The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1445: five color clay

The high priest's house is unique, not only in simple shape, but also deep in the road.

Liang Yan followed behind Gu Xingyun and Lu Dayou, turned seven and eight turns, and finally passed a long corridor and came to a quiet courtyard.

High Priest Yi Yin has long been waiting here.

With her back to the crowd, she held seven sandalwood sticks in her hand, and there was an incense table in front of her.

There is a purple-gold incense burner on the incense case, and a stone pillar stands behind it. There are many simple inscriptions on the stone pillar, but some are vague and difficult to identify.

The faint sandalwood poured into the nose, and everyone felt a sense of tranquility in their hearts.

Yi Yin didn't seem to notice the arrival of the crowd, still maintaining a pious demeanor, bowed to the stone pillar in front of him twice, put the sandalwood in the incense burner, and then slowly turned around.

"Fellow Daoist Liang is here."

Seeing Liang Yan's arrival, a smile appeared on Yi Yin's face.

But soon, the smile on her face disappeared, replaced by a look of doubt.

"Have you been to Danjingquan? You shouldn't! Why are the meridians still blocked? Could it be that Danjingquan didn't heal your injury?"

Hearing Yi Yin's question, Liang Yan's expression changed slightly, but soon returned to normal.

This high priest of the Stone Spirit Clan really had some unusual methods, and he saw his own problems twice before and after. This is definitely not a coincidence.

After thinking for a moment, Liang Yan cupped his hands and said, "I disappointed Mr. Yi. The 'Danjing Spring' is indeed a treasure, but the injury in Liang's body is a bit special, and the 'Danjing Spring' is useless to me."

"Can you tell the old man how the injury in your body was caused?" Yi Yin asked curiously.

"This." Liang Yan pondered for a moment and replied, "It's a rare evil spirit."

"Baleful Qi? What kind of evil spirit is so powerful that even Dan Jingquan can't be cured?" Yi Yin asked in surprise.

Liang Yan sighed softly: "Actually, Liang doesn't know either, this is something I accidentally contaminated, just like the gangrene attached to the bone, it is always entrenched in the meridians, and there are no ordinary medicinal herbs or natural treasures at all. Effect."

After Yi Yin heard it, he knew that Liang Yan didn't want to say more, and there was a hint of disappointment on his face.

"It seems that my little brother has no fate with our Stone Spirit Clan after all, since the 'Danjing Spring' has no effect on you, the old man will not force you to keep you. My little brother is still a guest of our Stone Spirit Clan. make up your mind."

As soon as she said this, everyone in the field had different expressions.

Although Lu Dayou had a look of regret, Gu Xingyun's face was calm, but there seemed to be a hint of joy hidden in his sharp eyes.

Liang Yan didn't answer immediately, but stood there and pondered for a moment.

After a while, he suddenly said: "Elder Yi, I have something, and I want to ask you about its origin."


Yi Yin was a little surprised and asked, "What is it, I can bring it to the old man to see."

"This is it!"

Liang Yan's right palm was spread out, and there was half a fingernail-sized piece of soil in his palm. The soil contained colorful brilliance and looked very mysterious.

"Five-color soil!"

The moment they saw this piece of soil, Lu Dayou and Gu Xingyun cried out at the same time.

"Looks like they all know each other!"

Liang Yan murmured in his heart, and glanced at the lump of mud in his palm again. "It turns out that this is called five-color soil!"

At this moment, the house fell into a brief silence.

The two companions stared at the five-color soil in his hand, only Yi Yin had a calm face, looked at Liang Yan carefully for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Little brother, can you tell the old man, the 'five-color soil' in your hand Where did you get it from?"

"To be honest, these five-color soils were extracted from the soil at the bottom of the 'Danjing Spring'."

Liang Yan did not choose to hide, but told the truth.

Because he had already seen from the expressions of the other two that this kind of soil was definitely a rare resource in Langhuan Continent.

This little bit of soil in his hand can't meet his needs at all. If you want to get more, you still have to start from the Stone Spirit Clan.

Since there is something to ask for, I don't plan to hide it, otherwise it may cause Yi Yin's dissatisfaction.

"Danjingquan seems to be a gift from the Mother Earth." Yi Yin muttered to himself.

"Elder Yi, what exactly is this 'five-color soil'?" Liang Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Five-color soil is a very magical soil. If you plant spiritual herbs and medicines on it, you can shorten the cultivation cycle by one-fifth; if it is used to refine magic weapons, it can greatly enhance the spirituality of magic weapons; For cultivators of Earth Elements, it is still a kind of heavenly and earthly treasure that can assist in their cultivation.”

