The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1446: Verify strength

"Are you going to fight with me?" Liang Yan looked at the man in white in front of him with a faint smile on his face.

"What? Don't you dare?" Gu Xingyun confronted him **** for tat.

"it is good."

Liang Yan nodded and said with a smile, "It's just that magic has no eyes. What if it hurts you?"

"Hurt me?"

Gu Xingyun sneered and said: "I don't know where your confidence comes from! Well, let's make three chapters of the law in advance, and no matter what the outcome of the fight will be, no one can find an excuse to take revenge afterwards. In addition, I will add one more, don't say that you are hurt. I, even if you touch the corner of my clothes, you will win!"

What a crazy tone!

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and thought to himself: "This Gu Xingyun is also interesting, although I don't know why he is targeting me, but the three chapters of the contract are obviously used to restrain him. After all, I am here alone. If you lose, you will lose, and you can’t talk about revenge afterwards.”

Looking at it this way, Gu Xingyun still has some backbone, and does not intend to use the power of the Stone Spirit Race to suppress himself, or is he too crazy, and he never thought that he would lose?

After thinking for a moment in his heart, a smile appeared on Liang Yan's face.

"Okay, since you've already drawn the Dao, then of course Liang must continue, fellow Daoist Gu, please make a move!"


Gu Xingyun snorted coldly, without any hesitation, with a pinch in his hand, the ground in the yard suddenly shook.

The next moment, a tall stone figure emerged from the ground behind Liang Yan, and two water-tank-thick arms joined inward, as if he wanted to have an "intimate hug" with Liang Yan.


With the muffled sound of boulders colliding, the stone man's arms folded together, but Liang Yan disappeared.

"This stone man is interesting!"

Liang Yan's voice came out far away, Gu Xingyun's ear tip moved, he looked up, and saw a figure standing on the roof, it was Liang Yan who had just disappeared.

"Hmph, what's the point of running away? Just keep running if you can!"

Gu Xingyun's internal exercises were running, and just after the voice fell, the bricks and tiles on the roof were tossing, and another stone man appeared.

This stone man has rough skin and thick flesh, and is not afraid of supernatural powers. As soon as he appeared, he kicked his legs and used himself as a weapon to hit Liang Yan's body.

Seeing that the stone man was in front of him, Liang Yan's eyes flashed, and he did not choose to avoid it.

With the operation of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan", King Kong's divine power poured out from his right hand and punched the oncoming stone man.


A loud noise came, Liang Yan stood still, but the stone man stepped back ten steps one after another, and there were also fine cracks on his body.

"Physical repair?"

Seeing this scene, Gu Xingyun couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Although Liang Yan is tall and tall, after he broke through the robbery realm, he has reorganized his body, his skin is as crystal clear as jade, and his appearance looks like a gentle and jade-like scholar.

Therefore, Gu Xingyun did not expect that he was an individual cultivator for the first time.

In the same realm of physical cultivation, Gu Xingyun has only played against one person, and that person's strength must be higher than himself.

"Hmph, what about body training? My "Dian Shi Jue" will never lose to you!"

Gu Xingyun shouted loudly, and bounced with both hands, the surrounding earth exploded one after another, and one stone man broke out of the ground.

"You are planning to make a stone formation!"

Liang Yan looked at the stone man who surrounded him, with an interesting smile on his face.

"Just laugh, and you'll cry!"

Gu Xingyun scolded secretly in his heart, and hurriedly pinched the magic trick in his hand, and more than a dozen stone men started at the same time.

Above the roof, the shadows of the fists whistled and the tigers and tigers roared in the wind. Almost all of Liang Yan's retreats were blocked, leaving him no room to dodge.

Lang Huan Continent does not allow monks to fly in the air, and Liang Yan does not intend to break this rule for the time being.

Facing the roaring stone fists around him, he did not dodge, but directly urged the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" to attach the divine power of King Kong to his arms.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions came, Liang Yan's figure was as fast as lightning, and he punched one after another. Every time he punched, there was a burst of golden light, which not only resolved the stone man's fist strength, but also bombarded the stone man's body in turn. , cracked them out.

This is the blockage of the meridians in Liang Yan's body, and the power of King Kong cannot be exerted. Otherwise, Gu Xingyun's "stone formation" can be broken with a snap of his fingers.

The two sides fought fiercely and took dozens of moves in a blink of an eye.

