The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1622: Getaway

Latest website: "Dumb didn't come"

Ning Wantang's disappointment was beyond words, she thought about it and asked again: "Then do you know where he went?"

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "You want to go to sea to find him, right?"

Ning Wantang's mind was broken, her face turned slightly red, and she murmured: "He is so stupid, he has been away for so many years, and I don't know if he can take care of himself."

"Don't worry, Dumb has recovered his memory."

Liang Yan said, and sighed again: "To be honest, Qianyuan Shenggong parted ways back then. After more than two hundred years, I never met him again, so I can't answer your question."

"Has he recovered his memory?" Ning Wantang's face was a bit complicated, and she didn't know whether it was happiness or disappointment.

At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter sounded from the side:

"Hahaha, boy Liang, I didn't expect that we would meet again one day!"

It was Yuan Jiuling who spoke, and he took a step forward, stretched out his big palm, and patted Liang Yan on the shoulder.

Faced with this move, Liang Yan did not dodge.

Because his realm is already much higher than the opponent, there is no need to guard against anything.

"Senior Ape, we meet again."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, his tone was calm, the same as it was more than two hundred years ago, and he still referred to him as "senior".


At this time, Mu Xinxin spoke out to stop him.

In my impression, he has always been an unsmiling person, and at this time he also had a straight face, and reprimanded Yuan Jiuling: "You think it's still back then, his cultivation realm has far surpassed ours, don't say 'boy, Long, 'Boy, can a short one work?" "Really?"

Yuan Jiuling came to his senses, looked at Liang Yan carefully for a while, and said in amazement: "His grandma has such a leg, it really is! I can't even tell the depth of your cultivation, tell me quickly, what is your current status? What boundary?"

"Yuan Jiuling, calm down a bit."

Gui Yun'er suddenly opened his mouth, and said calmly: "This is the distinguished guest of the valley owner, the valley owner specially ordered me to come to meet him, so please don't interrupt me."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Liang Yan and saluted: "The honored guest has come from a long way, and the owner of the valley is already waiting at the back mountain."

"Ning... Your Valley Master, he already knows that I'm coming?" Liang Yan showed surprise on his face.

"Not bad." Gui Yun'er nodded.


Liang Yan murmured in his heart, knowing that he is the body of the living dead, even a saint can hardly deduce himself, how does this person know that he is coming?

Even though she thought so in her heart, she didn't show it on her face, she cupped her hands very politely and said, "In that case, please trouble fellow Taoist Gui Yun'er to guide Liang." Gui Yun'er nodded, turned around and said: "This way, honored guests."

Without hesitation, Liang Yan followed Gui Yuner and left Xinglin. The two walked across the valley on foot, and after about half a stick of incense, they came to a clear river.

The river bed of this river is very wide, but the water flow is not fast, and the upper reaches are smoky, and the source cannot be seen.

A wooden boat was parked on the bank of the river, and there was no one on board.

"Guests please come aboard." Gui Yun'er said respectfully from the shore.

Liang Yan stopped and looked at the river in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. Evil Doctor Valley himself has been here before. Didn't he see such a river back then? Or was it that I didn't have enough cultivation at that time, so I didn't know the whole picture of the Valley of Evil Doctors?

Liang Yan thought for a while, and asked, "What can the owner of the valley tell you?" "There is no special order, just let me go to Xinglin to meet the distinguished guests." "Then why don't we meet in the valley?"

"This... I don't know either." Gui Yun'er scratched his head and said, "The owner of the valley was fishing, and suddenly said to me: "The wind on the mountain, the fish in the water, the boat on the water, the distinguished guests are here. So I came out to greet him."

After Liang Yan heard this, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

He stepped onto the boat, sat down on the bow, Gui Yun'er also came up, picked up two wooden paddles from the stern, and started to paddle slowly.

this person

A ghost, sailing against the current, soon entered the vast mist. After about a quarter of an hour, Liang Yan suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.


With Gui Yun'er's voice, the fog in front gradually dissipated, and the surrounding scenery suddenly became brighter.

I saw a huge mountain lake in the upper reaches of the river. Looking from a distance, the green hills are green, white clouds are dotted, the wind is like water, and the blue sky is like washing.

Looking around the lake, there are many cliffs, among which two peaks bend and approach in mid-air, forming a strange arch bridge.

An old man fishing was sitting on the arch bridge.

The old man was wearing yellow clothes and a bamboo hat, his face under the hat had many wrinkles, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, as if he was wandering away.

The fishing rod in his hand is also very special, it is actually made of running water, which looks crystal clear under the sunlight.