When Yi Yin said this, he glanced at Liang Yan, and continued: "However, 'five-color soil' is very rare, and it is a scarce resource in the entire Langhuan continent, just a little five-color soil in your hand can be considered valuable. Not cheap."

"It turns out that this soil is so precious."

Liang Yan glanced at the soil in his hand, thought about it, and said, "I don't know how many 'five-color soil' the Shiling Clan has. Yi Lao just asks a price, and Liang is willing to buy it with spirit stones!"

After this period of contact, Liang Yan discovered that the monks in the Langhuan continent, like the Antarctic Xianzhou, also used spirit stones as currency.

He didn't dare to say anything else, but what he had was the Lingshi. There were about 60 million Lingshi in the storage ring, plus some precious medicine pills and magic weapons.

It can be said that as long as Yi Yin is willing to sell, Liang Yan has the confidence to buy all the five-color soil of the entire Shiling Clan!

I just didn't expect that as soon as Liang Yan's voice fell, Yi Yin laughed:

"Little brother, not everything can be bought with spirit stones. Our Shiling tribe does have 'five-color soil', but the amount is not large, and they are all used to grow spirit grass and spirit medicine. It is impossible to transfer it to others. ."

After hearing Yi Yin's answer, Liang Yan was slightly disappointed.

But he didn't give up. After thinking about it, he asked again: "Where is the origin of 'Five-color Soil'? Do other tribes have 'Five-Color Soil' for sale?"

"'Five-colored soil' is a gift from the mother of the earth, and most tribes will not sell it. According to my guess, the 'five-colored soil' should be in a very deep location, but it is rare, and I don't know where it is distributed. "

Yi Yin pondered: "These 'five-color soils' in your hands should have been washed up by the underground spring water of Danjing Spring. The Danjing Spring was discovered by the first-generation patriarch of our Shiling Clan, and it took thousands of years before it was washed away. Coming up to this point, it can be seen that there is hardly much 'five-color soil' in this land."

"It took tens of thousands of years to accumulate such a little 'five-color soil'?"

Liang Yan's mood is a little heavy now. He must know that the five-colored soil in the entire Danjing Spring has been absorbed by himself, but this five-colored soil is not enough to "stuff his teeth".

In order to completely remove the evil spirits in the body, a huge amount of five-color soil is needed, and now it seems that this requirement is a bit silly.

"Is there no other way to get 'five-color soil'?" Liang Yan stared at Yi Yin and asked again.

"In the entire Langhuan Continent, only Shennong Mountain has the most 'five-color soil'." Yi Yin's face was always calm as water.

"Shen Nong Mountain!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes.

Because his realm has fallen too much, the existence of "Shen Nong Mountain", which is detached from the Langhuan tribe, makes him somewhat afraid.

But then, Yi Yin's words changed, and he continued: "My little brother wants 'five-color soil', but he doesn't have to go to Shennong Mountain. Do you still remember the fight I told you about?"

"Of course I remember." Liang Yan nodded and said, "Elder Yi said that there will be a battle every ten years among the various tribes. The battle is hosted by the envoy of Shennong Mountain. more resources”

Speaking of this, Liang Yan suddenly came to his senses and frowned slightly.

"Yi Lao means"


A smile appeared on Yi Yin's face: "Among the cultivation resources brought by the envoys of Shennong Mountain, there is the 'five-color soil'! And the higher the ranking, the more the amount obtained!"

Immediately afterwards, Yi Yin sighed softly and said: "According to the rules of the competition, the age of participants must not exceed 500 years old. A group of elderly people such as me and the village chief are not eligible to participate, and the young people in Shiling Village are now young. The generation has not been aggressive, and only three people have succeeded in forming elixir, so our Stone Spirit Clan were the bottom in previous years, and the number of 'five-color soil' obtained was very small."

After listening to Liang Yan, he still didn't understand what Yi Yin meant. It turned out that the other party turned a corner and still wanted to join the Shiling Clan and represent them in the competition.

Sure enough, Yi Yin went on to say:

"As long as the younger brother agrees to join our Shiling Clan and participate in this tribal competition, the old man can make the decision, and the 'five-color soil' obtained by that time will give you 30%!"

After listening to Liang Yan, he did not answer immediately, but stood there and pondered.