Liang Yan was always at ease, and there was no flaw between the advance and retreat. On the contrary, Gu Xingyun's stone man was broken several times by him, and cracks appeared in the remaining dozen or so.

Gu Xingyun became more and more frightened, but he didn't know that his opponent didn't use his full strength at all.

If Liang Yan is determined to win this fight, only three moves are enough.

But he didn't want to reveal his strength prematurely, so he didn't use any flying sword of his life, and he didn't activate the sword qi, but simply used the power of the flesh to fight the enemy.

And he also has some interest in the spells of the Stone Spirit Race, so he wants to see what other moves Gu Xingyun has.

Seeing that the opponent is always able to advance and retreat freely under his own supernatural powers, Gu Xingyun's face also shows a dignified color.

"I take back what I just said. You do have some skills. In today's battle, Gu Xingyun will do my best!"

Gu Xingyun said, his eyes flashed, he took out a soil-gold bowl from the storage ring, and threw it into the sky.

The earth-gold bowl was long in the wind, and it was ten feet wide in an instant. It was as big as a roof. The gold and black intersected, like an upside-down big bowl, smashing it towards Liang Yan's head.

Before the earth-gold bowl fell, a powerful force descended from the sky and slammed into Liang Yan arrogantly.

In the past, Liang Yan could melt this power with just a snap of his fingers.

But now, his meridians are blocked, and the spiritual power in his body cannot flow normally even for a small Zhoutian, so the Vajra Divine Power will naturally not be able to exert its original power.

The power of the magic weapon far exceeds the fist strength of the stone man.

Liang Yan only thought for a moment, and the next moment, he turned around and threw four punches.

He has rich fighting skills and knows that if he does not have a sword, he may not be able to resist Gu Xingyun's magic weapon with his physical strength, so these four punches are not aimed at the earth-gold bowl, but at the four stone men behind him. .

This is a sudden force, the fist strength has more than doubled, and the change is fast, and the speed is extremely fast. Gu Xingyun was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, he saw that his four stone figures were smashed by Liang Yan's chest.

The stone man was condensed by the magical power of "Dianshi Jue". Suddenly, he was impacted by a powerful external force. Gu Xingyun felt a strong force and forcibly cut off the connection between himself and the stone man.

The next moment, he saw Liang Yan's arms skyrocket with golden light, grabbed the four stone figures and swung them in a circle, and then threw them into the sky, and smashed them directly into the earth-gold bowl that fell from the sky!

boom! boom! boom.

A series of explosions came, and the stone figures that rushed into the air were smashed one by one.

Under their obstruction, the earth and gold bowl stagnates slightly, and the speed of falling has slowed down a lot.

With this strength, Liang Yan lightly tapped his toes and stepped back calmly, easily avoiding the shrouded range of the earth-gold bowl.

"it is good!"

In the courtyard, Lu Dayou's applause came.

Although he is only in the Primordial Gathering Realm and doesn't care about cultivation, his vision is not weak, and he can see the subtleties of this fight. Come.

"Dayou, where are you from?"

Hearing Lu Dayou's applause, Gu Xingyun glared at him fiercely.

"I am neutral."

Lu Dayou shrank his neck, he seemed to be in awe of Gu Xingyun, and took a step back involuntarily.


Gu Xingyun snorted coldly, ignored him, and then pinched the magic trick in his hand, the Tujin Bowl changed direction and continued to fly after Liang Yan.

But without the interference of the "stone array", it was difficult for the earth and gold bowl to lock on Liang Yan.

I saw that Liang Yan's body was like a ghost and was erratic. Every time he made a move, he would smash a stone man of Gu Xingyun. Sometimes he used the stone man as a weapon to resist the opponent's earth and gold bowl.

After the two sides fought for half a cup of tea, there was no stone man on the roof, only an earth and gold bowl remained.

Without the obstruction of the stone man, Liang Yan pointed his finger at Gu Xingyun in the courtyard.

He turned around, dodging the Tujin Bowl's attack again, and then with a slight toes, he fell from the roof.

Originally, Liang Yan wanted to go straight to Gu Xingyun, but as soon as his feet landed, he felt a suction from below. He looked down and found that the ground under his feet had turned into a vortex of quicksand at some point. has fallen into it.


Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, because he found that the part of his legs stuck in the sand had lost consciousness!

"Shi Lingzu's spells have some ways!"

Liang Yan sighed in his heart, but his face did not change at all.

With the movement of the exercises in his body, the "emptiness of all dharmas" was activated, and the golden light of Buddhism surrounded him, forming a golden circle of about three feet.

