The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 207: Transspecies Transfiguration

How does a person who has been in prison for decades, blow up the prison and escape?

Grindelwald didn't speak, he just stood like that, his old body staggering on the edge of the fifth-floor crack, squinting in the sunlight.

Time seems to have brought too many traces to him, his body is thin and his head is full of white hair. Time seems to have not changed this person, just standing like this, intertwined with elegance and evil charm, quiet and wild.

Lao Ge raised his head and took a deep breath.

It finally turned into a sigh.

Unspeakable emotions, this centenarian's idea is no longer Anton's experience to figure out.

"It's not my time anymore, I hope it really gets better."

From the day he failed, the wizarding world had never had a chance to conquer the Muggle world, he knew. Missed the best of times, missed the weakest moment in the Muggle world, and that's impossible.

The destiny is not in the wizard, and the manpower cannot compete.

The starting point of all changes was the day Dumbledore and himself set sail to change the world. The death of their sister Ariana, as if fate had quietly moved a finger.

"Then go and see how wizards survive in this new era."

With a chuckle, he slowly raised his pale and slender palm, "The magic power is bound to the body, can't release the magic spell?"

"It's not a big problem."

Saying that, he took a step, crossed the crack, and fell down.

At a height of more than ten meters, the falling speed is getting faster and faster, and when it reaches the ground again, the whole person is like a feather, stepping on the ground lightly.

Anton's eyes widened, and he cried out with a wow, "What a cool floating spell!"

In comparison, his own operation to make the whole black lake float up would really give him the illusion that he was a barbarian.

Grindelwald looked up at Anton with a smile, "Come on, don't you want me to help Dumbledore?"



In fact, Anton was also worried in the bottom of his heart, whether he would release Lao Ge himself, Lao Ge slipped away immediately, summoned the saints, and planned to rebuild the universe, then Dumbledore would definitely want to kill himself.

He suddenly felt much more relaxed, and hurriedly took a step toward the crack.

One step, lightly stepped on the position beside Grindelwald.

Lao Ge raised his eyebrows, "Familiar taste, this Apparition, did the Roziers learn it?"




Sapphire mall on the corner of the same street at the Ministry of Magic, Berlin, Germany.

Sapphire Mall is a famous shopping mall in Berlin. It gathers high-end brands from all over the world. It is one of the most frequent shopping malls for the Muggle wealthy class.

Go to an inconspicuous elevator in the far corner, tap the [-2 floor] on the button with a wand, and it will take the wizard all the way down.

Here, there is a wizard shopping street similar to Diagon Alley in England.

Generally, parents with little wizards will warn the little wizards about the strength and frequency of their knocks. If they knock three times or they are too hard, this magic elevator will take people to the upper floor of the commercial street, where there are dangerous blacks everywhere. wizard.

In fact, it is a black market tacitly approved by the Ministry of Magic.

The Ministry of Magic of each country has not adopted a high-pressure management policy against the wizarding community. As long as it does not touch the International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act, it can often be negotiated.

Anton looked around like a curious baby.

He followed a bearded middle-aged strong man to the Goblin's Gringotts Wizarding Bank. After verifying his identity, he rode a small minecart to the deeper ground.

The middle-aged strong man pulled away the goblin and stared at it fiercely, "Don't stare at my vault with your greedy eyes!"

The goblin showed a hypocritical smile, "Of course! Of course! We strictly keep the confidentiality of our guests, and we cannot enter your vault without your consent."

The middle-aged strong man sneered, "I hope so!"

He waited for the little wizard to also enter the vault, glared at the goblin again, and slammed the door of the vault shut.

In an instant, this middle-aged strong man turned into a ragged white-haired old man, who was none other than Grindelwald.

Anton looked at Lao Ge's Transfiguration in amazement.

Under the eyes of the wizard, any spell has its magical image, which is true when the old grid is deformed, but as soon as the deformation is completed, the deformation is completely stable.

As if it was completely switched, there is no need to maintain magic power at all!

You must know that even a magical potion such as Compound Decoction, which is difficult to be found even in the Ministry of Magic, will show a magical image that lingers all over the body under the vision of the wizard's eyes.

The old guy is awesome!

Grindelwald noticed Anton's eyes and chuckled, "Don't be envious, you have a very good talent in this regard."

He curled his lips, "Some people are still in front of the principal. When they see such a person with a talent for transfiguration, can't they give a few more pointers?"


Old Ge, are you putting eye drops?

Can't see Lao Deng have loyal little fans?

"I think Professor Dumbledore didn't teach me Transfiguration on purpose. He might be worried that I would do more things that would trouble him after I learned it." Anton shrugged and didn't care.

He smiled brightly, "But Dumbledore taught me the 'Guardian Knight Charm', which is also a very powerful Transfiguration Charm."

"Guardian Knight Curse..." Grindelwald was silent for a moment, his eyes were full of complicated emotions, and finally he smiled lightly and patted Anton's shoulder.

"If you want to learn Transfiguration, you can go to the previous issue of Transfiguration Today. Dumbledore was a professor when he was not the headmaster of Hogwarts, and he devoted a lot of energy to this field. He was generous He wrote all his results and contributed to the magazine "Transfiguration Today"."

"Body Transfiguration, Interspecies Transfiguration, Item Transfiguration... Oh, during that time he wrote a lot of papers, burying himself in the magical world and never caring about anything else."

"At that time, it seemed that there was only magic left in his world." Grindelwald sneered, shaking his head and shoulders.


Is there such a way to obtain high-end magical knowledge?

Anton always thought that these advanced magical theories would be hidden in the school library and the collections of major families.

"Interspecies Transfiguration?" Anton moved in his heart, "Is it Animagus?"

Lao Ge shook his head, "The most superficial is to turn people into animals, you can learn it when you are in the senior year. The most profound is the endless galaxy of knowledge, and Animagos is just one of them. Bright stars."


If you say that, I will be very moved.

Transfiguration, Anton really likes it.

In addition to the talent brought by the broken soul, the magic spell he first developed by himself was the bionic magic spell.

At that time, he thought, this is magic.

Grindelwald said nothing, walked to the corner, took out a suitcase from an inconspicuous place on the shelf, opened it and jumped in.

Needless to say, this is a suitcase with a non-marking stretch spell attached, and it is a super high-end suitcase similar to Newt's, otherwise it would be impossible to maintain the stability of the internal magic structure decades later.

This vault is not big or small, and there is a pile of gold coins in the middle. Gold Galleons, Silver Sikes and a lot of copper Nat are mixed together.

There are a lot of historical looking but not very valuable things on the shelves on the walls.

At a glance, this vault is the last pride of a run-down family.

Lao Ge's suitcase was stuffed in the middle of several bottles and jars and a wooden box, and next to it was a pair of medieval armor, which looked a little damaged.


The three caves of the cunning rabbit.

No need to guess that Anton can think of Lao Ge must have such vaults all over the world, in the name of different identities.

Even some are not necessarily vaults, safe houses can do the same.

Acquire knowledge through newspapers, prepare a spare little-known vault, and Anton has learned a lot just from the first contact.

"Transfiguration of the Day"?

It seems that the school library of this magazine has a long-term order.

Anton once saw a collection of various magazines and periodicals in a corner of the library, which were piled high, and no one had ever flipped them.

------off topic-----

ps: Dumbledore's contribution to Transfiguration Today, Transspecies Transfiguration. This is the original content.


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