The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 821: Jin Dan falls

The speed of this sword was extremely fast, and he was caught off guard. Even Tiemushan couldn't react. He could only do his best to urge the magic element to condense a purple shield behind him.


   The black lotus sword slashed on the shield and made a loud noise, then bounced upwards and flew back.

   Although this sword didn't smash the shield, Tiemushan still spurted blood, and fell a distance of tens of feet.

   In fact, with Tiemushan's original strength, even if he was attacked by the Black Lotus Sword, he would not be so embarrassed.

   But he had just fought Meng Qibai in a battle, and both sides suffered dark injuries. At this moment, they are one enemy and two. It is really difficult to defend the sword behind him.

   Liang Yan wounded Tiemushan with a sword, and his tactics changed. He had to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack and continue to attack Tiemushan.

   But at this moment, there was a loud wind behind him, and three scarlet long swords suddenly appeared behind him, piercing towards his back.

"Be careful!"

   This change was too sudden, and the unintentional watching the battle below had no time to help, and could only shout out in desperation.

The person who made the sneak attack was Meng Qibai. He and Liang Yan attacked with all his strength on the surface, but he kept a hand in secret, hiding the three blood swords behind Liang Yan, and waited until Tiemushan was injured. Launch a sneak attack.

   These three blood swords were extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye they reached a position less than ten feet behind Liang Yan.

Just when everyone thought he was going to be brutally murdered, they saw Liang Yan as if he had been prepared. He raised his hand and waved lightly. The purple and black flying swords in mid-air flew upside down at the same time, but there was a touch in the dantian. Cyan Xia light lit up.

   This Qingxia is a full ten feet long, and it brings forth a monstrous sword intent as soon as it appears. The three scarlet long swords are crushed by the sword air in the Qingxia before they get close!

   "Sword Gang?"

   Meng Qibai's pupils shrank, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes!

   Before he could even think about it, this cyan glow had already broken through the air, slashing towards where he was.

   Meng Qibai's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly sealed his hands, blocking the blood unicorn on top of his head.


   The tyrannical air appeared in the blood unicorn's eyes, but he didn't evade and rushed directly towards Qingxia in the air.

   In the mid-air, two rays of light, one green and one red, approached instantly, and the blood unicorn opened its mouth wide, wanting to bite the green clouds in front of him like a blood scorpion swallowing a black lotus sword.

   However, it had just opened its huge mouth, and it was chopped down by the mayfly sword, and it was cut in half in the center!

   Meng Qibai had already flown far away at this moment. Although he had escaped Liang Yan's sword, he took a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

   You need to know that this blood unicorn is a secret technique in his magic arts. At least ten monks in the Ju Yuan realm are needed to condense and form. And the more the monk's essence and blood, the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the power of the blood unicorn, and it can even match the golden core monk at the peak.

   Of course, although this supernatural power is powerful, it also has its limitations, that is, it must be released in the Black Blood Cauldron.

   He had just absorbed the blood of more than 20 people at once. Although it was not as powerful as the blood scorpion of Tiemushan, it was not as powerful as the five or six cultivators of the false pill realm.

   The blood unicorn with such power can't stop the opponent's sword!

   "This kendo supernatural power is not trivial, and it is not impossible to fight the golden pill at higher levels! I have to deal with it carefully, don't overturn the ship in the gutter!" Meng Qibai secretly thought.

   However, Liang Yan didn't give him time to think at all. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, the mayfly sword was shocked, and he slashed towards Meng Qibai with a sword.

   From joining hands to turning their faces, they only took a few breaths. The two people who were facing the enemy side by side just now were in the same situation, fighting with all their strength.

   Meng Qibai hurriedly pinched his left hand technique, and shot out blood swords in the palm of his right hand one after another. Each of these blood swords was extremely powerful. At this time, they were cruising in mid-air, slashing towards Liang Yan at various tricky angles.

  Looking at Liang Yan again, although there is only one flying sword, the mayfly sword is too powerful. As long as those blood swords are swept by the sword, they will be broken into pieces and turned into a pool of blood falling down.

   The two each performed supernatural powers and fought "swords" with swords in mid-air. Suddenly, they fought dozens of moves, and they did not distinguish the outcome.

   At this moment, another person joined the battle group, but it was Tiemushan who was cut by Liang Yan just now.

   He pinched the Jue with one hand. It was also a blood sword in the palm, and the number was more than Meng Qibai. At this moment, he formed a river of blood swords in mid-air, slashing toward Liang Yan mightily.

  The situation in the field took a turn for the worse, Liang Yan was one enemy two, and the pressure increased sharply!

