The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1472: Tang Zhen asked

Outside the cave, Zheng Qiu drove a ray of light and quietly approached the crack in the mountain wall.

In order not to startle the snake, he suppressed the escape light extremely low, and his aura also restrained a lot.

"Liang Zhidao, you must die today!"

A trace of ferocity flashed in Zheng Qiu's eyes.

He knew that both Liang Yan and Tang Zhen had been poisoned, and it was impossible for him to still be able to fight now. The only thing he was afraid of was the "Spiritual Beast of Tongxuan Realm" that Lingyao was talking about.

In order to be safe, Zheng Qiu pinched a formula in his hand, and ninety-nine black light daggers appeared behind him, surrounding him to prevent him from being attacked.

After making all preparations, Zheng Qiu jumped in from the crack in the mountain wall.

The crack was very dark and deep at the same time. Zheng Qiu swept his consciousness and found a cave deep in the crack.

There seemed to be some kind of weird existence in the cave, and my own consciousness could not enter, nor could I see clearly what was going on inside.

"Hey, hide your ears and steal your bell!"

A contemptuous smile appeared on Zheng Qiu's face. In his opinion, the more concealed this place is, the more suspicious it is. How could it be possible for an ordinary cave to be undetectable by spiritual sense? It must be Liang Zhidao and the others hiding here!

Thinking of this, Zheng Qiu didn't hesitate, and he didn't hide his aura any more, turned into a ray of light, and rushed directly to the cave deep in the crack.


Before Zheng Qiuren could go in, he raised his hand and made a magic formula. The surrounding black light daggers rained down, and he rushed into the cave in an instant.

Streams of fierce murderous aura rushed left and right in the cave, and powerful forces swept all around, covering the entire cave inside.

"Liang Zhidao, Liang Zhidao, I didn't expect you to end up in the hands of the old man, right?"

Amidst the loud laughter, the escape light transformed by Zheng Qiu rushed into the cave.

However, the next moment, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

I thought that this place must be the hiding place of Liang Zhidao and Tang Zhen, but I didn't expect that after entering, I only saw four stone walls and an empty cave

These stone walls were riddled with holes by his black light dagger, but there were no figures of Liang Zhidao and Tang Zhen, only a strange three-color flower grew in the open space in the middle of the cave.

Other than that, the whole cave is empty!

"How could this could this be?"

Zheng Qiu murmured, a little unable to believe his eyes.

"Whispering Beast", as its tracking spirit beast, almost never made a mistake, but all the monks tracked by it would always find a hiding place in the end.

Could it be that this time it's 'Wearing the Weeping Beast, something went wrong?

Zheng Qiu was puzzled, thought for a while, and took out the black toad from the cloth bag at his waist again.

"Baby, did you smell it wrong? There is no one I'm looking for here."

After hearing his words, the black toad blinked its eyelids, but looked at the strange flowers in the middle of the cave.

This three-color strange flower is slowly withering, and a strange fragrance blows to the face.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Qiu couldn't help but doubt, could it be that this unknown strange flower interfered with his spirit beast.

Not long after, the strange three-color flower had completely withered, and the black toad seemed to have lost interest.

It shook its head, as if it wanted to look for Liang Yan's trace again.

But at this moment, outside the cave, there was a burst of faint green smoke.

The black toad turned his head immediately, as if he smelled something, his eyes widened, and he let out two strange screams.

"What did you say?" Zheng Qiu's face changed slightly, and he whispered: "There is no one I'm looking for here, the target is still moving, and now it's three hundred miles away?"


Hei Chan let out a strange cry and rolled his eyes, as if he agreed with this statement.

"Oh, my little ancestor, you were actually misled by a flower at a critical moment, delaying my important event!"

Zheng Qiu let out a long sigh, put the black toad into the cloth bag again, and then made a magic formula, turning his body into light, and facing towards the

Out of the crack rushed out...

This person came and left suddenly, from the time he entered the crack in the mountain wall to the time he left, it was less than half a cup of tea.

Deep in the crack, in a hidden cave.

Lao Jin turned into a human figure, stood on tiptoe, lay down on the stone wall, and listened to the sound outside the cave.

"Strange, how did he leave?"

Old Jin's eyes were full of doubts.

He didn't dare to release his consciousness, so as not to be perceived by Zheng Qiu, so he could only lie on the stone wall and confirm repeatedly until he was sure that the other party had really left...


