The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1381: treasure room

Latest website: In the depths of the maze, the two embarked on a journey again.

Powerful prohibitions, bizarre traps, and monsters like walking corpses make this trip to the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda confusing.

But this time, Liang Yan was no longer alone.

Even if there is any danger ahead, someone will face it with him.

The two walked side by side, keeping an eye on the surroundings while chasing the traces of the water attribute aura.

Just now, Liang Yan had told Wuxin all the information he knew.

After learning that the gatekeeper on this floor was actually a water-type magic weapon spirit, Wuxin took out a water-blue bead from the storage bag and sacrificed it on the top of his head.

This magic weapon is called "Shuizhu", which has a certain defensive effect on water-type magic powers. It is also very sensitive to water-type spiritual power, and can track the weak spiritual power in the surrounding space.

Along the way, they have walked through more than a dozen rooms relying on "Shuizhu", and encountered some crazy monsters, but the strength of these monsters is completely different from the eight-armed sword ape. , Liang Yanhe Wuxin solved it easily. As for some of the traps, due to their age, coupled with the riots of monsters, many of them have been destroyed, and they are not a threat to the two of them.

Soon, the two came to a new fork in the road.

hum! hum! hum!

Just as the two approached the intersection, the "fixed water droplets" above their heads suddenly vibrated rapidly, and circles of blue ripples spread outward, like a spinning top in water.

"What a rich water system spiritual power!"

Liang Yan and Wuxin glanced at each other, thinking the same thing in their hearts. In fact, without the feedback of "fixing the water droplets", both of them could already feel the water-based spiritual power in the air.

"Senior Sword Ape didn't lie to us, the magic weapon that has the water attribute on this floor is probably nearby, and we have to raise our vigilance." Liang Yan looked around and said in a deep voice.

"Well, be careful!"

Wuxin and Liang Yan are the same idea, the closer you get to the target, the more careful you must be.

"Ding Shuizhu" quickly determined one of the fork in the road, and inadvertently raised his hand to play a magic trick, took "Ding Shuizhu" back into the storage ring, and at the same time used magical powers to hide his own breath.

Beside him, Liang Yan also used the same means to hide his breath with the Heavenly Secret Bead, and then walked along the road with Wuxin.

Soon, the two came to a huge stone gate.

This room was different from what they had encountered before. The stone door outside was more than doubled in size. There was a yellow seal on the stone door, and there were runes written on it.

"Someone has set a seal outside this room." Wuxin looked at the seal on the stone door, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Liang Yan was also a little puzzled by the scene in front of him.

Since it is the room where the magic treasure is located, a ban should be set up from the inside to prevent outsiders from entering the stolen treasure. Why should a seal be set up outside the room, is it to prevent the things in the room from coming out?

"What do you think?" Wuxin turned around and asked Liang Yan's opinion.

"The eight-armed sword ape is already dead, he has no reason to lie to me. According to what he said, the gatekeeper on this floor is a bit special, and it is a magic weapon. Do you think there will be people who don't want this The tool spirit came out, so you sealed it inside?" Liang Yan slowly expressed his guess.

"There is a possibility." Wuxin nodded, obviously agreeing with his guess.

"According to your analysis, who sealed it here?" Wuxin then asked.

"This is hard to say." Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly: "The gatekeeper should be the strongest existence in this layer. Those who can seal it may not belong to this layer."

"You mean?" Wuxin instantly understood what he meant, with a look of surprise on his face.

"It's too early to guess. When we see the magic weapon, everything will be known." Liang Yan waved his hand, took a step forward, and walked to the door of Shimen.

Wuxin was a little hesitant at first, but seeing Liang Yan doing this, he knew that he would definitely open the stone gate.

"Forget it, anyway, there is no turning back now. If he wants to open it, let him open it. If there is any danger behind the stone gate, I will face it together with him."

Thinking of this, Wuxin did not hesitate any longer and followed Liang Yan to the door.

The vicissitudes of life of the stone gate, the yellowed seal, and the ancient runes all describe the long years here.

However, Liang Yan didn't hesitate, he protected his whole body with spiritual power, then stretched out his hand and grabbed the seal, tearing it down, and the whole action was completed in one go.


