The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 121: you are very talented

An Dong's eyes quickly patrolled, and he immediately understood in his heart, "Ha~ Rui... special!"

As long as there is a problem, it is right to suspect the trio for the first time.

"Impossible." Prefect Fane, who was sitting beside him, shook his head. "Although I also hope that something is wrong with Gryffindor, they are training at the Quidditch pitch."

His expression was solemn, "They seem to be very strong! They are also very hardworking!"

It can be seen that this prefect who likes to bully lower grade students has a deep affection for his own academy and has a great sense of collective honor.

Anton shook his head and sighed. Although he did not have the mentality of a child, and did not want to show any positive performance in any college, he had lived for half a year and began to have feelings for his own college.

It's a pity that the eccentric Snape can't play the eccentric Dumbledore.

Moreover, Harry's flying broom driving skills are really strong, even he sighs, some people are born with extremely strong talents, and they can't be envied.

He patted the prefect lightly, and just wanted to comfort the prefect, but the prefect trembled with fright.

Looking at Anton's strange eyes, Fane couldn't help scratching his head and smiling embarrassedly, "Hahaha, I was just thinking about something, and it was not because I was afraid of you that I was scared."

Ha ha.


If there is one place Anton is most satisfied with in Slytherin, it is of course the wall lamp in the common room.

There are many cute children hanging on it.

For example, the group of people who secretly sneaked into their laboratory to steal candy were all hung up.

Take turns.

One night per person.

One of them is the prefect, the day after Draco.

Of course, Anton was still very talkative. After hanging up, he left for Weasley's cabin, knowing that they would climb down.

But what's interesting is that when he goes back to the bedroom in the morning, he will see these children hanging up again to make a look.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from the students near the entrance hall.

Anton looked intently, Oh Huo.

It means that Gryffindor's house hourglass is rapidly losing its gems, fifty!

Fifty points off!

The only one who can do this is Harry's trio.

Anton frowned slightly. In his memory, nothing happened to Harry and the others, right?

Are they butterfly wings?

Before he could react, the hourglass on Slytherin's side was also dropping points rapidly, and it was also a full fifty!


The door of the hall was pushed open, and George and Fred rushed in excitedly.

"Everyone!" George shouted loudly, "Everyone! You absolutely can't imagine what happened!"

His expression was excited, and he couldn't see the frustration of Gryffindor being deducted 50 points.

"Just now, Draco Malfoy of Slytherin gathered a group of people to bully Neville Longbottom of our academy." Fred looked sad.

This is school bullying.

Except for Slytherin, the rest of the academies were boiling.

"Sounds loud!" George drew his wand against his neck.

"Everyone!" He shook his arms frantically, "Guess what happened behind?"

"Hahaha, I bet no one can guess it!" Fred frowned.

Seeing everyone talking, some people guessed something, their faces were full of disbelief, and soon, everyone looked at the twin brothers expectantly.

"Neville has the 'Wolfman Experience Candy' from our Weasley Lodge!" George shouted loudly.

"Can you imagine that scene?" Fred looked extremely excited. "A group of people bullied an honest child, and then this poor honest child suddenly turned into a three-meter-tall werewolf!"

"Ah! Ha! Hey!" Fred waved his fists and gestured.

George cooperated to cover his stomach and head and let out an oops.

"He sent the group of bad guys to the school hospital, including two senior students!"

Everyone took a deep breath.

"Merlin's beard!" Fane was stunned, turned to look at Anton, "Your candy is so good?"

Anton shook his head, "It's a magic potion that simulates a spell. Eating candy is equivalent to releasing a transformation spell. The power of the spell comes from emotions and will."

"In principle, the effect of the potion will be affected by the wizard's will." He smacked his mouth in amazement, "Three meters high? Neville was absolutely brutal back then!"

Honest people have exploded, can't they be brutal?

As for the consequences of throwing Draco into the school infirmary, hehe, Longbottom is not afraid of Malfoy, they are the only remaining pure-blood families, no one is afraid of anyone else.

Not to mention the others, just Neville's parents, who were the earliest members of the Order of the Phoenix, who had escaped under Voldemort three times, and were the kind of family that produced many fierce people.

"Let's shout the hero's name: Neville Longbottom!"

Everyone was shouting.

"Longbottom, our king!"

Everyone chanted again.

Only the Slytherin long table was watching the carnival in the school with cold eyes.

There was no shame in the academy because the classmates were beaten, because the candy that Neville turned into a werewolf was definitely from Anton.

This is a mistake.

Everyone secretly glanced at An Dong, but no one dared to stand up and say anything.

Didn't you see that even Prefect Fa Nei was quiet?

Anton tutted, really didn't know what to say, but he was quite surprised. At that time, he promised to let Neville choose a product on the shelf as a gift to welcome new members.

He didn't expect that Neville actually took this.

Kid Neville has great potential.

Talented in herbal medicine, adapting to the Werewolf's transformation spell, it seems that he has found a treasure.


Thinking of this, Anton squinted as he patrolled among his classmates, and finally fixed his gaze on a little **** Hufflepuff's long table.

Blacksmith, er, wrong.

The iron-clad Hannah If the information in his memory is not a fanfic, this little boy is just as stupid as Neville.

When the O.W.Ls. exam was approaching, this one broke down first. She burst into tears in the herbal class, saying that she was stupid and unworthy of the exam, and wanted to leave the school immediately. As a result, she was the first to receive Madam Pomfrey's tranquilizer.

During the Transfiguration practical exam, she collapsed completely, panicked, and inexplicably turned her ferrets into a flock of flamingos. As a result, the exam was interrupted for ten minutes in order to catch the birds and take them out of the auditorium.

But the later experience is interesting.

Join Dumbledore's Army and take part in the battle to defend Hogwarts Castle.

She later became the female owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

Married Neville Longbottom.

Then, he studied himself to be qualified as a therapist, and took over the position of Madam Pomfrey at Hogwarts School Hospital.

Anton is looking at the last one.

Take over the position of Madam Pomfrey at Hogwarts School Hospital.

To what extent, Hogwarts is not unable to find a school doctor, and will recruit a crappy character at random.

After eating, An Dong came to the school infirmary and smiled at the huge werewolf occupying two beds.

Pulling out his wand and gently, the werewolf returned to Neville's appearance.

This little boy with a round head and a round head looked frightened and cowardly.

Anton's mouth raised slightly, "You are very talented, Neville."

Neville looked at him blankly.

"Help me recruit another assistant, Hannah Abbott, this is your first task."

Neville swallowed. He wanted to say, why should I listen to you, but...

"Okay... okay."

"very good."

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