The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1444: strange dirt

As soon as he entered the spring water, a gentle force entered his body along the pores of his body.

At this moment, Liang Yan's body felt extremely comfortable, and the wounds accumulated in his body were actually being repaired slowly.

"'Danjingquan' is really amazing!" Liang Yan praised sincerely.

"Of course, this spring is the treasure of our Stone Spirit Clan."

Seeing Liang Yan's satisfied look, Lu Dayou also showed a proud smile on his face.

"Brother Liang, I won't bother you here. Remember that 'Danjingquan' can only be soaked for three days at a time. If it exceeds three days, the medicinal power will accumulate, which is not good for the body. Lao Lu, I will say goodbye first, and I will come to pick you up after three days."

"Okay, thank you very much along the way, Brother Lu, please do it yourself." Liang Yan nodded.

After Lu Dayu left, Liang Yan also slowly closed his eyes.

According to the other party's instructions, he diffused the spiritual power out of the body, and absorbed the medicinal power of the pool water.

After half a column of incense has passed, many injuries in the body have improved, and with the continuous deepening of the medicinal power, it has finally encountered the evil spirit of reincarnation entrenched in the meridians.

At this moment, Liang Yan clearly felt that the evil energy in his meridians fluctuated, and he seemed a little scared.

"There is a play!"

Liang Yan was overjoyed in his heart, he did not expect this trip to be so smooth, and found a way to crack the evil spirits in the Stone Spirit Clan!

If "Danjingquan" is really effective, he will stay in the Shiling Clan, slowly recover from his injuries, wait for his strength to recover, then rescue Wuxin and go to Shennong Mountain with her.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's spirit was greatly lifted, and he immediately increased his spiritual power, and began to absorb a large amount of the medicinal power in the Danjing Spring.

The silent forest, the peaceful breeze, everything is so peaceful.

As time passed, it was the third morning in the blink of an eye.

In the medicine forest, there is a spiritual spring that is five feet square, and a naked man is soaked in the spring water.

The man's face was a little rosy, and the top of his head was filled with mist. The medicinal power of the spring water was drawn by him and poured into the body continuously, it seemed that he was healing his wounds.

Suddenly, the man's face turned from ruddy to pale, his body trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes suddenly opened.

A wisp of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Isn't it okay?"

Liang Yan smiled bitterly and reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Why is this?"

At this time, Liang Yan was full of doubts.

He still remembered that when he entered Danjing Spring on the first day, the medicinal power of the spring water met the evil spirit, and he obviously had a very violent reaction. At that time, he thought that he had found the nemesis of the evil spirit.

But the power of spring water is limited to this.

For the next three days, Liang Yan continued to draw the medicinal power of the spring water, trying to get rid of the evil spirits in his body, but found that these medicinal powers were completely useless to the evil spirits.

Except for a slight fluctuation, the evil spirit is not afraid of the medicinal power of Lingquan at all.

In the three days, not only did he not eliminate even a little bit of evil spirit, but because of Liang Yan's repeated attempts, the evil spirit in his body caused a collective riot, which almost devoured himself.

To say that the only function of Dan Jingquan is to heal the wounds in his body, but this is of no use to Liang Yan.

Because these injuries can be repaired by "Dragon Immortal", but if the evil spirit is not eliminated, his strength will not be restored, and the injury that has just been repaired will deteriorate again and cannot be cured.

In the end, it's just a temporary solution.

"Strange. Obviously there is a very violent reaction, why doesn't it work?"

At this time, Liang Yan's brows were furrowed, and his eyes were full of puzzlement.

"Wait! Is it.

After pondering for a while, Liang Yan suddenly thought of something, buried his head, and dived down to the bottom of the pool.

The water in Danjing Spring is not deep, and Liang Yan quickly came to the bottom of the spring. There is a small spring here, and pools of water full of medicinal power are emerging from this spring.

The major tribes in the Langhuan Continent all believe in the legend of the mother of the earth, so they expressly prohibit them from using the technique of escaping the ground, let alone digging down the ground.

Liang Yan is now in the territory of the Stone Spirit Clan, and in their most precious medicine forest, of course, he will not be confused enough to dig the ground.

That is the biggest taboo of others. With his current cultivation realm, if he is the enemy of the entire Stone Spirit Clan, he will definitely not be able to please him.

