The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1543: Rat killing

In the twelve-element magnetic formation, the mist slowly spread, and even the consciousness of the Transformation Tribulation Realm could not spread too far.

Relying on the mystery of "Babu Yanyuan", Liang Yan knew in advance who was coming in front of him. At this time, he kept his face and concealed his breath with the secret beads, and rushed to the opponent's position with Lao Jin.

After a while, he had already seen the person coming from a distance.

I saw a man hidden in a cloak, with short hands and thick feet, short stature, and two pea-sized eyeballs looked very strange.

"It really is him!"

Liang Yan sneered in his heart.

This person is exactly the "ghost mouse" who had fought with him in Yunzhongshan Valley back then!

At that time, Liang Yan was haunted by the "bad energy of reincarnation", and his cultivation was suppressed to the peak of Tongxuan. If he hadn't used the magical power of the Tianji Orb, he would have been unable to escape from his grasp.

Unexpectedly, the feng shui turns, and now that Liang Yan's cultivation base has recovered, he meets this person again in the "Twelve Yuan Magnetic Formation"!

"Seeing that he is in a hurry, it should be that Ye Mingjiao noticed that something happened in the 'Outer Nine Palaces', so he sent him to check. If he finds Jia Yi and others, it must be a disaster." Lao Jin secretly said.

"So..." Liang Yan said with a slight smile, "For public and private purposes, we all have to say hello to this 'old friend!'"

At the same time that Liang Yan and Lao Jin communicated through sound transmission, the ghost star official in the distance also took out a compass from the storage ring, and while flying away, he punched several formulas into the compass.

With the influx of spiritual power, the number of bright stars in the compass is not too many, exactly four.

These four clusters of starlight are in groups of two and two, respectively on the east and west sides.

Gui Xingguan pondered for a moment, and said to himself: "There are only four people? Could it be Shennonghu's four direct disciples? It seems that they spent a lot of money to save their own mountain master... Hehe, that's fine, Give them a clean sweep today, so as not to waste money in the future!"

Speaking of this, there was a sinister laugh from within the cloak: "Four little white rabbits, I hope you can give me more fun, well, where should I go first?"

Gui Xingguan seemed to be a little hesitant, his two soybean-sized eyeballs kept rolling, and he looked very excited.

But at the moment when he was about to make a decision, a cold laugh came from a distance:

"Why be so entangled, I don't think you can go anywhere!"

Ghost Star Officer was slightly taken aback, then his face changed drastically.

In this "twelve elemental magnetic array", there is actually someone who can hide from the detection of the array disk and appear around him silently?

He became vigilant, and hastily released his consciousness to look forward.

I saw a figure looming in the mist in the distance.

"Leave me alone!"

The Ghost Star Officer pinched a formula and poured spiritual power into the array, and the fog in front of him immediately dissipated, revealing the appearance of a human being.

I saw a man in a gray long gown, tall and straight, with broad shoulders, riding a golden lion camel with two wings on its back.

"It's you!"

The ghost star official showed a look of surprise.

Of course he remembered this person, who was the one who fought against him in Yunzhongshan Valley.

"Hehe, fellow Taoist mouse, are you safe?" Liang Yan sat on Lao Jin's back, smiling slightly.

"What do you call me?"

The ghost star official was furious. Although he was a mouse, he had cultivated for a long time in the human race continent. He usually regarded himself as a monk, and hated others to call out his prototype. "Why, am I wrong? You are a rat after all, and you can't change the habit of hiding your head and showing your tail." Liang Yan sarcastically said.


The ghost star officer laughed back angrily: "You are really good at playing tricks. You were lucky enough to escape in Yunzhongshan Valley last time. Today I will see who will rescue you!"

The "twelve-element magnetic array" is very mysterious, and you can't see the reality in the mist. Although the ghost star officer has the array disk, he can only check the abnormalities in the array, and the array flag that controls the entire array is still in the bone star officer's hands.

In the formation, the ghost

The star official couldn't see Liang Yan's reality, and thought he was at the peak of Tongxuan, so he didn't panic at all.

"This kid is a swordsman, and his supernatural powers are not bad, but after all, he is only in the Xuantong realm, and this place is in the twelve-element magnetic array, and the magic weapon of the flying sword cannot be used. He is like a tiger without claws and claws, so there is nothing to be afraid of! "

"The only thing to pay attention to is...his supernatural power of using the power of 'reincarnation' was caught off guard last time, and he almost capsized in the gutter. However, this kind of supernatural power consumes a huge amount of spiritual energy. To support the time of ten breaths, I just need to keep a distance from him and use the secret technique of ghosts to survive the ten breaths, and when the ten breaths pass, he will run out of fuel and die!"