A silver fishing line hangs down from the end of the fishing rod. It is thousands of feet long, and it hangs down into the lake. At this time, the wind is calm and there is no movement around the fishing line. "Junior Liang Yan, pay homage to Master Gu!"

Liang Yan stood up from the bow, cupped his fists, and said loudly.

His voice spread throughout the valley, but it didn't seem to disturb the old fishing man.

"got windy."

Suddenly, Gui Yun'er's voice came from behind him, Liang Yan frowned slightly, and when he looked back, he saw Gui Yun'er smiling slightly at him, his body gradually getting weaker.

With just a few breaths, Gui Yun'er had already turned into green smoke and disappeared without a trace in front of him.


Seeing this scene, Liang Yan didn't look panicked at all, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At the same moment, the originally calm lake surface suddenly had circles of waves, and the gentle breeze rushed towards the face, which made people feel refreshed.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, at first it was just a gentle breeze, and gradually turned into a violent gale. When the wind blew on the lake, it seemed that there was an invisible big hand pushing a hundred-foot gun and rushing towards Liang Yan's direction.

Liang Yan stood on the bow of the boat, facing the huge waves of hundreds of feet, suddenly laughed loudly: "Senior, the mountains and rivers here are quiet and beautiful, why do you need to create huge waves? In my opinion, it's okay to have this storm!" While speaking, he fell With his hands behind his back and his feet still, a golden light flashed from behind, turning into a huge palm and descending from the sky, unexpectedly pressing down the huge wave that was hundreds of feet high!

The huge waves continued to roar, and powerful forces rushed out, as if they wanted to break through the shackles of the golden light.

But the golden light palm remained still, forcibly holding down the huge wave, smoothing it down inch by inch, and finally pushed the huge wave back into the lake water, and the entire lake surface became as smooth as a mirror again.

Although the waves have stopped, the wind has not calmed down.

In the gust of wind, leaves are falling, sand and rocks are flying, and everything is shaking.

Only the old man on the arch bridge remained motionless, still holding the fishing rod and fishing with his eyes closed. Seeing this scene, Liang Yan was about to speak, but suddenly felt his feet sinking, and a suction came from below, dragging his wooden boat continuously sinking, as if about to fall into a bottomless abyss.

He looked down, and saw that with the wooden boat as the center, the water in the lake with a radius of a hundred miles began to rotate, forming a huge vortex in the lake.

At this moment, the old man on the arched bridge finally opened his mouth, as if he was talking in his sleep, and said slowly: "The heaven and the earth are divided into yin and yang, the clear and the turbid kill each other, because of the change of mind wandering, the qi rushes and becomes empty, and the qi swims and overflows."

Accompanied by the voice, the cool breeze on the lake poured into the vortex, and the speed of the vortex became faster and faster!

Two completely different forces confront each other in the vortex, sometimes the clear air rises, and sometimes the turbid air descends, a powerful tearing force comes, as if to tear everything in the vortex to pieces.


In the vortex, a wave came and rushed towards Liang Yan's wooden boat.

Facing the huge waves of hundreds of feet just now, Liang Yan chatted and smiled calmly, but now facing this small wave, he dared not neglect in the slightest.

Drawing circles with his left hand and pushing waves with his right, Liang Yan used the "Heart Undetermined Method" that he hadn't used for many years to make the boat avoid the waves skillfully.

Riding the wave, at the same time drifting with the current, going down with the trend, even going deep into the whirlpool.

"Heart Undetermined Method" was originally an exercise in the Golden Core Realm, and Liang Yan has rarely used it since he entered the Tongxuan Realm, but when he used it at this time, he did not use exercises to fight against the enemy, but borrowed it to make the most of the situation. The method maintains an ingenious balance between the yin and yang of the whirlpool.

Yin and Yang are opposite each other, clear and turbid are indistinguishable, water potential changes, fullness and deficiency are unpredictable.

The small vortex in the lake contained unpredictable changes. Liang Yan saw the mystery and knew that this was the other party's great supernatural power.

Before the situation became clear, he didn't want to act rashly. He just used the mantra of "The Method of Uncertain Mind" to stabilize the wooden boat under his feet and prevent it from being overturned by the wind and waves.

Soon, Liang Yan came to the center of the vortex.

The power of yin and yang converges here, and the clear and turbid air is constantly changing. Being in it, it is as if you are in the chaotic vortex that opened up the world, and everything becomes hazy.

Mountains are not mountains, water is not water, yin and yang are difficult to distinguish, clear and turbid are difficult to distinguish.

Suddenly, an irresistible suction brushed out from the eye of the vortex, as if an invisible big hand broke the balance of the wooden boat, trying to drag the people on board into the water. "What a yin-yang transformation!"

