The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1623: Xin Zhai

"Astronomical God's Eye" was broken, and Liang Yan showed surprise on his face.

It seems that Kunpeng's power is too overbearing, even the power of space confinement can't do anything to it, if it really hits him head-on, even with the protection of the vajra divine power, I'm afraid it will suffer a big loss!

Thinking of this, Liang Yan pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the two sword lights of mayfly and black lotus fell at the same time, and slashed at the huge Kunpeng soaring upwards.

Unexpectedly, although the Kunpeng was huge in stature, his movements were very flexible. He turned around in mid-air, and an endless gust of wind surged out, causing the two sword lights to deviate from the trajectory, and flew past it's wings .

Kunpeng changed his posture, and a faint glow glowed all over his body, like a smooth mirror surface. Even if there was sword energy falling on his body, it would pass against this layer of glow, and it would not be hurt at all.

Soon, Kunpeng came under Liang Yan.

A powerful aura rushed towards his face, locking his whole body firmly, there was no way he could avoid it!

Liang Yan knew that the power of this Kunpeng could not be countered head-on. Fortunately, the other party did not have any killing intent, so he could use the situation to find a way to neutralize this power.

Thinking of this, he changed his figure in mid-air, constantly releasing Kunpeng's impact force, and at the same time urged the light to avoid Kunpeng's two wings, and landed directly on the opponent's back.

"hold head high!"

Kunpeng neighed again, and there seemed to be a hint of anger in his voice.

It kept shaking in mid-air, sometimes flying furiously into the sky, sometimes falling down, sometimes bumping up and down, and sometimes stopping suddenly.

It could be seen that this Kunpeng wanted to shake Liang Yan off his back very much. It was like an unruly wild horse, and it didn't want anyone to control it at all.

Standing on Kunpeng's back, Liang Yan was rushed into his body by a powerful aura, and he was on a rampage, stirring up his blood. He almost lost control of his body and was thrown from Kunpeng's back.

"Good guy!"

Liang Yan exclaimed in his heart.

Although the current situation is very bad, he is not worried.

He has long seen that the evil doctor Gu Guzhu has no malice towards him, because these supernatural powers do not carry killing intent, but instead contain a lot of mystery, which makes him feel that he has benefited a lot.

In the series of confrontations just now, Liang Yan was always at a disadvantage, but this did not make him feel frustrated, but instead aroused his desire to win.

"Isn't it taming animals? I want to see if I can tame you!"

As Liang Yan spoke, he pushed "Babu Yanyuan" with all his strength, and the divine power of King Kong rushed out, desperately suppressing the tyrannical force that rushed into his body, trying to drive it out of his body.

At the same time, his whole body was also covered by golden light, and power poured into his feet. His whole body was like a majestic mountain, pressing **** Kunpeng's back, trying to subdue him.

However, this Kunpeng was rebellious and did not take Liang Yan seriously.

It was extremely powerful, with its wings spread out like a cloud hanging from the sky, no matter how hard Liang Yan's feet tried to hold it down, it flew higher and higher, and soon flew into the sky and into the sky.

Amidst the vast clouds, waves of violent power poured into Liang Yan's body from all directions. Even if he tried his best to activate the King Kong divine power, he could not suppress it gradually.


The energy and blood in Liang Yan's body was churning, he suddenly coughed, couldn't bear it anymore, and spat out a mouthful of blood in his chest.

Congested blood was spat out, and his consciousness was slightly clear, but he was also thrown from the back by Kunpeng, and his body fluttered upward like catkins.


Kunpeng turned over and flapped its huge wings.

Liang Yan was already dizzy, but suddenly felt that his surroundings had become extremely dark. When he looked up, he saw a huge shadow covering the sky and the sun, and Kunpeng's wings were like a majestic mountain, slapping head-on at his position.

If this shot is real, Liang Yan's body is strong, although he will not be seriously injured, but at least he will be photographed underground, and he will be thrown into the mud. It will not be an ordinary embarrassment.

He didn't want to lose face, so

He tried his best to stabilize his figure, and at the same time urged Dunguang, trying to get back on Kunpeng's back.

However, there is an arrogant and unruly force on Kunpeng's body. As long as Liang Yan gets closer, this force will rush into his body, disturb his spiritual power, and take away his aura, making him unable to stand still. Kunpeng was thrown out on his back.

Liang Yan tried several times, but he still couldn't succeed. Seeing that Kunpeng's wings were getting closer and closer, he suddenly thought of the few words that Guzhu had said before, and suddenly realized something.

