The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1443: Danjingquan

Liang Yan had imagined many possibilities before, but he never thought that Yi Yin would propose such a thing.

How can you match Shuangxiu on the first meeting?

What's more, the other party is still the high priest of a tribe, how can he act so frivolously?

Liang Yan's heart was full of doubts, but Yi Yin's face was still serious, and he didn't seem to be joking.

"High Priest"

Liang Yan frowned and said with deliberation, "It's the first time I've come here, and it's the first time I've met the four fellow Daoists. I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit offended by talking about dual cultivation now."

"It's not abrupt." Yi Yin shook his head and said with a smile: "Little brother said it himself, this is your first time going down the mountain, and you have been cultivating in the mountains before, so there must be no Taoist companions. In fact, the four of them are quite fond of you. If you feel that you don't know each other very well, I can let the four of them contact you for a while in turn, and then make a decision, how about that?"

After listening to Yi Yin's words, Liang Yan couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

This is rushing to send Taoist companions. If they are in the Antarctic Immortal Continent, even those comprehension families who are looking for marriage, I am afraid they can't do this, right?

Since the other party opened this mouth, he must have asked for himself.

But he didn't reveal anything. The only thing that people knew was the cultivation of this golden core. The Stone Spirit Race is not a monk without the golden core. Why are they so concerned about themselves?

After thinking about it, Liang Yan didn't find any clue, so he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"The high priest's good intentions are accepted by Liang, but Liang is seeking the Tao, and he is not interested in other things. He will not form a Taoist partner with anyone until his cultivation base has made a breakthrough."

"That's a pity."

After listening to Liang Yan's answer, Yi Yin's face didn't change much, but the four young women behind her showed a look of loss.

"Little brother may have some doubts, why does the old man try to promote the marriage between you and the women in the village." Yi Yin looked at Liang Yan and said again.

"I do have this doubt." Liang Yan nodded frankly.

"Actually, I want my little brother to join our Stone Spirit Clan."

Yi Yin sighed and said slowly, "Although there is no war between the Langhuan Hundred Clan, there is a battle every ten years. The battle is hosted by the envoy of Shennong Mountain, and the victorious side can get more cultivation resources." I am ashamed to come. The younger generation of our Stone Spirit Clan does not want to make progress. Except for the three people behind me, there is no cultivator in the Golden Core Realm. Seeing that this year is approaching, our Stone Spirit Clan is going to be at the bottom again. Anxiety is the only way to do this.”

"I see."

When Liang Yan heard this, he finally understood Yi Yin's purpose.

This priest wants to bring people into the team, let himself join the Stone Spirit Clan, and represent them in the competition.

"This. Although I have the cultivation of the Golden Core Realm, I have been living in the mountains before, and I have never fought with others. If I participate in the competition, I am afraid I will lose the high priest's high hopes."

Liang Yan just pondered for a moment, and then decisively refused. He is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and he can't protect himself. How can he be involved in other people's disputes.

"Little brother is not busy to refuse."

Yi Yin waved his hand and said slowly: "If the old man sees it right, the little brother should be injured, right?"

"Oh? How can you see that?" Liang Yan raised his brows, and a hint of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

"Hehe, Laoshen is the high priest of the Stone Spirit Clan, so he still has some means." Yi Yin smiled and said, "Although I don't know what kind of injury you have suffered, I can see that some of your meridians have siltation. Things, if you haven’t fought against others before, then you have gone into a maddening way while practicing, or have fallen into some dangerous places, right?”

After listening to Yi Yin's words, Liang Yan was secretly shocked.

He didn't expect this old priest to have such a means. Although he didn't see the "reincarnation evil spirit", he was able to see that some of his meridians were blocked, which was already quite a skill.

After pondering for a moment, Liang Yan did not choose to hide, but stood up and bowed his hands to Yi Yin:

"Yi Lao's eyes are like torches, and I'm not hiding the truth. I do have injuries. I don't know what advice Yi Lao has?"

"I can't talk about advice, but our Stone Spirit Clan has a spiritual spring called 'Danjing Spring'. The spring water gushes out from the ground, with a peculiar medicinal effect, which can treat people's injuries." Yi Yin said slowly. .


Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The monks on the Langhuan Continent all believe in the Mother Earth. Could it be that there really is something mysterious under the ground, or is the spiritual vein here special?

