The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 208: boy, relax

"Mr. Grindelwald, let's go to school quickly."

"Are you in a hurry? I can feel it, your soul exudes a sense of impatience, as if everything has to be resolved quickly."

? ? ?

I am in a hurry?

Anton was stunned for a moment, right, I'm in a hurry?

Grindelwald walked unhurriedly to a flat cabinet, and with a slight push, the retro-carved sandalwood cabinet door slid to the side.

There were seven wands in brackets in the cabinet. After thinking for a while, he took out an ivory-white wand and waved it gracefully. Finally, he curled his lips and put it back.

He looked at the wands with a hint of dissatisfaction on his face, and gently closed the door again.

"Aren't you aware of your own problem?"

Grindelwald turned his head, looked at Anton with a smile, and gently extended his pale and slender fingers to the side of Anton's head.

Anton only felt that the whole person was buzzing, and a chain composed of black lines was gently pulled out by Lao Ge's orchid fingers.

The chains shook, and the remains of Tom floated beside Anton.

"It is constantly exerting an influence on you, very slight, so slight that it is almost imperceptible." Grindelwald rubbed his fingers, "It seems to be quietly trying to change you something, but your inner persistence is constantly contending. It doesn't matter much, you just get a little more impatient."

"!!!" An Dong was startled, his whole body stiffened, "I'm young, don't lie to me."

The voice trembled slightly.

Good guy, Anton reacted suddenly, this kind of trick Lao Fu is definitely the best at, quietly changing a person!

Recruit foreigners!

Using the Confusion Charm to attract Anton's attention, and using the failure of the Horcrux in Tom Riddle's diary as a foreshadowing, Anton naturally thought that he had completely mastered the broken Horcrux, so he relaxed his vigilance.

"How long have you owned it?" Grindelwald looked at Tom's wreckage with interest, his eyes twinkling with light.

"Less than three months..." Anton's eyes narrowed, and the three big eyes were cursed, staring at the chain composed of black lines.

He finally reacted.

Where did he learn this kind of chain spell?

This kind of high-end magic skills on the soul side, Lao Fu has not taught himself, this thing, shouldn't Lao Fu help it out?

Grindelwald turned his head sharply, stared into Anton's eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"In the past three months, do you feel that you have become a lot more radical, and you have done a lot of urgent things, as if there is an invisible hand pushing you, urging you to do things quickly, making you unruly... "


Voldemort can't be trusted, and Grindelwald can't be trusted either, especially someone like you who is good at speaking.

Anton quickly pulled out his wand against his head, muttering words in his mouth.

This is the goblin family's secret method for memory. It can strip people of all subjective emotions and examine their past memories from the perspective of a bystander.

So, after making the Horcrux for Voldemort, one by one, one by one, it quietly surfaced.

Persuade Dumbledore to give up death with offensive words, and not once or twice!

In the past, he would never do this!

Next is the holiday. Rozier trains himself and Anna on the unique family skills of Apparition. Anton rushes forward to let Voldemort master his body, just to learn Voldemort's Apparition!

Next up...

He recklessly made a Horcrux for Anna.

Buy the vanishing cabinet leading to the school, resulting in an unpredictable future plot.

Using Voldemort's identity, he threatened Lucius to send the diary to the school, obviously he could get it from his cousin Ginny without knowing it according to the plot of the original book.

He planned to experiment on Lockhart with the recipe that the other party told him, and finally this experiment was done on Draco.

Make Tom's Wreck Horcrux.

The other members of the training hut, Hannah and the twins, had clearly made up their minds not to interfere with each other's growth during his first year of school.

Using Tom's wreck Horcrux to unleash the spell, twice, the second time was almost overwhelmed by Tom Riddle's emotions.

Carry the time changer that Anna gave him with him. He was originally hidden in the ground of the hut. Does this thing have a chicken on him?

Threats Lockhart to save Snape in time with himself.

Make a Horcrux for Dumbledore.

Including at the end, Nurmengard, who went to Austria, released Grindelwald.


Everything is something he may do, but he really encounters something that he won't do, because he always has a bottom line - something can be done or not.

Seriously terrified!

And Anton searched in his memory and found an interesting phenomenon. Every event, there would be a magic spell that kept pulling him.

- Sunshine Curse!

"What did you say his name was?" Old Ge asked softly when he saw him put down his wand.

"Voldemort, his real name was Tom Riddle."

"A very powerful person, no wonder Dumbledore finds it difficult." Old Ge stared at Tom's wreckage and chuckled, "Playing with fate is an interesting method."

With a slight squeeze of his orchid finger, the black chain between Anton and Voldemort snapped instantly.


The black line quickly retracted, and Anton only felt that the whole person suddenly became very refreshing. This feeling was there when Dumbledore helped him cut off the original soul connected by the black line last year.

This feeling……

He quietly forgot that he chose to connect with Tom Horcrux again?

"You may not know what this kind of soul thread is used for." Grindelwald chuckled lightly, and pushed his finger on Tom's head, causing it to instantly turn into countless black threads, shrinking. Back to the depths of Anton's soul.

"That's what a wizard is made of."

"You're not ready to use it yet."

"In other words, the long-term use of the developed dependence will only make you deviate from the path of finding magical power, instead of looking for it from within yourself. This is very dangerous, and it will eventually make you lose self."

"..." Anton opened his mouth, he really didn't know what to say.

He is numb.



Lao Ge's palm lightly patted Anton's shoulder. He smiled lightly and looked at Anton who was a little dazed, "You are still young, I am your age, but I don't think like you that I will defeat the most powerful wizard all at once."

"Young man, take it easy, don't rush, take your time. Urgency is a meaningless emotion, it can't push you to accomplish anything."

After speaking, he walked to the next cabinet again and pulled it hard.

There are thirty or forty sets of exquisite clothes hanging inside, as well as a shelf for accessories and a shelf for makeup.

Old Gemo rubbed his chin, "Will it be too old-fashioned, clothes from decades ago?"

He simply closed the closet, looked left and right, and finally shook his head, "Wands, clothes, everything, it seems that they have to be bought again."

Flip through the corners to find a few kilograms of gold bricks, a few gems, and some gold Galleons.

"Let's go, let's go to the Muggle mall upstairs. There should still be a profession like a styling consultant, right?"

"Come with me for a haircut, buy clothes, soak in the hot springs, and then we'll go to France."

Anton was taken aback, "France?"

Grindelwald turned his head with his tongue across the corner of his mouth, looking like he was thirsty, "I haven't eaten a meal in decades."

"Of course it's a French meal."


This 100-year-old man is still so charming.

Anton smacked his mouth behind him and thought about it, yes, Dumbledore can really be killed by Voldemort. As long as Dumbledore is still there, it doesn't matter what kind of chaos the school is.

Let the bullet fly a little longer.

Let's have a big meal~

"Mr. Grindelwald, what's the point of a French meal?"

Lao Ge laughed, "That's a big deal..."


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