The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1478: Gu Xingyun Epiphany

Just as Liang Yan was taking Qingqing to heal his wounds in Danjing Spring, there was continuous drizzle in Shiling Village.

Late at night, outside the village, in the rain, on the barren open space, stands a tombstone.

The soil here is freshly dug, and the weeds are not growing. It is obvious that it has just been built. Looking at the names on the tombstone, it is Mu Chunhua, the patriarch of the Stone Spirit Clan, and his granddaughter Mu Ying!

The front of the tombstone is full of wine jars, there are hundreds of jars, accumulating like a hill, and most of the jars are empty, it seems that people have almost drunk.

The cemetery was extraordinarily quiet in the rain, but Shiling Village not far away was brightly lit.

The monks in the village are holding a tribal meeting, and they are going to elect a new tribal leader. For the time being, no one will disturb the sleeping grandparents.

Suddenly, several empty wine jars rolled down from a high place, making a sound of "gudong, gudong", until they fell to the ground, and the wine jars were broken, which also broke the tranquility of this cemetery.

Looking at the pile of wine jars, a man's palm stretched out.

It turned out that this person had been buried under the wine jar all the time, and he just woke up just now. He seemed to think that the wine jar was pressing him down, so he flicked his palms left and right, gradually pushing away the nearby wine jars.

"Bang! Bang!"

As the wine jars fell one by one, a white-robed man was revealed inside. The man looked handsome, but his right eye was blind, which was a little flawed.


The man muttered to himself, and opened his left eye, as if he had just woken up from alcohol.

His eyes were a little blurred, he seemed to be immersed in the memories of the past, sometimes he was happy, sometimes sad, and in the end, he seemed to recall the scene on Longding Mountain again, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The relationship of so many years, so it's all fake..." Gu Xingyun sighed, and drank the wine jar in his arms.


The wine jar fell to the ground and made a shattering sound, just like his state of mind at this time.

too painful!

That is the pain of being let down on trust and subverting past cognition!

Gu Xingyun is not drunk at all, he just doesn't want to wake up, because when he wakes up, he will think of Mu Ying and the thorn on Longding Mountain.

Although he was lucky enough to get his life back in the end, he felt extremely confused. For a while, he didn't know where to go!

The rain has been falling, and the moonlight has long been covered by dark clouds...

This night, which made everyone restless, passed quietly in the drizzle.

In the early morning of the next day, when the dawn just came on, a white-haired old woman walked out of the village entrance.

She is the high priest of the Stone Spirit Clan, Yi Yin.

Overnight, this person seemed to have aged hundreds of years. He had white hair and a childlike face before, but now he only has an old face with chicken skin. Even his eyes are a little cloudy, far less bright than when he first met Liang Yan.

Leaning on a cane, she walked slowly alone, and finally came to Mu Chunhua's tombstone.

The wine jars that had piled up like a mountain had already been smashed into pieces. Gu Xingyun knelt in front of the tombstone, with his back turned to him, unable to see his expression.

After being silent for a while, Yi Yin suddenly said: "The village discussed all night, and all the elders finally voted to elect you as the new patriarch."

After listening to Yi Yin's words, Gu Xingyun didn't react at all, still kneeling in front of the tombstone with his back to her.

Yi Yin frowned, and slowly said: "Dead people cannot be resurrected. As the previous patriarch, Mu Chunhua was finally plotted against by villains. I am also very sad! It's just that our Stone Spirit Clan cannot live without a leader. Although the current level of the talented monk is a little lower, but the future is limitless, and it is my intention that you take over the position of patriarch."

After hearing this, Gu Xingyun still didn't answer.

"Confused! No matter Mu Chunhua or Mu Ying, they are already dead. Are you still stuck in the past?" Yi Yin shouted suddenly.

"High Priest... Tell me, is the harmony among the hundreds of clans what everyone thinks in their hearts, or is it a manifestation of their fear of Mount Shennong?"

Gu Xingyun finally spoke

, but it is not the answer.

Yi Yin was obviously taken aback by this sudden question. She has already adapted to the rules of Langhuan Continent for tens of thousands of years, and she has never thought about this aspect at all.

"Why do you ask this?" Yi Yin frowned even deeper, "Shen Nong Mountain brings harmony among hundreds of clans, so that everyone can practice with peace of mind. Isn't that a good thing?"