There was an unbelievable look in Lao Jin's eyes, and he said to himself, "He obviously found this place, and we didn't have time to cover it up with formations. How could he not find it with his cultivation at the Xuantong Realm? And he just now His actions are too abnormal, like a fool, he attacked a natural cave like crazy, didn't he find that the cave where we are hiding is right behind him?"

Lao Jin was puzzled, got down from the stone wall, and turned to look at Liang Yan who was beside him.

At this moment, Liang Yan was exercising his kung fu to suppress the toxins in his body. At the same time, he pressed one of his palms on Tang Zhen's back, trying to use his spiritual power to save Tang Zhen's life.

Seeing his calm appearance, Lao Jin showed doubts on his face.

"Liang Yan, aren't you curious? Why is Zheng Qiu so blind that he didn't notice us when we got to the entrance of the cave?"

Liang Yan was practicing kung fu at this time, and when he heard Lao Jin's question, he just smiled slightly and said, "This is so curious, it only shows that we should not die! Instead of thinking about these things, let's think about how to help us get rid of the poison. "

"I come!"

Without hesitation, Lao Jin came to Liang Yan and Tang Zhen's side in an instant, and pressed his two palms on their backs respectively, with spiritual power gushing out to help them suppress the poison in their bodies.

After a while, I heard a "poof!" sound.

It was Tang Zhen who opened his eyes suddenly and spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

"Cough! Cough!" After waking up, Tang Zhen's face was pale, and he glanced at the two people around him, with a hint of relief on his face.

"It's's okay! It didn't fall into Lingyao's hands, otherwise I really can't survive, I can't die!" Tang Zhen said with some fear.

"The envoy doesn't need to say much, we will do our best to heal your injuries." Lao Jin said slowly.

"It's useless." Tang Zhen gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I know my own body best. The poison of Lingyao has penetrated into my internal organs and mixed with my blood essence Together, Tang is already a dead man!"

"Brother Tang, don't give up until the last moment." Liang Yan said suddenly.

After Tang Zhen heard this, he turned his head to look at Liang Yan, and suddenly laughed: "What a 'don't give up lightly,'! Little brother Liang, thanks to you, there was no misunderstanding between Shennong Mountain and the ten major tribes this time. "

"But if you are all dead, no one will know what happened here." Liang Yan said in a deep voice.

"I understand, so I choose to believe you."

Tang Zhen looked at Liang Yan, his face gradually became serious. "Brother Liang, I am actually very suspicious of your identity, but at this moment, at least I know that you are not a member of the Yeming Cult, and that you dare to risk your life to expose the conspiracy of the Yeming Cult, which is enough to show that you and our Shennong Mountain are friends." non-enemy..."

Speaking of this, Tang Zhen coughed violently a few times suddenly, his body shook more and more, obviously he was about to be unable to hold on anymore.

"My...ahem...I don't have much time. Brother Liang, let me just say it straight. I want to entrust you to go to Shennong Mountain for me and tell my master what happened here."

"To Shennong Mountain?"

Although Liang Yan was calm on the surface, he had an idea in his heart.

If he wanted to find the truth about this continent and find a way to leave here, he had to go to Shennong Mountain. Before, I was worried that I would not be accepted by others without a valid reason, but now I can go to worship the mountain in a fair manner.

Before he could express his wish, Tang Zhen rushed to say: "I know this is a dangerous journey, I beg you so, indeed

Some are overpowering. Don't worry, I won't let you make this trip in vain. "

Speaking of this, Tang Zhen took out a small white jade bottle from the storage ring, and said in a hurried tone: "This is the resource I brought from Shennong Mountain. As a reward for this tribal competition, all the things that the ten major tribes want are in it. Here. And it can only be opened with the special secret method of our Shennong Mountain, if you try to open it with brute force, the contents of the vial will self-destruct!"

"The reward for the tribal competition?"

Liang Yan's eyes lit up, and a strange look flashed across Gu Jing's face.

If the rewards for the tribal competition are all here, then the five-color soil I want is also in this small bottle...

And this is not just the stone spirit clan's share, but the five-color soil allocated to the top ten tribes!

"Brother Liang, if my guess is correct, the reason why you participated in this competition is also for the reward from Shennong Mountain." Tang Zhen saw the enthusiasm in Liang Yan's heart and said with a smile.

"That's right!" Liang Yan didn't deny it, but admitted it frankly.

"Very good, let's make a deal, as long as you promise to help me bring the news here to Shennong Mountain, I will use a secret method to open this vial, and you can take the resources inside, how about it?"

