The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1382: stone figurines

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The red glow in the eyes of the human face is getting stronger and stronger, and it is obvious that the second wave of attacks is about to condense.

However, Liang Yan's speed was faster than it, and his body was moving like a rabbit. After a few vertical jumps, he had already arrived at the nearest formation.

The eye was an icicle, and Liang Yan hid behind the icicle.

In mid-air, the eyes of the huge human face were already blood red, and they were about to shoot a red glow in the next moment.

But when it saw where Liang Yan was, the red light quickly disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Liang Yan knew that his conjecture was completely correct.

Although I don't know the origin of this strange face, the other party is obviously afraid and does not want to destroy the seal of this icy tower.

"Idiot, how are you now? Are you okay?"

Wuxin witnessed the whole process. Although he knew that Liang Yan was not hit by Hongxia, he was afraid of what kind of injury he suffered, so he hurriedly asked through voice transmission.

"I'm fine...I don't know the origin of this ghost, it's so powerful, even if the two of us join forces, we can't resist its red light! But it doesn't seem to attack people outside the building, you Don't approach rashly." Liang Yan urged Wuxin.

"But you..." Wuxin's voice was a little anxious.

"Don't worry! I have grasped its lifeline. As long as it doesn't leave here, it will not dare to act rashly." Liang Yan's voice was always calm.

"But this is only temporary...As long as you are still in the building, you are always in danger!" Wuxin did not calm down, but his face became even more worried.

"calm down!"

Liang Yan's voice sounded directly in her heart: "If you care, you will be in chaos! You have to stabilize your state of mind, and you must not be in chaos at this time!"

After listening to Liang Yan's words, Wuxin gradually calmed down.

Yes, caring is messy.... How many times I have been in danger in the past, I have not shown a trace of panic, but when I see Liang Yan in danger, I always unconsciously mess up. mood.

But the more so, the more useless.

Taking a deep breath, Wuxin gradually calmed down his impatience and regained the witch's calmness.

Her eyes fell on the huge human face, and she scrutinized it carefully for a moment.

This thing doesn't seem to have self-consciousness, but it just performs some kind of task mechanically. From this, it is inferred that this face is very likely to be the forbidden magical power left by the person who sealed it back then.

Since it is a forbidden magical power, there should be a trigger.

Unconsciously thinking of this, he immediately scanned the entire palace, and released all his spiritual senses. He carefully checked the surroundings, not missing any suspicious points.

Not long after, she found an ice coffin in a corner of the palace.

Inside the ice coffin, there is a faint leakage of spiritual energy, but this spiritual energy is completely different from the surrounding cold air, and it looks out of place.

"It's weird!"

Careless eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, she pinched a magic formula with one hand, and a magic light shot out from her palm, covering the ice coffin.


A crisp cracking sound came from the top of the ice coffin.

A spider web-like fine crack appeared on the lid of the coffin, and soon spread across the entire ice coffin.

As a result, the spiritual power inside the ice coffin fluctuated for a moment, and at the same time, the huge face confronting Liang Yan also shook slightly, and it seemed that it was also affected.


Seeing this scene, Wuxin strengthened his judgment even more.

She stepped up to mobilize the spiritual power in her body, the magic light in her hand more than doubled, and the powerful magic energy rushed straight to the ice coffin and drilled into the cracks.

Not long after, there was a loud noise in the palace, and the entire ice coffin was torn apart, revealing the contents inside.

I saw a stone figurine, holding a black shield in the left hand and a long knife in the right hand, like a brave and fearless soldier, staring straight at the platform in the middle of the palace.

Seeing this stone figurine soldier, Wuxin and Liang Yan understood.

Obviously, this stone figurine is the supernatural power left to guard the seal!

If you want to rescue Liang Yan, you must destroy this stone figurine!

Without any hesitation, Wuxin gathered the demonic energy in his palm, turned into a seven-foot-long demonic knife, and slashed toward the stone figurine.

Seeing the magic knife attack, the stone figurine, which was standing still, turned slightly, as if it had come to life, and both fists came out, hitting the magic knife with a strange posture.


With a loud noise, the stone figurine and Wuxin made a move, the magic knife was beaten to pieces, and the stone figurine took a step back.