Hearing this answer, Gu Xingyun suddenly laughed.

"Old Yi, thank you. The moment you mentioned "Shen Nong Mountain", I already knew the answer."

"What are you thinking?" Yi Yin stared at Gu Xingyun's back. At this moment, she suddenly felt that she couldn't see through this young monk.

"The world of mortals is like a dream, misty rain is like a picture, true or false? In fact, you are just deceiving yourself."

With a sigh, Gu Xingyun slowly stood up from the tombstone.

He stretched out his right hand and stroked the name on the tombstone for the last time, as if he had buried all his nostalgia and reluctance under the tombstone.

"Old Yi, let me ask you another question, Liang Zhidao and that little girl, from which direction did they go?"

Although a little puzzled, Yi Yin replied truthfully: "They set off at dawn, and walked from the east entrance of the village."

"it is good."

Gu Xingyun retracted the palm on the tombstone, and there was a hint of relief in his tone.

It had been drizzling all night and finally stopped by this time. The newborn sun is like a beautiful smiling face, the morning glow reflects the sky, pierces the clouds and mist, and projects a trace of warmth onto the two of them.

"I'm going, Shiling Village will take care of Elder Yi from now on."

After leaving this sentence, Gu Xingyun didn't hesitate, and walked towards the rising sun with a flash of his figure.

"Gu Xingyun! Where are you going? You won't take the position of patriarch anymore?" Yi Yin's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Becoming the patriarch of one's own tribe is the dream of all monks on the Langhuan Continent, and almost no one can refuse this temptation.

Gu Xingyun was born in the Stone Spirit Clan and grew up in the Stone Spirit Clan. He was instilled with faith since he was a child. He looks forward to the day when he will be successful in cultivation, gain the recognition of all the clansmen, and eventually become the patriarch of the Stone Spirit Clan.

But now, facing the position of patriarch that is within easy reach, Gu Xingyun actually chose to give up!

He left as soon as he said, without even the slightest nostalgia!

Yi Yin couldn't figure it out, really couldn't figure it out, so when she looked at the back of the other party leaving, she subconsciously chased after a few steps, and wanted to ask again.

However, Gu Xingyun's footsteps did not stop at all. After a few flashes, the figure had disappeared at the end of the road, and only the singing sound came from afar:

"The smoke burns away, the string breaks, and the three thousand infatuations haunt my heart; the fate of the mirror flower, the dream of the world of mortals, wakes up and is no longer in the world. Become an immortal! Become an immortal and ask the white clouds, when will the fate of the world end? Congeal the pill into a snow coat , make me a jade heart!"


About fifty miles east of Shiling Village, there were two people walking slowly on the road.

These two people are a man and a woman. The man is tall and handsome, wearing a gray cloth suit; the woman is petite, with bright eyes and delicate features. She looks like a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Liang Yan, you don't know that the spring water of Danjing Spring is really delicious!"

"I heard that the monks of the Stone Spirit Clan are very concerned about this Lingquan treasure. How do you understand them?"

"Liang Yan, Liang Yan! Did you see that wild flower on the road? It's beautiful, but it's a pity that it's not a spiritual flower. I'm afraid it will wither soon, right?"

"Well, it's good to be like this, so that it won't be picked off by others, and it can grow quietly in the wild and live the life you want."

"Liang Yan, Liang Yan! Look..."

Qingqing twittered along the way, like a lark, arguing beside Liang Yan.

However, Liang Yan was very silent.

From morning until now, he has been thinking about a question:

How did Qingqing recover?

Late last night, he originally planned to use Danjing Spring to restore Qingqing's consciousness, but after he put Qingqing into the spiritual spring, a mysterious force appeared, preventing the spring water from Danjing Spring from entering Qingqing through the pores. in the body.

The source of this mysterious power seems to be Qingqing herself. Even in a coma, she is instinctively resisting foreign things.

For a whole night, the spring water of Danjing Spring did not help Qingqing at all!

Just when Liang Yan was a little discouraged, something strange happened.

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of dawn appeared, Qingqing opened her eyes!

Not only did she open her eyes, but even the aura on her body returned to its original state in an instant. She was full of vitality, and she didn't look like she was losing essence at all.

It was as if nothing that happened before had ever happened! Qingqing returned to the state she was in a day ago!

Liang Yan had never seen such a weird thing before, and his heart was full of doubts.

