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"Is this a transposition technique?"

Tang Zhen narrowed his eyes.

He had clearly seen Liang Yan beheading Lingyao just now, and that aura could not be faked. But at the moment when Lingyao was about to be killed by the flying sword, her body and the tree demon completed the exchange, and the whole process took less than one-thousandth of a breath.

When Liang Yan's swords crossed, only a tree demon was killed, and the real Lingyao had already come behind them.

The sneak attack from behind was so fast and ruthless that even Liang Yan didn't react. He was hit by Lingyao's magic weapon with a long whip, and he was already seriously injured at this time.

Lingyao succeeded in one blow, with a look of satisfaction on her face.

"Boy surnamed Liang, your methods are peculiar... I will arrest you later to search for the soul, and see how this supernatural power is cultivated!"

There are no sword cultivators in Langhuan Continent, and Lingyao has never seen a flying sword, so she is very curious about Liang Yan's supernatural powers.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen hurriedly stood in front of Liang Yan, and shouted: "Bitch, if you want to kill him, you can only step over my corpse!"

"Hehe, you Shennong envoy are very loyal!"

Lingyao glanced at him, with a half-smile on her face: "It's a pity, you are in danger now, and I'm afraid you will die before him!"

"What did you say!!"

Tang Zhen yelled angrily, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and was about to use some supernatural power, but his face suddenly changed.

The next moment, he swayed in place, his footsteps were sloppy, his body trembled, and his skin was swollen with blood.

"!" Tang Zhen seemed to have realized something, pointing at Lingyao, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Hehe." Lingyao chuckled, and said slowly with leisurely steps: "My lord messenger, after you were poisoned just now, you forcibly circulated your spiritual power, and now the poison has spread to your whole body, and now you are an immortal It's hard to save!"

"When... exactly when?" Tang Zhen shook a few steps, and suddenly remembered that when the tree demon's roots pierced his skin just now, he seemed to have a very itchy feeling.

At that time, he was besieged by the tree demon, and he didn't take it seriously. Looking back now, he should have been poisoned at that time.

"Tang Zhen! You are definitely going to die now, why bother to struggle fearlessly? If you are willing to tell me the mantra of "Sealing the Pulse Finger", I can consider giving you a good time!" Lingyao looked at Tang Zhen, lightly chuckled lightly.

"What? The people behind the scenes didn't teach you the complete "Main Sealing Finger"? You still need to learn the exercises from me?" Tang Zhen sneered.

After hearing this, Lingyao shook her head: "Tang Zhen, you don't have to talk to me, even if you are dead, I won't say too much. If you want to die more quickly, just say the formula of "Sealing the Pulse Finger". Otherwise, I have plenty of ways to torture you!"

"Hmph! It's better to be a piece of jade than a tile. There are no people in Shennong Mountain who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Tang Zhen's eyes showed determination.

He knew that the other party's strange poison had invaded his internal organs, and the meridians all over his body had begun to rot. As the other party said, it was impossible for a **** to save him now.

But as the envoy of Shennong Mountain, he didn't want to die so uselessly!

"What are you doing?"

Lingyao sensed that something was wrong, without the slightest hesitation, she flicked the long whip in her hand, and whipped it towards Tang Zhen's chest!

"Ha ha."

Tang Zhen smiled, pinched his hands anxiously, and a strange talisman lit up between his eyebrows.

This sigil is like a bottomless vortex, absorbing Tang Zhen's spiritual power crazily, the aura on his body drops rapidly, but the power of the sigil is getting stronger and stronger.

In just a moment of effort, the power contained in the seal has reached a terrifying level!


There was a crisp sound, and Lingyao's long whip fell, but it was bounced off by the glow in the seal, and flew back backwards.

"Shen Nong disintegrates Dafa!"

For the first time, Lingyao showed a surprised expression on his face, and shouted: "Tang Zhen, are you crazy? Once this spell is used, not only will your body be destroyed, but even your soul will be destroyed."

Dissipate, and you will never be able to enter reincarnation forever!"

"Of course I know."

There was no trace of regret on Tang Zhen's face, only a faint smile: "Don't think that you Yeming Sect people are the only ones who are crazy, our disciples of Shennong Mountain can also sacrifice for Shennong Mountain at any time!"

Before the words fell, Tang Zhen had already pointed out.

The imprint on the forehead flew out and exploded more than a hundred times in mid-air. The terrifying force descended from the sky and directly suppressed Ling Yao's head.


