The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 822: Ancient books

Wuxin has been tolerating it until now, but it was actually the result of discussing with Liang Yanchuan.

  According to Liang Yan's secret instructions, she didn't need to directly take part in the battle, she only had to take action to disrupt his magic power at the critical moment of Meng Qibai's life and death.

   Meng Qibai probably didn't even think that until he died, the magic skills he cultivated would be calculated by others.

  He is a monk of the magic way, but Wuxin is the real demon!

   Although the witch's current realm is only the Juyuan realm, she was once the realm of the golden core peak, and her vision is naturally not low. As soon as he saw Meng Qibai condensed the Dharma, he had already guessed his way.

   Wuxin quietly shot, which interfered with the cohesion of his "Wuhen Faxiang". Although it only takes a few breaths, this time is enough to end life and death in the battle of masters!

   At this moment, the monks watching the battle below were still a little dazed. I didn't expect that the three of them were evenly matched just now, and the winner was decided in a blink of an eye!

   Mingming Meng Qibai did not show his defeat before, but the next moment he separated his head and completely fell here!

   Wuxin used all his strength just now to avoid Meng Qibai's mortal counterattack. At this moment, there is a trace of pale white on Qiao's face.

   But there was a hint of excitement in her eyes, and she didn't care about the true essence in her body. When her whole figure moved, she appeared next to Meng Qibai's corpse in the next moment.

   She put her **** together with her right hand, and gently pointed forward. A circle of lavender light suddenly exploded in Meng Qibai's headless dantian.

   Immediately after that, a small hazy cloud that slowly rotated like a purple cloud shot out, and fell straight into Wuxin's hands.

   "She took Meng Qibai's magic element!"

  Tiemushan in the distance narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of fear.

   "Since the magic element is the golden core, the lamp is extinguished, and the golden core is also broken. What is the origin of this woman, there is a way to save Meng Qibai's magic element, and can also seize it for her own use?"

He looked at Wuxin, then at Liang Yan, his eyes were even more jealous, and he thought to himself: "This kid can even get the'Yiyang Talisman', is there a master behind him? Now Meng Qi Although Bai is dead, with this sword repair boy and that witch here, I'm afraid I won't get any benefits."

   "Although the black blood cauldron is good, it still has to be collected..........not to mention, since the grievances are avenged, it is better to take it if you see it!"

   Thinking of this, Tiemushan didn't hesitate, he single-handedly pinched, the whole person turned into a black light and passed through the blood-red light curtain in the sky, fleeing here like flying away.

   Liang Yan groaned for a moment when he saw it, but finally he had no choice to chase after him.

   This Tiemushan's supernatural power is stronger than his junior, and he can only draw a tie with him at most.

   And Wuxin has been exposed at this moment, and it is absolutely impossible to perform a sneak attack like killing Meng Qibai. If this person is forced to be anxious, if he really wants to burn himself with jade, then it will be a little tricky.

   Thinking of this, Liang Yan didn't pay attention to the escaped Tiemu Mountain. Instead, he pinched the sword art with one hand. The mayfly sword gang suddenly soared and cut towards the blood-red light curtain in the sky.


   Everyone only heard a loud noise, and when they looked up again, they found that the blood-red light curtain had been cut to pieces!

   "Go! Get out of here first!" Tan Gong exclaimed in excitement, and flew out of the black giant cauldron first.

   The rest of the people also showed their magical powers, and saw hundreds of different colors of light rushing into the air, rushing to escape from the inside of the black giant cauldron.

   When the last person had left, Liang Yan smiled slightly, raised his hand and retracted the flying sword, and then shot a few magic tricks downward.

   The black giant cauldron lost Meng Qibai's control, and at this moment it was cut open by Liang Yan's sword, and the black flame could no longer be stimulated.

   Liang Yan's several magic tricks were all submerged in the black giant cauldron. The giant cauldron began to spin in mid-air, shrinking by a few points every time it turned, and in the end, it was only the size of a fist.

   Liang Yan raised his hand, and the black tripod fell into his palm.

   "This black cauldron is a bit unusual......... it can actually spawn that kind of weird black fire, refining hundreds of monks in it."

   Liang Yan looked at it for a while, and threw the black tripod backhand into the storage bag.

   He pinched the tactics, urged Escape, and fell to the ground.

  The people of the Feixing League gathered here at this time. The six stars, headed by Ye Feng, Yuan Zhongzi, and Nan Tianweng, knelt down on one knee at the same time after seeing Liang Yan fall.

   "See the leader of Liang League!"

   The voices of these six people were uniform, and behind them, the surviving envoys and elders of the Flying Star Alliance, without exception, also knelt down on one knee, and hundreds of people shouted at the same time:

   "See the leader of Liang League!"

The loud voice resounded throughout the central area of ​​the Galaxy Palace, making everyone hear clearly. Those monks who were still loyal to Meng Qibai before, can be regarded as clarifying one thing at this moment, that is: the Galaxy Palace is completely The sky has changed!

   Liang Yan did not decline when he saw this, but smiled calmly: "You don't need to be polite. From now on, Liang will revitalize the Flying Star Alliance together with you."