"It's such a strong power that it can actually pick up my "Demon Blade"!"

Wuxin was a little surprised. The "Tian Demon Blade" was the ultimate move in the "Purple Flower Magic Sutra".

But beyond surprise, she found something unusual.

Although the stone figurine fought with him, his face was always facing the direction of the platform, and his eyes were staring straight at the stairs of the platform, and he didn't move from beginning to end.

"Why does it keep staring at the terrace... Could it be.... it needs to maintain the face on the stairs?"

Wuxin was originally a whim, but combined with the various actions before the stone figurines, after a careful look, I felt that this guess is not impossible.

"Anyway, you have to try it to find out!"

Thinking of this, Wuxin secretly pinched a magic formula. Following her spell, the void between the stone figurines and the terrace began to shake. After a while, a large amount of demonic energy poured out.

Motivated by Wuxin, these demonic energies quickly condensed and formed, revealing a huge ancient mirror, which is the magical power in the "Purple Flower Magic Sutra": Thousand Phantoms Eclipse Heart Mirror!

This is a magical power of illusion. Those who are illuminated by the mirror light will gradually fall into the illusion, and finally the soul will be drawn out and put into the ancient mirror, and will become a prisoner in the mirror from now on.

But now, Wuxin is not trying to capture the soul, she uses the Thousand Phantom Eclipse Heart Mirror, just to block the gaze of the stone figurines.

Sure enough, the stone figurine saw the ancient mirror in mid-air, and for the first time there was confusion in his eyes.

That is, at the same time, the faces on the stairs gradually became thinner, looking like a puff of smoke, the faces were distorted, and it was almost impossible to see the original appearance.

Liang Yan has been watching the whole situation silently. When he saw Wuxin use the "Thousand Phantom Eclipse Mirror", he immediately understood the other party's intention in his heart.

Seeing that the human face was gradually becoming thinner and the facial features were gradually distorted, Liang Yan knew that his chance had come!

He dodged out from behind the icicle, tapped the Taixu gourd lightly, and the Mayfly Sword Pill flew out immediately, turning into a cyan sword light and slashing towards the face on the stairs.


The cyan sword light pierced through the sky and pierced into the unsuspecting huge face.

On the forehead of the human face, where the sword tip pierced, a slender crack appeared.

Although it was only a short section, with the influx of sword energy, this crack began to spread rapidly!

Card! Card! Card!

With a series of crisp sounds, in just a few breaths, the cracks have covered the entire face.

The next moment, Liang Yan's sword art was pinched, and the mayfly sword pill spun around in place, and the sword light burst out, penetrating from the back of the huge face.


As if it was the crisp sound of blisters bursting, this strange human face was torn apart above the stairs and turned into a pile of fragments.

After solving this serious problem, Liang Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that the red light attack on this face is very terrifying, and the power contained in it is several times stronger than that of Wuya God.


Feeling that the face was destroyed, the stone figurines in the corner let out a roar.

The next moment, it crossed the blockade of demonic energy and charged towards Wuxin Meng.

Before it gets close, its figure is already expanding rapidly, and its powerful aura is exuding without reservation, with a heart-wrenching power.

Liang Yan saw this scene from a distance, and the corners of his eyes jumped.

With his years of fighting experience, he instantly understood what this stone figurine wanted to do.

It wants to explode!

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing the stone figurine rushing towards Wuxin, Liang Yan didn't even think about it. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, it merged with the Zilei Jianwan's body and sword. It exploded extremely fast in a short period of time, and rushed to Wuxin in just an instant. around.

"This power...the spread is too wide to escape!"

At this moment, Wuxin and Liang Yan looked at each other, and at the same time made the same decision in their hearts.

The two of them put their palms against each other and gathered their spiritual power together, condensing a huge spiritual power shield in front of them, covering both of them at the same time.

The next moment, the stone figurines blew themselves up not far away, and the dazzling red clouds rushed in like a tide, and the force that destroyed the mountains and the sea swept all around, and finally collided with the spiritual shield formed by the two of them.


The entire palace began to shake. If there were no strong seals, it would have been razed to the ground.

Most of the power generated by the self-destruction of the stone figurines poured into Liang Yan and Wuxin.