The seal is easily torn off.

At the same time, an extremely rich water-attribute aura spewed out from the crack of the door!

Liang Yan and Wuxin faced Shimen as if they were facing the vast ocean. The waves of thousands of feet were rolling in, causing both of them to feel suffocated for a moment, and took a step back involuntarily.

The next moment, the stone gate slowly opened to both sides.


With a dull loud noise, the silent place that had been closed for many years finally welcomed its first intruders.


Biting cold!

At the moment when the stone gate opened, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and thick frost condensed on the wall. It was just a breath of time, and the entire passage became a world of ice and snow!

"Be careful!"

Liang Yan let out a low voice and pinched the magic formula in his hand.

The cold air condensed into ice in mid-air, freezing his golden aperture in place, and countless frosts covered the surroundings, freezing the space where the two of them were into an ice ball.

"This cold is a little scary!"

Wuxin blinked his eyes and looked at the man beside him. Although he said horror in his mouth, there was no panic on his face.

Although the incident happened suddenly, she still felt extremely safe under the protection of Liang Yan's spiritual power.

At this time, Liang Yan's attention was all in the stone chamber that had just been opened.

I saw a magnificent palace inside.

However, this palace is a little different from ordinary palaces. It does not have gold bricks and silver tiles, but a world of ice and snow.

Crystal clear ice bricks, snow-white ice walls, and high-rise buildings, all of which are made of ice!

At this moment, the cold air gushing from the inside of the palace is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning.

The stone gate of this palace has not been opened for a long time, so at the moment of opening, the cold air that has accumulated for thousands of years poured out together, and this was the thrilling scene just now.

Fortunately, Liang Yan and Wuxin's cultivation are not weak, and they have withstood the first wave of cold air, and the latter cold air is no longer a threat.

He stopped in place for a moment, waiting for the surrounding cold air to gradually dissipate, before Liang Yan played a magic trick and received Buddhist magical powers.

The two of them exercised their skills and walked into the Frost Palace side by side.

Everything here is piercingly cold, and even the ground beneath your feet is cold, and it penetrates into the soles of the feet of the two of them. Fortunately, the two of them have exercised their energy in advance and protected the meridians of the whole body. At this time, they are not afraid of these. Cold attacked.

"The magic weapon. It should be on the high platform in the middle, right?" Wuxin's voice sounded slowly.

In fact, needless to say, as soon as Liang Yan entered the room, he had already seen the towering tower in the middle of the palace.

Although this tower is made of ice, it is still with withered beams and painted buildings, inlaid with many rare treasures, which can be described as extremely luxurious.

There is a jade box on the platform, and there are several talismans pasted on the box. Judging from the drawing method of the runes, it should be from the same person as the seal on the stone gate.

Liang Yan could feel that the source of all the cold around him was this ugly jade box.

That is to say, what is contained in the jade box, eight achievement is the magic weapon spirit of this layer!

"Looks like we've found our target."

A smile appeared on Liang Yan's face.

Things went fairly smoothly. It didn't take much time from entering this floor to now. All I have to do now is to get the jade box in the building.

Liang Yan was cautious by nature, and had no plans to approach the platform. At this time, he pinched a magic formula with one hand and planned to use his spiritual power to capture the jade box in the platform from the sky.

However, just as his spiritual power approached the platform, he was surrounded by an oncoming cold air, and instantly froze in place.

"There is a 'spirit barrier' around the building!"

Liang Yan and Wuxin both saw the clue and looked at each other with solemn expressions on their faces.

"Spiritual Interdiction" can block spiritual power. Many sect treasures will use this kind of magic circle, coupled with the magic circle that isolates the consciousness, it is difficult for outsiders to spy on the treasures.

"It seems that the spirit of this magic weapon was indeed sealed here, and the sealer didn't want anyone to approach, so a 'spirit barrier' was set up here." Wuxin said ponderingly.

"That's right. Now, the only way to get the jade box is to walk inside the building."

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. He is a cautious person. After pondering for a moment, he said to Wuxin next to him:

"The two of us don't go over at the same time and let me go to get the treasure. You stay at the door. If something happens, you can still come out with me."