   He hurriedly retracted the mayfly sword to his side, and at the same time compressed the sword gang, forming a cyan sword aura around him.

   Although this sword aura is only a radius of less than ten feet, the sword aura is extremely condensed. Although there are a lot of blood swords in the air, as long as it enters the scope of the sword aura, it will be crushed.

   Seeing that Liang Yan was besieged unintentionally, she immediately wanted to help. However, she had just moved something, and a voice rang in her mind:

   "Don't worry..."

   This voice confessed a few words, and I nodded secretly when I heard it, and took back the "indulgence wheel" that had been sacrificed, and stood in the crowd again.

   In mid-air, Liang Yan could only defend but not attack. Meng Qibai and Tie Mushan could not attack for a long time, and their hearts gradually became a little anxious.

   They were dead enemies. How could they join forces sincerely, seeing Meng Qibai reveal a flaw, Tiemushan did not hesitate, urging the blood sword river to roll back, and then attacked Meng Qibai again.

   Liang Yan had anticipated this a long time ago, and while riding on Tiemu Mountain to attack Meng Qibai, he immediately shot and slashed at the nearest Tiemu Mountain.

   In the mid-air, there are countless flying swords, sword qi and blood evil aura, the three attacked each other, sometimes Liang Yan and Meng Qibai joined forces to fight Tiemushan, and sometimes Tiemushan and Meng Qibai joined forces to attack Liangyan.

   Everyone must keep a distraction when they attack others to prevent themselves from being attacked by another person.

   At this time, everyone in the Black Blood Furnace Cauldron has also gathered in one place, cooperating with each other, using spells and formations to resist the surrounding black fire.

   While they were casting spells, they were also watching the battle in mid-air.

   Among the three people in mid-air, two of them are genuine Golden Core Realm monks, while one of them is just a monk in the late Ju Yuan realm.

   This scene is really weird and inexplicable. It stands to reason that the Juyuan Realm monk is not worth mentioning in front of the Golden Core Realm, but this person relies on his own magical powers to participate in the Golden Core monk's melee, and he is still evenly matched!

   "Grandma's, I have lived for hundreds of years, and I have never seen such a scene!" Ma Qingnian said in disbelief as he cast his spell and set his head up and looked at the battle in the air.

   Qingshuangtang Ye Feng looked at the air, narrowed his eyes and said: "If the two of you win this battle, I will all be refined here!"

   "It seems that our first line of life lies in this Liang Zunshi.........."

   Just as these people were talking, the battle between the three in mid-air has gradually heated up.

   The three of them used to fight fast, not only fighting swordsmanship, but also fighting their strengths. They were incredibly fast, and they almost only left afterimages in mid-air.

   Even some cultivators in the Primal Convergence Realm were unable to capture their figures and positions. Only the six stars and Wuxin were able to see through the traces of their moves.

   When the three of them saw their tricks, they fought hundreds of them in a blink of an eye, and both Tiemushan and Meng Qibai were secretly surprised.

   You must know that the difference between the Golden Core Realm monk and the Juyuan Realm monk is too big, even if Liang Yan's kendo supernatural power is shocking, and you can fight against them, as long as you fight for a long time, you will inevitably lose strength because of insufficient spiritual power.

   However, hundreds of tricks have passed at this time. Looking at Liang Yan's fighting more and more fiercely, where is the slightest appearance of weak successor?

   Naturally, they didn't know that Liang Yan had a "two fish twin formation" in his body. Since the advancement of the Ju Yuan realm, the three spiritual powers in his body have been integrated.

   If it is more pure than mana, Liang Yan may not be as good as others, but it is stronger than spiritual power, Liang Yan is really comparable to the Jindan monk.

   "I didn't expect that there are such masters in the Feixing League. It seems that I really underestimated him before!"

  Meng Qibai secretly regretted it. He has been planning for this matter for a long time. Not only must he eradicate the six stars, but also refine the monks here into black blood in the cauldron to help him go further in the cultivation of magic arts.

   Unexpectedly, thousands are counted, but I still missed the two of Tiemushan and Liang Yan.

   Just when he was slightly in a trance, Liang Yan's sword tactic suddenly changed, and the mayfly sword was full of blue light, and it actually straddled a hundred meters and cut towards Meng Qibai.

   There are offenses and no defenses in this move. Whenever he moves forward, Meng Qibai’s first reaction is:

   "Is this guy crazy?!"

   As expected, the moment Liang Yan's sword was cut, Tie Mushan looked at the opportunity and turned the blood sword Changhe in mid-air, all to the direction where Liang Yan was located.

