because people like them will never do anything like helping in the snow, on the contrary, what they are best at is: falling into the trap!

Xuanxuan used himself to save others and felt that Hu Chenyu should be the same as himself, so he smiled and said, "Congratulations, Holy Son, you have just entered the third floor, and there is a great opportunity in front of you."


Hu Chenyu rolled her eyes and landed on him, and said with a soft smile, "My concubine's body has been smeared, what is the chance, can you ask fellow Daoists to tell me bluntly?"

As soon as she finished speaking, before Xuanxuan could answer, a voice laughed loudly: "Why does the Holy Son pretend to be smug? Killing people and stealing treasures, isn't it something you always like to do?"

Amidst the loud laughter, a young scholar in sackcloth came out of the forest.

This person is Lin Fan. Although he has been chasing him all the way, his speed is not as fast as the half-demonized Xuanxuan, and he has only just arrived now.

"Oh? It turns out that there is another young master. It seems that the first batch of Tianjiao who entered the 'Palace of the Mountain' has arrived here." Hu Chenyu smiled, and the smile contained a seductive charm.

Lin Fan didn't look at her, turned his eyes to the side, and said with a laugh: "This person in front of us has a grudge against us, and Xuanxuan and I vow to kill him. If the Holy Son is willing to help, then after this person dies, we three People will divide up his treasure together. If the Holy Son is unwilling to help, then please sit on the sidelines, and we will share a little bit of your benefits when it is done, how about it?"

"So that's the case... You guys have taken a fancy to this little brother named Liang."

Hu Chenyu showed a sudden realization, her eyes flashed, and she looked at Liang Yan.

"I remember your name is Liang Yan, right? Tsk tsk, you look quite handsome, but it's a pity, why do you want to offend two Tianjiao at the same time, it seems that today is more fortunate than for luck."

Having said that, Hu Chenyu shook her head and sighed, looking very regretful.

After hearing her words, Xuan Xuan and Lin Fan looked at each other with a hint of joy on their faces.

"What does the Holy Son mean, won't intervene in us to kill this thief?" Xuan Xuan asked tentatively.

"I didn't say that!"

Hu Chenyu's answer made Xuan Xuan and Lin Fan's expressions change, but before they could say more, the next moment, they saw the holy child of the devil's door, Lian, walking towards them with a sweet smile.

"Since this little brother surnamed Liang has offended two Tianjiao at the same time, he is already dead. With such a good opportunity, why didn't the concubine take advantage of it and choose to sit on the sidelines?"

While speaking, Hu Chenyu had come to Lin Fan and Xuanxuan's side, stood side by side with them, and looked at Liang Yan opposite with a smile.

"Saint Son is wise!"

Xuan Hao, who had reacted, laughed, his eyes locked on Liang Yan again, and his fierce aura was undoubtedly revealed.

Lin Fan's eyes also showed a sinister and vicious look. After he arrived here, the first thing he did was to secretly release all the "Sky Devouring Mosquitoes".

These "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquitoes" are now ambushing near Liang Yan, and as long as he gets a little closer, they will immediately launch a fierce attack.


Seeing Hu Chenyu walking across, Liang Yan knew that the situation was not good, and immediately said: "Don't think too easily, these two are insidious and vicious, and their methods are brutal. You teaming up with them is like trying to get skin from a tiger. It's because of Liang's existence. But once Liang's death, will they still tolerate you to divide up the interests? It's better for the Holy Son to join forces with me, as long as the two are repelled, I, Liang Yan, will definitely be grateful!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect my little brother to be very thoughtful and considerate?"

Hu Chenyu smiled coquettishly, shook her head, and said, "But I don't need to worry about my safety. After all, everyone enters the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda for their own cultivation. There are no permanent friends or enemies here, only eternity. The interests of you. It's just that you offended the two geniuses at the same time and put yourself in a dangerous place. This is the reason why everyone pushes the wall.

"Saint Son is right!"

Lin Fan laughed loudly and said, "Liang Thief, you don't have to be smart, how could the dignified Heavenly Son of the Devil's Mountain be provoked by you? Xuanxuan and I are not the same people. The reason why we joined forces is because of you. As long as you die. , the three of us immediately divide up the treasure and go our separate ways, where is there any conflict of interest?"

Lin Fan's words were clear, Liang Yan's brows were furrowed, and he couldn't find any reason to persuade Hu Chenyu to help him.

"It's really bad luck this time!"

Liang Yan sighed secretly in his heart, the three beams of light represent the three arrogances, why did he find this one?

If it was just one-on-one, he wouldn't be afraid of Xuanxuan and Lin Fan at all, but facing the two of them joining forces, he couldn't do anything about it.

Now that there is another holy son of Tianmo Mountain, Hu Chenyu, the three of them will be disadvantaged to themselves. Liang Yan has no chance of winning. At most, Tianlong will not die to save one life.

But once he uses Tianlong's immortality and can't kill his opponent, his secret will be leaked. Unless he hides in Wushuang City forever, he will be hunted by Xuanyuan Potian endlessly... ...

Thinking of the power of the saint, Liang Yan felt a chill in his heart.

"You can't entangle with them here... There are two geniuses who entered this floor just now. As long as they are found, there is still a chance!"

Although the situation was extremely unfavorable to him, Liang Yan did not intend to give up.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, his feet suddenly exerted strength, and his body leaped into the air like a wild goose, and instantly jumped out a distance of more than ten feet.

However, Xuanxuan was already prepared. At this moment, he shouted loudly, his body was like thunder, and he came to a place not far behind Liang Yan in an instant.