Although the spiritual shield condensed by the two canceled out about 70% of the power, it still failed to hold up in the end, and was torn apart under the impact of the red glow.

The remaining 30% of the power rushed in like a tide.

Facing this powerful force, Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, without any hesitation, he stepped forward and directly blocked Wuxin's body.


A huge force hit Liang Yan's back, but Liang Yan just let out a muffled groan while holding Wuxin tightly in his arms.

"Liang Yan!"

Wuxin exclaimed, wanting to break free from his arms, but Liang Yan's strength was so great that he hugged her tightly in his arms, preventing the surrounding red glow from touching her at all.

"You're crazy!" Wuxin's voice rose high, his face full of anxiety.

But Liang Yan did not speak, but silently resisted 30% of the self-destruction of the stone figurines.

The next moment, the red glow gradually dissipated, and the entire palace returned to calm.


Liang Yan fell to the ground, breathing a little short.

"Liang Yan, how are you now?"

Wuxin looked anxious, put his hand on his shoulder, and wanted to use his spiritual sense to check the injury in his body.

"It's okay... It's much better than the time of Wuya Shenjun, it's just a minor injury." Liang Yan gently pushed Wuxin's hand away and said lightly on his face.

"You said it!"

Wuxin frowned, her red lips pursed tightly, and her eyes were full of worry.

"You forgot what you promised me, and you will never do such silly things again! Do you have to make me feel sad?" Wuxin's eyes flickered a little, but they were quickly erased by her. Turn your face away to prevent Liang Yan from seeing it.

"I'm really fine..."

Liang Yan took a deep breath and silently launched "Dragon Immortal".

In fact, he did not deceive the heartless. Although the power of the stone figurine's self-destruction is not small, it has been blocked by about 70% of the power of the spiritual shield of the two, and the remaining 30% of the power is far worse than that of the Wuya God.

Liang Yan's injuries are neither serious nor serious. If it is placed on an ordinary cultivator, it may take a period of time to cultivate, but he has the essence and blood of the "undead dragon" in his body, and has been repairing quickly since the moment he was injured. At this time 20% has been recovered.

"Hurry up and heal, I'll help you!"

Inadvertently wiping off a little bit of crystal from the corner of his eyes, he pressed his hand behind Liang Yan again, and poured the spiritual power in his body into Liang Yan's meridians continuously.

For Wuxin's help, Liang Yan did not refuse.

Although it is said that the stone figurines have been removed, the palace is not safe. Who knows if there are other traps. If you take the jade box rashly, you may be in danger.

Therefore, the top priority is to quickly restore strength, so as to have the capital to deal with the danger.

The two sat cross-legged on the ground, one delivered spiritual power, and the other recovered.

The healing went very smoothly. With the help of the blood of the "undead dragon", in just half a cup of tea, nearly half of the injuries in Liang Yan's body had recovered.

However, at this moment, a tearing sound suddenly came from outside the stone chamber.

Liang Yan and Wuxin are no strangers to this voice.

That was the sound of the Shimen seal being torn off!

In fact, from the moment they entered the palace, they had discovered that the palace had four gates.

Liang Yan and Wuxin came in through the east gate, and there were three stone gates in the south, west, and north, corresponding to three different passages.

At this moment, the sound of tearing the seal came from the south gate.

"Oops, someone else has found this place!" Wuxin frowned, a worried look on his face.

Liang Yan was very calm, and he secretly said, "Don't panic! Although I am injured, I still have the strength to fight. We are not afraid of any arrogance. Let's see who comes in first."

It was during the time they were communicating through voice transmission that the stone gate on the south side slowly opened towards both sides.

A young man in a blue shirt walked in.

"Yang Jianying?!"

After seeing who was coming, Liang Yan and Wuxin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It's true: you can't find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it! I had been looking for Yang Jianying for so long and couldn't find it, but I didn't expect to meet him here.

Yang Jianying was surprised when she saw Liang Yanhe Wuxin.

"Huh? I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Yang Jianying was very happy, but after he looked at Liang Yan carefully, his face changed slightly: "Brother Liang, you seem to be injured?"

"It's just a small injury, don't worry." Liang Yan shook his head and said with a smile.

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