After Wuxin listened, there was a hint of worry in his eyes, but after a while, he nodded in agreement.

Although she didn't know that Liang Yan had the "Dragon Immortal", but she had seen Liang Yan's recovery speed, it was simply a pervert, it would be much safer for him to fetch the treasure. Moreover, he has "riding the yellow", in case of any danger, he can take Liang Yan away as soon as possible.

This is the most reasonable arrangement.

"Okay, then you should be more careful. If there is any situation that you can't deal with, don't force it, run away as soon as possible! I will pick you up." Wuxin said seriously.

"Don't worry, I know the scale."

Liang Yan smiled slightly and said nothing more. He took Zilei Jianwan out of defense and walked slowly to the platform in the middle of the palace.

He was vigilant in his heart and walked very slowly, and the entire palace was extremely wide, so from the gate to the middle platform, he walked a full cup of tea.

During this process, no traps were triggered, which made Liang Yan slightly relieved.

The Hanbing Tower was in front of him, Liang Yan calmly took the first step up the stairs without hesitation.

Quiet, deadly quiet, without any changes around.

Liang Yan did not relax his vigilance. He ran "Eight Parts of Yanyuan", and secretly activated the power of the sword baby in his body. The sword light of Zilei Jianwan was unsteady on top of his head, guarding against any danger that might appear around him.

Soon, the second and third steps were taken one after another.

When Liang Yan reached the ninth step, he was already in the middle of the stairs.

The next moment, his left foot had just been lifted, and the entire step suddenly vibrated, and a powerful murderous aura appeared out of thin air, covering a distance of hundreds of feet.

"Be careful behind!"

The unintentional voice came from a distance, and Liang Yan did not hesitate, and slashed his backhand with a sword.


The sword light broke through the air, but was imprisoned by some powerful force, as if he was caught in a quagmire, and he couldn't get rid of it for a while.

Although Liang Yan was not confused, the sword technique in his hand changed rapidly, the purple thunder sword pill spun frantically, and the thunder sword intent rushed out one after another, and a huge explosion sounded instantly behind him.


The aftermath of a powerful force swept through, and at this time Liang Yan was already prepared to protect his whole body with the golden light of the "emptiness of all laws" and dodge to the right side of the steps.

After escaping this round of sneak attacks, Liang Yan only had a moment of leisure to look back.

I saw that it was a huge human face that was indistinct, biting his own Purple Thunder Sword Pill. Even though half of the human face had been smashed by the sword energy, the remaining half was still biting hard.

Seeing that Liang Yan escaped his attack, the huge face seemed to be unwilling, and as his eyes turned, two blood-red rays of light shot out.

These two rays of light contain extremely terrifying power, which is many times stronger than the "Woundless Divine Sovereign" on the third floor!

Liang Yan's Tong Kong shrank, not daring to make a hard contact at all, turned around and dodged to the left of the stairs.


The red light roared, and it did not hit Liang Yan, but landed on the ice stairs.

Just when Liang Yan thought that the whole building would collapse, the red light disappeared strangely, as if it had never appeared.


Liang Yan is also an extremely smart person. Although he was a little passive when being attacked, he still did not give up on observing the surroundings.

Seeing the red light disappearing above the stairs, he instantly thought of a possibility.

"This human face doesn't want to destroy the ladder. It's afraid of Does it want to break the seal?"

"By the way, it should be the magical power left by the person who sealed it, and the entire building is a huge seal. It neither wants others to step into the building, nor does it want to break the seal restrictions on the building!"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan immediately had a countermeasure.

"do not come!"

Stopping Wuxin, who wanted to rush over to help, Liang Yan turned over and climbed up from the steps, while scanning the surroundings quickly with his divine sense.

Although he has been abandoned in the formation for a long time, his foundation is still very solid. After observing for a while, he quickly found the nearest formation eye.

Without any hesitation, Liang Yan ran directly towards the formation.

At the same time, in mid-air, after the huge human face missed a hit, his eyes quickly rolled, and a second wave of attacks soon began to brew.

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