Ghost star official thought in a flash, and he already had a countermeasure.

Although his tone was arrogant and he didn't seem to take Liang Yan seriously, he was very cautious in his heart. Before he could make a move, his whole body was already lit up with light, and he retreated extremely fast.

"Hehe, do you want to run?"

Liang Yan sneered, and patted the golden lion camel under his seat. The lion camel immediately understood, spread its wings, and chased in the direction of Ghost Star Officer.

"Young man, Hugh is going crazy, look at my 'Budur's Ghost Net,'!"

Ghost Star Officer roared, raised his right hand, and a black vine flew out of his sleeve.

The vines stretched rapidly in mid-air, turning into two, turning into two, turning into four, and turning into eight in just a short breath, it evolved into a huge ghost net, covering Liang Yandou's hood.

"Floating Butcher Ghost Net" is the unique skill that Ghost Star Officer has practiced for many years. Although it is not a powerful ultimate move, it is his strongest means to trap the enemy.

Afraid of Liang Yan's supernatural powers, the ghost star official made up his mind to keep a distance from the opponent and use his own ghost way secret technique to torture the opponent. It is invincible!

Seeing the huge ghost net descending from the sky, a strange look suddenly flashed in Liang Yan's eyes.

The next moment, he opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of five-color flames, which turned into a raging sea of ​​flames in mid-air, swallowing the oncoming black ghost net.

The sea of ​​fire is roaring, and the heat waves are rushing!

The powerful flame power instantly ignited the black vines.

The "Futu Ghost Net" has a very strong regenerative ability. When fighting Liang Yan before, even if the vines were cut off, new vines would grow in an instant. of horror. But now, the five-color sea of ​​fire seems to be its nemesis. No matter how many black vines are born in the ghost net, they will be burned into green smoke in the sea of ​​fire. The speed of regeneration is far behind the speed of burning. , The huge ghost net has been burned into wisps of green smoke.

"how so?!"

Ghost Star Officer was dumbfounded.

The power of that flame supernatural power is not at the Xuantong Realm at all, but the genuine Tribulation Transformation Realm.

What puzzled him the most was that in the last fight, the opponent used swordsmanship from the beginning to the end, and never used flame magic power at all. If he had such a powerful method, why didn't he use it last time?

You know, that time I almost died in my own hands!

Gui Xingguan's mind was spinning suddenly, and suddenly there was a movement in his heart, and he thought of something faintly.

The "Liang Yan" in front of him seems to be a little different from the one he met last time. Thinking of this, Ghost Star Officer's back felt chills, and he almost subconsciously urged Duan Guang to leave the place as quickly as possible.

But just when his escape light came on, a chuckle came from behind him: "Fellow Daoist Mouse, why are you in such a hurry, since you're here, let's stay forever."

Although the voice was soft, it was like a bolt from the blue when it fell on Ghost Star Officer's ears! "Oops!"

Gui Xingguan yelled secretly, looked back, and saw a man standing behind him, dressed in gray and long gown, it was Liang Yan!

And in the distance, on the back of the golden lion camel, another "Liang Yan" has already appeared in prototype, but it is a girl with soaring double braids, red lips and white teeth when she smiles. She is looking at herself with a teasing expression.

"You cheat!"

Ghost star officer shouted

With a sound, the escape light lit up, wanting to soar into the sky.

However, there was already a crack between Liang Yan's eyebrows, and the "celestial phenomenon god's eye" turned slightly, and a black light shot in and out. Because the distance between the two sides was too close, it hit the flying ghost star almost instantly. official.

The moment he was shot by the black light, the Ghost Star Officer's light stopped.

The surrounding space was blocked, and he felt like he was trapped in a cocoon. Although the cocoon was not strong, it still took a little time to break out of the cocoon.

That is, this moment is enough to decide his life or death!

Looking up, he saw Liang Yan floating not far from him, with a strange seal formed on his hands, and he was still chanting words.

Behind him, two huge vortices appeared out of thin air.

Of these two vortexes, one exudes a light blue chilly aura, like an iceberg that has not melted for thousands of years; the other is dark gray, like a decaying cemetery.

