The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 987: Secret Realm Quota

Yu Wanrong is not a three-year-old child either. After listening to Liang Yan's far-fetched explanation, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, revealing an expression of "I believe you have ghosts!"

But she also knows that she doesn’t need to talk about this matter. She has the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce Reward and Punishment Hall to make a decision. She doesn’t say much at the moment. She just bowed her hands and said: “Since Liang Qishi has made a decision, the little girl must bring the words. As for the upper level of the Chamber of Commerce, I can’t guarantee it.”

Liang Yan nodded and said with a smile: "I have a spare daoist."


Yu Wanrong is a neat person. After everything is settled, she doesn't stay much. She got up and gave a salute, then drove the escape light and left the Qingyun Pavilion...........


In the following days, Liang Yan stayed in the Qingyun Pavilion, spending most of his time on his own cultivation, and occasionally dealing with affairs in the Pavilion, but he would not interfere in some small matters and devolve almost all rights. Give Luo Wu.

Luo Wu had followed him in the underworld, so Liang Yan was very relieved of him. As for the Guangyuan City Branch and the Qishui City Branch, after seeing the end of Li Chongba, he did not dare to do it again. Any action.

Just when Liang Yan was enjoying the rare quiet years and began to bury his head in cultivating, in a secret room not far away from Langya City, a middle-aged man in a big red embroidered golden robe was standing respectfully with his hands down. He was whispering something.

If Liang Yan is here, he must be able to recognize that this person is Ge Dajin, one of the six banners of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe City.

At this moment, there was an ancient bronze mirror in front of him, and there seemed to be a phantom figure of a person in the mirror, with his hands on his back, quietly listening to Ge Dajin's words.

"...This is the case for these things. The subordinates have all followed the young master's instructions at the beginning. So far, there is nothing wrong with them."


The figure in the mirror seemed to nod his head, was silent for a while, and suddenly asked: "Has anything else happened recently?"


Ge Dajin thought for a while, then nodded and said, "If there is something to say, it is that Li Chongba, the chairman of the Fengtiancheng branch, has been investigated. This person has colluded with the Su family and intended to murder the new leader. This has already happened. True Monarch Lei Sha and True Monarch Feng Ling shot, although no one from the Su family was caught, but Li Chongba had already come down."

"Li Chongba? I don't think there is..."

"That's right, the bannerman who was almost murdered is naturally Liang Yan." Ge Dajin nodded.

After listening to the person in the mirror, he seemed to smile and said to himself: "What a Liang Yan, you didn't disappoint me. After only a few months in office, Li Chongba was taken care of... ...........I want to keep you in the Chamber of Commerce now!"

"Young Master." Ge Dajin spoke again at this time: "Li Chongba was investigated by Liang Yan, but he refused to ask for a reward from the Chamber of Commerce. Instead, he offered an exchange."

"Oh? Come and listen."

"He wants a place to enter the Secret Realm of Sun Luo."

As soon as Ge Dajin said this, the figure in the mirror suddenly lost its voice, and the whole secret room fell silent for a while.

After a long time, I heard the figure in the mirror chuckle:

"Interesting............ This Sum Luo agreement has only been held once, and it was conducted secretly between us and the four major families. Even in the chamber of commerce, there is only Golden Core. Only the monks above the realm knew, where did he learn about it?"

Ge Dajin shook his head and said, "This matter is rather weird. The old man also sent someone to investigate it secretly. It is suspected that it is related to a female sister named'Qianyexue' beside him, but the specific situation is inconvenient for the old man. look deep into."


The figure in the mirror nodded, thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Since he wants a place, then give it to him, but... you have to add one in front. Conditions will work!"

"What conditions?" Ge Dajin asked hurriedly.

The figure in the mirror smiled, and the voice seemed to get farther and farther away.

"This quota must be reserved for him. If it is replaced by someone else, then the agreement will be invalidated."

After saying this, the brilliance of the bronze mirror in front of Ge Dajin flashed, and the figure in the mirror gradually dissipated, and finally turned back to an ordinary ancient mirror.

The entire stone room returned to silence, and only Ge Dajin stood in place, showing a thoughtful expression.............

For the next few months, Liang Yan had been cultivating quietly in the Qingyun Pavilion, and there was no one or anything to disturb him, but he had enjoyed a rare quiet period.

Until this day, Yu Wanrong visited again and told him that he could exchange a quota for entering the secret realm, but the premise was that the quota must be used by him.

"You Daoyou, is there still room for discussion on this matter?" Liang Yan frowned and asked.


Yu Wanrong shook her head firmly and said: "This is a decision made by the upper level of the Chamber of Commerce. In fact, you can think about it and know that entering the Secret Realm is not only your personal chance, but also the hunting of Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf for the Chamber of Commerce. How can you allow you to give it away to others at will?"

What she said was perfect, and Liang Yan couldn't fault it, so she nodded and said: "It's true, Liang hasn't considered it well."

Yu Wanrong smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to think about it. Now there are more than two years before the appointment of Senluo. Please be prepared and don't let the Chamber of Commerce trust you."

"Liang understands that this matter has been hard for my fellow Daoists, why not have a few drinks at the house?"

"You don't have to have a drink. I have other things to rush back. I only hope that Daoyou Liang will be able to give me a little support in the Chamber of Commerce in the future." Yu Wanrong smiled.

Liang Yan made a haha, said a few polite words, and got up and sent away the deacon of the Hall of Reward and Punishment.

After sending Yu Wanrong away, Liang Yan pondered for a while in the study, and suddenly pinched a magic trick with one hand. The whole figure turned, and the next moment he disappeared in place......... ...

Not long after Before a certain attic of Qingyun Pavilion, Liang Yan's figure slowly appeared.

"How is it? Did the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce agree?"

A woman's voice came from the attic. Although her tone was weak, the heart of the speaker was not calm.

"Things are not going well." Liang Yan shook his head and said: "Although Qingyun Chamber of Commerce promised a quota, but this quota cannot be transferred to others. I must personally enter the secret realm..."

"Sure enough..." The woman in the attic didn't seem to be surprised. Instead, she spoke lightly: "I had expected that they would not let me in as an outsider, but you can get a place. , That's half the battle."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the attic suddenly opened, and then a ray of light shot out and went straight to Liang Yan's location.

Liang Yan took a copy, grabbed the object in the light, and found that it was a piece of jade slip, which recorded many mysterious formulas.


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