This Yi Yin beat around the bush and finally wanted to join the Stone Spirit Clan by herself. It seemed that she really had no confidence in this fight, otherwise she would not have asked herself to be an outsider.

"Elder Yi, allow me to ask a question first, what is the strength of the other tribes participating in the competition?" Liang Yan asked without answering.

Yi Yin thought for a while, then said slowly: "I don't lie to you, you should know that the young monks in the tribe are divided into Hongyun, Baiyun and Heiyun, of which Hongyun must be at least Jindan, while Baiyun and Heiyun can be The Golden Core Realm can also be the Gathering Yuan Realm. Our Shiling Clan has the fewest Red Clouds, only three people. Among the other tribes, the most are Seven Red Clouds! There are also four or five people in the minority. In addition, Baiyun and Hei Yun's strength is similar."

After listening to Liang Yan, he nodded slightly.

No wonder Yi Yin is so eager to join the Shiling Clan. It turns out that there are so many more Red Clouds in other tribes than them. Although the strength of Heiyun and Baiyun are similar, as long as there is one more Red Cloud, sometimes the whole situation can be reversed. .

"How many tribes are participating in the battle?" Liang Yan asked thoughtfully.


Yi Yin replied, "Every battle is decided by the envoy of Shennong, usually ten tribes that are close to each other."

"Okay." Liang Yan nodded and said solemnly: "I agree to Yi Lao's request, but the premise is that the 'five-color soil' must be divided into 70% of me!"

"Seventy percent?"

Before Yi Yin could answer, Gu Xingyun, who was beside him, stared at him and shouted sharply, "Do you know how precious 'five-color soil' is? Isn't it too arrogant?"

Not only Gu Xingyun, but even Lu Dayou shook his head, as if he didn't understand Liang Yan's request.

"Crazy? I don't think so."

Liang Yan didn't even look at Gu Xingyun, his face was always as calm as water.

His sense of smell is very keen, and he has noticed from the beginning that this person has a hidden hostility towards him, and now this hostility has finally erupted.

"Elder Yi, I only want 'five-color soil', and I don't want the rest of the resources. It's not too much to share 70%." Liang Yan stared at the high priest's eyes and said slowly.


Yi Yin fell into silence, looking a little hesitant.

"Humph! It's just an outsider. Our Stone Spirit Clan treats you with sincerity, but you want the lion to open his mouth. Don't you have any gratitude?"

Before Yi Yin could speak, Gu Xingyun had already called out.

There was a sneer on his face, and the next moment, his figure flashed and appeared directly in front of Liang Yan.

The man in white stood with his hands behind his back, stared at Liang Yan, and said coldly: "The surnamed Liang, you come to our Stone Spirit Clan, the high priest treats you well with wine and meat, and even allows you to use the 'Danjing Spring', what is wrong with you? But you are so arrogant, do you think our Stone Spirit Clan has no one?"

Facing the question from the man in white, Liang Yan's eyes flashed.

This person is obviously putting a hat on himself!

After he said this, even the honest and upright Lu Dayou frowned, and his eyes were not as friendly as before.

However, Liang Yan was not impatient, and his face remained calm.

"Gu Daoyou, one yard is one yard. The Stone Spirit Clan warmly welcomed him, and Liang was very grateful, but now Yi Lao is talking with me about a transaction. Since it is a transaction, there is room for bargaining. In my heart, the Stone Spirit Clan are all You're a reasonable person, you can't force buy and sell, right?"

"You! You are arrogant!" Gu Xingyun's eyes widened, obviously a little angry.

"Fellow Daoist Gu! You are so excited even though I'm talking with Yi Lao. Could it be that Liang has offended you? If so, let's make it clear that Liang most despises the villain who stumbles in secret."

Liang Yan pointed out directly, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Since Gu Xingyun gave himself a hat, he also charged him with "public revenge", so that the other party could not confuse the public.

"you you!"

Gu Xingyun doesn't seem to be good at bickering, but he can't speak Liang Yan, but his face is flushed with anger.

The two sides faced each other for a while, Gu Xingyun suddenly snorted coldly, and said viciously:

"Liang Zhidao! The 'five-color soil' is extremely precious, and it is also very helpful for my cultivation. Since you want to get the 'five-color soil', you have to prove your worth!"

"Oh? How to prove it?" Liang Yan raised his brows and asked with great interest.

"It's very simple, you and I have a game and use our strength to prove our worth!"

(End of this chapter)

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