Lingyao yelled, trying to avoid the suppression of Fayin, but her position had been locked by the opponent, and the top of her head was full of rays of light, and the powerful force fell down, making her hunched over and unable to move.

"With this seal, you can't kill me!"

Even though she was suppressed by Fayin, Lingyao's eyes remained firm.

With the operation of the internal exercises, streams of Yimu spiritual energy gushed out from the top of his head, constantly dissolving the power in the seal. And her bent back began to straighten slowly, and she didn't look injured.

In order to prevent herself from being attacked, she also formed a phalanx with tree demons, guarding her surroundings, and it was almost watertight.

Tang Zhen saw this scene from afar, with a look of despair on his face.

Lingyao's strength is too strong, far beyond her imagination. Even using the "Shen Nong Disintegration Dafa" to forcibly condense the soul seal, there is no way to suppress this opponent, at most it can only trap her for a while.

But the current self is exhausted, and the poison is imminent. I'm afraid that it won't be long before he will die without a place to bury him...

Just when Tang Zhen's consciousness gradually became blurred, a yellow ray of light moved from far to near, engulfing himself who was already dying and Liang Yan who was seriously injured, and then flew away towards the distance.


Lingyao let out an unwilling roar.

In her sight, the cooked duck flew away, and the golden lion camel led the two of them to escape from under her nose.

Although he wanted to chase after him, the seal that Tang Zhen had condensed with his life was still on top of his head. The powerful force suppressed him, and it was difficult to break through in a short time.

Lingyao's face turned red and she was burning with anger. She used all her strength to mobilize the spiritual power in her body to break through the seal above her head.

Just when she was in a stalemate with the seal above her head, two rays of light descended from far to near, and landed beside Lingyao. The two people who suddenly appeared were Qin Ming and Zheng Qiu from the Ye Ming Sect.

Although Zheng Qiu was injured by Liang Yan before, he was a cultivator of the Tongxuan Realm. Although the sword cut off the breastbone, it didn't hurt the foundation.

After cultivating for so long, he also recovered some of his strength. At this time, he looked around and asked with some doubts: "My lord, why are you trapped? Where are Tang Zhen and that boy surnamed Liang?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Help me break the seal above my head!"

Lingyao didn't give him a good look, and ordered angrily.


Zheng Qiu and Qin Ming didn't dare to be negligent, and at the same time used their magical powers to hit the seal above Lingyao's head.

With the joint efforts of the three, they quickly smashed the seal left by Tang Zhen into pieces. With a flash of sunlight, the seal disappeared completely, and Lingyao regained her freedom.

"Why are you two here? Have the monks from the top ten tribes been dealt with?"

Lingyao didn't pursue immediately, but glanced at the two of them, and asked calmly.

"Report to the envoy."

Qin Ming showed a look of hesitation on his face. After deliberating for a while, he said slowly: "There are too many monks from the top ten tribes, and they are all smart. They know how to flee in different directions, and they can't catch them all in a short time. I have already Hunted and killed more than two hundred monks, and now half of them are still alive."

"Half of it?" Lingyao frowned, her eyes became a little cold.

"The envoy appeases his anger."

Qin Ming hurriedly lowered his head and said: "I have already activated the barrier around Longding Mountain. They can't go down the mountain at all, they can only hide in the mountain. I was worried about the battle here, so I rushed over to take a look. As for the top ten Tribal monks, they are just turtles in the urn

Already, there is no escape"

After listening to Qin Ming's explanation, the anger on Lingyao's face gradually dissipated, she nodded and said, "You have handled this matter well, it is impossible for the monks from the top ten tribes to escape from the barrier, let's ignore them now, let me go Hunt down Tang Zhen and Liang Zhidao."

"My lord, where did they go?" Zheng Qiu asked suspiciously.

"Tang Zhenyong" Shen Nong dismantled Dafa and won them a chance to escape, but he was already poisoned, so it can be said that he must die. What I'm worried about right now is that kid named Liang. This guy actually has a spirit beast in the Profound Realm. His origin may be a bit unusual. "

"Spiritual beasts in the Profound Realm?" Zheng Qiu was taken aback for a moment, with a hint of greed flashing in his eyes.

"We must not let them run away, otherwise if the master finds out, we will all die!" Qin Ming said anxiously.

"That's right." Lingyao nodded, and said coldly: "Search for me, I must find these two people, if you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies!"

In the forest to the west of Longding Mountain, a golden lion camel was shutting down the ground with two men on its back.