This also made him more suspicious of Qingqing's origin, so he remained silent all the way.

As for Qingqing, she was as heartless as before, chatting non-stop beside him, looking very happy.

The two walked for about fifty miles like this. If they turned around at this time, they could no longer see Shiling Village.

"It's almost here."

Liang Yan suddenly stopped and spoke softly.

Qingqing blinked, looked over, and asked curiously, "Why did Brother Liang stop?"

"It's already far away from Shiling Village here, and we can fly away next. "

"Flying in the sky? This is clearly forbidden in Langhuan Continent." Qingqing said in surprise.

"There is no need to escape light, eight thousand miles away, can we walk on our legs?"


"No, but! I'm not from the Lunhuan Continent, so I don't need to abide by the rules here. And now that the Yeming Sect has started to take action, and the Lunhuan clan is too busy to take care of themselves, how can they have time to take care of us?"

"Oh." Knowing that she couldn't change Liang Yan's decision, Qingqing could only nod obediently.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the road behind the two of them.

"It's him?"

Liang Yan frowned and looked behind him.

The person who came was wearing a white robe, it was his acquaintance in the Stone Spirit Clan, Gu Xingyun!

At this time, Gu Xingyun was walking like flying, and it seemed that he had chased all the way to this point. When he saw Liang Yan, his calm face finally showed a look of joy.

After a while, Gu Xingyun had arrived in front of Liang Yan.

"Why are you here?" Liang Yan asked with some doubts.

However, what happened next made him even more confused.


Gu Xingyun didn't say much and knelt down in front of him without any hesitation.

Liang Yan's face changed slightly, he never expected that the first thing this person did when he met him was to kneel down to him, and before he could stop him, the other party was already kneeling in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to worship you as my teacher!" Gu Xingyun went straight to the point, directly explaining his reason for coming.

"Adore me as a teacher?"

Liang Yan frowned, his face was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the other party chased him for fifty miles, and he wanted to worship him as his teacher.

"I heard that your Stone Spirit Clan held a tribal meeting, and all the elders unanimously elected you as the new patriarch. Why, you don't even want the position of patriarch?"

"Looking back on the past, the karma is over. From now on, I just want to practice with Master." Gu Xingyun said sincerely.

"Are you completely enlightened? But I haven't agreed to take you as a disciple yet." Liang Yan shook his head and smiled.

"Senior Liang, when I was seriously injured and unconscious, I heard Lingyao and the others mention you, saying that you were an 'extraterrestrial visitor'. It was also from then on that I realized that the Langhuan Continent was just a small world, and there is a much wider world outside. world, so I want to follow you outside

wandering. "

"So that's how it is."

Liang Yan nodded slightly.

Gu Xingyun has a good heart and good aptitude, so he is indeed a good seedling. It's a pity that Liang Yan doesn't like accepting apprentices. The three apprentices he took in before had certain reasons. In addition, Ji Hang's betrayal made him a little bit taboo about accepting apprentices.

Seeing Liang Yan's expression hesitated, Gu Xingyun thought for a while and said again:

"Senior Liang, I don't expect you to agree immediately, but please give me a chance. From here to Shennong Mountain, the journey is very long. Gu is willing to be a pawn. As long as Senior Liang is sent, he will go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire. Gu Someone is willing to say anything!"


Liang Yan's gaze flickered.

As Gu Xingyun said, the journey to Shennong Mountain is very far away. Although I have recovered part of my cultivation, I am still not familiar with the environment If there is a monk from Langhuan Continent as a guide, That couldn't be better.

Thinking of this, he took another look at Qingqing beside him, and always felt that this woman was unreliable.

In comparison, Gu Xingyun is much more reliable.

"Since you said so...then I will give you a chance. "

Liang Yan looked at Gu Xingyun in front of him, and murmured: "I'll accept you as a registered student first, and when I arrive at Shennong Mountain, I will pass on some spells to you. If you are really suitable for my lineage, then I will I will consider accepting you as a formal disciple."

"Thank you, Master!"

Gu Xingyun was overjoyed and kowtowed three times respectfully in front of Liang Yan.

This time, Liang Yan did not dodge.

"Being my disciple, there are only two rules. First, you must not deceive your master and destroy your ancestors. Second, you must not kill each other. You must remember these two rules!"

"Yes, Master..."

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