The two vortexes rotated slowly, and an invisible force spread out, and within a radius of a hundred feet, everything became dead silent.

"The power of reincarnation!"

There was a look of fear in Ghost Star Officer's eyes. He wanted to break free from the shackles of the "Spiritual God's Eye", but the power of reincarnation in the vortex had already spread and enveloped his whole body.

A bone-chilling chill spread upwards from the soles of his feet. Wherever he passed, life was cut off and his spiritual power was exhausted. Even though he had all kinds of supernatural powers and abilities, he couldn't display them at this time.

"No, I'm not reconciled!"

Ghost Star Officer roared, his eyes gradually changed from initial fear to despair.

Under the effect of this reincarnation force, his cloak was shattered inch by inch, revealing his true face, which was a monster with a mouse head and a human body.

It's just that his entire mouse head is made of white bones, there are no eyes in the eye sockets, and there are only two will-o'-the-wisps the size of soybeans, which looks very strange.

But at this moment, Ghost Mouse's whole body had turned into black and white, as if he had lost all vitality, and under the influence of the power of reincarnation, he couldn't help but fly towards the direction of the whirlpool.

"Let me go, I don't want to die, let me go, I am willing to be loyal to you"

The shrill voice came out of the ghost mouse's mouth intermittently, it seemed that it had reached its limit, and it was only possible to squeeze out such a sentence with all its strength.

Liang Yan's expression didn't change at all after hearing this, and he had no intention of responding.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes were as cold as frost. From the moment he appeared, he looked at this ghost mouse as if he was looking at a corpse.

Just kidding, let the other party go? This ghost mouse already knew his secret. Although the other party might not know about the secret pearl, it would be difficult to connect the two, but with Liang Yan's personality, he would never leave any hidden dangers for him.

Therefore, no matter how eloquent he was, Liang Yan would kill him mercilessly.

As the two vortexes continued to rotate, the ghost mouse was also pulled closer a little bit. After a while, a huge suction gushed out, finally sucking him into the dark gray vortex.

At this point, the breath of the ghost mouse completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared in this world.

The "Ghost Star Official", one of the nineteen star officials in Tiangong City, has just fallen!

Liang Yan's face was calm, and with a pinch of the formula in his hand, the two whirlpools behind him slowly disappeared.

"The Heavenly Mystery Orb is worthy of being the primordial secret treasure! It is still in an unrepaired state, but it is able to use such a terrifying killing move. If the Tianji Orb is restored to its state of complete victory, what power will it have?"

Liang Yan was full of anticipation for Tianjizhu.

It's just that the supernatural powers of the "yin" and "bitterness" springs cannot be used at will. On the one hand, it is due to the limitation of spiritual power. On the other hand, if someone with a heart knows it, it may bring disaster to oneself!

However, compared to when he was in the Tongxuan Realm before, his current spiritual power is no longer the same.

If it was said that he could barely support about ten breaths before, now Liang Yan can completely maintain the supernatural power of Liangquan for a quarter of an hour.

Not only that, the higher realm also allowed Liang Yan to grasp the Tianji Pearl.

Grip one level deeper.

When he was in Yunzhong Mountain before, he couldn't restrain his magical powers. As soon as the two springs of "Yin" and "Bitter" came out, they immediately covered a radius of a hundred miles, and there was no grass around him, no birds and animals, and no vitality.

If the members of the Baisheng clan hadn't been included in I'm afraid these people would suffer.

With the improvement of his realm, the current Liang Yan can easily control the power of reincarnation. Just now he deliberately restricted the two springs of "Yin" and "Bitterness" to a radius of one hundred feet, so that not only would it not affect Lao Jin and Li Xiaosong, It can also hide the supernatural vision well, so that it will not be discovered by others.

At this moment, in mid-air, Liang Yan withdrew his magical powers and stood with his hands behind his back.

Both Lao Jin and Li Xiaosong approached.

"What a disgusting dead mouse! Just now I wanted to use that ghost net to net me. Fortunately, I, Xiaosong, was better at it, so I burned him clean!" Li Xiaosong began to claim credit as soon as he met.

Liang Yan patted Xiao Song's head, and pondered: "Ghost star official is not weak, if I guessed right, he should be one of the three masters of the 'Ye Ming Sect. It is likely to be one of the leaders!"

After hearing this, Lao Jin showed a serious look on his face, and said slowly: "It seems that the strength of these three leaders is also uneven, I don't know if Zilan is here, and there is another leader with the strength how?"

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