Thinking of this, Liang Yan said with deliberation: "What Yi Lao means is that this Lingquan can treat my injuries? What are the conditions for using Lingquan? Do you want me to join the Stone Spirit Clan first?"

"Hehe, I, Yi Yin, aren't the kind of unreasonable person either." Yi Yin shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry, little brother, you can go to 'Danjingquan' and try it out. If it really works, go to At that time, you will naturally join our Stone Spirit Clan. If there is no effect, then the old body will not be forced to stay, and it will still be treated as a guest."


Liang Yan didn't expect Yi Yin to be so reasonable, and for a while he made himself a little embarrassed.

"Since Yi Lao said so, then Liang has no reason to refuse. If the 'Danjingquan' really has an effect on my injury, Liang will definitely keep his promise and participate in this competition on behalf of the Shiling Clan."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Yi Yin smiled happily, waved his hand, and the four women behind him stepped down one after another. At the same time, a group of cultivators who were proficient in music and rhythm came in. They played the sheng during the banquet, and cheered the crowd drinking.

The banquet became lively again, with staggered gongs, singing and dancing, a happy scene.

Lu Dayou didn't seem to have expected that the guests he invited on the way would be so highly valued by the high priest, and the brows danced in the conversation, as if he was telling everyone that he had done a great service for the Stone Spirit Clan.

In this banquet, after all, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves and talked happily.

At the end of the show, Yi Yin and Liang Yan made an agreement to take him to "Danjing Spring" three days later. During this period, he could walk freely in Shiling Village without any restrictions.

Liang Yan readily agreed, then said goodbye to everyone, and declined Lu Dayou's warm farewell, and returned to his residence alone.

After entering the room, Liang Yan reactivated the prohibition in the courtyard and sat cross-legged on the ground at will.

Looking back on this night banquet, it can be regarded as a lot of information.

Judging from the information disclosed by Yi Yin, this should be a small world. As for the origin of this small world, there is no way to know yet.

There are hundreds of tribes in the Langhuan Continent. If other tribes are the same as the Shiling tribe, it is estimated that there is no useful value.

If you want to know more, you can only go to the middle of Langhuan Continent, the mysterious Shennong Mountain

However, with Liang Yan's current cultivation level, it is not enough to deal with the possible risks, so his first task is to use all resources to repair his injuries, strive to restore his former strength, and then consider going to Shennong Mountain.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan carefully recalled tonight's banquet, and still had no clue as to how Yi Yin could see the hidden disease in his body.

"The high priest of the Stone Spirit Clan really has his own uniqueness! When exactly was she?"

Yi Yin didn't use any spells at all, and he didn't have any spiritual power fluctuations, so Liang Yan wondered how she could see her own problems.

After pondering for a moment, Liang Yan shook his head and said to himself:

"Forget it, no matter how she sees that my meridians are blocked, it is necessary to give this 'Danjingquan' a try. Otherwise, with my current cultivation level, I would not dare to go to Shennong Mountain."

After making the decision, Liang Yan didn't think any more, got rid of distracting thoughts, and began to meditate on the futon to perform exercises.

Although Yi Yin allowed Liang Yan to walk around the village at will, he knew that he was just an outsider now, and it was better to stay at his residence.

Just like that, time flies, three days have passed in a blink of an eye

Liang Yan opened his eyes with a knock on the door, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" As the so-called "hear the voice, know the person", when he heard this voice, he knew it was Lu Dayou.

"Big brother, come in."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, got up and pushed open the door.

Outside the courtyard, Lu Dayou strode in, and when he saw him, he opened his mouth and shouted, "Brother Liang, the high priest has already made arrangements, let me take you to the 'Danjing Spring' today."

"Huh, then I'll have to troublesome brothers again today." Liang Yan still had a good impression of this bold man, nodded and smiled.

"What trouble is not troublesome, we can meet on 'Wangxia Mountain', that is fate!"

Lu Dayou laughed, then scratched his head again and said: "But I really didn't see it at that time, you are actually in the Jindan realm! This is good, compared to the high priest, I don't even have a 'fart'. no!"

"Brother Dayou should not belittle yourself. In fact, your aptitude and understanding are excellent. Although your cultivation and my understanding are very different, who can be sure that he is right in this kind of thing?" Liang Yan said lightly.

