The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 986: Rewards from Qingyun Chamber of Commerce

"The medicinal power of the blood cloud branch has been completely refined, and then you can start to repair it..."

Liang Yan murmured while looking at the Taixu gourd floating in the air.

During these two months, he remained in a closed chamber, slowly refining the medicinal power of the "Blood Cloud Branch" according to the method recorded in the Taoist Sword Sutra.

Now that blood-colored branch has completely disappeared, replaced by a cloud of red mist, this cloud of red mist was attracted by Liang Yan's method, and then got into the Taixu gourd in front of him.

After the blood-red mist in the secret room was not left at all, Liang Yan probed his divine sense in again.

I saw that the blood-red mist had blended with the blue qi in the Taixu gourd, and the two auras circulated back and forth, exuding vitality.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan smiled and hurriedly broke into the gourd.

The green and red two qi in the Taixu gourd were guided by his tactics, and immediately took off. In an instant, he came to the place where the mayfly sword pill was, and wrapped the damaged sword pill in it, and started a A little bit of repair process..........

After seeing this scene, Liang Yan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. He raised his hand and put Taixu Hu into his hands. After playing with it carefully for a while, he laughed:

"The Taixu gourd made by Xiaojiu is indeed infinitely useful, and with the help of'Blood Cloud Branches', it is estimated that the sword pill will be completely repaired in less than a year..."

When he said this, he suddenly remembered something, his face turned from clear to dark, and he secretly said:

"Although I succeeded in the blood cloud branch this time, it is considered to have completely offended the Su family. Su Yan will not die and will definitely hate me. And my sword pill needs to be sealed again in the gourd, although it will not take ten years. It takes a long time, but it takes at least five or six years to get out of the sheath.............Um............It seems that this period of time is still there. The Qingyun Pavilion is wonderful."

Just when Liang Yan felt a headache about the Su family, there was a sound of footsteps outside the courtyard, and then a voice respectfully said:

"Sir, the envoy of the Chamber of Commerce has sent an envoy from the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, and he is now waiting in the meeting room."


Liang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered what Feng Ling Zhenjun said that day, he couldn't help but felt his heart moved, and secretly asked, "Could this be the reward of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce?"

He thought for a while, and then he said, "Okay, I know about this. You should withdraw first, and I will arrive later."


The monk nodded, didn't dare to say anything, and quickly retreated.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and Liang Yan walked out slowly in a gray robe. His face was flat, but he simply pinched a magic trick, and the person turned into a light, and went straight to the living room of the Qingyun Pavilion.

When Liang Yan came to the meeting room, he saw a young woman in palace clothes sitting there sipping tea. He glanced lightly and found that although the woman looked ordinary, she was in the middle of a real golden core.

"Liang came late, fellow Daoist has been waiting for a long time."

Liang Yan clasped his fists in both hands and said with a smile.

After hearing this, the young woman in palace costume raised her head to look at him, then pursed her lips and smiled: "Where is it late? Liang Qishi immediately became the president of a branch. Now she is a big red in the chamber of commerce. Little girl. Even if you wait here for three days and three nights, that's a matter of course."

"Friends of Daoist are laughing." Liang Yan said haha, and then asked: "I don't know the name of Youzun, how to call it?"

"The little girl Yu Wanrong holds a small position in the Reward and Punishment Hall of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. She came this time because the envoy of Liang Qi investigated Li Chongba and made great contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, so she came here to issue a reward."

After she finished speaking, she took out a spar from her sleeve and handed it to Liang Yan: "This is the list of treasures available for selection in the junior treasure house of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Liang Qishi can choose any one from them. The treasure will be delivered to the mansion in ten days."

Liang Yan reached out and took the spar and stuck it to his forehead, and he saw the treasure house list of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce.

There are many different types in the list, including magical pill and magical power. As for the treasures of heaven and earth, the refining materials are countless.

Liang Yan only browsed for a while and couldn't help feeling in his heart:

"Qingyun Chamber of Commerce has a profound background. The list is only items in the primary treasure house, and it is already a bit amazing. No wonder those casual practitioners are eager to join the Chamber of Commerce and become worship."

While thinking about it, he browsed through the list, and finally put the spar away and returned it to Yu Wanrong.

"Emissary Liang Qi made a choice?" Yu Wanrong laughed.

Liang Yan was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Friend Yu Dao, there is an unrelenting request. Can this reward from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce be given up in exchange for a place?"


Yu Wanrong smiled stiffly, and frowned slightly, "Liang Qishi made a joke? Are you going to give up this reward?"

"That's right." Liang Yan nodded, and said with a serious expression: "I want to use this reward in exchange for a place to enter the Secret Realm of Sen Luo."

"Siluo Secret Realm?" Yu Wanrong's face showed a strange color, and it took a long time to speak slowly:

"Liang Qishi's news is well-informed, but there is no precedent in this matter, and the little girl dare not call the shots without authorization. You must go back and ask the upper level of the chamber of commerce for instructions."

Liang Yan smiled and said: "This is natural. Liang also knows that this matter is a bit embarrassing. He also asked Yu Daoyou to explain everything for me. If you need other conditions, please let Liang know."

Yu Wanrong nodded, and asked curiously: "As far as the little girl knows, entering the Nasunluo Secret Realm, although you can get some spiritual herbs, you have to hunt Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf for the Chamber of Commerce~www. to say the danger, the gains may not be as good as the things in the treasury. Why does Liang Qishi want to go near and far?"

Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this. The reason why he wanted a place to enter the Senluo Secret Realm was naturally not for the spiritual medicine in it, but for Qian Yexue's soul-distribution mystery.

He had just read the Treasury Directory of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Although there were many things in it, it was not suitable for his current use.

In particular, he is a sword repairman, and the various magic arts in the treasure house are basically useless to him. On the contrary, Qian Yexue’s soul-dividing secret technique is useless in his opinion. It is definitely a rare magical power. .

As for the dangers in the Secret Realm of Sen Luo, Liang Yan was not worried. Anyway, it was not himself who entered the secret realm. He was only responsible for securing a quota for Qian Yexue. As for whether this woman could avenge her, it was not within his trading scope.

It's just these things, of course Liang Yan will not talk to Yu Wanrong, but smiled and said haha, "I have encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation, I want to find a place to experience it, and the secret realm of Senluo is just what I want! "


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