"Okay, it's a deal," Liang Yan agreed without thinking.

He had originally planned to go to Shennong Mountain, but now he not only had a legitimate excuse, but also got the five-color soil he wanted, so why not do it?

"Exciting enough!"

Tang Zhen nodded, very satisfied with Liang Yan's answer.

Without any hesitation, he used the remaining spiritual power to form a seal with his right hand, and then pressed it on the white vial.

The spiritual power swarmed out and circulated on the bottle in a special trajectory. After a few breaths, a mark appeared on the bottle. Under Tang Zhen's secret method, it gradually faded and finally turned into nothingness.

"It's done! I've broken the seal on the vial!"

As Tang Zhen said, he stuffed the white jade vial into Liang Yan's hand, and at the same time took out a token from his storage ring, and stuffed it into Liang Yan's hand.

"This is the token of my disciple in Shennong Mountain. It can prove your identity. I have just used the unique technique of Shennong Mountain to engrave what happened here on the token. As long as you give it to my master , he will know everything that happened here.”

Tang Zhen's tone became more and more urgent, because he knew that his time was running out, so he could only take advantage of the last time to explain everything clearly.

"Liang understands."

Liang Yan nodded solemnly, and at the same time stretched out a palm, pressing it on the top of Tang Zhen's head.

"Brother Tang, you are tired, leave the rest to me... Now go to sleep, when we wake up, we will already be in Shennong Mountain."

"Are you going to..." Tang Zhen showed doubts on his face.

Soon, he felt that his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, and he felt a lightness from head to toe.

In a daze, Tang Zhen felt as if he was flying up. Looking down, it was his physical body lying on the ground, but his consciousness had already been separated from the body.

"I am..."

Before Tang Zhen could figure it out, he felt his eyes go dark, his surroundings were spinning, and finally he completely lost consciousness...

In the cave, Tang Zhen fell to the ground.

Behind him, Liang Yan drew out Tang Zhen's remaining true spirit from Tang Zhen's celestial spirit cap with a formula.

At the same time, Liang Yan took out a dark jar from the storage ring, tore off the seal of the jar, and put Tang Zhen's last true spirit in it.

This black jar is exactly the soul-cultivating altar where he once housed Hongwu!

Tang Zhen has been deeply poisoned, the toxin has been entangled with the essence and blood, Liang Yan's current state has no way to save him, as long as a moment and a half later, this Tang Zhen will be a dead person, even Da Luo Immortal can't save him.

In order to save Tang Zhen's life, the only thing Liang Yan could do was to extract a wisp of his true spirit and store it in his soul cultivation altar.

This person's physical body is definitely hopeless, but as long as there is this ray of true spirit, he will still be alive.

There is a possibility of resurrection.

The premise is that he can recover to the peak cultivation level, and the people of Shennong Mountain are willing to pay a price to save him.

In any case, Liang Yan was already benevolent.

After preserving Tang Zhenzhen's true spirit, Liang Yan's complexion became even paler, he coughed a few times, and his breath became a little disordered.

"How are you?" Sensing his weakness, Lao Jin asked with a frown.

"Fortunately, I used a little spiritual power just now, and almost let the poison spread. Fortunately, there is the blood pressure of the 'Undead Heavenly Dragon'..."

Liang Yan took a deep breath and gradually calmed down his breath.

Although the "Tianlong Immortal Body" can be reborn with a drop of blood, the meridians in his body have been sealed by the evil spirit of reincarnation. If he dies at this time, it is not certain whether he will be able to be reborn. Even if he can be resurrected, the injury will definitely be aggravated~www.wuxiaspot. com~ It will end badly at that time.

So Liang Yan was very careful along the way, trying not to conflict with anyone, but he didn't expect that in order to compete for the five-color soil, he would eventually turn against the people of Ye Mingjiao.

What was even more unexpected was that the Yeming Cult was so powerful that in this small tribe, there would actually be monks from the late Tongxuan period sitting in command.

Still, it's all worth it so far!

Liang Yan held up the small white jade bottle in his hand and narrowed his eyes.

The next moment, he raised his hand and typed out a spell, and searched the vial for a while.

With the flash of the sun, Liang Yan took out a pile of magical soil with five colors of sun from the vial.

"Five-Colored Soil!"

Liang Yan's eyes were fiery, without the slightest hesitation, he raised his hand and drew it, covering the surface of his skin with these "five-color soils", and began to slowly absorb the "bad energy of reincarnation" hidden in his meridians...

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