"Congenitally transforms the six qi, nothing is the true form, everything is transformed into a mysterious female, and Huang Ting produces a thread!" "That's how it is!"

Liang Yan's eyes lit up, and with a thought, he actually took the initiative to dissipate the golden light around him, and even "Babu Yanyuan" stopped working.

He landed on Kunpeng's back again, but this time he carried the Hunyuan Nine-Turn Indestructible Golden Elixir.

With the circulation of the Primordial Golden Elixir, the four systems of spiritual power in Liang Yan's body merged perfectly, and his whole body was shrouded in a gray mist.

That manic power poured into his body, but this time it was surprisingly quiet, because the aura on Liang Yan's body had become flawless, and there was no flaw in his body. That force patrolled around, and finally exited Liang Yan's body slowly! "Sure enough!"

The corner of Liang Yan's mouth curled up into a smile, and Hunyuan Qi was born under his feet, and he stuck to Kunpeng's back.

Afterwards, no matter how Kunpeng bumped or shook, Liang Yan seemed to be a part of it, swinging up and down, left and right with it, and had no intention of suppressing the other party at all.

Even the gray mist on his body constantly changed shape as Kunpeng's posture changed, like a wisp of wind on Kunpeng's back.

The Kunpeng rises with the wind, and the wind also flies with the Kunpeng.

Gradually, Kunpeng bumped less and less frequently, and the magnitude of the shaking became smaller and smaller.

It was as if it had recognized Liang Yan, and that this person was qualified to stand on his back.

"hold head high!"

Accompanied by a long cry, Kunpeng's wings parted the clouds and mist, and the bright sunshine shone down, showing a cloudless and blue sky ahead.

At this moment, Liang Yan stood on Kunpeng's back with his hands behind his back, soaring thousands of miles, riding the wind happily!

At the sight, Bai Lian soars into the sky, the mist is vast, the mountains are high and the sea is wide, strange and magnificent, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains unfold slowly, like a soul-stirring picture scroll, presented in front of him.

In the dark, it seemed to hear Kunpeng's breathing.

This voice was extremely strange, and it echoed repeatedly in Liang Yan's mind. In a vague way, Liang Yan felt as if he had mastered Kunpeng's luck method, and could even see the spiritual power running in it.

There are countless mysterious changes in it, which is extremely complicated, but at this moment it is clearly presented in my mind.

Liang Yan became more and more fascinated. Gradually, he felt that he and Kunpeng were integrated into one body. Thousands of miles of breeze, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers were all under his wings.

Excited in his heart, he couldn't help but let out a long roar, the sound shook the sky and resounded through the heavens and the earth! But at this moment, Kunpeng retracted his wings, his body sank, and he fell straight into the sky, and returned to the Valley of Evil Doctors in an instant from the boundless sky.

I only heard an old voice echoing in the valley: "...the way of heaven is insignificant, the way of humanity is subtle, the perfect man has no self, the gods and men have no merit, the sage has no name, no self and no form, this is "Xiaoyaoyou".

Liang Yan looked down and saw that the kunpeng had long since disappeared. The surface of the lake was calm, with occasional fish surfacing and ripples, but there was absolutely no strong wind and waves, and no kunpeng spreading its wings.

Even the wooden boat that was supposed to be shattered was still on the surface of the lake at this time, and because the lake was calm, the boat stayed in place.

Looking up again, I found that the old man in yellow was sitting on the arch bridge, with a clear face and piercing eyes. At this time, he was smiling but not a smile, and he did not have the madness just now. Everything seems to be just my own illusion.

"Is it a hallucination?"

Liang Yan stretched out his hand to touch his cheek, feeling a little dazed for a moment, unable to be sure.

At this moment, the old man on the arch bridge suddenly put away the fishing rod in his hand, thousands of

Zhang Zhang's fishing line was pulled out of the lake by him. There was no hook underneath, only one fishing line, which kept going upwards, and was finally taken back by the old man.

"Boy, you really came back here." The old man said lightly.

"You know I'm coming?"

This question has been around since he entered the valley, and now he heard the old man say this, he asked subconsciously.

You must know that the living dead cannot be deduced. This can be learned from Linghu Bai. Although the evil doctor Gu Guzhu is unpredictable, he will definitely not be able to do this. So how did he know he was coming?

"You seem a little surprised?" said the old man, while winding the fishing line on the fishing rod. "Actually, this is not surprising at all. A qualified old fisherman, no matter how long his fishing line is, will sooner or later be taken back." one day."

"You really have your own purpose."