"Haha, Brother Liang, you can talk! Although my name is 'Dayou', I really don't have any lofty ambitions. I just want to enjoy this quiet time in the village, and occasionally play some puppets with the village elder, which is my biggest Fun!"

After listening to Dayou's words, Liang Yan smiled slightly and did not answer.

"Brother, it's getting late, we should go."


Lu Da slapped his forehead and shouted, "I almost forgot to do business, it's more important to heal Brother Liang! Brother Liang, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Dayou took Liang Yan out of the door.

Fortunately, this time he didn't pull any ox carts, horse carts, etc. Both of them had cultivation bases in their bodies. Although they couldn't escape, they were far better than those animals with their legs alone.

The two walked quickly, and they left the village with just a cup of tea, and then followed the trail behind the village, all the way west, and soon walked into a dense forest.

The aura of this dense forest is very rich, and there are all kinds of rare birds and animals, as well as spiritual flowers and fruits. Liang Yan recognized some of them and tasted them at the banquet three days ago.

"This is the medicinal forest of our Shiling Clan. Because of the 'Danjing Spring', the spiritual energy here is very strong, so many rare birds and animals, as well as various spiritual fruits that are helpful for cultivation. Master alchemy, many materials are also obtained from here." Lu Dayou introduced to Liang Yan while walking.

"Yao Lin. Why don't you send someone to handle such an important place? Aren't you afraid that other tribes will come and **** it?" Liang Yan asked in confusion.


Lu Dayou's eyes widened, then he shook his head abruptly and said: "Little brother is joking, Langhuan Hundred Clan, who would dare to **** it? All the clan's resources are allocated, if anyone dares to start a war, immediately He will be severely punished by the envoys of Shennong! The only way to fight for resources for the tribe is to participate in the competition once every ten years, and Shennong Mountain will redistribute the cultivation resources for the next ten years according to the ranking of the competition."

"I see."

After listening to Liang Yan, he nodded thoughtfully.

I feel that the comprehension world here is completely different from what I used to know. It is a self-contained system. The monks from the major tribes do not compete or compete.

Moreover, many of them are not keen on cultivation, but like to experience life, and even do not use spells most of the time, just for fun.

If this kind of cultivation mentality is placed in the sect of the Antarctic Immortal Continent, I am afraid that it will not take long to be expelled from the sect.

But here, it seems quite normal.

"The front is here!"

While thinking about it, Lu Dayou's voice suddenly came from the side.

Liang Yan looked at it intently, and saw an open space in the woods in front of him, and there was a spiritual spring in the middle of the open space.

The clear spring water spewed out like a string of pearls, arousing a blossoming bead flower, and the rich spiritual energy rushed to the face, making people feel relaxed and happy.

The mysterious earth gave birth to this spring water, and it also breathes out the heavenly spirits and the earth, and feeds back to the creatures on the earth.

"It really is a rare treasure!"

Liang Yan's eyes lit up, and he expressed his sincere admiration.

"Hehe, Brother Liang may not know yet, this 'Danjing Spring' is not for everyone."

Lu Dayou laughed and said: "If it is not in danger of life, then only the monks who have won honor for the Stone Spirit Race in the competition are eligible to use it. The high priest made an exception for you to come here, which shows that she treats you well. attention."

"Don't worry, Liang is not someone who doesn't believe in his words. As long as this spring is useful to me, Liang will definitely help the Shiling Clan!" Liang Yan said very readily.

"That's good."

Da Lu nodded, UU reading pointed to the spring water in front of him: "Brother Liang took off his clothes, and when entering the pool water, you must let go of your distracting thoughts, and use your spiritual power to draw the medicinal power of the spring water. You must not be impatient. Otherwise, it will affect the potency of the medicine."

"Thanks for the pointer."

Liang Yan thanked him, but instead of going into the water immediately, he secretly released his consciousness and carefully inspected the bottom of the "Danjing Spring".

In just a moment, Liang Yan has checked the bottom of "Danjingquan" and confirmed that there is nothing suspicious.

He no longer hesitated, took off the clothes on his body, and plunged into the spring water.

Thanks: 3000 points reward for the black big orange!

Thanks: Qingfengmingyue 999 reward!

(End of this chapter)

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