But Liang Yan sank to the bottom of the pool not to dig the ground, but to carefully observe the soil at the bottom of the pool.

"It seems a little different."

Liang Yan murmured to himself, reached out and grabbed a piece of soil from the bottom of the pool, and put it under his nose to smell it.

A wisp of extremely serene smell suddenly lifted his spirits!

"It's the breath!"

Liang Yan's eyes widened, and there was a hint of excitement on his face.

This breath is extremely light and insipid. If it weren't for the fact that he had the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" in his body, his five senses and six senses were different from ordinary monks, and it was impossible to smell it.

He is now almost certain that it was not the spring water in the Danjing Spring that caused the "Reincarnation Evil Qi" to react violently just now, but the soil soaked in the spring water!

To be precise, there is something magical in this soil, which makes the evil spirit in his body very jealous.

"what is it?"

A look of anticipation appeared on Liang Yan's face.

The next moment, he inserted his hand into the soil at the bottom of Danjingquan, and the exercises in his body worked, and the spiritual power rushed out, and began to continuously absorb the soil containing this smell.

After about half a cup of tea, Liang Yan's palm was pulled out of the soil.

A lump of mud the size of a fingernail appeared in his palm.

Seeing this piece of mud, Liang Yan's eyes lit up slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This small piece of mud actually consists of five colors, namely red, orange, yellow, blue, and purple.

If Liang Yan remembered correctly, the last time I saw these five colors was when the tidal wave of the Sea of ​​Bitterness broke out in the Broken Void Mountain.

At that time, a colorful divine wind appeared in the sky, and then the space was torn apart, and he took the opportunity to escape here.

And the five-colored **** wind is also red, orange, yellow, blue, and purple, and even the order of arrangement is exactly the same as that on this mud block!

"How could there be such a coincidence? What is the connection between the whirlwind at that time and the mud block now?"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and carefully recalled the information he had consulted in Peerless City, but could not think of any record that was similar to the current situation.

"The world is full of wonders, and my knowledge is still too limited."

Liang Yan sighed softly, playing with the mud block in his hand, and suddenly his fingertips squeezed half of the mud down from the top.

After pondering for a while, he put the dirt on his chest.

As time passed, suddenly, Liang Yan's chest began to rise and fall violently! A small blood bag appeared on his chest, as if something was about to burst out.

Liang Yan's face turned a little red, but his eyes narrowed.

The next moment, the spiritual power in his body revolved, and his breath rose to the peak.

Suddenly I heard a "Pfft!", and I saw the blood bag in the chest burst, and a wisp of gray air as thin as a hair flew out from the body.

This wisp of ash is the "reincarnation evil spirit"!

As soon as the evil spirit appeared, it was absorbed by the soil in his chest. Before Liang Yan could react, the five-color brilliance in the soil was quickly dissipating.

In just a few breaths, whether it was the colorful brilliance in the soil or the "reincarnation" that had just been absorbed, it all disappeared without a trace.

What Liang Yan held in his hand was just a dry lump of soil, which turned into a pile of powder when he gently rubbed it.

Although the magical mud turned into ordinary mud, there was no disappointment in Liang Yan's eyes.

He has verified one thing.

This kind of soil containing colorful brilliance can absorb the "reincarnation evil spirit" in one's body!

As long as there is enough of this kind of soil, you can **** out all the "reincarnation evil spirit" in your body, and then use the blood of the "undead dragon" to repair the injury and return to the previous state!

Looking at the other half of the soil left in his hand, Liang Yan's face showed a thoughtful look again.

Although the method has been known, this kind of soil is too little.

Just now, he had sucked out all the soil containing the five-color brilliance in the Danjing Spring, but he could only condense the size of a fingernail.

After that, he pinched another half of the soil and put it on his chest, only sucking out a hair-thin strand of "reincarnation evil spirit". Compared with the "reincarnation evil spirit" entrenched in the meridians, this is simply a drop in the bucket!

"If you want to solve the current predicament, you must find this kind of soil, and the more the better, but now I don't even know the origin of this kind of soil, where can I find it?"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan fell into deep thought.

Just as his mood was tumbling, footsteps came from the medicine forest in the distance.

As soon as Liang Yan heard it, he knew that it was Lu Dayou!