The sand that originally wrapped around his legs was washed away by the Buddhist golden light and sputtered out of the ground in an instant.

Liang Yan regained his freedom, his figure flashed, and the next moment he disappeared in place.


He just disappeared, and the earth and gold bowl behind him has fallen, covering the place where he stood just now, making a dull sound.

"What a magic weapon! If I'm covered, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape without using my sword energy!"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he could see that the quality of this magic weapon far exceeded Gu Xingyun's cultivation base, and he was not skilled in manipulation, and it didn't look like his own magic weapon.

Coupled with Yi Yin's strange expression on the side, Liang Yan speculated that this earth-gold bowl was most likely Yi Yin's magic weapon. In order to deal with the competition between the tribes, she temporarily lent her magic weapon to Gu Xingyun.

And Yi Yin didn't say anything to stop the fight, indicating that she also wanted to see Liang Yan's strength.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan smiled slightly, tapped his feet lightly, and was as fast as lightning, and soon approached Gu Xingyun.

The earth and gold bowl was still on the ground at this time, and it was too late to stop it!

Gu Xingyun's pupils shrank suddenly.

He had exhausted all his means just now, but he still couldn't do anything to Liang Yan, his mentality had changed, his arrogance had long since disappeared, replaced by a trace of lack of self-confidence.

Seeing Liang Yan approaching, Gu Xingyun suddenly shouted, and both palms came out.

The spiritual power of the earth attribute gushed out from the ground, forming huge boulders behind him, and with Gu Xingyun's palm shot, these boulders exploded at the same time, crashing into the oncoming Liang Yan!

Gu Xingyun is well aware of the powerful combat power of body cultivators after getting close to him. He once lost to a physio cultivator, and after studying in retreat for many years, he created this trick "Shi Shi Jue", which is used to counter body cultivators. The means after getting close.

Hundreds of boulders, containing abundant earth-based spiritual power, were like indestructible shields blocking Liang Yan's body.

However, Liang Yan's expression didn't change much. The "Bodhi Bright Mirror" was activated, and the "Shi Shi Jue", which seemed to have no flaws, was full of flaws in his eyes.

I saw his figure like a ghost, shuttling among hundreds of boulders, every time he could dodge the attack calmly, and the dense boulders could not even touch a corner of his clothes!

Gu Xingyun's face became more and more ugly, but there was still a hint of stubbornness in his eyes, which belonged to the pride of the Stone Spirit Clan.

"No! I, Gu Xingyun, will not lose to you as an outsider!"

The man in white danced wildly with his hands, looking like a madman.

With the operation of the exercise, the surrounding boulders continued to appear, like stars in the moon, surrounding him, constantly chasing Liang Yan's figure.

However, Liang Yan's trail is erratic, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

At the end of the fight, Gu Xingyun only saw a trail of afterimages, and from time to time a breeze brushed past him, and he had no idea where his opponent was.


In the fierce fight, Gu Xingyun's qi and blood surged, his chest seemed to be pressed with a hammer, and in the end he couldn't help it, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The next moment, he saw Liang Yan's figure appear at a distance of about ten feet.

With the burst of golden light, the oncoming boulder swayed away, Liang Yan's face was calm, and he retreated, like a wild goose volleying into the sky, landing lightly on a peach tree in the corner of the yard.

Liang Yan received the magical power and stood with his hands behind his back on the treetop.

Gu Xingyun's face was flushed, and he was desperate.

"Come on, keep fighting! It's just spitting blood, you didn't hurt me, where did I lose Gu Xingyun? Or, are you afraid?"

Gu Xingyun's eyes were full of madness, he stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the spiritual power in his body was running, and he was about to take another shot at Liang Yan.

However, before he could do it, a voice in the courtyard sighed softly:

"Xingyun, stop, you have already lost."

The person who spoke was Yi Yin. UU reading

Gu Xingyun's eyes widened, looking at the high priest he had always respected, and exclaimed unwillingly: "No, I didn't lose! He didn't hurt me at all, where did Gu Xingyun lose?"

"Look behind you." Yi Yin's voice sounded again.


Gu Xingyun reacted abruptly, his spiritual consciousness spread out and fell behind him.

I saw that the snow-white clothes had been torn into nine cracks, and these nine cracks were connected together, which was the word "and".

"Nine times, exactly nine times, if he wants to kill you, you've already died nine times"

Thanks: book friend 20220727102205931 for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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