The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1479: uphill secretly

Just when Liang Yan and the others left Shiling Village, in an unknown valley in Langhuan Continent, a black demon flower emerged from the ground.

At the beginning, it was only the size of a palm, but after leaving the ground, the demon flower gradually swelled, and the petals unfolded one by one. In just a few breaths, it has a radius of ten feet.

Soon after the demon flower bloomed, three groups of black shadows appeared one after another on the petals.

The black shadow gradually condensed, and finally turned into a human form. It can be vaguely seen that it is two men and one woman.

Among them, the woman was tall, with a graceful figure, and her eyes and smile were full of charm, but there was a strong evil spirit between her brows, which made people afraid and dare not approach her.

Look at the two men again, one is tall and the other is short, the tall one is skinny and skinny, looking sickly, like a ghost reincarnated from starvation; The small soybean-like eyes are hidden behind the slit of the turban, which looks very funny.

Although the aura of these three people is deep, but the figure is a bit vain, it seems that the deity is not present in person, but the projection left here by some kind of magical power.

"Something happened on the west side."

After the figures gathered, the short man was the first to speak, his voice a little low.

"Isn't Lingyao your proud disciple? Can't you handle such a simple task?" The tall man frowned, with a displeased expression on his face.

"Lingyao's plan doesn't have any flaws, it's just that someone who shouldn't have appeared."

"Someone who shouldn't be there?"

"Yes, that person is the same as us. He does not belong to the Langhuan Continent. He is an outsider." The short man said calmly.

"What?" The tall man looked a little surprised, "There are others who have also entered this world, what is his origin?"

"I don't know about this. Before Lingyao died, he passed on a divine thought to me. I can be sure that this outsider is not simple. He easily killed Lingyao, Qin Ming and others with the realm of the peak of Tongxuan. "

"The Profound Realm?"

After hearing this, the tall man murmured, "Lingyao got your true biography, and you have the 'Heavenly Disabled Ghost Formation' to help. There is almost no opponent among monks of the same rank in Langhuan Continent. This person can kill Lingyao easily, could it be Is he the pride of heaven in seven mountains and twelve cities?"

"It's possible." The short man whispered.

"Those who can be dubbed "Tianjiao" almost have the strength to leapfrog the ranks and fight against the catastrophe. If this person is really the Tianjiao of the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities, then the timing of his appearance is too coincidental. Will it affect our plan?" The tall man frowned.

After hearing this, the short man chuckled, shook his head and said, "Daoist friends are overthinking, a mere cultivator at the Tongxuan realm, so what if he is a genius. If the two of you are not at ease, at worst, I will go there myself."

"Then I will trouble my fellow Daoist."

The tall slender woman who had been silent until now suddenly spoke.

Hearing her words, the other two looked over, and saw the woman with a charming smile, and said softly: "The three of us have been lurking here for many years. Seeing that our goal is about to be achieved, now is the most important final stage. There must be no mistake! Since there is a fly intruding in, let's work hard for fellow Taoists to step over and trample this annoying fly to death."

"Hehe, since Fairy Li has said so, of course I am obliged to do so, but for the matter over there, I have to ask the two fellow Taoists." The short man said, and clasped his fists at the other two.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Lu, I have everything here." The tall man replied in a low voice.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, please be careful on this trip, not only to find the flies that have sneaked in, but also to see if there is any whereabouts of that girl. According to my calculations, she seems to have not left this world." The charming woman said lightly.

"It seems that our plan has gone a little bit wrong..." The short man smiled, nodded and said, "Don't worry, even if that girl is still in Langhuan Continent, I won't let her go back to Shennong Mountain. Flies, of course, can't escape my Wuzhi Mountain. I'm going to the west now, and you two can wait for my good news!"

After finishing speaking, the short man bowed his hands to the two of them, and the figure gradually faded away, and finally disappeared...


Five days later, a gray ray of light pierced through the air on a wide avenue.

The light came down and stopped on the road, and three figures appeared, namely Liang Yan, Qingqing and Gu Xingyun.

"Yunzhong Mountain is ahead!"

Gu Xingyun looked at the towering mountain in front of him, his face slightly excited.

"It is said that this is the mountain of monsters. There are all kinds of rare treasures hidden in it. It is more than one grade higher than our Longding Mountain. The most cherished spirit beasts in the entire Langhuan Continent are probably on this mountain."