One of them was Liang Yan who was seriously injured, while the other was Tang Zhen who had been poisoned and was dying.

"Liang Yan, how do you feel now?"

While flying away, Lao Jin asked him through voice transmission.

There was no response at the beginning, and it wasn't until a while later that Liang Yan's voice sounded slowly: "I feel bad..."

The voice was very weak, and Lao Jin's face changed when he heard it, and he blurted out, "Are you also poisoned?"


Liang Yan's voice was weak.

It turned out that Lingyao's long whip magic weapon was also quenched with strong poison. After her Yimu spiritual power was activated, the poison was so strong that it could even kill monks in the Xuantong Realm.

If Liang Yan was in his heyday, he would naturally not be afraid of this poison.

But now his meridians are blocked by the evil spirit, and he can't perform normally. After the toxin entered his body, he soon lost his strength.

"It's not so good now..." Lao Jin's face became serious.

With Lingyao's strength in the later stage of Tongxuan, even if the three of them teamed up, they might not be able to fight. Now Tang Zhen is dying, and Liang Yan has also lost his fighting power. With his strength alone, he is obviously not Lingyao's opponent.

"Find a place to hide first!"

Liang Yan gave an order and sat up reluctantly.

"it is good!"

Lao Jin nodded, and while flying away, he released his consciousness to search around.

"There is a crack in the mountain wall in front, surrounded by weeds, it is not easy to be found, we can dig a cave in it, and then cover it with a formation." Lao Jin quickly found the target.

"Just go there."

Liang Yan did not object to his proposal.

Lao Jin nodded slightly, speeded up, and turned into a yellow light, which instantly penetrated into the crack of the mountain wall.

After going deep into the ground, Lao Jin used his magical powers again, and the surrounding soil spontaneously split, and soon a not too small cave appeared, and then he brought Liang Yan and Tang Zhen inside.

"You guys hide here for a while, I'll go outside to set up a magic circle, hoping to hide it from Lingyao and the others."

As Lao Jin said, he turned into a middle-aged man in a yellow cloak, turned around and was about to walk out of the cave.

However, as soon as he lifted his footsteps, he was pulled from behind.


Lao Jin was puzzled, turned his head to look, and saw Liang Yan's face was very serious, he shook his head and said, "It's too late?"

"It's too late?"

Old King Kong wanted to ask a question, but the tip of his ear moved slightly, and his face changed drastically: "Oh no, they are chasing after you!"


Not long after everyone entered the crack in the mountain wall, a ray of light appeared from far to near at the place where Lao Jin stayed just now.

In the light, there was a white-haired old man with blood on his chest. It was Zheng Qiu who had been slashed by Liang Yan's sword.

His breath was a little scattered, and his face was a little It was obvious that the injury had not been repaired.

Even so, there was no trace of fear in Zheng Qiu's eyes.

Because he had already learned from Ling Yao that both Liang Zhidao and Tang Zhen had been poisoned, and now they were just two cripples. The only thing he was worried about was the spirit beast in the Profound Realm.

"Liang Zhidao, Liang Zhidao, you dare to hurt me! I must find you first and tear your corpse into thousands of pieces, so as to eliminate the hatred in my heart!" Zheng Qiu talked to himself while carefully checking the surroundings. trace.

"And that spirit beast of the Tongxuan Realm! It must also be mine!"

Thinking of this, a trace of greed flashed in Zheng Qiu's eyes, and he raised his hand and patted a black cloth bag on his waist.

With a flash of sunlight, a black toad appeared in Zheng Qiu's palm.

"Baby, baby, hurry up and smell it for me, which direction is that boy surnamed Liang going next?"

Obtaining his order, the black toad looked reluctant, sniffed the forest with his nose, and suddenly let out a strange cry, his eyes widened, and he looked straight at a crack in the mountain wall in the distance.

"In there?"

Zheng Qiu's eyes lit up, and his face was overjoyed.

"Good baby, I will reward you later."

Before the words finished, Zheng Qiu had already put the black toad into the cloth bag, and then pinched a formula, turned into light, and flew in the direction of the crack in the mountain wall...

At this moment, deep in the crack, in a dark cave.

Both Liang Yan and Lao Jin were nervous, listening carefully to the movement outside the mountain wall.

"No, he seems to have found our hiding place!"

Lao Jin quickly sensed Zheng Qiu's aura, and now it was getting closer and closer, and he was about to reach everyone's hiding place...


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