The three-day period had come, and he didn't want Lu Dayou to see that he was making a fool of himself at the bottom of the pool, so he immediately threw the remaining dirt into the storage ring, and he also surfaced.

After a while, a rough-looking middle-aged man dressed as a woodcutter came out of the woods.

As soon as he saw Liang Yan, he asked with great concern, "Brother Liang, today is the third day, how are you feeling now?"

Liang Yan closed his eyes slightly, pretending to be healed, and only opened his eyes leisurely when he heard his voice.


Sighing lightly, Liang Yan said disappointedly: "Although 'Danjingquan' is wonderful, the injuries in my body are a bit special. After soaking here for three days, there is no sign of improvement at all. I have a brother."

"What? Danjing Spring's spring water can't even heal the wounds in your body?"

Lu Dayou almost thought he had heard it wrong, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face.

He grew up in the village since he was a child. If anyone was injured, he would be able to recover within three days as long as he was sent to the Danjing Spring in Yaolin.

Unexpectedly, today, this man from out of town actually said that the spring water of Danjing Spring has no effect!

"Brother Dayou, I can't deceive you about this matter. The injury in my body is very special, so I have to travel around the world to find a way to cure it. As long as this spring has any effect, I will not leave."

"What can we do then?"

An anxious look appeared on Lu Dayou's face, and he took Liang Yan's hand and said, "If even the water from Danjing Spring can't cure you, I'm afraid other tribes can't do anything, unless... unless you go to the legendary Shennong Mountain, but Shennong Mountain usually does not accept anyone, only the patriarchs of various tribes are qualified to enter the mountain."

After listening to Lu Dayou's words, Liang Yan pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Brother Dayou, I won't leave for the time being. I want to see the high priest of the nobles now, can I?"


Lu Dayou patted his chest and said, "Brother Liang, wrap it around me, let's go now!"

He has a straightforward temperament. He never drags his feet when he does things. He pulls on Liang Yan, walks away from Yaolin, and returns to Shiling Village not long after.

The two crossed several streets and came to the high priest's house again.

"Brother Liang, wait for me to report."

Lu Dayou cupped his hands and stepped in first. The guards standing at the door did not stop him, but just put their eyes on Liang Yan. Obviously, there was no oral order from the high priest, and outsiders like him could not enter.

In just a moment, Lu Dayou returned with a man.

Liang Yan raised his eyes and found that this man he had seen before was one of the "Three Masters of the Red Cloud" at the banquet that night.

This man's face was fair and handsome, but unfortunately he was blind in one eye, and a terrifying scar pierced through his left eye, making him look a little hideous.

"Liang Zhidao, right? We met again." The scarred man laughed softly.

For some reason, Liang Yan always felt that he was somewhat hostile to him.

But at this moment, at the entrance of the high priest's house, Liang Yan didn't want to cause any conflict. He smiled slightly and nodded, "Xia Liang Zhidao, I said goodbye in a hurry last time, and I haven't asked the Taoist friends what to call them?"

"I don't dare to ask for advice, I'm going under the ancient clouds!"

Although the scarred man spoke politely, there was a hint of provocation in his tone, which made Liang Yan frown slightly.

Lu Dayou, who was on the side, was a jerk, he couldn't see the hidden spark between the two at all, and smiled on the side: "Brother Liang, I forgot to introduce to you before, Gu Xingyun is the arrogant figure of the younger generation of our Shiling tribe. , he only took three hundred years to condense the golden core, I am afraid that only Luo Kai can be compared with him among the younger generation of the entire stone spirit clan!"

"It turned out to be the arrogance of the Stone Spirit Clan, I'm lucky to meet!"

Liang Yan's expression was neither cold nor warm. Although he didn't want to cause trouble for himself, not just anyone could give him a face.

"I want to see the high priest of the nobles, I wonder if you can let me in?" Liang Yan looked at Gu Xingyun and asked calmly.

"Of course! You are the big red man in front of the priest now, who would dare not let you in?" Gu Xingyun sneered, turned around, and said lightly, "Come with me."

"Let's go!"

Lu Dayou came over and patted Liang Yan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "The high priest heard that you are coming, and has prepared tea in the courtyard. It seems that he is in a good mood."

After listening to Liang Yan, he smiled and said nothing. He followed behind the two and walked into the depths of the house.

Thanks: book friend 140221154937204 for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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