The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1542: Shennong Hu's Dilemma

The four main formation members of the "Dragon Formation" were killed, and the formation was unmanned. The aggressive dragon immediately stopped attacking and wandered aimlessly in mid-air.

The aura of the entire formation also became weak at this time, Liang Yan just glanced at it, and soon found the core of the formation of the "Dragon Formation" among the more than one hundred "Dragon Chasing Stakes".

He didn't hesitate at all, just flashed his figure, and the next moment he appeared near one of the "Dragon Chasing Stakes".

This "Dragon Chasing Pillar" was no different from the stone pillars around it, but when Liang Yan rubbed it lightly with his hands, it immediately revealed its original appearance. It was actually a huge heart tied to the ground with iron chains. It was still beating in expansion and contraction.

Liang Yan knew that this was the real dragon's heart, but it had been sacrificed by evil methods. As long as the dragon's heart was locked here, the dragon's soul would never be reborn.

"I'll do a good deed today and send you on your way."

Liang Yan murmured, gathering the "Vajra Divine Power" in his hand, and suddenly punched out, directly hitting the beating dragon's heart.


There was a loud explosion, and the entire dragon heart was torn apart, and the rune chains that locked the dragon heart were also wiped out in this punch.

"hold head high!"

In the sky above the head, the evil dragon finally came to life, with one big and one small eyes open, and the eyes were full of exhaustion.

It was suspended in the air, bowing its head slightly towards Liang Yan, as if thanking him for helping him to escape.

At the last moment of its life, the dragon soul glanced at the earth with some reluctance, and the next moment, its eyes slowly closed, and its body gradually dissipated.

In just a moment, the dragon's body has turned into a wisp of smoke

Seeing that the dragon soul disappeared, Liang Yan sighed softly, raised his hand and big sleeve, and immediately a strong wind blew up around him.

The hundred or so "Dragon Chasing Stakes" that were originally inserted into the ground vibrated violently at this moment.

The next moment, these "Dragon Chasing Stakes" suddenly rose from the ground, turning into streaks of rays of light in mid-air, and finally they were all collected in Liang Yan's Taixu gourd.

"Dragon-Dracing Stakes can be regarded as a good forbidden magic weapon. There are more than a hundred of them here, which can be used to arrange some advanced formations. Don't waste it!"

After Liang Yan put away the "Dragon Escape Pile", he thought to himself again: "'Dragon Formation, once it is broken,' the inner three talents must have sensed it, and I think they will send someone to check it out soon. I don't know if Jia Yi, How are Ding Feng, Xu Da, and Xu Er going..."

In fact, when he cracked the "Dragon Formation", he deliberately slowed down, just because he was afraid that the other two sides would encounter troubles. Now counting the time, as long as there are no accidents, Jia Yi and others should be about the same.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan no longer hesitated, pinched the magic formula in his hand, turned into a light, and rushed in the direction of "Nei Sancai"

Almost at the same time, the center of the twelve-element magnetic array.

There is a towering mountain here, with no grass growing on the top of the mountain, and the entire mountain is covered by a layer of khaki aura.

And inside the Lingguang, the wind howled, the spiritual power surged, and all kinds of supernatural powers and visions formed fierce killing moves one after another, and they were constantly besieging the person in the center of the formation.

This person is dressed in coarse linen clothes, with dark skin and a lean figure. He is the current owner of Shennong Mountain, Shennonghu!

He was originally a "sub-sage" cultivation base, but his aura was very weak at this time, as if he had suffered a serious internal injury, which greatly reduced his cultivation base.

But a centipede is dead but not stiff!

Although Shennonghu was seriously injured, he was not at a disadvantage. His magical powers were circulating in his body, and streaks of green clouds whizzed out, forming a body-protecting aura of ten feet around him. , can't break through his defense.

Looking around the mountain peak, there are three other mountain tops floating in the clouds.

Dozens of monks gathered on each mountain, and the three leaders among them were the authentic Master Tongxuan. They sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, holding all kinds of strange arrays, making formulas with both hands, and muttering words in their mouths. It seems to be presiding over some kind of big formation.

As for the rest of the monks, almost all of them are at the Golden Core level, and they also have a clear division of labor.

There were also people sending spiritual power, apparently cooperating with the three Tongxuan Zhenjun to run this huge formation.

Three mountain peaks, a total of nine Tongxuan Zhenjun, hundreds of Jindan monks, almost all the power of the Yeming Sect, are all gathered here at this time, just to deal with one person in the formation!

And on the left and right sides of the formation, there are two stone pillars as high as the sky, and one person sits on each stone pillar.