   The reason why Liang Yan was able to contend with the two Golden Core monks was the most relied upon by this natal flying sword. However, the Mayfly Sword at this time had reached a distance of less than a hundred feet in front of Meng Qibai, and it was too late to return for help.

   Seeing the scarlet sword in the midair falling like raindrops, Liang Yan didn't rush, reaching out and patted the storage bag on his waist.

   I saw a yellowed talisman floating out of the storage bag.

   There is a red flame painted on this talisman. At this moment, it is slowly rotating around a rune in the center. Although there is no temperature, the flame looks lifelike, and it seems that it will burn through the talisman paper in the next moment.

   Liang Yan didn't hesitate at all, and with a light touch with his right hand, he poured a burst of spiritual power into the talisman, and the talisman burned instantly.

   A circle of crimson light suddenly appeared, surrounding Liang Yan, and shielding him.

  Ping ping ping!

   Countless scarlet swords shot down, Liang Yan, who should have been pierced by the sword, is safe and sound at this moment!

   Those blood swords hit the red light curtain, making bursts of crisp sound, and the next moment they actually ignited on the spot.

   "What?! It was actually a ‘Yiyang Amulet’!"

   There was an incredible look on Tiemushan's face.

  "Yiyang Body Talisman" is a Taoist rune, which needs to be refined by the ancestor of the Yuan ancestor, and the Taoist monks who can cultivate into the ancestor of the Yuan ancestor are at least a power above the Tongxuan realm.

   Tiemushan did not hesitate, directly pinched with one hand, and summoned all the blood swords back.

   In just such a moment, the light curtain formed by the "Yiyang Talisman" burned fiercely, and more than half of the blood swords had been burned.

   Tiemushan sees blood dripping from his heart. Although these blood swords seem to be numerous, they are actually made from the blood of the monks he has collected over the years. They are not endless. If you destroy one, you will lose one!

   Liang Yan used a talisman to burn nearly half of his blood sword, how can he not feel heartache?

   At the same time, the mayfly sword has reached the top of Meng Qibai's head. Although the cyan sword beam is only ten feet, the sword energy is all restrained, and all the blood swords of Meng Qibai have been cut into blood by it.

   Meng Qibai's face changed drastically, and he did not retain the slightest anymore. With his two-handed technique hurriedly pinched, a demon phantom quickly gathered and formed behind him.

   However, just as the demon **** was about to face the sword gang in mid-air, someone behind him smiled gently, and a gentle and charming woman's voice came over:

   "What a ‘Wuhen Demon God’, it’s a pity that your cultivation is not enough to exert one ten thousandth of his power!"

   Meng Qibai was shocked. As far as he could reach, he saw a woman in purple clothes standing behind him. She was tall and unparalleled in appearance. She was indeed Wuxin, the vice-senior of Yunyanhui.

   "Why got her so close?"

   Before Meng Qibai could react, Wuxin behind him had already played several tactics in succession, and every one of them had fallen into the body of the demon **** phantom.

   "Bitch, what are you going to do!"

   Meng Qibai yelled angrily, and a bad feeling suddenly emerged in his heart. He rushed with one hand, and the blood sword in his palm shot out, shooting towards the location of Wuxin.

   However, Wuxin giggled and didn't accept Meng Qibai's ultimate move. The whole person turned into an afterimage and flew back.

   At the same time The demon phantom that was about to condense and form, unexpectedly stagnated in mid-air, and the eyes of the original fierce flames also showed a trace of confusion at this moment.

   It was just a moment of confusion and stagnation, the mayfly sword had already been cut down with a single sword, and the azure sword gang violently smashed the phantom shadow of the demon god, which was as high as one hundred meters, into two halves.


  Meng Qibai was shocked, and could no longer chase Wuxin. In panic, he could only raise his hand with a wave, and barely sacrificed a black shield depicting a basalt carapace.

   However, he had been injured before, and Liang Yan had broken his magical powers at this moment. How could the magic weapon sacrificed in a panic stop Liang Yan's Mayfly Jian Gang?

   I saw a blue glow flashing, and the mayfly sword slashed down, directly splitting the basalt carapace in half, and then the sword light circled around, and the head of Meng Qibai's Xiangshang was chopped off.

Meng Qibai's head flew in the air, his eyes full of horror. He was still not dead, and he was still shouting: "No! No! You can't kill me, only I can escape from the hell, you. .........You are all my stepping stones.........."

Liang Yan frowned slightly, before waiting for him to speak, he heard Meng Qibai's voice intermittently saying: " is ...You can't escape either..."

  The voice is getting lower and lower, from the initial high-pitched to the final low-inaudible, and finally Meng Qibai closed his eyes, and a golden core monk fell...

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