After hearing Gu Xingyun's introduction, Qingqing was also a little excited. She clapped her hands and shouted, "According to what you said, the rumors should be true. There must be an enlightened beast on Yunzhong Mountain. I must catch one when I go up the mountain this time!"

"Eh..." Looking at the lively girl in front of him, Gu Xingyun scratched his head and said, "I just said that there are many strange beasts on Yunzhong Mountain. As for whether there are enlightened beasts, I can't say for sure. After all, this spirit beast has never been seen before. It just exists in legends, does it really exist…”

"There must be!"

Before he could finish speaking, Qingqing interrupted with a firm face.

Gu Xingyun wanted to tell Qingqing not to have too much hope, but seeing her expression, he could only hold back the rest of the words and force a smile.

"Well, there will be."

Gu Xingyun's voice was very gentle. He knew that the girl in front of him saved his life, so he didn't want to make her feel sad.

"Come on, let's go up the mountain and have a look."

Liang Yan's voice sounded in front, and the two quickly followed after hearing it.

After a while, the three of them had arrived at the foot of Yunzhong Mountain.

This high mountain is majestic and straight, the mountainside is covered by clouds, the trees on the mountain are full of aura, and all kinds of rare birds and animals are active in the mountain. It is an excellent holy place for cultivation.

Gu Xingyun was attracted by the scenery in the mountains, and couldn't help but want to go up the mountain, but was pulled back by Liang Yan beside him.

"What's wrong? Master." Gu Xingyun was slightly puzzled.

Liang Yan shook his head, raised his hand and shot out a flash of light, flying about ten feet forward, suddenly ripples appeared in mid-air, as if he had touched some mechanism, and three rays of light immediately appeared around him.

These three glows surrounded Liang Yan, enclosing Liang Yan's aura in the middle. Immediately after the glow rolled, Liang Yan's aura disappeared without a trace.

"There is actually a formation restriction!"

Gu Xingyun's expression was a little surprised, but at the same time he was a little thankful. If Liang Yan hadn't held him back just now, he might have fallen into the restraint.

"Who will set up restrictions here?" Qingqing showed a puzzled expression.

Liang Yan didn't answer, but glanced into the distance, and said with a smile, "Someone will tell us the answer soon."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of piercing the sky came from a distance, and five escaping lights were seen coming from far and near, piercing the sky.

Taking advantage of the opponent's approach, Liang Yan raised his hand and pinched a formula, hiding his own realm, only revealing the cultivation base of Jindan's late stage.

In just this moment, Dunguang had already arrived in front of the crowd, landed on the ground, and five men in white robes appeared.

"They are the Baisheng clan!"

Gu Xingyun recognized the person who came, and secretly sent a voice message to Liang Yan: "The Baisheng clan is one of the most powerful tribes among the Langhuan hundred clans. The supernatural powers they comprehend from the totems are all related to controlling spirit beasts." , and the Yunzhong Mountain in front of them is also within their sphere of influence."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded secretly, took a step forward, cupped his hands at the five men in white robes who were coming towards him, and said with a smile: "Friends of the Baisheng clan, we are monks of the Stone Spirit clan, and I want to go up the mountain to pick some flavors. The elixir, please forgive me."

Those monks in white robes were also very polite, and the leading monk cupped his fists and said with a smile: "It turns out that you are a fellow Taoist from the Stone Spirit Tribe. It's a great honor to meet you! Originally, Yunzhong Mountain is also open to everyone, but you can't come here." Coincidentally, another day will be our Baisheng Clan's Earth Spirit Conference, and the mountain will be closed for ten days before and after. If fellow Taoists want to go up the mountain, please come back after ten days."

"Earth Spirit Conference?"

Liang Yan frowned. He heard Lu Dayou mention it when he was in Shiling Village before, and it seemed to be a grand gathering for the major tribes to learn about totems.

At this time, Gu Xingyun secretly transmitted the voice behind him: "The Earth Spirit Conference is the most important day for the various tribes, and it can also be said to be the source of all magic in the Langhuan Continent. The exercises, magical powers, and secret techniques practiced by everyone, They are all enlightened by watching their own totems at the Earth Spirit Conference. Each major tribe has its own totem, and different totems appear from the ground at different times, so the time for holding the Earth Spirit Conference is also different.”

After hearing Gu Xingyun's introduction, Liang Yan nodded secretly.

It seems that this trip did not happen by coincidence, just in time for others to comprehend their own totems. It is like in the external cultivation schools, the patriarch opens the altar to teach the Dharma, and outsiders are naturally not allowed to spy.

