The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 122: Want to change your life?

The headmaster of Hufflepuff is Pomona Sprout, who is also a herbalist at Hogwarts.

I don't know if this is Hufflepuff's talent. Among the students in this academy, there are always many talents who are good at herbal medicine.

Hannah is one of them.

In the original book, she scored high on the O.W.L. exam and was able to take an N.E.W.T. level herbal course.

At the same time, her friend Ernie McMee, the only Hufflepuff student who took potions as an elective, is good at making potions.

But Anton didn't like this one.

It can only be said that it is good, but the potential is just that.

Look at the twins, who have already started playing with potions, and then look at the so-called students with good grades. Well, Anton is a little disgusted.

"Herbs are different from potions."

In the Weasley Cottage, Anton looks at Neville and Hannah in front of a shelf with lots of herbs.

"In terms of herbal medicine, we prefer to study the properties of plants when they are alive. Magic medicine, in turn, pays more attention to the properties of the prepared herbal materials."

"One seeks potential in life, and the other seeks breakthrough in death."

With a flick of the wand in his hand, the elephant-eating vine began to twist, and branches began to grow from the wall.

After a while, a staircase made of vines appeared.

"follow me."

Anton took the lead up the stairs.

Hannah and Neville looked at each other and stepped cautiously up the soft and resilient stairs.

As they walked up, the roof above Weasley's hut was also rapidly expanding, and countless vines were sliding.

Finally, the three walked into the temporary second floor through a door frame at the end of the stairs.

Looking out from the huge windows, you can see the undulating Forbidden Forest, the rippling black lake, and the vast cloudless blue sky.

There is also a door on the second floor, and a huge terrace of about a hundred square meters extends outwards. When you go out, you seem to be in mid-air.

Elephant vines are still growing wildly. Shelves, tables, chairs, windows, everything is intertwined with vines.

The herbs downstairs flew up the stairs to the second floor, and automatically floated on the shelves and placed neatly.

"From now on, the second floor will be where you deal with herbs."

Anton turned his head and looked at them fixedly, "You are all people with a unique talent for herbal medicines, but there are fewer opportunities, I need you to help me deal with herbal medicines, and at the same time will lead you into herbal medicines and potions. Wonderful world."

"It's a fair deal."

"Then..." Anton looked at them with a smile, "Do you want to change your life?"

"Do you want to stop being laughed at by others?"

"Want to become better than others?"

"Want to step into the magical world of magic?"


Anton had a bright smile on his face, and his figure became hazy in the sun.

"It's all there!"

Neville clenched his fists and looked at Anton firmly, "Yes, I will!"

Hannah looked at the second floor that suddenly appeared in shock, and then looked at Anton, "I want to try it out."

"You guys will like it here." An Dong smiled and led the two back from the balcony, waving his wand, and a bamboo basket flew in front of him.

"These are ruby ​​grapefruits. I need you to peel off the peel and pulp, and dig out the red translucent stones inside."

"One thing to note is that the ruby ​​looks as hard as a stone, but it is very crisp. After the knife is scratched, it will crack, which means that the potion material has been scrapped."

Neville and Hannah looked at each other.

Neville swallowed nervously, "I don't know, I'm stupid, I don't know if I can do it well."

Hannah also nodded. Although her dean had praised her talent in herbal medicine, her performance in all the other courses was so bad that she really couldn't raise her self-confidence.

"So we don't need knives."

"Now please take out your wand." Anton looked at the two with a smile, "Now I'll teach you a spell."

"Separate the pulp!"

"This is an interesting spell I learned from Professor Quirrell, and I modified it to only target plants, and it can effectively handle herbs."

"Now let me explain the principle. Only when you fully understand the principle can you know what you are doing when you release the spell."

"After mastering it, you can even try extended operations such as 'separation of stems and leaves', 'separation of stems and branches', and 'separation of tree fruits'."


Anton asked them to practice while telling the knowledge points they had summarized.

"Be firm, you must be firmer than ever before. This is the key to the success or failure of the spell."

"If you can think about the scene after the spell is successful, and look forward to such a result in your heart, it will increase the power and effect of the spell."

"Hannah, be strong when waving your wand, don't hesitate, if you're wrong, you'll be wrong. If it's a big deal, come next time, don't be afraid!"

"Neville, the sound of the mantra should be loud and resonant. The secret for beginners is that the output depends on the roar. The louder and firmer the roar, the stronger your mantra will be."

Seeing that the two of them started slowly, Anton stopped.

"Then, peel off the baskets of ruby ​​grapefruit in the corner, okay?"

Seeing the two nodded earnestly, Anton expressed his satisfaction.

"I'm going downstairs to do an If you have any questions, you can come to me downstairs."

He put away his wand and finally said seriously, "Remember, this spell cannot be used on animals or people, otherwise you will violate the regulations of the Ministry of Magic and you will be sent to Azkaban if you are not careful. ."

"What?" Hannah gasped, so frightened that the wand in her hand fell.

Neville tried his best to show his "seniority" calmness, but he couldn't smile. "He...he scares people."

But don't say Hannah, even Neville doesn't believe it.

The two of them looked at each other nervously, with a deep connection. They seemed to have accidentally fallen into the giant mouth of the devil's abyss, and there was no room for resistance.

Anton is very satisfied that he has two younger brothers.

Although he needs to teach them from time to time.

But he can save a lot of pointless waste of time.

This means that he can finally restore the good time to sleep, and he doesn't need to stay up all night so hard.



There is just a small problem. What Anton learned was either the content of the course that everyone in the same grade was taking, or the high-end magic theory, which was not suitable for these two little wizards at all.

How to do?

Anton is very original and slightly modified the black magic of Voldemort's teaching, so that the spell shows a beautiful white magic side.

After half a year of studying under Snape, Voldemort and Dumbledore, it would be strange if the spell could not be changed.

Look, 'separation of flesh and blood' can also be 'separation of pulp'.

'The body is minced', and it can also be 'squeezed into juice'.


How awesome.

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