Among them, the man on the left is short in stature, with thick hands and short feet, wearing a black cloak, with two small soybean-like eyes hidden in the gaps of the cloak, looking furtive.

The man on the right is very tall, but his bones are skinny, his skin sticks to his bones, and he looks sick, as if he was reincarnated from starvation.

"Hey, does the Lord Shennong still want to fight trapped beasts?"

Inside the cloak, the short men and women laughed dryly and said: "Shen Nonghu, you are already dead! Why don't you submit to our Tiangong City as soon as possible, otherwise not only will you die, but the entire Juntian City will also be buried with you! "

In the process of speaking, he did not stop the movement of his hands at all. As he played out the formulas one by one, the vast spiritual power was like a rushing tide, and all of it was poured into the big formation on the top of the mountain.

In the center of the magic circle, supernatural moves came one after another!

But Shennonghu didn't change his face, and while casting spells to resist, he snorted coldly: "The demon clown, still want to use this kind of dirty trick to deceive the old man? If you have the ability, you can break through my 'Shennong Bixiao Realm, otherwise don't Noisy here!" "Hehe."

The short man sneered, and said lightly: "Shen Nonghu, you don't have to be too proud." Although the Shennong Bixiao Realm is powerful, it is not impossible to break through. If you still have the cultivation base of the "sub-sage realm, we two brothers Without further ado, just turn around and leave!"

When Shennong Hu heard this, his pupils shrank slightly.

"It seems that you already know?"


The little man said coldly: "We have already figured out your background. Two hundred years ago, you tried to become a saint, but failed at the last moment. You almost lost your soul. If it wasn't for Xuan Mizhu to save your life, I am afraid that Shennong would The owner of the mountain has changed long ago..."

"However, although you are not dead, you have left an extremely serious hidden danger in your body. You must stay near the Xuan Mizhu at all times. This is why you have never gone down the mountain for two hundred years! Even this meeting of hundreds of clans, The location you chose is also at the foot of Shennong Mountain. It’s a pity you didn’t expect that we have secretly planned a plan to teleport you here through the magic weapon of space. This place is far away from Shennong Mountain.

The injuries in your body can no longer be suppressed, and now you are no longer the 'Yasheng' you used to be, right? "

When Shennong Hu heard this, he suddenly understood something in his heart, and a rush of blood surged up in his body, and he was about to vomit blood.

"Shen Nong Mountain still has female officials!"

The reason why this idea came up was because almost no one in the entire Shennong Mountain knew about the matter of "failed to become a saint, was seriously injured, and needed to rely on Xuan Mizhu to save his life", except for the few people who were closest to him.

"Who is it? The three elders, or my four direct disciples?" At this moment, Shen Nonghu's mood was a little confused.

The monks who know this secret at least have the cultivation level of the Tribulation Realm, and they are also high-level people in Shennong Mountain. Now that they are not in Shennong Mountain, they don’t know what this female leader will do. Tiancheng is about to suffer a catastrophe.


Seeing that Shen Nong Hu's mood was damaged, the short man in the cloak let out a wicked laugh, and the formula in his hand changed even more rapidly.

Although the tall man on the opposite side did not speak, he also injected a lot of spiritual power at the same time, speeding up the operation of the formation, causing the wind to howl on the mountain top, lightning and thunder, and all kinds of supernatural powers, visions, and spells. To Shennong Hu.

The situation of Shennong Hu became critical in an instant.

Under the erosion of various supernatural powers, "Shen Nong Bixiao Realm" gradually shrank,

From the original ten-foot radius, it became a three-foot radius...

Shen Nong Hu's face also became paler, and blood gushed from several wounds on his body again.

He is not a fool,

Knowing that the reason why the other party said so much is to disturb my state of mind, so that I can't hold on and let them break through my defense.

But it was related to Shennong Mountain, which was the place he wanted to protect the most in his heart. Even though he knew it was the other party's conspiracy, his mood was still disturbed.

"Shen Nonghu, you have persisted in the 'Twelve Yuan Magnetic Array' for three days and three nights, and you have old injuries in your body, so you are almost at the end of your battle, right? Our Palace Master of Tiangong City sees that you are a malleable talent, so I will give you a special explanation. As long as you take the initiative to hand over the "Shen Nong Emperor Jing" and the 'Xuan Mizhu, and swear allegiance to Tiangong City, not only will you be spared from death, but you will also be given the position of star official!" The man in the cloak said again.

"Hmph! As a 'medical sage, descendant,' I would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

"Hehe, it seems that the Lord Shennong didn't eat the toast, so he was punished!"