"It seems that Liang was unlucky. Since it is the 'Earth Spirit Conference' of the nobles, then I won't bother you."

Liang Yan expressed disappointment, bowed his hands to the monks of the Baisheng clan, and turned away with Qingqing and Gu Xingyun.

He left very resolutely, which made the monks of the Baisheng clan feel a little embarrassed, and said some polite words, but he didn't intend to keep him.

The monk of the Baisheng clan stood still, watched Liang Yan and the others go away, and then drove the escape light. He didn't dare to fly high in the sky, but walked slowly close to the ground, and returned to their respective positions after a while.

Everyone left, the surroundings fell into silence again, and even the restriction was restored to its original appearance, as if no one had ever been here.

I don't know how long after that, there was a rustling sound in the grass.

Immediately afterwards, three vague figures appeared.

The figure on the left glanced around and said in a low voice: "Master, I'm afraid it's not good for us to deceive others and sneak up the mountain like this?"

The figure in the middle snorted, and said calmly: "Xingyun, today is the first lesson I will teach you as a teacher: you must have a flexible bottom line in life."

"A flexible bottom line?" The figure on the left scratched his head.

"Brother Liang, when are we going up?" The figure on the right seemed a little excited, looking eager to try.


The figure in the middle didn't say much, and raised his hand to pinch a magic formula, the heavenly secret orb in his body was activated, and the aura of the three of them was completely covered, and there was no trace of it anymore.

The next moment, there was a slight fluctuation at the foot of Yunzhong Mountain, as if something was approaching, but the surrounding restraints did not light up, obviously no abnormality was found.

There was silence all around, and the monks of the Baisheng clan never appeared again...

A moment later, on a certain mountain path in Yunzhong Mountain, a cyan light flashed, and three monks appeared, they were Liang Yan, Gu Xingyun and Qingqing.

"This is coming in?"

Gu Xingyun couldn't believe it. He looked back at the restriction at the foot of the mountain, with a surprised expression on his face.

Although he already knew that Liang Yan had great supernatural powers, this was the Bai Sheng Clan's defensive formation. For the upcoming Earth Spirit Conference, the formation they arranged must not be weak.

If Liang Yan used his supernatural powers to force his way in, he would not be surprised at all, but now he has passed the Baisheng clan's defenses without a sound, and there is not even a trace of waves, which is a bit unbelievable.

"Master is really unfathomable. What kind of person is he?" Gu Xingyun looked at the gray-clothed man in front of him, and suddenly felt that he was extremely mysterious.

Of course, Liang Yan would not explain anything to him. He glanced around at this time, his eyes fell on Qingqing, and said calmly: "Okay, now that we have entered Yunzhong Mountain, what method should we use to find the 'Enlightened Beast? ?”

"It is said that enlightened beasts like jade and other treasures. I have a lot of them with me. Let's see if I can lure them out."

As Qingqing said, she turned the storage ring upside down, and a pile of crystal clear treasures fell on the ground.

Gu Xingyun looked down, and his face became a little restless for a moment.

"Xuanyuan Jade, Star Stone, Yuanyang Nuanjing... These are all priceless treasures of the Langhuan Continent! Normally, only when Shennong Mountain distributes resources, the major tribes can get about you? there are so many


"Is it precious?"

Qingqing tilted her head and thought for a while, picked up a few from the ground, and stuffed them directly into Gu Xingyun's hands.

"Here, see you off!"

Gu Xingyun was slightly taken aback, looking at the innocent smiling face in front of him, he was actually a little dazed.

But soon, he came to his senses, shook his head, and returned the jade to Qingqing.

"No reward for no merit, I already owe you my life, how can I still have the nerve to ask for your treasure? Later, if the enlightened beast is really drawn out, I will try my best to help you catch this spirit beast without Master's help." , it can be regarded as a little repayment for saving my life.”

Hearing that Gu Xingyun said that he would help him catch the enlightened beast, Qingqing immediately beamed with joy, and nodded repeatedly: "Great! I will count on you when the time comes, as long as you catch the enlightened beast, you will be Qingqing's good friend!"

"good friend?"

Gu Xingyun had a strange expression on his face, as if he was holding back a smile.

The next moment, he really laughed.

It was strange to say that the girl in front of her could always bring joy to the people around her. Although she was chattering non-stop along the way, her mood seemed to be affected by it.

After experiencing Mu Ying's betrayal, Gu Xingyun's mood fell to the bottom for a while, but at some point, a smile appeared on his face again...

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