   Ye Feng and others listened, bowed their heads and saluted, and then stood up.

   Liang Yan's battle today is regarded as a complete power in their hearts, and now no one dares to treat him as a peer of Ju Yuan realm.

   In their hearts, Liang Yan is no longer any different from Brother Jin Dan.

   "After all, Liang has joined the Feixing League for a short time. In the future, all matters in the League will need to be assisted by six stars." Liang Yan said with his fists toward the six.

After Tan Gong heard this, he immediately waved his hand and said: "The lord is too polite. This was originally our business. Moreover, thanks to the action of the lord, we were able to escape from Meng Qibai's life in this battle in the Galaxy Palace. I won’t be rewarded for such a great favor, even if I am crushed!"

   After he said this, the other five stars also nodded and said yes at the same time. As for the envoys of the Flying Star Alliance who were inexplicably involved, naturally they nodded frequently, thanking the newly appointed leader.

"Haha, Tan Zun has made a serious statement." Liang Yan laughed and said: "The so-called non-breaking or standing-up, today the Feixing League shed its shell and reborn, everyone will have a banquet in the Galaxy Palace. Tomorrow morning, rush back to their respective territories. "

   "Please follow the leader's verbal order!" Everyone responded in unison.


   Liang Yan arranged for everyone, and ordered Liya, the blood knife guest and others to deal with the remaining trivial matters, and he went to Meng Qibai's residence.

   To say that Meng Qibai is worthy of being a Golden Core monk, and his wealth is indeed very rich. Liang Yan found many rare heaven and earth treasures in his palace, which must have been searched over the years.

  Nether Prison is scarce of resources, but the treasures that Meng Qibai hoards are a great fortune even in the outside world, and one of the most important things to Liang Yan is a jade box.

   This jade box contains the water of Xuantian, one of Xuantian's five qi!

   Liang Yan would not be polite about this. After counting these treasures, he put them in his storage bag together with the water of Xuantian.


   In the next half day, the previous lively scene in the Galaxy Palace resumed. Although some monks have been buried on the Fairview Terrace, most of them have survived.

   After these people got together, they set off one after another in the early morning of the next day and left the Galaxy Palace.

   As for Liang Yan, he will naturally not return to Yunyanhui, but let his most trusted blood knife take the position of Yunyanhui's ambassador temporarily, and let Mrs. Miaoyan and Luo Wu become deputy ambassadors.

   As for Wuxin, he naturally became the deputy leader.

   Although the Galaxy Palace experienced this turmoil, because Liang Yan finally turned the tide, the loss was not too great. Within half a month, under the governance of Wuxin, Leya and others, the previous order was restored here.

   On this day, Liang Yan was meditating in her room, but there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

   After a while, I heard a clear woman's voice resounding outside:

   "For subordinates, see the leader of Liang League."

"come in."

   As Liang Yan's voice just fell, the wooden door creaked and was pushed open. A young girl in a plain skirt with a flower knot was standing outside the door.

   "Liya, how have things been handled in the palace these past few days?" Liang Yan asked lightly.

"Return to Leader Liang, according to your instructions, all the monks who were loyal to Meng Qibai before have been sent to remote areas. And most of the important positions in the Galaxy Palace have been replaced by our Yunyanhui people." Liya whispered. Replied.

   Liang Yan nodded slightly, and then asked, "What about the three palmprint envoys of Meng Qibai?"

   "The three palmprint envoys are all dead. It is Ye Feng, Yuan Zhongzi, Ma Qingyuan and Tan Gong who killed them."

   After listening to Liang Yan, he showed an unexpected expression.

   "These stars hate Meng Qibai into the bones, other monks may be able to let it go, but these three palmprint envoys have been following Meng Qibai. They are his confidantes, and Ye Feng and others will naturally not let it go."

  "Leung leader analyzed it." Liya nodded, and then said: "Liya was responsible for counting the resources of the Galaxy Palace, and I accidentally found this in a secret room."

   She took out a yellowed ancient book from her storage bag, stepped forward and handed it to Liang Yan.

"what is this?"

   Liang Yan took the ancient book and opened it for a short glance, and the corner of his eyes jumped uncontrollably.

   He flipped the ancient book from beginning to end. After a long time, he closed the book, looked at Léya again, and asked seriously, "Have you read this book?"


Lya's face was obviously a little flustered, but in the end she nodded and said: "The subordinates did look through it, but it was out of curiosity. The subordinates only looked at it a little, so they didn't dare to look further down. .........I don't think this ancient book can fall into the hands of others, so I just come over and submit it to you."

   Liang Yan's face became a little milder, and he nodded and said, "Everyone has curiosity, but you can read this book as long as you read it. You must never keep it in your mind, and you can't mention it to others in the future."


   Liya bit her lip and said.

   " go down." Liang Yan waved his hand.

  Liya, like a pardon, bowed and bowed before leaving Liang Yan's room.

   After she left, Liang Yan's eyes fell on this yellowed ancient book again. This book does not have a name, but it is bound together in two volumes.

   Although I just read it in a hurry, Liang Yan is almost certain that what is recorded in this book is a technique.

   And this exercise is exactly the magic exercise Meng Qibai and Tiemushan practiced!

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