Liang Yan gave a heartfelt compliment.

Under this strange force, he could no longer hold the wooden boat steady, so he had no choice but to point his toes and soar up into the air.

Before the person was in the air, the voice on the arch bridge sounded again, and the old man said leisurely: "The way is nameless, the way has no form, the clouds hanging from the sky turn into wind, soar upwards, and soar thousands of miles."

Before the words fell, a strong wind suddenly rose!

The power of yin and yang was mixed in the wind, sweeping from all directions, as if there were thousands of invisible ropes, tightly wrapped around Liang Yan's body, trying to drag him down and back into the whirlpool.

Liang Yan's body was bound, but his expression didn't change. He laughed wildly in mid-air: "Since 'action has no name, way has no form', why do seniors insist on making things difficult for others? Wouldn't it be better to go home with the wind?"

While speaking, the sword energy flew out from his sleeve, and pierced into the surrounding wind in an eloquent manner.

He used the supernatural powers of "Thirteen Swords of Daya". The sword energy seems to be chaotic, but in fact it coincides with the avenue of rhythm. Between "pick", "pick", "stab" and "cut", he uses the power of yin and yang contained in the violent wind All messed up.

The yin and yang are divided, the turbidity is also chaotic, the strange power that originally restrained the whole body gradually faded, Liang Yan's escape light lit up, rushed straight to the sky, and quickly escaped from the vortex in the lake.

At this moment, the old man on the arched bridge suddenly sat up straight. Although his eyes were still closed, his face was no longer lazy, and his voice gradually became high-pitched:

"...The small does not know the big, the big is worse than being, and being is not as good as nothing, the six qi are congenitally transformed, the non-form is the original form, and everything is transformed into a mysterious female, Huang Tingsheng is a thread!"

At the end, the voice was already very excited, and at the same time, the vortex on the lake suddenly dissipated, and the endless lake water shot up into the sky, unexpectedly converging into dozens of waterspouts. These waterspouts engulfed the power of the heaven and the earth, and swept towards Liang Yan's location from different directions.

By this time, Liang Yan's face was already very serious.

He clenched his hands into fists, and threw several punches in the surroundings. With a series of explosions, the golden fist shadows scattered away, and soon hit those waterspouts. However, among those water dragons, there seems to be a strange power that can turn magical powers into invisible!

Even Liang Yan's fist shadow condensed with King Kong's divine power was swallowed by the water the moment it encountered the waterspout, and the breath gradually disappeared without stirring up any wave.

Without hesitation, he pinched the sword formula in his hand, and two sword lights flew out from the Taixu gourd, which were Mayfly and Black Lotus swords.

These two beams of sword light, one green and one black, swirled rapidly around Liang Yan's side, and sword qi burst out vigorously, turning into two sword qi tornadoes, rushing towards the surrounding waterspouts.

The water is rushing, and the sword energy is criss-crossing!

Liang Yan was placed in the thousands of water waves, his body shape fluctuated, his sword energy roared like a tornado, and he fought hard among thousands of troops, as if two armies were fighting, and the two sides were evenly matched.

But just as Liang Yan was struggling

During the fight, the old man on the arch bridge had already stood up. He threw the fishing rod in his hand aside, closed his eyes slightly, danced with his hands and feet, and sang in his mouth: "...take advantage of the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, guard against the debate of the six qi, swim endlessly, cross endlessly, and then you can separate the yin and yang, and the turbidity and turbidity. Turn me into Tao, and I will be holy!"

As soon as the words fell, the place where the fishing line fell was rippled, and a moment later, a big fish with golden scales jumped out of the lake.

The big fish rushed into the Its body changed drastically, it turned into a bird, its wings spread, covering the sky and the sun!

Liang Yan lowered his head to see this scene, his expression changed slightly, and he murmured, "So... the wind in the mountains, the fish in the water are talking about this Kunpeng change!"

Before he could think too much, the big bird had already skyrocketed and soared into the sky!

"hold head high!"

With a neigh, it spread its wings and flew furiously!

The body of the Kunpeng is boundless for thousands of miles, the wings of the Kunpeng, the clouds hanging from the sky, and the aura of boundlessness are coming. Even though Liang Yan has all kinds of supernatural powers, he cannot escape under the lock of this aura. He can only resist head-on.

"Hey guy, come at me!"

Liang Yan's heart trembled, and a celestial gaze appeared above his head, and a black light fell from the sky, shining on the top of Kunpeng's head.

He wanted to imprison the opponent, but he didn't expect that Kunpeng flapped his wings, and a boundless force swept out, shaking the black light to pieces!


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