"Liang Thief, eat my palm!"

Xuan Xuan angered his palm, and the spiritual powers of Buddhism and Taoism gathered in his palm. Before the palm strength fell, a whirlwind of gold and blue swept out, taking the first step, shrouding Liang Yan's figure inside.

The wind howls, the spiritual power runs wild!

Liang Yan was in the whirlwind, and he only felt that the surrounding spiritual energy slashed through his skin like a blade, and the powerful force was suppressed on the top of his head. If he hadn't practiced the Buddhist body-refinement technique, I'm afraid this would have been affected by two completely different The spiritual force tore the flesh into pieces!

At the critical moment, Liang Yan ran "Eight Parts of Yanyuan", used the supernatural power of "criminalization of three thousand", poured the spiritual power in his body into his right hand, and punched the whirlwind that enveloped him.

"Break it for me!"


There was a loud noise, and the golden and blue whirlwind was torn apart, but before the whirlwind completely dissipated, a figure had already fallen from the sky.

Xuanxuan's palm contains the essence of Buddhism and Taoism. The palm strength is like the Yangtze River, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the rush is like thunder!

"Red Crow!"

Liang Yan shouted loudly, and without further ado, a white light flew out from the Taixu gourd and instantly turned into a yellow sand puppet with four heads and eight arms, blocking him.


With a powerful palm, it hit the "Stainless Golem", and actually shook this defensive puppet out of dense cracks!

Liang Yan was secretly surprised, knowing that this "Stainless Golem" was the magic weapon of Huangshi Patriarch's life, and Huangshi Patriarch was a monk who survived the five hardships, and even his natal magic weapon appeared under this palm. The cracks were removed, which shows how terrifying Xuanxuan's half-demon body is!

But now is not the time to be shocked, Hongwu blocked Xuanxuan's palm, Liang Yan did not hesitate, took the "Golem of Wushou", turned around and continued to run.

But he has only just taken a step, and the warning signs in his heart are suddenly born!

Almost instinctively, Liang Yan slapped the Taixu gourd on his waist, and took out the four sword pills of Mayfly, Zilei, Dingguang, and Heilian at the same time. inside.

It was at the same time that he took out the flying sword, a large swath of "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquitos" suddenly appeared from all directions and rushed towards him.

When Liang Yan saw this scene, he knew that Lin Fan had already set up a trap in secret, and only waited for him to fight Xuanxuan before using these "sky-devouring fire mosquitoes" to sneak up on him.

If it wasn't for him being cautious and running the "Bodhi Mirror" phase ahead of time, I am afraid that these poisonous insects have now penetrated into the body, knocked the bones and sucked the marrow, and turned into a mummified corpse.

brush! brush! brush!

Four completely different sword lights, motivated by Liang Yan's power of the sword infant, turned into four tornadoes of sword energy, mercilessly slaughtering the "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquitoes" swarming from all around.

Although he was not attacked by Lin Fan, the "Sky-devouring Fire Mosquitos" were not ordinary poisonous insects. They were able to absorb the spirituality of magic weapons. Liang Yan was restrained, so he was still blocked.

The wind whistled behind him, Xuanxuan missed a hit, his momentum became even stronger, and he chased up again.

To make matters worse, Hu Chenyu also chased after him!

"Hehe, little brother, don't rush to leave, your concubine sees that you have an extraordinary bearing and looks a bit handsome, why don't you stay and make a face for your concubine?"

Hu Chenyu's eyes and smiles are all charming.

She was in the air, her hands were lightly raised, and the boundless magic energy turned into a vortex in her palm, and the terrifying power emanated from the vortex, as if to swallow all living beings into it.


Xuan Chen laughed loudly. He saw that Hu Chenyu's palm was infinitely mysterious and full of demonic energy. Obviously, he didn't hold back at all. Like himself, he was determined to kill Liang Yan.

"Liang Thief, it seems that you have run out of anger, and even God will not help you, so you should die obediently!"

In the laughter of Xuanxuan, he once again activated his half-demon Buddha and Dao's two completely different spiritual powers merged in the palm of his hand, and Hu Chenyu left and right, and hit Liang at the same time. Word.

"It seems that we still have to use 'Tianlong Immortal Body'......"

In a desperate situation, Liang Yan was surprisingly calm, without the anxiety he had before.

He sighed lightly, the nine-turn golden elixir in his body revolved rapidly, and the four spiritual powers of Buddha, Demon, Taoism and Confucianism started and repeated, and finally turned into two pure powers, which flocked to his left and right hands at the same time. .

Liang Yan completely gave up his defense. Since he has decided to die, he will use his life to injure his opponent as hard as possible! In this way, when he is reborn, there is still hope to kill the opponent!


Xuanxuan and Hu Chenyu, one left and one right, their palms fell at the same time.

Liang Yan didn't give in, he raised his hands and hit both of them at the same time!

Before they fought, a powerful force had already rushed forward. Liang Yan knew that he could not stop the joint strike of the two geniuses no matter what.

However, at the moment when the two sides fought, something strange happened.

Liang Yan felt that someone scratched his palm with his finger!


Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked intently, only to see that the holy son of Tianmo Mountain blinked at him, the magic vortex did not attack him, but a white jade finger, gently in his palm One tick.

Seeing this familiar look, Liang Yan suddenly had a feeling of being separated from the world.

The next moment, he couldn't help himself and blurted out:

"It's you!"


At the same time as his cry, there was Xuan Xuan's scream!

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