Liang Yan suddenly realized, and there was an expression on his face that should have been like this.

In fact, he has always been puzzled. Back then, he and the evil doctor Gu Guzhu were neither related nor related. Why did the other party teach him the strange skill of "Wuxiang Jianjing". Now it seems that there is another mystery to this matter. .

But this is also normal.

Years of self-cultivation told Liang Yan that there are no benefits for no reason in this world. It is normal for the other party to give and ask for something, and it does not affect the relationship between the two.

"Master Ning." Liang Yan arched his hands and said, "Liang has already returned here. You should tell me what your purpose is, right?"

"Hehe, don't worry, kid."

Ning Bugui put away the fishing rod, looked at Liang Yan, and said with a smile, "How did you feel just now?"

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, and replied truthfully: "The mystery of yin and yang, the change of turbidity, infinite mystery, unbelievable!"

"This is the technique created by the old man, called "Xiaoyaoyou". I have shown you the mystery inside. I don't know how much you have understood?"

"A getaway?"

Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, remained silent for a moment, and replied: "You are stupid, senior's skills are mysterious, I just had a quick glance, and I only understood about 20% of it."

"Twenty percent?!" Ning Bugui rubbed his chin, laughed and said, "Well, Liang Yan, you're not mean! You said you've comprehended 20% of the kung fu that I created only hundreds of years ago? "

"Juniors dare not lie."

As Liang Yan spoke, he stretched out his hand and patted lightly in mid-air. He saw two rays of light, black and white, fly out of his palm, condensed and circled in mid-air, and turned into a three-inch-long yin-yang fish.

The yin-yang fish swims at his fingertips, with clear and turbid air on its body, which sometimes gathers and sometimes disperses, and when Liang Yan picks it up with his index finger, it rushes up into the sky, turns into a bird, and takes off in anger. However, this bird is not a Kunpeng, it is only about ten feet long, and after flying for a few miles in the air, it turns into a faint blue smoke and dissipates in the air.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ning Bugui was a little surprised. After a long time, he nodded and smiled and said:

"It turned out to be the Primordial Golden Elixir... Good! Good!"

He said "yes" twice, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

"You can evolve yin and yang, distinguish the 'clear and turbid', and you must have learned my 'hearing method'."

"Listening method?"

Liang Yan frowned, suddenly remembered the sound of breathing on Kunpeng's back just now, and had a faint understanding.

"Everything in the world has a spirit. Breathing in and out is the innate way. The mountains breathe, the sea breathes, and so do people. If you practice the method of listening to the breath to the extreme, you can listen to the breath of all things in the world, and learn from each other. In his breathing, you can understand his thoughts and movements, so you can make judgments in advance.”

"What's the meaning?"

Liang Yan's pupils shrank slightly. He actually understood the other party's explanation, but deep down he still didn't believe it.

"The meaning is very clear. If you practice the method of listening to breath to the extreme, you will be able to understand the opponent's mind and predict his moves in advance, so as to be one step ahead and preemptive. This is the highest state of the method of listening to breath: heart fasting! "

"Prediction in advance?"

Liang Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "I've heard this kind of saying a lot, and most of them are

These methods of deduction may be effective for people whose cultivation base is lower than his own, but when encountering people whose strength is similar to his own, this kind of supernatural power will not come in handy at all. "

"The method of deduction is not acceptable, but Xinzhai can." The old man said slowly.

"If you and I fight, how will you know my tricks?"

"Hehe, you are not me, how do you know that I don't know your tricks?"

"Then give it a try!"

As soon as the words Yan was full of sword energy, suddenly raised his hand, and the mayfly sword ball brushed out from his waist, turned into a blue sword light, and went straight to Ning Bugui to chop. However, Ning Bugui smiled slightly, suddenly stretched out his hand, and flicked back on his left shoulder.


A crisp sword sound resounded in midair, and then the invisible sword light shattered, and a silver sword pill appeared in midair, and was held firmly in midair by a wisp of fresh air, unable to move forward half an inch.

Ning Bugui laughed, and there was another Tai Chi arc in front of him, which separated black and white, brushed the cyan sword light, and there was an extra sword light.

It turned out that there was another black sword pill hidden in the mayfly sword light, it was the black lotus sword pill!

Seeing this, Liang Yan's expression changed drastically, and he involuntarily stopped the three sword lights. "How do you know my moves?"

This time, Liang Yan asked for advice humbly.

"Listening to the breath and distinguishing the mind is for 'heart fasting,'" Ning Bugui replied slowly.

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