The man in the cloak smiled slightly, and quickly squeezed the magic formula with both hands, and the spiritual power in his body was continuously injected into the mountain top, turning it into a deadly move of the "inner three talents".

At the top of the mountain, the pressure of the magic circle was increasing, but Shennong Hu's aura gradually weakened, and he seemed obviously a little weak.

Just as his "Shen Nong Bixiao Realm" was getting smaller and smaller, a strange sound suddenly came from midair!

"what happened?"

The cloaked man's face changed slightly, and his eyes swept around.

I saw that the three surrounding hills actually stopped running at this time, and a crack appeared in the magic circle that was originally fused together.

These three mountains are the formations of heaven, earth, and people. Each formation is presided over by three Master Tongxuan and fifty Jindan monks. The "three inner talents" are based on the "nine outer palaces" to form a powerful The formation is enough to trap monks below the "Yasheng".

But now, this formation is actually loose!

The man in the cloak shrank his pupils, exchanged a glance with the tall man opposite, and shouted through voice transmission: "No! It looks like someone sneaked in here secretly, and has already destroyed the outer nine palaces!"

The tall man nodded, and said via voice transmission: "I don't know how many people came from the other side, but there must be a master among them, and this person knows the twelve-element magnetic array, the 'car,' horse he destroyed,, 'Dragon, three grids, is the hub of the Yuan Magnetic Formation!"

"The people here are scheming. They must split into three groups and destroy the formation at the same time, so we can't respond in time!" the cloaked man gritted his teeth.

"There is no room for loss in the formation! Although Shen Nonghu has fallen to the 'sub-sage' realm, if there is no formation to trap him, our supernatural powers are still not enough. Therefore, the most urgent thing is to get rid of the people who broke through the formation. Stabilize the formation!" The tall man quickly made a judgment.

"You're right..."

There was a glint of fierceness in the eyes of the man in the cloak, and he said with a sinister smile: "Officer Bone Star, I will leave this place to you for the time being. Be sure to trap Shennong Hu. I will go meet those little white rabbits who broke into the formation for a while, just give me a quarter of an hour." , I will eat all the little white rabbits!"

Gu Xingguan seemed to know his habit, smiled and said: "Ghost Xingguan, remember to get down to business, don't be greedy, get rid of the intruders and come back quickly, I guess it will take half a day, Shennong Hu's The defensive barrier should be broken, and he will surely die by then!"

"Don't worry, I know how to measure, and I will make a quick decision.

As soon as the man in the cloak finished speaking, he immediately turned around and turned into a ray of light, leaving the top of the stone pillar and flying towards the direction of the "Outer Nine Palaces".

However, a smile flashed across the corner of the cloaked man's mouth where the bone star officer couldn't see:

"Although the battle is quick, it doesn't prevent me from enjoying it."

Let's say that after Liang Yan broke through the "Dragon Array" in the "Twelve Yuan Magnetic Array", he immediately turned around and rushed straight to the "Nei Sancai".

He has Lao Jin as a mount, and his escape speed is extremely fast, but this road is full of fog, his consciousness cannot be detected, and there are various killing formations lurking around, so Lao Jin's speed cannot be increased.

Based on the principle of being cautious, Liang Yan ran the "Tianji Orb" all the way, completely hiding his and Lao Jin's aura, and had no intention of beheading those Ye Ming Sect disciples who were occasionally exposed in the mist, but just kept his head on the road . In this way, half a quarter of an hour passed, Liang Yan counted, and the distance between

The distance from 'Nei is already very close.

"We divided our forces into three groups and destroyed the 'chariots,' horses, and 'dragons' at the same time. People from the inner three talents must have sensed it. If my prediction is correct, people should have been sent to the 'outer nine palaces' by now." 'With reinforcements, we don't know who is coming and what their strength is,' Liang Yan muttered to himself.

After hearing this, Lao Jin said via voice transmission: "The three masters of the Yeming Sect are definitely not weak. If the masters personally act, how can the four disciples of Shennonghu be able to stand up?"

"Don't underestimate Shennong Mountain." Liang Yan shook his head and said, "The four of them are not weak, and they come from the same sect. Maybe they have the skill of combining attacks. Even if they can't defeat their opponents, they should be able to protect themselves."

Just as he was speaking, a familiar aura suddenly came from the distant mist, causing Liang Yan to narrow his eyes slightly.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lao Jin couldn't help asking: "What? What did you find?"

"It seems that someone I know is here..."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and said lightly, "Go, let's go and have a look!"

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